Stay outta my lane!

Jan 16, 2009 at 17:29
by Radek Burkat  
What this concept attempts to do is make the streets a tiny bit safer for city bicycle riders. A device attaches to the back of your bicycle and projects an instant bicycle lane onto the road, as this picture shows.

That way, you can whip about town without a care in the world, knowing that you’re letting other drivers know that, "hey, this here is a bicycle lane!"

Bike Lane concept

A close brush with a distracted driver is enough to intimidate any avid bicycler from riding at night. You’ve probably seen small blinkers and flashers tucked just below the seat but that isn’t enough. As a daily driver in a very bike friendly city, I can attest I usually don’t notice those blinkers until I’m within a few hundred yards of the bicycler. That leaves very little distance and time to react if I were to collide with them.

Only a small fraction of streets have dedicated bike lanes, and with an installation cost of $5,000 - $50,000 per mile, we shouldn’t expect to find them everywhere anytime soon. LightLane projects a crisply defined virtual bike lane onto pavement, using a laser, providing the driver with a familiar boundary to avoid. With a wider margin of safety, bikers will regain their confidence to ride at night, making the bike a more viable commuting alternative. I want one now. Evan and Alex, make it and call me!

Yup, it's just a concept, but maybe in the near future a reality. If you can do that, you can just project all sorts of crazy images, icons, and text behind your bike. "For a good time call Cori's Mom"

Author Info:
radek avatar

Member since Jan 1, 2000
218 articles

  • 13 1
 Love the idea, I guarantee that if I see this product made, I will buy it. And still use my existing light to give a blinker/constant that's more direct for the drivers to see. The roads aren't safe, so anything like this gets my support.
  • 28 60
flag suicidedownhiller (Jan 19, 2009 at 18:38) (Below Threshold)
 This isn't going to solve anything, it will probably make it worse. This will cause Roadies to pay even less attention to cars, its too little already, and then because they are so careless, even more accidecents will occur.

Here's another option: CARS ARE BIG, YOU TINY, YOU AVOID THEM; NOT THEM AVOID YOU. Its not that hard. Granted, perhaps some 10% of the accidents are un avoidable, and somewhat 50-60% are caused by bad drivers, but 90% of all accidents can be avoided, if roadies, and trainers learn that cars will not see them. Ride facing trafic, as far in to the curb, or on the strip of dirt on the curb, or on sidewalks when safe.

The ONLY way to survive is to ride like your invisible, because in fact, you ARE. And for god's sakes, PLEASE don't ride three or even two abreast. If you get hit for doing something stupid, in all honestness, its darwinism in effect.

With that said, this is not aimed at all roadies, or even aimed to be sterotypical, just a warning...
  • 15 2
 Kid go ride in SF then tell me if your ill informed opinions change.
  • 13 1
 dude, cars don't give people enough room, and that's where the problem lies. so these people came up with the idea to give you a little bit more room on the road, basicly enough to not clip your bars.
  • 9 4
 "ride like you're invisible"- that's got to be the most absurd advice ever. Apparently you are not a bike commuter. Thanks for that useless bit of internet rambling suicidedownhiller. We'll never run out of oil soon enough.
  • 6 1
 ok suicidedownhiller the point off this is to make it safer for people to ride there bike at night and give you some extra clearance and sure cars are bigger than we are but people driving still have to look out for people on bikes and other pedestrians. You cant just say cars are bigger therefore we should look out for them and they just get to drive around and not give a shit about pedestrians that always have the right away. And bull shit to 50 or 60% bad drivers cauze axcidents, its more like 95% you jackass so think i a little bit harder next time you post stupid comments like this on something that can be very benificial to people and make the roads a better place for a biker and maybe even save lives.
  • 5 1
 I ride to work every chance I get. Being seen is the key. Drivers tend to at least slow down when they see a flashing light. ever wonder why the traffic is so slow at crash scence , with all those flashing lights.

