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Live to Ride - Being Free - Feature Length Film Now Online!

Nov 14, 2011 at 12:41
by Russ Clark  

Live To Ride Being Free logo massive thanks to James Webber for designing this for us

The long awaited full film - Being Free - is here! This summer Nico Turner has been working hard travelling across the UK and Europe to produce this master piece. Anyone with any experience of film making knows just how hard it is to create something of this standard purely off your own back. Nico rises to the challenge every time and reminds us what dedication is all about. He is behind the camera for every single shot and has spent hours in front of a monitor editing for your viewing pleasure!

Here in the UK we make the best of what we've got and I truly believe we have some of the best trails in the world. Anyone can build a little jump in some woods, but it takes a special group of individuals to build something that attracts people from miles around and makes them want to ride it again and again. This film shows what can be achieved when you bring together hard work, dedication and a passion for good trails.

Enjoy the film!

Views: 90,399    Faves: 1,685    Comments: 94

Riders featured; Josh Lane, Russ Clark, Ben Lord, Craig Butler, Robert Williams, Harry Steel, James Ioannou, Blake Samson, Ray Samson, Rob Welch, Jesse Jones, Craig Potter, Tom Blackham and Ryan Nangle.

Big thanks to our sponsors Ezo Brand Clothing, 661, Sunline and Maxxis for supporting us while we do what we love.

whip www.delayedpleasure.com
  Also a big thanks to Szymon Nieborak for being a big supporter of our project.

Q&A with Nico Turner on Being Free:

Why did you want to make this film?

It’s been a burning ambition of mine to finally spend a whole summer producing a bike film that is free to view for the public. I’ve tried it in the past, but only ever burnt the videos to DVD so this was really exciting as I am hoping that it will get seen by thousands of people from all over the world. I wanted to make the film just as a side project to my university work. I really enjoy riding bikes and always love filming them, so it just made sense to go all out and create a full bike film.

Nico so deep into his shot that he didn t notice this ladybird on his shoulder Photo by Szymon Nieborak delayedpleasure.com

What sort of equipment did you use to make the film?

I was really stoked at the beginning of summer when I finally got around to getting my hands on a DSLR to film with. I’m using the Kiss 4x (or 550D) and as of yet am loving it. I was literally getting my head around how the camera worked whilst making the film which is why whenever I watch the film back all I can see is the faults within my filming. But that’s the same with anything though. As for other equipment, I use the raddest DIY dolly! I’ve been using this set up for a few years now and to be honest, can’t fault it! Although hitting old men over the head with 2 meter long plastic piping whilst trying to navigate your way down a narrow train isle isn’t advisable! I also use a Hague K2 Junior Jib arm. Hague are a cool company based in Nottingham and if you need any affordable grip equipment you should definitely check those guys out!

Tell us about that opening segment with all the time lapse leaf sweeping...

Russ came up with this idea when we first started filming for the winter series back last winter and to be honest, I thought he was nuts. But when we got the brushes out this time around I really felt as if it was helping to carve a path through the woods, somewhat following the riders on their journey down the trail.


How did Josh end up in the film?

Josh actually wasn’t originally scripted into the film, but oh my I’m glad he turned up for the first segment! It was thanks to Szymon Nieborak (Lunatyk) who was coming down to our local to shoot some photos for Being Free. He had been shooting with Josh Lane the style demon for a few weeks and thought that our woods would be perfect for some shots. As soon as I saw him riding down the tracks I just couldn’t help but think how stylish he was on his bike, so it was a no brainer to ask him if he was up for some filming.

Style Photo by Szymon Nieborak delayedpleasure.com

Josh is possibly the coolest guy to film with, he’s 100% stoked on everything and always stays positive, not that anything could ever go wrong when filming with him. It's like a dream world whenever I hook up with him because all I have to say is "can you do this?" and the answer is always “Yeah I’ll give it a go” A prime example is when we were filming at Woburn and I was like "could you do anything stupid up the step up there?" Josh didn’t really know what I meant so I suggested a backflip, to which he said no, but he was more than happy to try a 360, and sure enough he did it. I mean a 360 on a downhill bike, come on!

What's with the pond in the Isle of Wight segment? That looks like a pretty unique location...

