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Video & Photo Epic: Matt Hunter Visits South Africa - Trail Hunter

Jul 17, 2018
by MattMiles  

The Brotherhood of Stoke
Video by Matt Miles, Photography by Sterling Lorence

You hear them before you see them, their whistles, threading through the forest like wisps of pure stoke smoke caught on a stiff South African breeze. One, two, three—they're a single thread of riders pulled through the forest as one. They let loose their whistles as they wheelie and swerve—flesh-and-blood kettles whistling wildly on the crust of the earth.

Fanie and Hylly have always whistled when they ride, never really noticed just how much until Matt mentioned it, and now Matt’s doing it, too. Caught up in the moment, he surrenders to the flow state—that part of him that says, “yes” and “more” and “again.”

The part of him that can’t help but whistle.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.


Dogs are not immune to it. With their bellies barely clearing rollers as they leap and chase, Syd and Miya (Hylly’s co-trail builders and pup companions), telegraph their joy not with a whistle, but with a look.

“Syd’s face,” says Hylly, after watching an early cut of the film. “It’s all…gooey.” There’s a smile in his voice as he says it.

“When you’re riding with people who are so super stoked,” says Matt, “you don’t have a choice—you’re going to be on that level with them. They bring you to it.”

There’s a long pause before he wistfully adds.

“I wish I was better at whistling, though.”

Fanie will tell you that the quality of the whistle is immaterial—it’s the release that counts. A simple action with its own distinct voice. A voice that says: I am here. I am with you. We are together.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

The Trail Whisperer

Hylton “Hylly” Turvey is a man of few words. Conversations are punctuated by long pauses, and he seems to put as much care into answering a question as he does to building a trail. There's quiet contemplation of the situation at hand, followed by a thoughtful response.

“I want to create this feeling of what I want to feel on my bike,” he says, explaining his basic trail building philosophy. It can be summed up in one word: Flow. “I enjoy flow,” says Hylly, “So I imagine the mountain and me riding down it on my bike—and that's where the trail will go.”

Flow. It’s that feeling all mountain bikers chase. Found in that euphoric moment when the switch flips from riding the trail to becoming one with it. And in that moment, there's nothing but you, the bike, the trail, and the earth. It is effortless.

Matt Hunter is no stranger to flow, of course, but the trails Hylly and his brother-in-law, Fanie Kok, share with him in Karkloof catch him off guard. These trails, built by Hylly throughout the Karkloof valley, were intended to be the appetizer on the trip, set to whet the appetite for the main course of Drakensberg. But something unexpected happened, and it felt so organic that they switched their focus. Sure, they’d still go ride Drakensberg—the berg itself is an UNESCO world heritage site, but the foothills with ripe with rideable trails—but it felt natural for their experience on Hylly’s trails in Karkloof to set the tone for this episode.

“I think the way he’s [Hylly] connected to the land has allowed him to build a trail network through a valley he was born in and loves,” says Matt. “He really created something that wasn’t there before. I don’t think many people do that—live in a place and change it vastly for the better because they love it.”
It was a love born of necessity—a passion ignited by the hills and valleys of his home.

“I didn't really specifically set out to be a trail builder,” says Hylly. “But growing up where I live in Karkloof, […] we didn't really have anything to ride, so whatever we wanted to ride we had to create.” It wasn’t an easy career trajectory for him either—the expected path is doctor, lawyer, accountant—but he saw no other option for himself. “When I said I wanted to be a trail builder, I got a lot of funny looks. I can't really explain it to people, you know? When something resonates with you, you can't really explain it, but it just feels like this is what you're meant to be doing.”

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

“He builds because riding is also a part of his expression. It becomes this full picture where he doesn't just build for other people to enjoy—he builds it because he also needs to express himself in that way through his riding.”
– Fanie Kok, Soil Searching director and purveyor of stoke.

Trail building—is it art, craft, of a little of both?

“I’d say it’s both,” says Hylly. “It’s expression. Some days it's not even about the trail—some days it's just getting up and just digging. When I've been in some of my darkest places, I just head to the mountain and dig. It allows for space, you know? It's almost therapeutic.”

Some people paint or play instruments to relax or express their feelings—Hylton Turvey grabs a shovel and sculpts the earth.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.


Like a high-pressure hose slashing wildly on a front lawn, the trail twists and turns its way across the face of a grassy hill. From a distance, it’s a single dirt vein on the earth, alive and beating. We see single word—the name of this trail—carved into a weathered piece of wood and mounted to a stake. Sisonke. It's Fanie’s Xhosa name.

Hylly built this trail, teasing it from the earth’s cradle like a splinter from a thumb. Using the hill’s cloaked, natural contours and form, he scratched respectfully at it with shovels and mattocks until it was revealed to world.

“For me,” says Hylly, “It’s [about] not disturbing too much of the land around you and working with what is there, because ultimately, that gives you the best trail. You can't recreate that natural flow that the mountain already has.”

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

The name, Sisonke—what does it mean?

