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Amber at Swinley including AmberCam!

Riding with my Hungarian Vizsla Amber, the crazy trail dog. She loves the trials and knows the shortcuts! :) Filmed at Swinley Forest (The Lookout) on my Transition TR250. Music is "Must be the Feeling" by Nero.


  • + 1
 Aren't Vizslas the most amazing mtn biking dogs. Fantastic video. My Vizsla Diego is unbelievable, stays right with me never gets in the way, he's 3 and been riding with me for 2 years on the Shore and Squamish trails. When loading the truck before a ride he gets so excited. The best riding dogs around. Awesome vid, I'm inspired to get some gopro of him.
  • + 1
 Wow, thanks man! Sounds like you ride some epic trails with your dog. Amber's 3 and has been riding with me for about a year and a half or so. THey're amazing dogs aren't they. So intelligent and I love the excitement in their faces before a ride. How I'd love to ride Squamish trails, Amber would love it too! Smile Please do get some GoPro footage, it would be awesome to see!
  • + 3
 Mate havent been on pink for sooooo long. This vid mate put a massive smile on my face Amber is soooooo call we must get out soon with her.
  • + 1
 Hey Buddy!!! Been ages, yeah, definitely up for some riding. Amber gets a bit carried away with other people (the attention) and tends to try and get in front and lead so it can be a pain sometimes, but always up for a ride anyways! Smile
  • + 1
 HAHA, brilliant!
I keep meaning to do the same thing with Makulu (my dog). A mate of mine had his cam there, but I wanna go back and do some more filmin. He's not as fast as yours though, but he makes up for it with enthusiasm Big Grin

Here's us:

How did you mount the gorpo on him>?
  • + 1
 Classic! Looks like he's having fun! The mount on Amber didn't really work, it gets shaken lose and it's a pretty jolty ride back there! Will try some other positions and different mounts and hopefully get some better onboard footage!
  • + 1
 Yeah same - swinley is nice and close but sometimes just doesnt provide that little bit extra you want - chicks is awesome but a shite journey - i was thinking of maybe doing porc - its down tonbridge way isnt it ?? Havent heard of Rogate ?
  • + 1
 Definitely check out PORC you'd like it! Rogate is near Petersfield and looks pretty epic. Still love chicksands the most! Smile
  • + 1
 sweet cheers dude - is there normally stuff going on at PORC or can you go either sat or sun ? Petersfied aint too bad either - straight down the a3 - yeah chicksands rocks dude !!!
  • + 1
 There's quite often something going on there. Worth checking it out first... I think this is the website.... www.porc.uk.com Otherwise it's normally Mr Bling (on facebook) who has races there so if he's not got anything on you should be ok. Gets kinda busy at weekends but still worth it!
  • + 1
 ah sweet nice one thanks man - perhaps i might also see you up swinley sometime - i'll look out for that sick bike dude - i'll either be up there on my meta or hopefully very soon on my socom
  • + 1
 Wicked! Will keep an eye out for you mate! Smile socom will be awesome!!
  • + 1
 Wooh dude just watched some Rogate footage now that looks like fun man - have you been to aston hill at all ?
  • + 1
 Nah, not done Aston Hill. It's always wet whenever I consider that place and don't fancy that in the rain much! Smile
  • + 1
 Yeah same as that - seen alot of videos from there when its wet and its like something off you been framed lol
  • + 2
 if you want at PORC there is the Mr Bling Race series which is a new track every month, next race is on the 18th March if you're interested?
  • + 1
 Great way to have in shape your dog.he/she does not need suspension,love at minute 1:00 how the dog is moving.nice and great video amigo.