Ha ha, well Harry Steele, he’s the nicest guy in the world and is fortunate enough to live in a very nice house on the Isle of Wight. It was great fun going down there filming with him and the boys in his garden and there has to be a massive shout out to his brother Andy Steele who helped me get onto a boat with him and into that pond.

And what about the tank?!

Harry's brother is an awesome guy, and as it turns out he used to work for a local tank museum where he got to do the demonstrations “blowing up cars and plowing through trucks” as he put it. Well I guess one of the perks of the job is getting to have your very own tank! I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was super stoked when he drove that out of the garage.

Tell us about EZO BRAND Clothing.

EZO is a rad company based down in Brighton, the guys helped me out loads this summer with taking me down to Bestival with them and they also helped out with some cash for an advert that you see at the beginning of the film.

Big no hander

How did you meet Craig Butler and what's he like to film with?

I met ‘Grandpa’ Craig though the local riding community, he is a really nice guy, a bit eccentric, but it’s nice to film with someone with so much life (even for his age!) Craig was great to film with, always up for trying stuff as many times as I needed him to and the tracks we filmed on where his local up at Ambergate in Derbyshire, so he knew the tracks well and could hit everything first time.

What's with the clip at the end of his segment where he jumps that big gap?

At the end of Craig’s section there is a shot of him sending the 32 footer that we built down the local, he was the first to step up to the challenge and don his steed to guinea pig the jump. He crashed on his first attempt, but was straight up to send it again.

Views: 9,774    Faves: 35    Comments: 16

Tell us about that street section. Not seen much street from you so it was a welcome surprise!

This segment of the film was shot in Derby, but I really wanted some footage for the beginning of the section so I shot those in Nottingham. I got kicked off the roof of a local shopping centre's car park, but apart from that the filming was good. Derby is a cool place to film, but there isn’t that much to do in the way of street so we decided to buff this segment out with some footage we shot at Pursuit MTB Park where Lee Johnson was very hospitable and had us down there for a weekend to celebrate Jesse Jones' birthday.

So that Rob Williams looked pretty fast...

For sure! Rob is absolutely pinned, I couldn’t believe it when he told me that he hadn’t been filmed before. He is a dream to film with as well because he gets everything right first time. It was a little scary when on the end of day one he nearly killed himself hitting a tree and we all held our breaths as Rob checked whether he had broken his collar bone. Luckily he hadn’t and the very next morning we went over to Cwmcarn to shoot him doing a big whip over the bottom table. The trails we filmed Rob on were actually his ‘XC’ tracks, he has so many tracks near him that he just wasn’t sure what to film on and was stoked on these tracks because he knew that no one else had ever filmed them.

You finished the film off with Ryan Nangle's segment. What was that like and what was going on with the steam on the trees?

Before I met Ryan I had been very aware of his videos over at Ryan Nangle Media. Those are definitely worth watching if you haven’t already. I had heard him being described as a ‘Trick Machine’ before and damn was that statement correct. Another great rider who arguably wasn’t afraid to try anything. I arrived at Ryan's on a Thursday, and originally planned to film both Thursday and Friday, but on Thursday it rained all day. This wasn’t good and we were both pretty worried we wouldn’t even get any chance to film. But as the day went on the rain laid off so we went down to the trails to find them absolutely flooded beyond belief. 2 – 3 foot puddles in bowls and as Ryan put it ‘The worst I’ve ever seen it’. We definitely had a job in clearing out the trails so that they were ready to ride on Friday. None the less after some hard labour we woke up on Friday to see sun leaking through the blinds and the steam coming off the trees was a visual treat. It was happening all over the woods as the sun hit the wet trees. It just made sense to shoot it.

Filming for the Summer Live To Ride Film

I love Ryan's approach to riding his bike, it inspired me a lot. His statement “without any building, you have no riding scene” really hit home and I hope it rings bells in some people's heads. It's a shame when people aren’t prepared to dig because as Ryan says, there would be nothing fun to ride in the UK unless people built it!

