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Just Ride - XC (bike music video)

Video made by Stuart Haight and Dennis Arnold. Shot with HDR-HC1 HDV Camera, edited on Avid Media Composer (pc). It's XC Mountain Biking, without the lycra. This video took 3rd place in the Video Contest Party up at Highland Mountain Bike Park. Trails are Wakefield, Accotinc, Fountainhead, and 495 Jumps.


  • + 20
 Very nice work...nice cinematography! You could maybe do with running some stabilisation software on the cable-cam shots...summat like Mokey for After Effects or Steadymove...will make these shots rock solid and look even sweeter!
  • - 1
 sick video!!!! tup
  • - 12
flag burkemtnrider (Aug 2, 2010 at 0:03) (Below Threshold)
  • + 18
 the worst vod ever
  • + 24
 super homo should have been garret reynolds winnin run at xgames
  • + 13
 VOD?why?its funny...
  • + 26
 just because its a change from the standard styles of ride that get most VOD's (DH,DJ,BMX) doesnt mean its the worst VOD ever
  • - 15
flag propertoz (Aug 2, 2010 at 2:05) (Below Threshold)
 camera men awesome, tracks sorta awesome, riders loosing awesomeness now (in other words shulda worn mtb company tops or sponsors last 2 riders ok tho)
  • + 37
 I don't see how this is the worst VOD ever, first the filming was epic. Not many people take the time to setup crazy cablecams like that. Maybe the riding wasn't out of the last New World Disorder movie, but it was just showing some friends out enjoying trails and riding their bikes. Which is what mountain biking is about anyway not how many flips you can do but the fun times with the bro's.
  • + 14
 i dont like XC but i thought this video was awsome!!!!!!
  • + 23
 Sick video! With watching it on pinkbike I expected the 'gay' and 'shitty XC' comments but that's probably because they're not fit enough to ride it. Made me wanna higher the saddle, fill up the hydration pack and ride some singletrack even if it doesn't have any mad hucks and sick roosty berms.
  • + 18
 the filming = a hard 10
the riding= a soft 5
  • + 35
 no reflectors = always a win
  • + 16
 Nice video, but what were they doing to their pedals? Turning them in circles while they ride....., weird.
  • + 9
 hey guys! this was pretty sick! and you probably dont understand that in VA especially northern VA we really dont have all that much epicness to work with, little to none really. this is sick that they shot it well enough to get vod. so be nice guys! it was sick.
  • + 10
 One more video of east coast trails that makes me feel lucky to live in BC. Thanks! Razz
  • + 4
 lets be honest this got VOD because of the epic filming techniqu. i like it Big Grin
  • + 2
 trails guy weve got lots of sick stuff out east! just not in washington DC suburbs.
  • + 0
 Nice camera work!! You ever go and ride Shenandoah?!! That place kicks some serious ass!!
  • + 4
 I'll be honest in saying, you made xc watchable... The angles, The song, The Scenery, it was almost all right. A lot of people try and the majority fail. you sir did a good job Salute tup
  • + 2
 XC is fun and i haven't got anything against it but i'm sorry, it's really boring to watch
  • + 0
 Yea same. I bet its fun to ride, but its not exciting to watch. Every XC rider ive seen has little or no stlye because the ridings pretty simple. Good filming though, keep at it!
  • + 3
 Oh geez you're welcome TrailsGuy.
  • + 2
 Why people hating on this video just because it's not DH or FR? XC has it's own techniques too an a lot of DH bikers do XC for training so don't hate!
  • + 2
 I have alot of respect for XC riders, but it's not something I would want to watch as a VOD. It's almost as boring as watching Golf.
  • - 10
flag jake94 (Aug 2, 2010 at 18:28) (Below Threshold)
  • + 3
 Sorry I ride xc and that guys not very good
  • + 1
 This was quite awesome in my opinion! XC is really actually quite fun! its relaxing AND fast!
  • + 5
 I love to see XC riding get a VOD, but this one, im sorry is kinda lame. filming was Great. editing good. but dude when your going down hill stop pedaling in the granny ring haha. also 1996 called they want their Hard-tail back.
  • + 1
 The place is preeetty smooth though, full susp. bikes are a bit overkill, but playing around on a fully is more fun.
  • + 6
 lol wonder how many people would of screamed vod if you were riding a dh bike,it's not about the riding anymore it's more about the bike you ride.
  • + 4
 It was nice to see some XC on here. I don't see why people are making a fuss about it. Pretty much all the styles of riding compliment each other and make you an overall better rider. If you think riders like Steve Peat or Gee Atherton don't XC ride you are sadly mistaken.
  • + 6
 great work with the cable cam. i was not expecting that when i hit play on the video. nice shot selection and pacing as well stu.
  • + 5
 just cus they're not fuckin ripping and aren't sponsored riders doesn't mean they don't have a passion for the sport. Sure I don't see top of the line bikes or railed berms, but i do see effort and passion
  • - 4
flag conshow3 (Aug 2, 2010 at 1:42) (Below Threshold)
 I get what you're saying, and think you are right to a degree, but its video of the day, not "guys that work the hardest and have the most passion" of the day. I dont know, just my 2c
  • + 3
 Nice one man! Loved the editing and the trails look sweet and flowy.To all those young lads talking shit, let me remind you that mtb is about RIDING on the mountains and not only diging and jumping. So stfu,go beg your mom and dad to buy you cool stuff just to show off and leave the mountains to be ridden by real men who know how to have fun riding all the way,up and down.
  • + 7
 i normally dont like watching xc but this was a great vid
  • + 2
 reading all the hate comments on this video disgust me, it seems that many have forgotten where mountain biking's roots lie. I ride xc as much as i ride dh and dj, it's still fun, and i think all the haters need to get out on their bikes and shred some singletrack before they speak.
  • + 5
 we need more vods like this! im sick of the repatative standard styles of ride that get most VOD's, DH and DJ mainly
  • + 2
 for all pioeple who said these vid sucks tour pissing me off dudes stfu your like poeple in youtube who try to tell poeple what to do go ahead try to film like they did in these movie and show us thats your just a bunch of noobs who ride for cash and not for fun like normal riders!
  • + 2
 I'm just glad they're not dissing the camerawork, I could care less for our riding ability. But thanks for the support.
  • + 2
 Congrats, Stu. Video looks absolutely great. XC FTW. If people want to talk trash on XC riding, ask any rider at the top of their game how they train.