btw what kind of the is?
  • + 1
 Yeah she kinda scrubs the jump there!! She's a Hungarian Vizsla, like a pointer but orange! Smile
  • + 1
 I was going to say she looks just like my pointer. How did you teach her to follow you, or did you just take her to the trails and she kind of picked it up? Is it dangerous for her, what do you look out for to make it safe? Also what age did you start taking her out riding? My pointers about 18 months and i've been wanting to do this for a while but thought i'd seek advice first!
  • + 1
 That so wired man i just seen one of your other videos on youtube hahaha. Cool dog, if i let my jack rulles catch up with me he nips my ankels its good motivation haha
  • + 1
 Thanks for watching the vids mate, here and on YouTube! Yeah, a nipping jack is motivation to keep you riding fast! Smile
  • + 1
 Love it mate so much fun! Enjoyed your checky tricks and ambers bubba scrub!
  • + 2
 Thanks mate, much appreciated! We'll have to get Megatron on vid as well soon! May have another cheeky trick in the bag now as well... Smile Awesome to ride with you as always!
  • + 1
 You have the smartest and the coolest trail dog ever!! It's like she knows where your going. What kind of dog is she?
  • + 2
 Thanks dude. Yeah, she learns the trails so quickly and then takes short cuts, tries to get in front all the time! She's a Hungarian Viszla.
  • + 1
 Awesome dog!! We have a 4 month old mutt right now, hoping to teach her to run some trails... any training tips??
  • + 2
 Thanks mate. I started teaching Amber at about 12 months (just the basics, no long runs) then about 18 months started taking her out more seriously on the bike. They can get problems with their hips longer term if they're over worked too early on. The main thing was to teach Amber to wait. We spent ages at home teacher her wait, so she knew the command and it meant stay still until told to move. Then we started with a lead and the bike, just cruzing along to get her used to it. They try to bite the wheels and bark at the bike... Then once she was a bit happier beside the bike, let her off and started riding around. The minute she went ahead or barked at the bike or got in the way I stopped, she was told to sit and wait. We'd try again, if she did anything wrong we stop and she's told to sit. When she's good she got a treat, bad, it stops and then you try again. It takes a while as they like to lead, but soon they'll get the idea of being behind you. Just get that "wait" or "stop" dailled in and it makes it easier as you can yell "wait" and they'll stop and let you past, once you're ahead if they push past, either yell "wait" again or if they won't stop, you have to stop and start again. Takes a while but worth it! Smile
  • + 1
 Ahaa rad dog dude, do you mind letting me know what trails they were? they looked awesome!
  • + 1
 Thanks dude! They're Swinley forest (Berkshire), first one is "Baby Maker" and second is the "gully". It was featured in MBUK this month I believe. Smile
  • + 1
 Rad Big Grin Thanks man
  • + 1
 i live in sevenoaks, is it worth the trip to ride the trails? they look decent? are there many or only a few? cheers
  • + 1
 Do you ride at Porc? If so you may be a bit disappointed by swinley, but it's good fun and probably worth a visit if you fancy somewhere different! Smile
  • + 1
 yeh i do but the trails are really short, something different could be good! know anywhere else nearish that is worth visiting? Smile thanks btw
  • + 2
 @anguswyatt The trails as Swinley are super short and many are less "dh" thank PORC... It's probably worth a try though as the Gully is quite good fun. Rogate is good, heard great things about it and hopefully will be getting over there soon. Otherwise we tend to ride Wales and Chicksands etc...
  • + 1
 LOL! really put a smile on my mug, Amber cam rocks! she's soooo pretty and she knows it, catch ya soon man.
  • + 1
 Thanks man! Wish the AmberCam had stayed in place but it slips to one side... She certainly knows she's pretty and milks it for pinching peoples food etc. Cheeky monkey! roll with you soon mate! Smile
  • + 1
 Loved the first Amber edit- but this one is even better... I laughed my ass off watching this. If it wasn't for the fact you have to pick up your dogs warm shite in a bag these days I would get one myself!! VOD
  • + 1
 @gavlaa Thanks mate! Yeah, picking up the shite isn't great, if only there were more bins around it would help! Glad you enjoyed it, I focused this one more on Amber, and there's hopefully a longer edit due soon if I can get the footage I want! Cheers!
  • + 2
 amber knows all the shortcuts! lol speed up she'll beat you !! Razz
  • + 1
 She's a cheat!! Big Grin hahaha
  • + 1
 wow, finally. I was looking for this version with music, youtube changed it Frown But awesome riding and editing. grtz
  • + 1
 damn this dog did great scrub in 0:59
  • + 2
 LOL! Yeah, had never noticed she did that until watching this vid back! She's insane! Smile
  • + 1
 heh this dog was watching too many pics like this
  • + 1
 Awesome pic and yes, you're right! Big Grin
  • + 2
 how about insane animals, I have got insane cat.
  • + 1
 awesome vid! Big Grin love your dog
  • + 1
 Thanks mate! How's everything going, still got the Kona?
  • + 1
 good thanks, still got the kona but was considering upgrading to the operator Smile i see youv been racing PORC, i did a few rounds in the summer, so fun!
  • + 1
 Yeah, did one race, it was ok but had a broken spring in the fork and a blown shock which wasn't great! Smile Still, glad I tried it. Yeah, saw you'd done a few races down there, got some good pics there! Looks like you're riding well mate! Operator rocks, or Entourage looks awesome for single crown freeride fun!
  • + 1
 lol well good vid. love the multi line action amber gets on the go
  • + 1
 Cheers mate! Yeah, like our crossover down the trail, and her short cuts are brilliant, I must try those! Smile
  • + 1
 lol yer shes pritty good with the raceing lines
  • + 1
 Amber must be the most watched dog non PB by now. Nice vid mate.
  • + 2
 Yeah, she's had a few hits on YouTube, my Swinley video with her is up to 170k views now... insane! Smile Get recognised at Swinley all the time when I'm riding with Amber... Smile
  • + 1
 lovely dog but holy shit she was fasr haha
  • + 2
 dirty scrub at 1:01 !!!!
  • + 2
 LOL! Yeah, never knew she did that until watching the vid back and was like "WTF!!!" Smile
  • + 1
 awesome video....thanks mate!!!
  • + 1
 Thanks buddy! Pleasure! Smile
  • + 1
 that's a good boy Smile
  • + 1
 Swinley - nice - sick bike , sick dog and yeah nice shortcuts - sick vid dude
  • + 1
 Thanks! Hopefully will have more with a mix of biking and Amber soon! Smile
  • + 1
 do you ride swinley a lot ?? i've been there quite a few times now , either there or chicksands , but wanna try somewhere else for a change - any thoughts anyone ??
  • + 1
 Yeah, probably ride Swinley too much! It's kinda my local trails apart from Pirbright which is a bit dull these days as everything gets knocked down. Chicksands rocks. We've ridden PORC (penshurst) a few times which is good. Rogate looks good too. Otherwise not too sure locally.

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