Aug 15, 2013
by Sebastian Doerk  
This is not a bike film, well not as you'd expect it, I guess... And even though it's narrated by Alan Watts, a philosopher, the question it brings up is rather basic: 
What if you weren't scared? Scared to give up the job you hate, scared to leave for a better place... 
What if you could dream your whole life in one night and make changes the next day? Would you still be the same person when you wake up? Can a simple dream change your everyday life? "Free your mind and the rest will follow" is easier said than done, but it's worth thinking about it once in a while. Are you as good in postponing to the very last moment as I am? When it comes to life, your life, this moment might be too late to get epic shit done.

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bigquotesI wonder, I wonder, what you would do if you had the power to dream at night any dream you wanted to dream. And you would of course be able to alter your time sense, and slip seventy-five years of subjective time into eight hours of sleep. You would I suppose start out by fulfilling all your wishes. You could design for yourself what would be the most ecstatic life. And then after a couple of months of this sort of thing at seventy-five years a night, you'd be getting a little taste for something different, and you'd move over to an adventurous dimension, where there were certain dangers involved, and the thrill of dealing with dangers. And after you had done that for awhile, you'd think up a new wrinkle, to forget that you were dreaming, and think that is was all for real. - Alan Watts

To make your life a little more epic, ION is giving away some swag all you have to do is answer the question in the comments.


Tell us: What would you do if you had the power to dream at night any dream you wanted to dream? How would it change your life?

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infinitetrails avatar

Member since May 8, 2009
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  • 131 8
 It would change my life if my daughter's future was secured.... no desires of mine can ever be as important as making sure my family can grow in a loving environment, no matter how much I would love to chase my own personal dream: it cannot come at the expense of my family!!
  • 34 1
 So much respect for you man.
  • 14 27
flag WAKIdesigns (Aug 15, 2013 at 8:22) (Below Threshold)
 orientdave: so your personal dream what you think would make you super happy, isn't actually what you would most like to do in your life. Maybe the balance between several dreams makes you happy. We are living that delusion that our idols who became so good at what they do, haven't sacrificed things we never could. We tend to think that because we have few dreams (like your daughter's future) those few dreams make us worse in some way than person who devoted everything for one dream. How do you know, if Sam Hill or Alan Watts, after seeing your whole life, wouldn't say: man I wish I were you.

I find that interpretation of Watts words (which he interpreted from somewhere else as he always admits) to be not going deep enough. Everyone is entitled to see what he wants in it but in my opinion... here I mean, I think I look deeper, my interpetaton is better, hence all interpetations are good and suck at the same time. - Watts is always about finding "yourself" and "who you really are". It is extremely blurry how to deal with self-improvement here. But if to confront what author of this vid wrote:"(...)Are you as good in postponing to the very last moment as I am? When it comes to life, your life, this moment might be too late to get epic shit done(...) I can put to him, that he is postponing everything not because that isn't normal state, but because it is normal for him. Postponing is one of elements making him who he is, and in one or another way, made him ride this bike as good as he can, and find someone to make such video. Maybe postponing means waiting and observing? And because he can observe he can develop certain feeligns, and occupied man wouldn't... you see it's complicated - How to be truly better, not just different
  • 6 2
 cure cancer
  • 17 11
 I guess what I meant was: we rarely, if ever, allow ourselves to admire ourselves. Because this world pushes is so much into self-improvement and quest for recognizeable success, that we shit ourselves to say "Damn I'm awesome!", "Damn that was good". Because we think, that self-gratification is the way to lazyness and not satisfying our ambitions whether we cannot say that these are our own ambitions. And I suspect that more "inspirational vids we watch, more points of reference we get in form of great, athletes, artists, thinkers, harder it is for us to appreciate our own achievemnts as they seem little, where in fact, every sinhle one of them needed to start somewhere and was in the same point you are now.

