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wyatt hits a tree hard

funny crash on mt. tzouhalem


  • + 167
 nobody help him he's alright
  • + 51
 helmet= helicopter
  • + 10
 haha the best part is the helmet Big Grin Big Grin
  • + 40
 strap ur hemets kids
  • + 13
 i know it can be time consuming to put the strap through the 2 loops... takes me 5 seconds. Do it right kids dont try to be cool and not strap it.
  • + 11
 Yeah, tight the helmet and not use it just for the style. Stylish people have pants waist in their knees, when they have to run... well it's a funny thing to watch
  • + 5
 looks like he broke his arm
  • + 19
 What kind of person sits there and keeps filming after a crash like that?
  • + 11
 Thats an interesting way to take off the helmet O.o
  • + 1
 that was actually a pretty hard crash.
  • + 1
 evans a whore
  • + 3
 You've gotta one strap it.
  • + 3
 Cool kids wear lids; and do them up.
  • - 1
 That's a sweet tree crash. XD
  • + 106
 tree had enough of his shit SIT DOWN
  • + 9
 Tree - 1 Wyatt - 0
  • - 2
  • + 69
 damn nature you scary
  • + 19
 interesting line choice!!!
  • + 0
 I don't think he chose that line. Not on purpose anyway. . .
  • + 24
 I built that jump (with friends, not all me) and I have never seen someone hit that tree, it's actually hard to do... this kid's out of control!
  • + 10
 overshooting it helped that I think. And I don't think he's all that experienced of a rider, because his helmet wasn't even done up...
  • + 4
 Still, out of control!
  • + 5
 hahaha thats me...
  • + 1
 Tzou tree's like to reach out and grabbed people. Had a similar bail last week on the stuff to the right of the yellow gate.
  • + 1
 I agree Ollie. It looks like all the undergrowth is dead in that area. I may have helped in the making of that jump! At least he didn't try Brad's Step-down!
  • + 1
 Brad's is now a tiny little roller down a hill Frown
  • + 3
 yea the table top kinda took over
  • + 1
 Good thing he didn't try the table as well!
  • + 2
 His helmet came off like a rocket coming out of North Korea, both didn't make it far...
  • + 20
 Fucking Gingers.
  • + 16
 wyatt needs a web redemption on tosh.
  • + 2
 how can we send it in? i totally agree.
  • + 1
 I assume through the website. I've never done it...just watch every week.
  • + 13
 knock knock
who's there?
wyatt who?
wyattrees so hard?
  • + 1
 I love Knock-out-jokes......
  • + 1
 Lmfao that's brilliant.
  • + 11
 Is the tree alright??!!!!
  • + 4
 Somebody give that poor tree a pad to protect itself from stupid, helmetless riders!
  • + 4
 he now knows how to count to potatoe
  • + 1
 :/ seriously.. try putting ur helmet on properly next time, but i know the feelin i did it once after landin sideways after failing a whip can i just say i love my full face helmet =D lol
  • + 4
 hey buddy theres a tree there.
  • + 3
 lol his helmet wasnt even done up!!!
  • + 1
 It can be more dangerous to wear a helmet unclipped than not at all. Function over fashion please. That aside, poor kid. Don't mess with natures bollards
  • + 4
 like a boss
  • + 2
 Tree didn't even shake. Them roots be deep, that kid- soft. Props though, that never feels good.
  • + 3
 poor guy hope your were alright ive seen lots of people come so close ouch
  • + 1
 I love it when your buddies start laughing until they realize that, sometimes not right !
  • + 1
 The way to avoid this tree is to hip this jump. If u hip it you will not hit the tree
  • + 2
 I love the reaction time of the camera man!
  • + 2
 I did the same thing but faster haha
  • + 1
 How to f*ck yourself up step 1: hit tree. Step 2: curl up in fetal position
  • + 2
 Step 3: ???????????????????
  • + 3
 Jump that shit again!!
  • + 1
 Good idea!!!!
  • + 1
 Joe you made my day
  • + 1
 not even funny..... feel bad for the kid, and wtf why would they not have a pad there! Wow!
  • + 2
 tighten ur helemet strap!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 2
 You failed (Stick run Sound) jajaja
  • + 2
 who put that tree there?! that was not there last time! who did that?!
  • + 2
 FUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!! nice helmet....
  • + 2
 omg he hit it so hard haha is he alright
  • + 1
 C'mon do your helmet up, and it looked like you edited it to go really fast when the impact happend.
  • + 1
 i thought that to... just before he hit it...
  • + 1
 yes that made my dat hahahahaahahah that tree just dickered you
  • + 1
 its because he is GINGER!!! Big Grin
  • + 1
 Ermagerd that was painful
  • + 1
 masakra los od boga kup se rolkiSmile
  • + 1
 nice the way they record and leave him in the dirt for about 10 seconds...
  • + 1
 keep filming he seems to be alright
  • + 1
 You Zigged when you should of Zagged
  • + 1
 hahaha i think i know that kid
  • + 1
 capacete desapertado da muito jeito sim xD
  • + 1
 and that kids, is why you DO YOUR HELMET UP. Nice one.
  • + 1
 The ZOO..... My fav. place to ride.
  • + 1
 They should have put a goPro on the tree.
  • + 1
 Omg he is dead, his head fell off!
  • + 2
  • + 2
 Okey... LETS RUN!!!!!!
  • + 1
 Dumbass buckle your helmet
  • + 2
 poor tree :L
  • + 1
 Helmet do have straps the not for air flow
  • + 2
 ha hes a ginger!!
  • + 1
 One of my friends broke their collar bone from the same kind of accident.
  • + 1
 did he say hard as he landed
  • + 1
 Ouch, that looked like fun. XD
  • + 1
 hooly crapppppp
  • + 1
 holy shit
  • + 1
 was he ok?
  • + 1
 i dont think so
  • + 1
 That can't be good.
  • + 1
 So classic!!! Lmfao
  • + 1
 That Tree Went Ham
  • + 1
 made my night
  • + 1
 I hit that jump
  • - 2
 mierda eso me dolio vastante
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