“I sometimes think of the character of the trail,” he says. “And somebody will come into my mind. This trail, I was thinking of a name and then it just popped into my mind and I knew straight away—it had to be ‘cause it definitely describes Fanie.”

This trail describes Fanie? Wild and exuberant? A bottomless pit of enthusiasm for the ride?

“My name,” says Fanie, explaining the Xhosa word, “means ‘we are together.’ It’s like when you say to somebody, 'are you all right or are we good?' It basically means 'OK, now everything's fine, everything's cool, we're on the same page.' We are together.”

This moment, these guys, this trail—it all falls into place.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok riding in the trails of Karkloof and Drakensberg in South Africa.

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

They may have come to South Africa to ride Hylly’s favorite trails, but what they found was connection. Not just to the homeland where Hylly grew up, but with each other. Does a trail exist without a rider? Does a rider exist without a trail? These are "if a tree falls in the woods" questions, sure, but if Matt wants you to take anything from this experience, it’s this: No matter how you look at it—a brotherhood a sisterhood, a solidarity of stoke—every now and then we should all step back and take a moment to recognize those unsung heroes who stoke our stoke. Those whose passion for digging at the dirt and create world-class feast of flow—trail builders like Hylly.

Or to put it another way—when you’ve had great meal, it’s nice to thank the chef.


Matt Hunter rides with locals Hylton Turvey and Fanie Kok on the trails in the Karkloof and Drakensberg Range of South Africa

Riders: Matt Hunter, Fanie Kok, Hylton Turvey
Director/Cinematographer: Matt Miles
Produced: Matt Hunter
Photographer: Sterling Lorence
words : Janeen McCrae
Sound: Racket Sound
Music: Junius Meyvant

Author Info:
MattMiles avatar

Member since Apr 5, 2012
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  • 68 0
 Matty has the best job ever! Plus he really pushes the limits of riding in areas and adventures. Great ambassador for the sport and the community!
  • 13 0
 Hunter's outlook on mtb-ing is different than a lot of pros. He is pushing the limits of exploration on a bike which really brings mtb-ing to different level.
  • 9 0
 Agreed, definitely the best job ever!! Probably the best person for the job as well.
  • 32 0
 I'll be sending an invoice for the broken scroll wheel on my mouse. EPIC photo epic!
  • 25 0
 Please can joey Schusler have a one edit release from YETI so he can do a project with Matt Hunter. that would produce possibly the most amazing film ever. one day...one day.
  • 1 0
 True !
  • 2 2
 Yeti should pick up hunter. Way more core .. bru
  • 17 0
 Baie lekker!!
  • 2 0
 skhokho, rather!!
  • 2 0
 lokks like a lekker lifestyle!!!
  • 14 0
 At 4:15 epic scrub from the two pups!
  • 13 0
 This must be the best door mat I have ever seen.
  • 7 0
 Thanks Pinkbike and the big S for posting/creating this. The Trail Hunter series is one of the best, if not THE best one on the site.

Thanks to Mr. Lawrence for listening to my plea for a portrait orientation photo for my phone! You squeezed it in just before my birthday too!!
  • 2 0
 My bad. Mr. Lorence. Apologies.
  • 9 0
 Damn Matt, every video you release just blows my mind and get's my stoke for riding high. Thank you!
  • 4 0
 What Matty is doing is just... perfect dreams!

Met Fanie 3w ago and he is just... what should I say - man with perfect vision. Would love to hang out with him more, build some trails, etc. I hope he is coming to Slovenia again... soon!

#soulsearching 3
  • 7 0
 Holy shit! Bikes are cool... I never miss a Trail Hunter.
  • 5 0
 What am I doing with my life? (sits in cubicle at work..) Thanks for taking my mind and imagination on a little trip this morning.
  • 4 0
 Matt Hunter, epic adventure as always. Matty Miles, the captures on this trip, the edit, just brought your filming to a new level. Clips are incredible. Great job!????
  • 5 0
 This put a pit of longing in my stomach / overwhelmed me with shred-majestic awe of people and planet.
  • 3 0
 Lovely. I've hiked/climbed around and up those high mountains in the days when MTB virtually didn't exist. Over 3000m in places. Breathtaking. Need to get back there and ride!
  • 5 0
 Wow, awesome all around. Great writing Janeen.
  • 6 0
 Yup. Production values are high but the prose stood out
  • 2 0
 Having been fortunate to meet and ride some of Hiltons trails I'm super stoked to see him get some international exposure/recognition. He is truly leaving a legacy behind. I salute you my friend
  • 3 0
 Trailhunter edits have become events. We're always waiting for the next. Miles, Hunter and the subjects of your edits take a bow.
  • 5 0
 Lekker bru!
  • 2 0
 An article about riding and trail building and trailbuiler what a breath of fresh air! Amazing looking trails with beautiful scenery! Can we have more please!
  • 3 0
 Thoroughly enjoyed this. Amazing shots, music choice, and vibes!
  • 2 0
 Can we please have a closer look on this raw aluminum Enduro? It looks so sweet!
  • 3 0
 De Keng will now have de powha of de Bleck Pantheh stripped aweh!!!
  • 3 0
 South Africa without Lions sighting? Incomplete.
  • 7 1
 Yeah because we all have pet lions and ride our elephants to wotk.
  • 1 1
 Lions were shot out in that area over a century ago...
  • 3 2
 @Rig: the only thing worse than ignorant stereotypes made about africa, is a knee-jerk reaction by somebody from africa who assumes that every comment from a foreigner is an ignorant stereotype about africa. Dude just wanted to see some lions.
  • 4 0
 @GeeHad: tongue in cheek my friend, tongue in cheek.
  • 2 0
 @Rig: Yeah yeah no worries. Having spent a lot of time living in southern africa, I've yet to have (say) an American ask me if I fought off Lions to get to school and OH, do I know the Thompsons from Kenya? But what I have heard, is a LOT of other southern africans claiming that this happens to them all the time. It starts to wear a bit thin IMO. Anyway, whatever, it's a cool video. Done many a hike in The Drakensberg.
  • 1 0
 @GeeHad: Yeah I gotta be honest it is an stereotype I think most foreigners know is not actually accurate, but you still get the one or two people who will act surprised when you tell them about your high speed fibre optic connection or 5 lane highways. My mom was in Spain a while back and met some Americans who she started chatting with - when she told them she was from South Africa the one actually said "Oh, you don't look native" hahaha.