Sorry as usual I have to crap out lots of shit, to be able to write a meaningful summary...
  • 14 0
 here's one for you, waki. i remind myself as i get older.. "the thing is, to become a master in your old age, is to acquire the courage to do what children did when they knew nothing"
  • 3 0
 Toytoy, nowadays most types of cancer can be cured, fight for it!!
  • 7 3
 Fullbug - here's one for you: write a letter to your 50year-old self and open it on your 50th birthday. I wrote mine, it's a mind screwing thing to do!
  • 4 0
 i don't know, waki. that sounds scarier than the downtown stair gap I've been trying to nut up to do all summer! It would be an interesting thing to do. I'm in.
  • 5 0
 idk about u guys but im still in shock from that three table at the end. on that jump on that bike..... fuckin a
  • 4 1
 Dude. You're comments are always WAY too long. Keep it simple my man.
  • 11 0
To reply to your comment as it deserves....
I have just come back from Whistler and Silverstar.......heaven to us all right?
Well, no, not for me. Four days of great times and riding and of course, I want to go back, however, if that is heaven then it is nothing more than smoke and mirrors if the people who look to you for support and love one day turn to you, and find you are not there, find you out searching for yourself instead.

"Self improvement" and "finding yourself" has been simultaneously popular sub-culture and big business since the 60s and I for one am willing to call its bluff. For it means nothing if you embark on its path alone. The woman who is also my wife, the girl who is also my daughter, and I, are in this together, we sink or swim together, fail or succeed together, share in each others highs and lows (oh yes!). As a result, looking for myself without them is meaningless. I could never embark on chasing my own personal dream of happiness unless I was absolutely certain my wife and daughter were freely, willingly, happy to see me do so.

Even then, I may choose to stay with them and experience life with and through them as we grow up and old. Now THAT is epic shit done.
  • 3 0
 Why should it be one or the other? and who better to show her how to live her dream then her father, take them with you, or at least regale them with stories of excitement, fear overcome, show them that life is to be lived. just don't use them as an excuse to put off or put down your dreams because all that teaches is how they should put off or put down their dreams when they have kids. I'm not into the find yourself crap, because where ever you go there you are everybody needs to stand up dream bigger dreams, and don't back down, experience life with them, never through them.
Success is about the small wins and stacking them on top of each other, building a foundation, not the big epic wins, its enjoying and revelling in the journey, our own and with those that we share our time with. I love my son and wife, and try to lead by example, not a do what i say not what i do. I dont want him to grow up with the burden of that i gave it up for you, i want him to know that i gave it my all and didnt pursue it further because I choose not too, no excuses.
  • 1 0
 It depends what you mean with "finding yourself". You see, with meditation, religions and all that stuff is a a bit like with sexual needs. People have different needs, whether they like it or not, no matter if culture tells you to have 3 GFs per year or shag your wife twice a day till you're 80. I find it perfectly normal for some to be atheists and some being bigots, while majority lies in between. I like "looking for myself" whatever that means to me, and if there are two people who say it means the same thing for them then one of them either lies or has no clue what this game is about. The more I watch such inspirational videos, the more vague it seems go me. Just go and keep on searching what works for you and your closest "environment" and it will be fine. Be able to sing "my way" as if it was about your life.
  • 61 1
 I did! I walked out of a very well paid job in England, got rid of the house, sold the cars and a lot of material things you just don't need in life. I moved to the mountains, I get my daily stoke from riding bikes in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. It's opened my eyes up, there is much more to life. After this winter I'm going to go further away and experience more. Find new places to ride, meet new people and have more stories to tell when I'm old and can no longer ride. I urge anyone who's thinking of doing it to go for it. Best decision I ever made.
  • 19 0
 That is indeed an hell of an adventure... but you must have some backup money, otherwise you couldn't survive that much without money. am i right ?
  • 4 0
 I'm seriously impressed.
  • 6 1
 You somehow pay your bills though...
  • 7 0
 How'd you make money for daily supplies, rental, healthcare, etc?
  • 3 0
 interests me too...
  • 29 1
 drug dealer
  • 11 0
 weekend call boy
  • 6 0
 You would be surprised how little you can live on, coming from a not so well to do family, but one that does anything they can to help you live that dream, you form a good understanding of how wonderful a simple life can be. Do what you must to get by and do what you want to keep you going. Personally I am so grateful for being bought up in a small self sufficient house in the mountains. Thank you.
  • 15 0
 I had a 'proper job' in the UK that paid well so I had some savings and when I packed up my house it all went on eBay. I wish I didn't have to work, I do have a job, it pays minimum wage, but it covers living costs like food and rent. There are lots of jobs out here, cleaning, bar work, transfer drivers, building etc to proper office jobs. Anyone can do it, you've just got to want to do it. Then you'll make it happen.
  • 11 0
 Respect man, major respect that takes a huge amount of balls to do some thing like that. Reminds me of a true movie I saw called Into the Wild, written and directed by Sean Penn starring Emile Hirsch. It absolutely blew my mind.
  • 3 0
 would love to do that but honestly i'm scared... what about relationship or family??
  • 13 0
 Family will always be there, I missed them at first but then you meet a lot of people in the same situation as you and they then become family. Relationships, might happen if you meet someone like minded. Or just enjoy the seasonaires and tourists with no shame ;-)
  • 4 0
 Respect man, I'm getting out one day
  • 3 0
 Such an inspiring story
  • 3 0
 wow dude! i been thinking on doing something similar for a while, just like... live it all here, travel, go around the world just riding my bike, meet new people... just follow my drem, what i really want to me, and what i want to my life... i mean, i dont want to spend my days on an boring office, just living the routine... im gonna just do it one day soon; maybe we meet somewhere, someday, who knows...
  • 3 0
 Anyone here read Dirt Mag? This is on their Friday Randoms.

