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  • 116 0
 That is one of those corners you dont want to highside!
  • 42 11
 I'd be walking my bike for this section! D:
  • 37 3
 if your really worried about it, just slow down, no need to walk a bicycle! sick picture tho! scenery is beautiful
  • 25 2
 I'd fall off the cliff because I would be gawking at the Serene the whole time. XD
  • 14 5
 he need a parachute!
  • 11 1
 minion super tacky's.........no problem Smile
  • 21 0
 look where you want to go, not where you dont...
  • 8 0
 I would shit my pants coming around a corner like that. So rad.
  • 5 44
flag CaPtAiNhOwDy (Oct 17, 2011 at 21:04) (Below Threshold)
 We ride stuff like this all the time in southern utah Home of Redbull Rampage. Mountain biking is about testing your limits and having the BALLS to do it, As a mountain biker if you would walk this section rather than Ride it YOU NEED TO GROW A SET, OR SELL YOUR BIKE!!!
  • 16 0
 Mountain biking is about living... through your ride so there can be more rides to come.
  • 1 1
 i got butterflies just thinking about riding next to a cliff like that!!!
  • 3 3
 Shit captain Howdy, I meant to give you neg props! Sorry. Frown I would like to see a picture of you drifting round a corner like this in Utah.
  • 2 8
flag CaPtAiNhOwDy (Oct 19, 2011 at 0:21) (Below Threshold)
 Read my reply again! The pic is AMAZING! My reply is to the fact that YOU would walk this section obviously you didnt ride it, I havent drifted a corner like this but I ride on the edge of DEATH all the time! SOUTHERN UTAH THE MECA OF MTN BIKING!
  • 11 0
  • 1 1
 One does not simply walk into Mordor. he rides
  • 2 0
 To ride that place you need to have a PARACHUTE with you. lol
  • 3 0
 that cliff is about...


this high
  • 89 0
 one does not simply shred into mordor
  • 2 0
  • 25 0
 You shall not Crash!
  • 8 0
 bikepizza with the best comment of the day, hahaha
  • 4 0
 Hahaha - made my day
  • 2 0
 Best comment I;ve ever seen on pinkbike!
  • 45 1
 dammit pinkbike
you make working a desk job 135% more brutal
  • 14 0
 Especially when you make this pic your desktop background...
  • 8 0
 They never should have given me the internet at work. Can I put Pinkbike: 4.0hrs on my time sheet?
  • 4 0
 You guys are lucky. Pinkbike is blocked at work, but not facebook...WTF!!
  • 4 0
 Karpiel, I feel for you man. If it wasn't for PB at work I'd probably go on a shooting spree or just start drinking at work.
  • 4 0
 Sucks PB is blocked at work for you man, if they did that at my work I would have to find a new job.
  • 1 2
 not tryin' to bag on you..but you should try and find a job you can enjoy. whats the point in doin' something if it doesn't make you happy?? however, if its the only thing that can support the fam..that is something else..
  • 3 0
 work to live, don't live to work.
  • 2 0
 i'm working a deskjob because i kinda need food for eating and what not. just stuff like this, with the way the economy is going , is just so far away it kills me that i may never experience this in my life
  • 3 0
 so the latter of what i was saying. I guess what ever works then right?
  • 3 0
 yeah -_- oh well, i'm done being a deskslave. im going to go do what i love and i don't care what anyone says. i have only one life
  • 2 0
 gooood for you man!! Enjoy the time you got here. what do you really have to lose, beside a few dollars. What makes you happy? money or biking (or whatever it may be)...
  • 2 0
 I'm in the military so i cant just find a new job lol
  • 2 0
 Crap, sorry about the shooting spree comment man, poor choice of words on my part......and Thank You Salute
  • 2 0
 Well, I thank you very much for fighting for our country. Thank you very, very much.
  • 2 0
 No worries guys and its my pleasure!
  • 41 1
 Call me a pussy or what you will, but i would take that at granny's pace for fear of my actual life.
  • 5 46
flag freeriderayward (Oct 17, 2011 at 3:35) (Below Threshold)
 Actually I wouldn't, cause braking too much and putting corners disturbs flow, and can feel worse than riding at a good speed.