Be sure to follow us on facebook for updates on all our future projects

Author Info:
russclark avatar

Member since Sep 20, 2009
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  • 14 0
 Nico, you've really outdone yourself here. Not only are all the segments amazing, they really flow together nicely. The filming and editing is top notch and you can really see how much thought has gone into every shot. Goes without saying that all the riders kill it too.
  • 14 0
 Thanks man means a lot!
  • 22 1
 I feel like I should have paid to watch that, was so good!
  • 4 0
 what wolfridge said. really good job
  • 3 0
 i feel like a 12 year old who just stole a starburst from a supermarket.
  • 6 0
 Josh is such a nice guy that f...kn kills it, I rocked up to Woburn(UK) from Melbourne (Australia) on holiday, had a kicked back chat in the car park, then we rocked in and had an awesome ride. Asked him about how to pull epic whips like he does and he showed me the trix of the trade.
Meeting new riders and having a good time doing is what it's all about. To all you Ozzie riders... Stop being so f..king competitive and chill (impossible). We can't all be WC's like we strive for over here.
  • 4 0
 f..king word! its gotten to the point now where if there are 2 groups of 3 people at a DH track just sessioning, they dont talk to each other because people think its cool to speak with your riding. As in, sending a decent whip pretty much means "these are my trails, feel free to be ashamed of your jumping. leave as soon as possible."

Well i say f*ck that, I ride where i like, with who i like, for a long as i like.
  • 5 0
 Josh Lane is a STAR! Really diggin' his style. Can definitely appreciate all these dudes putting together a great vid, and FREE!

"I mean a 360 on a downhill bike, come on!" ...
  • 4 1
 Is it possible to download your movie? I'd love to be able to put on my PS3 so I can watch it on my TV. I would even be happy to pay for it. Checkout dendrite.myshopify.com for an example. Now they have a set price of $1.99 for HD download, when they first released their film they had a "pay us what you want" model. I think I'm done paying $30 for bike movie DVDs, however, I would have no problem paying $5-$10 for high quality digital downloads.
  • 2 0
 I think that would be a good idea
  • 2 0
 and upload all of the segments individually?
  • 2 0
 I agree - I couldn't believe that amazing vid was free! If Nico earned just 50p a view and invested it in his production co.... imagine the results....
  • 2 0
 You can download from vimeo vimeo.com/31537590
It's about 2gb so it will take ages though!
  • 3 0
 Hey guys, here's a list of the music in the film, hope this helps!

Live To Ride Being Free sound track.

1. EZO Advert: Klaypex – Chinter’s Will (Feat. Sara Kay)
2. Film Intro: Alan Wilkis – The Hustle
3. Russ Clark: DJ Shadow – You can’t go home again
4. Russ Clark, Josh Lane, Ben Lord: Phantogram (Alan Wilkis Remix) – Mouthful of Diamonds
5. Harrys Garden: Danger Mouse & Jemini – Medieval ft. the Pharcyde
6. Harry Steele & James Ioannou: Immuzikation – Sleepy Dream
7. Josh Lane: Alan Wilkis – The Hustle
8. Craig Richards: Firefox AK – My Sister and I
9. Harry Steele (Tank): The Knux ft. Kid Kudi – Run
10. Harry Steele (France): The Rural Alberta Advantage – Stamp
11. Street (intro): Chiddy Bang ft. Childish Gambino – Put it in your manners.
12. Jesse Jones, Tom Blackham Rob Welch: TAI – Big Bass Drum
13. Rob Williams: Maverick Sabre – Let Me Go (Shy FX & Benny P Remix)
14. Rob Welch & Craig Potter: Awolnation – Sail
15. Ryan Nangle: Hudson Mohawk – Fuse
16. Credits: The Black Seeds – The Answer.