Worth a listen.
  • 2 0
 Really nice words ! a good inspiration. Thanks for your sharing mate Wink
When you return do Switzerland to ride, send a pm and we could meet and ride some tracks , Cheers
  • 2 0
 Alan Watts is awesome. Fks you up big time. Not recommended for die hards of any kind. If you have some strong opinions about something, you better avoid his lectures. Youtube is full of them.
  • 3 0
 AND THE WINNER IS K-RON, CONGRATS BUDDY! We hope you live your dream and inspire other people to do the same. Best Sebastian
  • 1 0
 Yeah buddy! Stoked!
  • 16 0
 If I had the power to dream any dream nightly it would be a mixture of the passion I have for my family, biking and work combined into a frenzy of smooth transitions from one another. I would spend hours playing with my 2 kids, teaching them all the world has to offer as we traveled to many places feeling the love and culture from country to city. I would spend hours flirting, talking and enjoying the company of my beautiful wife. We seldom get to talk uninterrupted from daily events so, in my dream it would be pure with no conflicts of our daily battles. We would melt into our hearts for hours on in. Work is important so in my dreams too, I would filter in areas of me working, but in a way of ease that I didnt carry on the garbage and stress the happens in real live. Then of course as Im a practical person the money generated from work would provide more than enough of what my family and I need for our excursions. Last, I would be shredding technical trials with my bros as we leaped from rock to rock sliding on roots and ending with some cold beers now worrying about having to drive home, ahhahahah The rides would seem endless but end as they naturally transition into a new segment of fun! My nightly dreams would change my daily life easily! It would give me the compassion I need to perform what is important. It would settle any unsettling nerves that rack myself into total exhaustion daily. I would have hope for the future of my family definitely my kids knowing the we have another day to pass into total freedom and enjoyment of life! The power of dreams would give me the freedom to flow as I needed! With bike in hand and rolling trials... RideOn!
  • 2 0
 This was a really good read. Thanks for sharing this.
  • 1 0
 Thank you brother! With the grace of our faith in what we believe his hand will lead our path into pure freedom. Dreams come true in unexpected ways! RideOn!
  • 1 0
 wow, thats awesome, helped me expand my dream as well. thanks.
  • 1 0
 Thank you! Its actually hard to explain a dream as it can be so vast and full of energy.
  • 9 0
 J. Lennon wrote about best dream that we can ever had: "Imagine no possesions, I wonder if you can. No need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of man. Imagine all the people, sharing all the world". Simple as that. It would change not only one person life but all of us. How much better would life be without rat race for a better job, education or more money.

