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Lance Armstrong and I have something in common; we have the same number of Tour De France wins!!!!

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a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:54
May 27, 2023
British Cycling Limits Transgender Women Competing in Female Categories
I disagree. This is a step in the right direction. Though it would have been more fair to have men, women and open class that all can compete in. No doubt snowflakes with soft noses would have been offended by a third category because it isn't "inclusive enough" Too bad. Go cry about it. At least a notable organization has the "balls" to take this step. its been 20 years of this charade and enough is enough. If anyone brings up suicide because of this decision it will only support my stance that much of this issue is ground in mental health issues. PROVE ME WRONG
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:50
May 27, 2023
British Cycling Limits Transgender Women Competing in Female Categories
@Mtbdialed: It's painfully obvious why this is happening. Life as a women is easier on 90% of measurable levels. These "men" are weak and want whats easier. It's that simple. The number of opportunities that have been erased in the last 20years for women is actually staggering when you consider the low levels of participation of women in the competitive arena. Nobody wants to say it, so I will. This is a mental health crisis among men and its affecting women sports and is being enabled by governments and sporting associations and industry. Enough is enough.
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:40
May 27, 2023
British Cycling Limits Transgender Women Competing in Female Categories
@loamseeker: you are out of your mind. Very straw man argument. The ones that do are the outliers and should be protected from a mid pack performing "man" from coming in and taking the glory for the women category.
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:35
May 27, 2023
British Cycling Limits Transgender Women Competing in Female Categories
they don't want that or they would have fought for that. its been over 20years this has been going on. They clearly want whats easiest.
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:33
May 27, 2023
British Cycling Limits Transgender Women Competing in Female Categories
yep. funny it took 9months....a time frame trans women will never fully understand.
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:31
May 27, 2023
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:29
May 27, 2023
British Cycling Limits Transgender Women Competing in Female Categories
They don't want that or they would have fought for it by now. They are weak narsistic "men" that are starved for attention and can't get the W the honest way so they invade the women class where the pickings are easier for them.
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 27, 2023 at 10:27
May 27, 2023
British Cycling Limits Transgender Women Competing in Female Categories
Perfect. These "men" will have to race with other Men and then they will leave the sport. Enough of this charade. Women fought hard for their sports and opportunities and to see a bunch of "men" take them away is sickening. Don't agree? I don't care. Its no different than every doping scandal and we never let those Men off the hook, so why should these mentally ill weak "men" get a pass and steal others dreams?
a-r-c edspratt's article
May 16, 2023 at 6:33
May 16, 2023
UCI Changes World Cup DH Rules with New Semi-Final Points, No Timed Training & More
Disparity between mens and women points is just semantics. it has no basis in pay equity, which I still think should be linked to revenue, but I digress. Timed training out......good. what a useless concept that had people making ridiculous predictions on timed runs that were worth nothing and meant even less. Go ahead and judge me, I don't care. the real problem is the majority of wokies can't define what a woman is. Someone mentioned #savewomanssports. Let me tell you a story about the first Trans woman in our sport. Michelle Dumaresq, formerly Michel. Much like Michelle Obama, she was once a man and transitioned to then hold the highest position in Elite for women our sport. This extinguishing at least a dozen promising careers and at the height of it all this man with a mental illness, who was only ranked mid-pack Expert men, had a feminist lesbian film crew follow her around and point cameras in everyones faces to get them to either capitulate or incriminate themselves on film. It was cheap, cowardly and clearly wrong. Just so a confused person could feed their XY ego. LGBTQwhatever should have their own league of sports. Like I said before, salaries based on revenue will quickly determine the fate of that. So who has to change all this? Is it the UCI. No! Is it us men. No! Women need to embrace their empowerment, stand on their own two feet and take a stand for biological XX females. They are the only ones that can change this, but they are too busy fighting for equal pay to men that they don't notice that their own sports are becoming dominated by men posing women. Time to wake up ladies. Rise and shine or lose out completely. You are literally fighting for equal pay of all men at this point. You put the cart before the horse, should've locked down fairness in XX sports, but you went for the money, which was predictable and any XY man thats been through divorce wasn't surprised by this, now you ensured that mentally ill men can invade your arena for some easy money. Is what I said wrong....maybe, might have hurt some feelings. But, guess what? reality and facts don't care about your feelings. So when the day comes that the top three "women" on the podium are XY and XX's start dropping out of the sport, just remember that all the signs were their and at that point it will be even more of a partriarchy then you think it is today.
ridelog deleted...
Apr 5, 2023 at 19:44
Apr 5, 2023
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