great Idea, I would buy it. Smile
  • 9 36
flag suicidedownhiller (Jan 19, 2009 at 20:15) (Below Threshold)
 You guys are dumb. If you dont ride like your invisible, your gonna get hit. The problem is cras dont give you enough room, and this will make you more visible correct? CAUSE YOUR INVISIBLE. D-bags. Go get hit.
  • 5 1
 its a great idea, though may not be the best thing. drivers need to see the person on the bike, not a fake bike lane. really, if you just wear reflective clothing...
  • 18 2
 Suicidedownhiller, you're clearly a part of the problem, not the solution. I've been riding around downtown Vancouver for half a dozen years, currently brakeless, around some pretty short sighted oblivious drivers, and I've never been in an accident. I project past the data, and I know at all times where everyone is around me and where they will be in any given amount of time, so I'm aware of any potential collision courses long enough ahead of time to do something about it (as all road users should be). THAT's not that hard, and there's no excuse for failing to do so. In fact, it's the bare minimum. The fact is that the law in Canada is that cyclists have the right of way over cars, and the reason for that is to emphasize to drivers that they are at the wheel of a deadly weapon, and should act accordingly. I find it incredibly immoral of you to write drivers such a blank cheque for closing their eyes! And to call it blame a rider for their own death because they were too stupid to survive...well I'm sure you've made it personal for a lot of people reading this who lost someone in a car-related bicycle accident. There's a reason it's always assumed in court that the second vehicle in any rear-ender is at fault. It's your responsibility! And on a sidenote, to any drivers who may be reading this, PLEASE do not blow your horn at cyclists, even just quickly to let them know you're there. A car horn in bloody loud to the naked ear; we're not in sound-isolated Cadilacs. I don't know how many times I've flinched because of a point blank horn blast. That's only asking for a one-person accident for the cyclist. Have you ever blown the horn in a parked car when a pedestrian was right in front of you? They probably jumped, huh? Imagine what they would do if they were balanced on two wheels doing 30k... Great idea with the bike lane light though!
  • 17 2
 suicide downhiller... go commit suicide please.
  • 6 8
 riding like your invisible eh? thats the dummest shit you could tell someone and this will give you more room so that solves your problem so your the douche and your going to get hit by a car because you just a dum shit that thinks he is smart
  • 4 3
 oh i dont think it matters if its a fake bike lane or a real one, the point is its still a bike lane and is ment to give a place were bikers can ride safely without a car hitting you
  • 2 0
 alex2, you have it completely right. Especially riding in Vancouver, people are oblivious.
  • 4 3
 suicide's point of "ride like you are invisible" is the best you can do yourself to stay safe without putting trust in drivers on the road. "ride you're invisible" just means be careful, because bikes are a lot harder to see than cars. just like driving defensively...don't trust that the guy next to you or ahead of you isn't gonna screw up. give yourself some breathing room.
  • 1 1
 The concept part of this made me sad. I think suicide downhiller should be invisible, always so negative.
  • 4 8
flag HUMMERTM (Jan 20, 2009 at 2:08) (Below Threshold)
 Neg probs me but i think suicidedownhiller has a point
  • 1 1
 his point is that they can't see you so ride like you are not seen, I get it. I think anyone who has ever ridden a road bike or commuter bike is wary of this when approaching every intersection. On the other hand, you can't just ride into traffic. The traffic laws in every state in the US are that cyclists ride with traffic. It atleast gives you more time to be seen when you aren't approaching traffic. Devices like the one in this article would definitely help to be seen from the rear. My personal experiences are that most car/bike related accidents are head-on, when someone pulls out in front of the cyclist, same case with road motorcyclists, and they have a bright headlight. In this case, yes, you should expect not to be seen approaching an intersection. But, we're talking about a device for the REAR of the bike. The streets where I ride don't seem to have an issue with rear visibility since I'm in a small town. Flashing light works fine. It's the a'holes out there driving cars home from the bar at night that are the real problem. They think it's fun to act aggressively towards someone on a bike, although they'll never engage in confrontation. Real tough.
  • 2 0
 Point but i still say dont bother commuting on a roadbike too riky you need something like a bender bike soo you cause more damage too the car Razz
  • 3 0
 dear suicide downhiller
you are an idiot,heres why
the most dangerous part of the road for a cyclist is close to the curb, this is PROVEN by RESEARCH an also theory as to why more female cyclists are killed in collisions.This is where you are LESS VISIBLE to the car behind you,safest place is in the middle of the lane.This make you MORE VISIBLE an forces the traffic behind to peform a PROPER overtake manouver on the over side of the road as is LAW here in the U.K "a cyclist must be treated as another veheicle when overtaking" the car will take more notice an is less likely to try an squeeze past
another time when this helps is waiting at red lights,stop sighns or roundabouts(U.K only) the car behind cannot squeeze up beside you an then cut you off as they turn left(U.K) or right(U.S) when the lights turn green

you say "ride facing traffic" WHAT THE f*ck!?!? i SOO hope i got the wrong idea an that you dont mean on the wrong side of the road
if you tried that in the U.K you'd get squashed or arrested in about 5mins!!!!
  • 1 3
 wow if we printed all these comments out wed have a novel abouit prople bitchin for no reason
  • 3 2
 people bitching for no reason? you obviously don't know anyone who's been killed by a car when they were out doing the EXACT SAME THING you enjoy: riding a bike. i did know someone, and i shudder to think that he's gone because of the EXACT SAME mentality suicidedownhiller just described...and you agree with him?

i live in Atlanta where most drivers don't seem to know what a bike even is. but we ride anyways and we ride hard, so anything that can make it safer for us is worth a try.
  • 2 0
 dude sorry i just read the first comment and actually i know of a few people that died im on your side my apologies
  • 1 0
 oh and lest i forget to mention that i tend to get REALLY pissed when a car buzzes me or lays on the horn point blank...i'll flip you the bird in a heartbeat and tell you to f*ck yourself. how many times have the drivers stopped and squared off with me?