It may sound like a total anarchy but dream about world with no politicians who are thinking only about their wallets or about world with lack of these big concerns which are using people and earth like they want without no consequences is quite tempting.
  • 2 0
 also quite possibly the best song ever written
  • 1 0
 If it was tempting, more people would follow temptation. And if you want a visualisation of such world, watch Equilibrium. There's no light without darkness my friend... there was an idea once that darkness is lack of light, that hate is only a lack of love. Even physicists discovered lately that darkness that void, is something not nothing. Whether you like it or not, nearly each toy we have is marked with blood of people or the planet. A mountain bike is useless. Like F1 car. Yet watch what Senna did for Brasil by driving one. You never know what leads to what... Lennons Utopia is scary to me, I wish no one will ever try to make it happen.
  • 1 0
 you take my comment to literally Smile Lennon's Utopia is scary but only if you take it seriously and place it in a real world as it is in a song. For me it is more like an reflection about people's behaviors which are not always good.
  • 1 0
 I buy his no-wars, I can swallow no religion, but no god? GTFO... We can all smoke weed, meditate, change names of all main social institutions so they sound more "ours" and world will be better, hell yea... I have the same trouble with pacifists as I have with pro-weapon rednecks. Detachment from reality.
  • 8 0
 This is exactly what I'm doing. I've made a bet with myself that I'm never going to have a desk job, and it seems to be working out so far!
  • 6 0
 I would dream that my lust for money, my craving's for power and influence would no longer be a of part me. I would dream of a reality in which I could, for once, be truly free. Corny line of the day done...
  • 3 0
 Hey that's a good dream.
  • 7 1
 Realize that every second i am dreaming i am wasting time living the present. Live is wonderful and share it riding is even more awesome.
  • 2 0
 ^True. It wouldn't matter how amazing the dream is or what you did or felt because when u woke you would realize that it wasn't real , even if it was half as exciting I would rather live for 8 hours knowing that every thing I felt was real, than have a dream last for 75 years.
  • 4 0
 What if you drop your 27 years of life from a cliff ... and chase your dreams... Oh wait, it's done. No more money, no more Industry job, no more luxury, no more stress with the competitive big city life. Now... Snow, Alaska and my dreams.
  • 3 0
 I think that there's really two ways that it would end up, one being quite negative and the other leading to an amazing, positive impact on your life; however, it really depends on who you are as a person. If one is content to just enjoy the dreams that they are experiencing every night the effect would be extremely negative as you would have no cause to work for you anything; you would just want to go to sleep again so that you could experience those dreams.
On the other hand if one sees the dreams not as just a form of entertainment, but also an example of what they could accomplish in there life, it would have, as previously stated, a positive impact on their life.

All in all it really comes down to who you are as a person and if you're willing to work to achieve, quite literally, your dreams.
  • 4 0
 Aha haven`t seen rob for long time. Location,lights,music and riding is epic. Probably only a few people are able to go that far. But it´s an insperation for those who only can dream it!
  • 2 0
 Absolutely loved the music.
  • 2 0
 It would change the way I go aboard by everyday life, since it would give me the chance to do the things I don't have the time/funds for. I have a immense desire to travel and explore, but am not able to as long as I live at home, go to high school, don't have my own car, etc... The power to control my dreams 100% would be an escape from that reality, and giving me the chance to fulfill the desires I have "in the real world".
  • 4 0
 If you want to travel Look into WWOOFing, by far the best way to travel.
  • 2 0
 Thanks for sharing that tyrant21
  • 2 0
 Hmmm I had that dream a year ago and now I have ridden everyday since and ride with my kids as often as I can cause memories are what life are all about! I wish I could dream about all the kids on my block having a great bike like we can afford so they can all ride the great places we do and feel that freedom.... Spend everyday enjoying the ones u love!!
  • 1 0
 Awesome! I have kids too, and riding with them is the best.
  • 2 0
 I'm nowhere near or close to being a high flyer and the thought of a 'career' doesn't interest me; I spent my teenage years dreaming of being a photographer, in a great band etc etc. Now I'm happy working in a bike shop, with enough money to enjoy life with my Fiancee and get out on the bike at the weekend.