  • 45 0
 How much flow would you have rag-dolling down a cliff cos you over cooked or froze up on that corner?
  • 4 0
 Epic flow XD
  • 15 1
 It's pictures and moments like these that make biking what it is, the most awesomely bad ass sport ever! great shot bud Razz
  • 6 4
 Nice shot!! I love the contrasting colours of the blue sky and green grass. Shadows and light highlight the riders perfectly. As for the location, it looks amazing. One of those pics that makes the viewer think "wish I was there". Would be a hell of a rider. Great shot guys.
  • 2 0
 that is an awsome picture!
  • 2 0
 This is just amazing, best trail ever, well deserved POD !!!
  • 6 1
 Epic. This photo is the definition of Mountain Biking!
  • 2 0
 yikes --- no error zone for sure. Moab is like that too. Trails are a little on the narrow side of things but actually pretty smooth rolling BUT if you mess up, you're dead... or real close to death's bed.
  • 2 0
 Man... Isn't there somewhere less death defying you can ride??? If my family caught me riding anywhere near that ledge I would never hear the end of it... Props fro doing it though...
  • 4 0
 Definitely a turtles head moment!
  • 2 0
 woa.............still cant take my eyes off of those mountains in the backround...oh wait i just did...to post this comment...DANGIT!
  • 2 0
 That shot is a perfect example for the spirit of mountainbiking... absolutely love it!
  • 3 0
 wow... thats insane, no margin for error, lol
  • 2 0
 This should convince any British Columbians that Europeans know a little about big mountain rides too! Big Grin
  • 3 1
 The mountains in the left of this shot look like they should have the beacons of gondor on them
  • 2 0
 looking at the thumbnail i was like whatever just pretty mountains, then i see the bikes and i'm like WTF?
  • 3 0
 What a fukin weirdo n yh am bent
  • 2 0
 I like the clouds!! it looks like a dolphin and a humming bird dancing together!!
  • 2 0
 Awesome PIcture. Tommorows POD? HopeFully!
  • 3 1
 That would hurt if you fell off.
  • 2 0
 Probably wouldn't be alive long enough to feel anything.
  • 10 0
 It would hurt if you were.
  • 2 0
 I bet the feeling of falling of a thousand meter cliff knowing you dont have a parachute on hurts.
  • 2 0
 that is such a sick trail!! great pod!!!
  • 2 0
 sweeet! so awsome a spelts sweet with 3 eee's thats how dang good it is!
  • 2 0
 i was there couple weeks ago.... simply awesome trail...
  • 2 0
 im scared just looking at this,
  • 2 0
 why am i not there right now? dam.
  • 2 0
 Woooow look out for that banana peel!!!!!!!
  • 2 0
 "On the next; IRT Most Dangerous Roads..."
  • 2 0
 you should have taken it off the cliff.
  • 3 1
 Umm, huck it to flat anyone????
  • 2 0
 That won't be the best place to make a fuck up hahah
  • 2 0
 That's some serious exposure!
  • 2 0
 dammit I should've saved a nomination for this photo!
  • 2 0
 Right click, set as background!!
  • 2 0
 does any one have this in a larger size?? like 1080 x (i forget)??
  • 2 0
 first time being below the threshold, so shameful. thought it was funny
  • 2 0
 Riding on the edge... literally lol
  • 2 0
 Now I want to go climbing and biking
  • 2 0
 this one will be POY picture of the year!!! simply amazing!!!
  • 2 0
 Sick... vote for Photo of the Year
  • 2 0
 WOW!! it will be POD!!
  • 3 1
 I wanna go to italy!!!!
  • 3 1
 wow nice!
  • 3 1
 dont look down
  • 3 1
 sick shot!
  • 2 0
 Pack a parachute!
  • 2 0
 holy fuck
  • 3 1
 New desktop picture !!
  • 2 0
 dont slip
  • 3 1
  • 2 0
 dont slip
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 Big scale!!!
  • 2 0
  • 2 1
 Take a right! There is a sweet stepdown!
  • 2 0
 sick adventure !
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 I take it those are parachutes and not camelbacks? Razz
  • 2 0
 where is this
  • 2 0
 great photo
  • 1 0
 I saw this place on a documentary about mountain goats
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 what the ......... !
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