For all the haters, we have a ladder gap at Seven Springs that I've seen three people pull off: Marty Yockel (pro BMX rider), Randy Spangler (legend), and Stu. Dude is the real deal. Check his other videos for proof.
  • + 1
 mega props homles!
  • + 2
 i dont guys although its not some crazy cool pod its nice see some not so amzing riders getting out there and really trying to make vod, so i say good job , but super props to the camera guy for making it the best i sould + it will only make tomorrows look way better Wink
  • + 1
 I now feel warm and fuzzy!
  • + 2
 I have ridden lots of trails throughout virginia and for the most part they are fantastic xc with great scenery, tough climbs, fast curvy decents, few jumps and hucks but if you look hard enough you can find em. Virginia is a gorgeous place and if you can get out your 140mm bike and go giver some strokes, you won't regret it! great video guys!!
  • + 2
 This vid made me miss the east coast for sure, way to earn your turns fellas. To all the children that posted negative stuff about this, wait until you grow up, have a real job, maybe a wife and kids, and mom and dad aren't paying for your bike parts, and gas for shuttles. XC gets a lot more intriguing.
  • + 6
 That was sweeet! those cable cam shots are insane! VOD
  • + 6
  • + 1
 Why so much hate? If that was all freeride or DH you'd all be loving it. OK, XC might not be for all of us, but these guys put serious effort into that video and for me actually made it well worth the watch. There's real thought gone into the shots, camera position and cable cams, good editing (even if some of jerky cable cams could do with smoothing out) and even if the content isn't to everyone's taste cut them a bit of slack, there's a lot of effort in there, and a good eye for cinematography. Well done guys, don't be put off by the haters!
  • + 5
 im jealous of your cablecam, could you give me a little info on it?
  • + 1
 Theres nothing wrong making an XC/trail riding video, but for me it has to be out in the wilderness and showcase tough climbs and technical descents, the problem with this video is that it looks more like a "freeride" trail and not XC.
He's wearing jeans aswell, I mean come on, jeans for XC? If you want a good XC/trail riding video look towards Steve Peat/Hans Ray/Danny Mcaskill riding in the highlands of Scotland.. that is epic.

oh and, someone said earlier that 1995 wanted their bike back, I really think they do..
  • + 1
 Dude I totally dig your comment but woah it is all over the place. One, the trail is right next to a highway as well as too many other things, this is no where near wilderness.