Dreaming is for those without direction, live for today and don't wake up tomorrow thinking about what you should have started yesterday/tomorrow.

Not everyone's approach; but it seems to be working for me.
  • 2 0
 If I could dream any dream right now, I would dream of the day that my mom wasn't depressed; and come to know if she could ever spend more than 2 hours in a Wheelchair again, if science will come to the point that they could repair her spinal injury. That would be my dream.
  • 2 0
 If I could dream 75 years of life into each night, I would dream that I was learning to communicate in all languages including sign language. I take for granted that English is spoken so widely around the world but having had the opportunity to travel quite extensively it makes me realise how much more I could get from life (and hopefully pay it forward) if I could easily speak to anyone and everyone. How much could you learn and understand by being able to interact freely with people from all walks of life? Not just those in the Western world, but those in the poorest nations, remote areas, isolated tribes? I travelled through South America a few years ago and despite it being the single most significant time in my life, I know it would have been so much more enriching had I been able to speak Spanish plus all of the other local dialects.

And who wouldn't want to turn up a bike trail in deepest Tajikistan and say fluently in the native tongue to a new found friend that their bike looks like a Session?
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 I dream to keep riding and finding new trails all over the world for the decades to come, on my bike, my skis, my surfboard or anything else that could be ride, and then I could show them to my kids and be sure they can enjoy all what I had enjoyed in my life. This is my way to fullness !
  • 1 0
 I would dream about some of the details in the future but not all of them. You see i believe that if you dream every detail about you life your life would become greatly boring. after awhile this would lead you to want to change you life and with that there is the possibility that you might change your life for the worse. If i did not like the details in the years (getting this from my dream) i would make appropriate changes that could make me have more fun with my job, life and family.
That is what i would do if i could dream my future.
  • 1 0
 I would dream what it would be like to be in my ideal situation in twenty years, what I dream to be like, just for a weekend 'at the summit'. That would give me enough motivation to be resilient in what I do, to give me the motivation to get me through those so hard times, where it seems like you are going nowhere 'climbing up that fire-road that is so boring and so energy wasting and every switchback just reveals another', so I could reach that summit later in life and look at the view. Failure is impossible if you never stop trying. You can 'not succeed' at something, but it's only when you give up that you 'fail', but that is your choice to stop, not a failure. So if you have the motivation to pick yourself up after every 'failure' you will eventually succeed in your dreams and make the dream come true. (That sounds very cheesy but it is all true)
  • 1 0
 I'm currently in my final year of high school. I'm going off to the best university in my country next year, to study my chosen degree. I should be ecstatic, but I wonder if this is the life I really want?I know that I would love to ride my bike, discover new places and meet new people. But does this mean I can't have a family? Can't have a stable job and comfortable lifestyle?