  • 0 0
 dude i said sorry just settle down
your upset i know and im sorry
  • 0 0
 It is a touchy subject especially for commuters in towns where biking isn't a priority, which is pretty much everywhere but Portland. I think devices like the Light Lane would be helpful to gain a little more respect for cyclists and awareness that we are on the road.
  • 1 0
 dude i think we should all mount big fucking spotlights on the front and back of our bikes and blind the stupid drivers out of their ass like they do.... pretty fast way to put me in a bad mood when some idiot with their brights on flies past doing about 70 with a foot between my handlebars and his mirror
  • 1 0
 sweet idea though for the light thingy
  • 1 1
 i'm with suicidedownhiller. "ride like you're invisible" means that you should assume that nobody in their car is paying attention to you on your bike. the sad fact is that a distracted or unfocused driver (cell phone, stereo, talking with passenger, eating, make-up, tired, etc.) is probably not going to notice you, even with a blinky lights, reflective clothing, or projected lanes and a bike lane icon. if you pay attention to what they're doing and give them the right of way, even when you shouldn't have to, your chances of making it to your destination are greatly improved. better safe than right.

also, what's with taking "ride like you're invisible" so literally? do i get negative props for saying "ride it like its stolen" because that implies means that i am for bike theft? jeez.
  • 0 0
 he also said "ride facing traffic" he's gotta be f*cking stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 you guys are just so feisty...
  • 0 0
 "ride facing traffic" means that when your going on the left side you can see cars coming towards you and then youll just move over to the side incase they dont see you.
  • 1 0
 The bicycle follows the same rules as a motorcycle, therefore you have to ride on the right side of the road with traffic. Cars will give you the right of way when you are riding through an intersection and they are turning left the opposing way, you decide to turn left and cars will follow the rules allowing you to stop half way in an intersection and then turn on a yellow light. Cars will also slow down and pass you if you are riding in the city. If you decide to ride counter traffic on the right side of the road all that goes out the window. In that case you might as well ride on the sidewalk.
  • 7 0
 please patent this even if you have no plans to make it, or i will Smile x
  • 2 0
 Here we got splitted footpath. Other side for bikers and rollers etc "hi"-speed stuff, other for anything slower. Just don't be a self-centered asshead and make room for everyone. Check youtube for videos from thailand traffic or something, and notice how everyone notices other people, and make room for them.
  • 0 0
 i soooooo wish we had that here in the U.K!!!
  • 1 0
 i ride the streets of San Francisco every week and its crazy. it does not matter how good the drivers are or how good the bikers are. all of that changes when there are a thousand bikes a thousand cars. this looks like a great way to cope with the fact that cars are here to stay and bikes have to deal with it.

amen mtnbker395:

  • 1 0
 I would buy it and I believe I'm not alone. In regards to the second comment left by a somewhat bull headed ignoramus, when you buy body armor, does that mean you go ahead hit that 24' drop you have been scoping? No, all it does is add to confidence. What could it hurt? I dont think bikers are invisable, similar to motorcycles, people just arent aware enough. Maybe this would make them aware. As a mountain biker, urban rider and fixie rider, I see it all. I have saved my own life more than one time, both on my hardtail and on my brakless fixie. This is not a bad idea.
  • 1 0
 Great plan... Can't be legal....