We wear the jeans/cargo pants because we're also freeriders, and it's not that we're 'against' XC, it's just that we want to reduce the ridiculous 'image' that goes with XC, SUCH as lycra, and to help keep things more casual

AND for new guys wanting to get into off-road biking in general (very difficult to do in this area), they don't feel intimidated when the see nothing but guys decked out in lycra! It's no different when someone new to freeriding showing up to a DH/FR place for the first time and seeing everyone decked out in armor and everything.
  • + 1
 not all XC clothing is lycra, you'll have a better ride if you wear riding jerseys and shorts.
  • + 1
 That's the problem, over here that's the case. I know what XC is in general cause I've been on pinkbike for a while, it's totally different and more gnar than the stuff we're allowed to have. When I say 'allowed' I mean we have to deal with trail nazis who have to keep everything safe so nobody gets hurt = we lose access to the local trail systems if someone decides to complain, that includes any stuff we try to build to make the place more fun for freeriders, it gets torn down virtually the next day. It's tough man we wouldn't have trails this boring if the community would let us do what we want, I mean, we're pratically the only people who know how to build berms. With the berms that are there, who builds a berm with a tree in the middle of the friggin apex???
  • + 6
  • + 1
 why are people always like xc sucks etc. even dh pros ride xc to make their skill levels better and it's always good to mix things up a bit so it's best IMO to ride as many disciplines as possible
  • + 1
 Well said mate, pisses me off people saying XC sucks!
  • + 2
 pinkbike is showing love for everyone, why don't we all. i'm not a cross country rider but that's where my roots are, wicked video! keep riding!
  • + 4
 great video - good song - good filming
  • + 2
 I would like to know where the trails are from the end of the video with the jumps and berms. I live in Massachusetts and would like an invite.
  • + 3
 This is shit, XC is just shaved legs and stupid ball piercings, No Thrill or excitement, Simple.
  • + 1
 Cool cinematography. But xc? This isn't xc. There wasn't a single uphill. The kid is in cargo shorts. There were jumps at the end.
  • + 1
 Cool vid. Not original, but very well done. The riding is very basic, but cuts to the root of the sport and documents why we all ride bikes: To have fun. I like it.
  • + 1
 This is trail riding. not XC, if you wanna ride real XC come to Nebraska and train for 3 hours a day with me, and ride 10x faster.
  • + 3
 its deffinatlly not the vod ... not my style
  • + 1
 Major props! i vote for vod! that was some pro lookin camera work and riding! the whole atmosphere was calm and warm but hardcore and rugged!! nice work guys!
  • + 1
 excellent vid. loving it. I've seen plenty of vids of guys riding trail like that on ridiculously overkill 8" bikes, so props to you guys. well played.
  • + 1
 really great video it really shows that if you want somthing done it can get done and it shows that you guys really love this sport nice job
  • + 1
 AWsome vid, you know how to handle a camera for sure, very interested to know how you did all the smooth moving shots? steadycam???
  • + 1
 I'll get back to you on that, I've been meaning to make a small 'behind the scenes' video that explains the stuff I did to get whatever shots people were asking about. I saw your setup in some of your videos, not bad! In mine since it was a simple shot, I was able to add a tiny bit of image stabilization, but I'll explain that later.
  • + 1
 yeah sure the filming was sick with cool shots but really it was boring i stopped watching half way through
  • + 3
  • + 2
 holyshit!! that was amazing man!
  • + 1
 nice one the trails look mint ! props on the music to I didn't think Americans would have heard of the editors !!
  • + 1
 I really like them alot, I have two of their albums on CD, sounds sooo good. I discovered this song for this video then I looked them up and got their CDs, their stuff gets you pumped without the 'head banging' Big Grin
  • + 1
 lol yeah to right ! if you like them you should check out joy division there a band from the 80's that the editors kinda ripped off. Here's the link www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGMDBppWBOo&feature=related
  • + 1
 in class now will check it out at home thanks dood
  • + 1
 that was an awesome vod...just got me stoked to ride , which is the whole point of vod
  • + 2
 Best thing about this video was the song
  • + 2
 where are those jumps at the end?
  • + 1
 'Sup dude, it's in the Wakefield area. The "church" you saw is part of the 495 Jumps which consist of real dirt jumps, which is across the highway on the other side, very close to the intersection of Little River Turnpike (236) and the 495 Beltway.
  • + 1
 do u know roughly how far that is from hanover?
  • + 1
 If you know where Fountainhead is, then from there it is about a 25-35 minute drive. Just look it up on google maps.
  • - 2
 This is what happens when you give xc riders dh rigs and send them down a technical trail. The first time I rode this I was on a shitty hardtail and I didn't hesitate or walk anything, these guys on the other hand.......