..I dream of finding the solution and pursuing..
  • 1 0
 I'm already living my dream. I do what I love for work, I have 3 awesome kids, my wife is incredible, lets me go ride a good bit. I get to take trips to other places to go ride with my friends. On that note, I have some of the coolest friends. They are super supportive and understanding of my busy life. I have most of the toys I want (bikes, snow toys etc.) and they are all paid off. Very little debt, reasonably healthy, so far my family is pretty healthy. Oh yeah, I live in Alaska, where there is so much varied terrain. Mountains, ocean beaches, snow, woods.. its all here. I love my life.
  • 1 0
 It would change my life in the respect that I would find a way to change this world for the better. I would find a way to get myself in a position to speak to the world and to the hearts of all people to stop this nonsense of greed, violence, jealousy, and deceit. I would find a way to bring us all to peace with each other. I would not change my life solely for my own benefit, but for the benefit of all in this world, for what better change could there be?
  • 1 0
 I had a dream to have balance between play and family but needed a job that could afford me both. It took some time, planning and sacrifice along the way but eventually I was able to make it happen. With anything in life nothing is perfect. There is never enough time in a day to do everything you want but I live on a river just below Whistler on a small piece of property. We grow our some food have some animals and my 2 young daughters and wife love it. My wife is an artist and finds tons of inspiration and we are just an hour away from her home city of Vancouver. I live just minutes away from some of the best riding on the planet. I am able to dust off the old DH bike regularly, grab the 29er (sorry boys its awesome!) for some all mountain pedaling and jump on the road bike for the fondo or other great road rides. The back country skis get a regular workout and I have been enjoying learning the white water on a SUP this summer. All from my back door. My oldest daughter loves rock climbing and riding the front of the paddle board when ever possible. She even wants to start playing hockey and hopes I will coach her team. Life will only get better as my girls get old enough to ride and ski more independently and I can't wait. Like everyone I wish I could play more but I wanted to live in a place where I could get out quickly to play when I did have the time. I had a dream and I am blessed to have a family and a job that made it happen.

Set a goal and make it happen!!
  • 1 0
 I would dream,... That my reality was the dream. Therefore my dreams my reality. In this I could swim rather than drown in the abyss of the unknown rather than cowardly approach my inevitables. In my then said dreams, I would willingly confront my fears and in my, then said reality venture the unknown with willingness. Leaving only the sleeping to be missed and a life worth much more than this.
  • 1 0
 Life is energy created by space and time, meaning we are all but one , refecting on the imagination of ourselves. There is no wsr, only conflict of peace. Everything exsisting for a reason, of which we respect. For if there was no darkness, how then would we recognise light. There is nothing that can change, but change itself. We are not one, nor eachother, but the imprint on space and time that energy and matter exsisted. What was then, has not gone but changed and what is now will soon have been. Therefore there is only a futre, that someone or something thing elses past had been. So nothing would change, nor remain the same , but respectfully exsist all the same.
  • 1 0
 I would dream to live an endless summer of riding bikes in the most spectacular locations around the globe, where money is no issue and worrying doesn't exit. By not worrying about life's little problems, and waking up each day, grabbing your bike and going riding would change my life
  • 6 1
 That's some Life Cycles-class imagery. Sweeeeet.
  • 4 0
 Beautiful piece of film. We all need to sit and think "what if?.." Sometimes. Inspiring footage and commentary.
  • 2 0
 What if... I actually won a comment competition? That would be a first, but in all actuality I do dream of getting paid to do what I love. It's a shame that money is even a key aspect of our dreams.
  • 1 0
 There would definitely be some riding in my dream... If I could dream any dream I would dream towards a solution. In a world filled with so much pain, loss and suffering I want to make a difference for the better. But in the west I'm sheltered. And if I'm honest, my actions betray my desires even in my sheltered life. I'm selfish and self-centered so much of the time, just adding to the over-all problem. I want to explore, ride and push limits in this breath-takingly beautiful world. My deepest desire is that my adventure would be continually be fueled by a search for that someone who is the source of all this crazy beauty. The one who made the breath-taking breathes life into broken people like me and frees me to be more a part of the solution every day. I think this beauty has a source and I believe the source can free the beauty.