But anyway, that's off topic! Was a sick edit, The Drakensberg area is probably one of the most beautiful parts of the country - this video has inspired a bit of a road trip up there before the end of the year.
  • 3 0
 Matt miles......... so talented. Well done
  • 2 0
 It is confirmed. Trail hunter is the best MTB series ever! And, those little dogs rip too!
  • 2 0
 This collection of pics and stories is incredible. really really makes me want to ride in general, and possibly visit SA
  • 2 0
 Great film. Makes me appreciate quieter free-hubs and the stoke release is spot on.
  • 1 0
 Really enjoyed this article and the pics. What breed of dogs are Syd and Miya?
  • 1 0
 I find it funny how irregardless of how busy the day is I can always find time for a new "trail hunter" release
  • 1 0
 ????????????????Keren banget videonya. Matt Hunter tidak pernah mengecewakan ????????
  • 2 0
 Great vid, awesome pooches!
  • 2 0
 Great Pics! Pure awesomeness!
  • 2 0
  • 1 0

"Wait, what honey? No, don't worry about that, just Tourette's..."
  • 2 0
 Daaaaaaaaamn! That was incredible.
  • 1 0
 Amazing video and story. Takes me back to when politicians hadn't detroyed my country yet.
  • 2 1
 I can't put my finger on exactly why, but there is no one I would rather watch doing these types of trips than Matt Hunter.
  • 2 0
 Home sweet home!
  • 1 0
 Sisonke trail!Where is exactly?Didn't find it on trailforks
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Only Matt didn't mount his saddle on the left leg of the fork.
  • 2 0
 Epic, indeed!
  • 2 1
 Shame the country is descending into undeveloping status once again.
  • 14 0
 It's a true pity, but I can ensure you that some of us are working as hard as we can to keep up the good times. Please do visit us and come and enjoy the power of your dollars in this amazing country with so much on offer for riders and non-riders alike...
  • 2 0
 Jy sal baie beïndruk wees met hierdie dalende land. Kom besoek, geniet ons asemrowende landskappe, eet buitengewone heerlike kos en ontmoet ons gasvrye mense. Oh! Bring ook jou fiets saam of huur een.
  • 2 0
 SA is still awesome & worth a visit
  • 7 0
 I moved here from 2 1st world countries and I see hope, stoke and awesomeness. Everywhere has issues it's a shame people love to focus on that rather then the positives. It's nice to live somewhere which is on many people 'holiday of a lifetime' destination and get to ride on one of the natural wonders of the world daily.
  • 1 1
 @YoYoHo: i agree but white farmers getting murdered for being white farmers is a pretty big negative. not being able to own a company isn't insignificant either. looks like beautiful country; would love to see it someday.
  • 2 0
 Same could be said for 'Murica right now.

(And I am a citizen of the US of A).
  • 2 0
 @mm732: I own 2 companies, employ a good few people, get government contracts etc and haven't felt the reverse racism that is cried out. Farm murders are a very skewed narrative (my in laws are a big farming family in SA). There are issues around that and needs to be tackled but they are farm murders and not white farm murders. Thing is check the numbers compared to road traffic accidents here or prescription drug deaths in the US.
  • 1 0
 Yet again, I want this guy's life.
  • 1 0
 Thank you for Coming Matt -we need more of that !!
  • 2 0
 Nice one! Awesome video.
  • 1 0
 Awesome!! Time to get back to work Smile
  • 1 0
 Looks like the absolute trip of a lifetime!
  • 1 0
 good times boii!!
  • 1 0
 I need a dog.
  • 1 0
 wow. Very cool.
  • 1 0
 Prototype Enduro?
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