  • 3 0
 I meet josh lane and his family at my first ever race at Aston hill defintly the nicest guy I have meet ridding. He talked me through all race tips and had a session the day before. great help and defiantly deserved the win at that race. Wish him all the best of luck. Great film great editing loved it!!!!
  • 2 0
 AWESOME man... I am cuurently studying a film production degree at uni trying to persaude my tutors that bike films can contain as much art and narrative as any other genre. Some really beautifull shots on here and as a film all together is truely a pleasure to watch, you've made exactly the film i was trying to explain now all i have t do is get her to watch this...
  • 5 0
 robert williams section just kills it hands down love it. respect craig butler
  • 4 0
 I agree Robert Williams section was nasty, so much loam. That trail was mint.
  • 3 0
 best section of the movie, imo
  • 1 0
 Yeah, dudes Robert Williams shreded the shit out of that little forrest. I bet it was begging him to go home.
  • 6 0
 sending a gap are always great!!! 32ft is no joke! yeah happy grandpa!! Big Grin
  • 3 0
 wow Nico! I just sat and watched this (erm at work!) and I think it's beautiful mate. All the usual plaudits and I love all the wildlife shots, you should do a wildlife program in your style. Respect to you Nico, great film.
  • 2 0
 Absolutely brilliant! It all flows so nicely, I for one massively appreciate this be a free film that has clearly taken some real skill and effort to put together. Where are the trails in the first section, they look sweet Smile
  • 2 0
 Brilliant film, real British talent - the riders and the film making. Good to see biking is top class in the UK aswell. Am a 1st year DH novice from the UK in BC and loving it. And am 36 - 40 isnt old! Grandpa my arse...
  • 5 0
 holy shit that is 1 damm good BRITISH! biking film.
  • 3 0
 You need to ride with grandpa (Craig butler) to see how fast he is for a old man ha ha scary fast.... Awesome film loved every minute....
  • 2 0
 can you tell me, how old is he ? encouraging to hear / see someone else older but younger in spirit still ripping it - i am 68 and have only been shredding DH for about 5 years now - i do [ THE ] North Shore here in Vancouver BC including Sunshine Coast / Burnaby Mt. and of course Whistler / Garbanzo - i am not big on big drops [ 7 - 8 foot drops with good transitions at best ] and some stunts are beyond my reach, but i love speed, berms, step ups, smaller gappers, steep gnarly single track and am definitely up for a lot of Black Ds and can keep up with and rip as well as some 20 year olds....i am blessed with a much healthier body and younger attitude than most old farts and videos like this are a good part of what keeps me keepin on !
  • 2 0
 I've said it before and I'll say it over and over again, such a good job Nico. I don't think it could be better. Was a pleasure as always working with you on this Smile
  • 3 0
 Outstanding work! Thank you very much for making this and also for making it free for everyone to view!
  • 2 0
 Incredible quality easily as good as vids/VODs that probably cost 10x as much. Great riding, great feel and flow to it and the music was top class.
  • 2 0
 That was amazing, seriously amazing work. Loved all of it, and I don't usually give a monkeys about dirt jumping...(too old!)
  • 2 0
 So sick! Great cinematography, sick riding! Josh was an absolutely awesome to watch, style demon for sure! Thought I ripped you off by watching it for free! Keep it up!
  • 2 0
 can somebody please post the playlist for this vid. More specifically the song playing around 29min. Something about "bouncing to the beat". Awesome vid btw
  • 2 0
 HOLY FUCKING TITS THAT IS AMAZING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VVVVVVVVVVVVVVOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 3 0
 my internet is too slow =(
  • 3 0
 Mine too bro- I feel you're pain. Reading all the comments of here you know it's got to be epic- I'm going to go somewhere I can watch it now!!!
  • 2 0
 It wouldn't start to play on PB but just let me watch it fine on Vimeo :-)
  • 2 0
 Nico thx 4 the amazing film .. loved every bit of it ..keep at it thats a raw talent u got..
  • 1 0
 That was an amazing video. It's perfect for these cold Canadian winters. I can ride vicariously through you crazy mofos! Well done. Keep making this stuff cuz it's gold.
  • 2 0
 fair play man i really enjoyed watching that! Rob's track looks sick! loved the soundtrack too
  • 3 0
 That tank is freaking amazing! Awesome film!
  • 2 0
 This is the sickest video that I've seen in a while! So stoked that it's free! People would buy it no doubt.
  • 2 0
 good work guys, fill'd a gap when i should have been working!!... sshhhhh, dont tell the boss!!
  • 2 0
 Killer flick guys, great job, great riding, good tunes and an APC(sweet shuttle rig/tow-in vehicle)!!!
  • 2 0
 Nice film! How do you edit text so that it moves with the footage? (like when the garage door opened)
  • 2 0
 Adobe After Effects
  • 3 0
 old dude shredding hard and tank tow in .... WTF this is awesome !
  • 2 0
 Better than any film I've paid for, pinkbikers are so lucky to have such sick films as this for free!
  • 2 0
 This had some of the best soundtracks to go with riding. One of my favourite biking vids for definate!
  • 2 0
 absolutely brilliant! great filming of some great bike riding! really wish i had seen it on the big screen!!
  • 3 0
 Josh Lane has a disgusting amount of style, can't get enough!!
  • 2 0
 One of the best videos of this year!! This is the true capture of good old home brew UK riding.
  • 2 0
 Awesome vid mate only got upto the France section and my player died but wot I saw was mint. Smile
  • 2 0
 man the track that robert williams rides looks amaaaazing looks so soft!!! fuk i wish i had that kinda forest
  • 2 0
 this may be a stupid comment for people that know him... but why does josh have an old glory?
  • 3 0
 Let's hope this film and his recent PODs mean that he can get a new one Smile
  • 2 0
 Awesome movie, makes me really psyched to ride. Thanks a lot for making a full length movie for everybody to see!
  • 1 0
 Soo sick thanks guys!! i love how we are getting these great videos for free!!! Not only are they shot well they editing is top notch!
  • 2 0
 Great movie, really enjoyed it. Wanna go ride now, so it did it's job!
  • 2 0
 Ahaa I'm glad dude Smile Big Grin
  • 3 0
 Thank you so very much Nico-T and riders. I truly appreciate all your efforts and skills. Be loose! Be Free!
  • 3 0
 what song is the start ?
  • 3 0
 idunnno but it sounds sick and i wanna know ... dubstep FTW
  • 3 0
 It's Klaypex - Chinter's Will
  • 2 0
 The link is here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8cy-8oZmdo