(Disclaimer: I am huge fan of Jesus and his ways, so I believe in a creator. If you do not please do not take offense.)
  • 1 0
 Thank you brother! You too have a great desire to impact our lives through dreams. Im right there with you in the desire to better life for what it is and has become. As I roam the city here in Japan and when Im in Cali I see so many people living in despair. I too living my self centered selfish life look at these people and situations wanting to make a change without any power. Thank you for the inspiration! RideOn!
  • 1 0
 I would dream about biking, yeah I know it seems overrated "you can dream about everything yet you dream about what you do" why not? I love biking, all its disciplines, it is what in the last years has defined me as I am, and I love it
  • 2 0
 The struggle is what makes life worth living. How do you know up if you don't know down? A life imagined is a life not lived. Offered a life of dreams, I would not change a thing, yawn...
  • 1 0
 My dream? I would travel through Western Canada, utilize a network of friends around the area to sleep on their couches, shred a new trail every day (or ride the same one again if it was extremely fun). Ride a ridiculous amount of alpine singletrack and loam. And when winter comes, the road trip doesn't stop as the skis come out. Or maybe I get tired of skiing and decide to head down south with my bike.
  • 1 0
 My dreams are filled with more adventure, more traveling, more life changing experiences. My fears are how does one truly do this without being financially set? Sure you can travel on the cheap, but to replace and maintain my tools (bikes, snowboard, gear) of joy are not cheap. If you set out on the dream journey of a life time, but can no longer ride the trails you sought, then the fear of failure and emptiness strikes hard. Would I not have been better off with my current life, which is not so bad? I packed up and gave up a life years ago to live as mountain bike rich as I could. I live in a mountain town surrounded by epic trails, I get to ride trails regularly that people dream of and travel world wide to come ride. The dreams never stop, the fear will hold me back from taking the next plunge into a whole new life until I see away it can work as did my current choice. Of course if you are a surfer, then I see it as why would you not just travel and surf every day?
  • 1 0
 If I had the power to dream at night any dream I wanted to dream, I would dream of TOTAL FREEDOM TO BE MYSELF. If I could be free from all attachments, fears and responsibilities, I would be free to LIVE any DREAM. Time to WAKE UP and SET THE STAGE FOR CHANGE.
  • 2 0
 i initially fast forwarded throught the video, then i stopped and started from the beginning. I definatley like edits and messaging like this. Very well done and such a sweet conclusion.
  • 1 0
 Balancing all areas in life that I find important and meaningful would be a dream. Not only spending a lot of time on my bike and building trails, but also helping my girlfriend find success and happiness in her profession and daily life and having regular conversations and visits with my family and friends. Having just finished college I am excited for what my future has in store!
  • 1 0
 I would remember myself that fear is not the feeling but the enemy, and that defeat is a state of mind. Once night after another, until I believe it. Then, I wouldn't need to dream because I would be living the dream in life.
  • 1 0
 My words to live by, as quoted from GK Chesterton….”The true object of all human life is play”.

Like many, my fear is the desire to have my son live a better life than I. If that fear was taken away from me, I’m not so sure I would have the same motivation for life, for living, as I do today. Fear can be a positive motivator. Don’t let it stop you though, use it to your advantage, and make fear, fear you.
  • 1 0
 "Tell us: What would you do if you had the power to dream at night any dream you wanted to dream? How would it change your life?"

It would change my life because you could dream away all of the negative stuff with the positive. Bliss.
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 It is not a question of whether we have the power to dream because we all do. We envision our goals and what we want to be through dreams and imagination. In fact, a lot of things have been conceptualized in this manner. And the question of "how it would change your life" is a matter of how deep will your commitment be towards achieving them. And the journey involved in pursuit of its fulfillment.

At this point if you are dreaming, you got to wake yourself up. Wake up to the truth that life is not all about you. We are all a part of this circle of life, and that at some point we need someone or something to get us through our goals and aspirations. And your utmost reward will be self fulfillment and personal gratitude, However, do not let yourself be burdened by the truth, recognize the its not all about YOU, otherwise you will end up in mediocrity.
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 Lets just say that I would be world ranking number 1 in DH and my family and everyone in the world would be healthy and happy. Oh and I might get laid too Wink
  • 1 1
 Dreams are great and wonderful - I dream of living in Grand Junction, Colorado - my most favorite place on Earth. Even if I were to make that dream come true, it is only a temporary satisfaction - one day I will be too old to ride and one day I'll be gone.