Oh - and suicide downhiller - please stop perpetuating this definition of "Darwinism" - you clearly have a limited grasp of this concept (especially in this most important year for Darwinism). Get an education or be quiet.
  • 3 0
 that is awesome, 1 question though, how far does the light shine on the ground? cuz thats what most of the problem is. you may not see this line in the road until 50ft. away.
  • 0 0
 it's a concept. hasn't been put into production yet.
  • 0 0
 well i know that, but thats one of the problems why it may not go into production.
  • 0 0
 If you use a green laser it will be a lot more visible. My physics teacher uses one cause he's a nerd and they are 10 times(?) brighter and will show up better on asphalt and wet pavement
  • 1 0
 Drivers just don't seem to care there's a bike lane and drive it it anyway to take shortcuts. I get wound up when things like that happen and I'm very visable. Riidng to wor has turned me into an animal I have a serious road rage problem now. Although I'm not phased by the traffic seeing as I road through central London for years. No matter what you do people stil won't see you it's like those disable signs even if they are 10meters high no one will pay any attenion to them. What is neede dis a complete change in polcy and that will onyl ahppen if all political sides agree. My disertation was on sustainable transport soloution in ondon and in the end it was all good in theory but as for practice god dam auwful.
  • 1 1
 I think a better idea would be to have a siren type light attached to the bike somewhere. An orange light like tow trucks and construction vehicles have would be best. Flashing lights get a drivers attention way faster than a red laser on the ground would.
  • 1 1
 thats actually a really good idea. cus at nick a red light looks like just another brake light from a car. like a rotating orange light would be great. it doesnt have to be huge like on a car. but it would work really well. they should do some tests on stuff like this.
  • 1 1
 haha call me stupid but u could put 1 of them orange flashing lights on your helmet to make it really high viz
  • 1 1
 i kinda agree with suicide downhiller about roadies needing to ride single file and not two or three abreast its hard to give them room wen theres an oncoming car nd the roadies are halfway across your lane on the road, i agree people do need to be more curteous to bikers
  • 0 0
 I love this type of sentence...
QUOTE: "That leaves very little distance and time to react if I were to collide with them."
What he's directly saying here is that "if he were to collide with them, he would then have very little time to react..." react in which way? Take off? Call 911?...hahahhaa....
  • 0 0
 i don't think everyone needs to hate suicide downhiller. he has a point in saying that we need to consider ourselves invisible. especially if your coming home from a party all drunk and lightless. yea maybe u shouldn't ride drunk. anyway, at 2am a third of the cars are being driven drunk. so everyone needs to consider that others may not be aware of you. don't get hit by a car and be like, yea that guys an ass, just try really hard to not get hit by a car.
  • 5 0
 Brilliant idea.
  • 0 0
 im sure it will save many lifes
  • 2 0
 I will buy this even if I don't ride too much at night, that is a amazing idea!

Hopefully will save many incidents, and many lives! =)
  • 0 0
 not a bad idea...although it would have to be a fairly strong light..and I don't think it'd be very visible from a distance considering the light is facing the ground... but a great idea...mihgt prove useful..although I probably wouldn't buy one...
  • 0 0
 hate to point out an obvious flaw but, when a cyclist sprints they pump the bike side to side.this will trow the projection all over the lane sorry! an its been proven in the U.K that the most dagerouse part of the road for cyclists is near the curb i,e cycle lanes!!!!
  • 0 0
 I think they should use this technology to create "underglow" like you see on rice rockets for bikes. It will not only look cool (in a rice way) but draw more attention to the cyclist at night.
  • 3 1
 how bright is your "lane"? will the drivers actually see this? or is this just a light show for other riders/pedestrians?
  • 3 1
 I'd buy one, if it projected a flashing middle finger, at the push of a button; or maybe me doing cori's mom?
  • 0 0
 in germany every car has to have 1.5 meters distance to any biker on the side. but in reality its most of the time 0.5 meters or less. so i think this would be a good idea.
  • 1 0
 awesome idea! it'd be frikin wierd seeing that bike symbol moving along the road though? especially for the driver...
  • 1 0
 great idea, and looks really cool....and red color- just awesome! props! Big Grin
  • 0 0
 Sorry just read a post about roadies as cyclists we have the right to use any part of the right side of the road as the road is as much ours and anybody elses.
  • 0 0
 Thats a very good Idea. Best thing coming from the bike industry since the Helmet.
  • 1 2
 Very, Very good idea. I'm all up for it, a better idea may be to use glow in the dark paint, save money and make the idea more welcomed.
  • 0 0
 suicide downhiller needs to shut his mouth.

have some respect.

  • 0 0
 good idea, will see what happens i guess, and i will call cori's mom for a good time. hahahah
  • 0 0
 if some one driving a car cant see a rider they dont deserve to hold a licence! simple as that!
  • 0 0
 How about just putting lights on your bike and actually MAKE bike lanes on the road....
  • 0 0
 just like a motorcycle, but even smaller. The "ride like you're invisible" rule is even more apt here... APT!
  • 0 0
 thats a realy cool/ good idea
  • 0 0
 go on dragons den... you will get investments from each and every dragon!
  • 2 2
 I would pay up to 150$ for this.
200$ if it is programmable.
  • 1 1
 duno if it would actually make the road safer but its an interesting idea
  • 0 0
 its laser technology its not impossible to realize Smile good idea
  • 0 0
 Yes! Please! I need one of these!
  • 0 0
 Yes , I would buy it , so make it !!!
  • 0 0
 The idea is briliant. I just wonder how much it does actually weigh in at.
  • 0 1
 Thats a great idea. WOuld make the roads so much safer.
  • 0 1
 I would ABSOLUTELY be interested in purchasing one. Keep us posted Radek!
  • 0 0
 this things a good idea
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 very cool!
  • 0 1
 We need more products like this! Very clever! I know I'd buy it.
  • 0 1
 great idea i have been hit by my own step dad hahaha
  • 1 1
 Are you sure that was an accedent, haha. Just kidding.
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 I agree with fleuris!
  • 0 1
 where and when!
  • 1 2
 how ironic.

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