Other amazing Klaypex tracks include:
"Lights" - www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0a-o16i_Gw
"When I'm Alone" - www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTULF60LD98
  • 2 0
 such a nice vid. flows really well and just made me want to ride.
  • 2 0
 bloody bang tidy !! well done fella defo going to go riding this week
  • 1 0
 Rob Williams, Wales' finest! Josh Lane's section is awesome aswell, love his style.
  • 2 0
 really good film guys. well done
  • 2 0
 Wicked way to start the day! TY
  • 2 0
 Sick film man!! Nice work!!
  • 2 0
 Man, I've gotta get me some tattoos !!
  • 2 0
 Absolutely amazing!!!! Now wheres my bike!!........
  • 2 0
 Seriously epic edit man, great contender to 'follow me' if not, better!
  • 2 2
 Why does every MTB video feature the same f*cking music these days? It's not that it's horrible music, but how about some new tracks people?

Nice video though!
  • 5 0
 I tried really hard to find music that hasn't been used before! Its hard because obviously I've not seen every bike video so some of the songs hat I thought were new to biking obviously wern't but oh well Smile Glad you enjoyed tho dude!
  • 2 0
 Whats the song during Jesse Jones street bit?
  • 2 0
 Hey there, TAI Big Bass Drum
  • 2 0
 @so cal and duncanp msc f5 dude..
  • 2 0
 now that really made me want to ride
  • 2 0
 some nice shots in there, especially liked Ryan's part. good work.
  • 2 0
 sweet vid guys, great shots and gnarly riding by all.
  • 2 0
 44mins of heaven thankx guyssss sweet riden
  • 2 0
 what was the song @ 29:00, I cant seem to find it on the list at the end
  • 2 0
 Hey man was it this one? 13. Rob Williams: Maverick Sabre - Let Me Go (Shy FX & Benny P Remix)
  • 1 0
 Nah man, I found it a few hours after I posted the comment, it's called: Big Bass Drum by TAI, I guess they forgot to put it in
  • 2 0
 Where was that Robert Williams section shot?
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 I know it's Wales - that's where I lived until 10 years ago - wondering where - seems to be around Cwmcarn somewhere.
  • 3 0
 Bloody brilliant!
  • 2 0
 Awesome vid man! Makee me miss the good old U.K.
  • 2 0
 Great job! Nice pictures! Bravo!!
  • 1 0
 YES, sick film man! Loving the bit of Hud Mo, also i'd never heard that kiwi reggae band before Razz
  • 2 0
 FTW. couple of underground superstars there like.
  • 2 0
 quality film..
  • 2 0
 and meee Wink
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 What bike @ 18:43???
  • 2 0
 MSC F3?
  • 2 0
 That was awesome Wink
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 So sick!
  • 2 0
 :O 32:27 !
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 1 word .......... perfection!!!
  • 1 0

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