In my opinion, anything I could ever dream here on Earth doesn't compare to the reality that I have received Jesus as my savior and have an eternity of joy and awesome existance after my life is over.

As pastor Tony Evans once stated, "For the saved, Earth is the closest thing to Hell they will ever experience and for the unsaved, Earth is the closest thing to Heaven they will ever experience".
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 My dream is for Canyon to ship to the US! I really would like to ride one of them.
  • 2 0
 Inspiring edit! The concept of living a lifetime in one dream is explored in the movie Waking Life. One of my favorites. Check it out
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 I would do nothing, because everything that happens has a purpose, a meaning, so to change it could alter the future, and cause something horrible to happen, which we could not see, until it is too late.
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 I wish I was a brave taliban warrior fighting brainwashed imperialist US soldiers with my trusty AK-74. If I dream strongly enough I will be in the mountains of Swat Valley fighting evil hahaa.
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 Good morning Mr. Mango please empty your pockets and put on this elegant orange sweater. Next stop Cuba. Wink
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 if i could dream any dream i would be out in africa every night riding with animals the deadly ones and the most wild ones hitting trails and generally being wild
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 Or I would see the people that have been taken away from me, people that have passed away, and spend time with them that way.
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 I would dream of doing what I like, until the day that I no longer need to sleep to continue riding and paddling, standing in a very deep state of mind.
  • 5 2
 That hair into that helmet wow
  • 3 1
 that was the most perfect landing i have ever seen in my life !! what if u could do that ?!
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 I would go back and relive the 2008 World Champs at Val Di Sol. Sam would have stuck that drift and won, inspiring generations to take it wide and let it slide!
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 My dream would be to move to Mexico on the Pacific Coast. Open a bike shop/cafe/bar. Live everyday without a care in the world biking, surfing, boating.
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 Alan Watts is awesome. Used out of context in this video but good to see some introspective stuff as opposed to the usual redbull cock party, berm wrecking thing.
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 There are two types of tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want, the other is getting it.
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 Waits for the worlds voluntary unemployment levels to rise as everyone bails and go riding...
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 I would change nothing, because I have all the fundamentals anyone needs and that we all have
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 Dreams are good, but i would prefer to concentrate my efforts in real life
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 I LOVE the notion presented in this clip...about the realization of dreams....positive self analysis and actualization.
  • 5 2
 I got laid...
  • 2 1
 Everyone's saying about their perfect dreams and stuff and there's me having nightmares all the time
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 Every night I start thinking about a trail I rode to go to sleep to get my dreams of riding my bike.
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 I do that too. cool.
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 I'd dream about entering the "What If?" contest and the figure out how to win it.
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 Not my profound words, but I dream of kindness, no exceptions, and excitement with perspective and purpose.
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 A World without religions , banks, corporations, governments a world full of people living their simple dreams OUR WORLD
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 All I could think about was Inception...
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 Pretty awesome edit! But I have heard the narration before in Leo zuckermans ski edit
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 umm you guys.. this has been done.. a href="url">>
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 Good song with the same quote @ 7:00
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 I'm already living my dream and I wish I won't wake up soon.
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 nothing because my life is already perfect Smile
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 I think I will dream tonite.......
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 love it! my local trail featured on an edit for PB, awesome!
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 The best thing in life is being shuttle'd to my next stage..
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 To dream about the future so that I could change it
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 what if…
you don't wake up?
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 after 75 years of dreaming, would your back hurt?

I think i would be really groggy.
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 Beautiful video, I loved the story! RideOn!
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 Anyone knows what tires he uses? They look interesting.
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 I'd rather have the D3
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 I would dream about Emily Batty riding DH instead of XC.
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 I dream I have no dream..
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 love it!
  • 3 2
 awesome editing :-)
  • 2 1
 Them feels.
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 love that clip
  • 1 0
 Awesome video!!!
  • 1 2
 What if i could do that...
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