just sad....
  • + 2
 So why are they going uphill in this kind of cycling?
  • + 0
 I rememeber this vid from the HMBP contest, thought it was really well done. Nice edit guys! Where are those jumps off 495???
  • + 1
 Never mind I just read the comment above.
  • + 1
 Thanks DOOD
  • + 2
 how did this get vod it sucks
  • + 2
 Overall some great stuff. Nice reflectors.
  • + 2
 it wuz really good videoing but riding wuz shit
  • + 2
 this is terrable
  • - 3
 haha are you kidding me!?? that was a vod the trails were horrible, the riding was that of a 5 year old on a piece of crap bike and the only good thing about the video was the quality of the video camera! what has pinkbike come to??
  • + 1
 thats some intense uphill right there.
  • + 1
 I don't like this video. I respect XC but I don't like the video.
  • + 1
 i'm not an xc fan, but i liked the camera work
  • + 1
  • + 1
 you're an idiot
  • + 1
 I don't think this could get VOD, but it gets my vote.
  • + 1
 dosent look like XC to me...
  • + 2
 Road biking? Razz
  • + 1
 wow i havent heard this song in forever..... awesome!!!!
  • + 1
 im sure this would come under singletrack not XC
  • + 1
 same difference
  • + 1
 fair doos
  • + 1
 Hey is that at wakefeild park
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Got to head out there last time thought that part was destoryed
  • + 0
 was good not vod worthy especialy when youv just got all these mint mtb cut video from val di sole
  • + 1
 Huge long cable cam shots. good flow from clip to clip. Like it!
  • + 3
 Super thanks bro. I am, however, going to cut down on 'long trolly shots' unless it's that perfect shot. I'm trying to make it more subtle and professional for my newer video Just Ride FR/DH.
  • + 1
 its xc not freeride... the riding was ok... 10/10 in everything
  • + 2
 Whats the song called?
  • + 8
 "Munich" by Editors (I have legal permission through faderlabel), hope you enjoyed it despite it not being extreme DH/FR, we are working on a new one.
  • + 7
 Im not picky, its an awesome video, nice smooth riding.
  • - 3
 thats not VOD material :\ but some sick editing Smile
  • + 0
 first bike actually had V brakes..i havent seen that since my dad put me on a huffy as a 5 year old..wow
  • + 1
 I remember when cantilever was state of the art :-)
  • + 1

well said Smile
  • + 0
  • + 1
 realy loved it
  • + 1
 haha so funny
  • + 1
 xc is a joke
  • + 1
 that was great filming!
  • + 1
 nice Stu, nice...
  • + 0
 good vid i love my xc bike now thx
  • - 2
 Congratulations, nice track, good luck for you
watch video for my track www.youtube.com/watch?v=k14uUHVUHoM&feature=related, after coment

  • + 1
 I'm sory but don't understand that: How hot does it get over there? were you talking about my or your track?????
  • + 1
 Your track!
  • + 1
 Hi, tank you atention, I watched the video again and noticed a few shots where the camera seems to be in a cart, for example in 3:37 minutes, how you did it?
  • + 1
 No, I had a backpack and I built a wooden frame and had a arm come out the side and it held the camera, I rode with the camera.
  • + 1
 amazing camera work the angles were all perfection and every transition was smooth and just felt natural props for the great editing and filming! i vote you get a job filming mtb fulltime!
  • + 0
 hahaha that vod is fucking shit
  • + 0
  • + 0
 REPRESENT!!! (while it lasts lol )
  • + 1
  • - 1
 deff did not deserve to be vod this was the worst desicion i have ever seen in my life fail !!!
  • + 1
 sick nasty vod!!! Razz
  • + 1
  • + 1
 just ride dh
  • + 1
 sweet trails Smile
  • + 1
  • - 2
 XC VOD? This is just pathetic, what did we do to deserve this, pinkbike? XC is for people who dont have the balls for dh and fr.
  • + 1
 Um, we certanly do ride DH & FR, do your research before claiming that.
  • + 1
 Z-WAAAAAZ are you fat by any chance?
  • - 2
 No. Did your balls drop when you were about 13? Cause I just looked at your profile and....
  • + 2
 nah, they dropped when i was 12 actually, bit weird your wanting to know when I went through puberty though.
  • + 1
 haha you both suck
  • - 3
 Wow. Terrible comeback I'm not even gonna waste my time arguing with a bunch of uphillies
  • - 1
 vod....realy....good edit but not even close to vod worthy riding
  • + 0
  • + 0
 horrible ! vod !
  • + 0
  • - 2
  • + 3
 Just in case you hadn't noticed,it actually is vod.Salute
  • - 3
 por ser um piloto de XC ate que ele faz um bom downhill.
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