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Growing Up Whistler

Twenty-one year old Ian Morrison is a true Whistler legend, and a nine year old Finn Finestone is well on his way. Despite their age difference, watch them tear apart the Whistler Bike Park. Keep up to date with projects at: https://www.facebook.com/goldsteinproductions


  • + 143
 This is a SICK video, should be VOD. After my boy watched this we had to go out side and ride our bikes. He wants to do his no footer trick on a jump now. Inspiration for every one!!!!
  • + 29
 I swear all the little shredders are so young nowdays that we'll end up with a bunch of shredding Jackson's and Finn's! Awesome video, got my vote for VOD!
  • + 19
 Ian is so stylish, and Finn is just freaking amazing. It's nice to see stuff like this, really puts me in the mood to go out and ride Smile
  • + 6
 FINN!!! Got a few runs in with him and Jackson on A-Line and Ditmerchant. They were going huge! Throwing massive style in too!
  • + 4
  • + 1
 holy crap fave this
  • + 5
 Any of you folks interested in a grizzly bear? Check my profile. He's a sweet big guy.
  • + 12
 Well don't I feel shit now :L this is awesome ! Razz
  • + 11
 this kid needs a doctor, he's way to siiiick!!!
  • + 8
 Don't know if I like the video or not. I mean, he is what, 10? And is way better than me!
  • + 8
 3 words: LIKE A BOSS!
  • + 7
 Sickk! little guy already 10x better than i'll ever be... tup 1:04 razor whip.
  • + 5
 Looking on my dash, I see that theres replies to my comment. So I check them. There's a comment about a grizzly bear. Dafuq?
  • + 3
 You interested?^
  • + 4
 i feel like ian is about to smash into the back of finn in every shot haha
  • + 1
 Mean as. I just got made to feel like an extreme amature by a 9 yr old. Thats good as for my ego.
  • + 2
 at :33 it says cam McCaul
  • + 0
 What's Ian's last name ?
  • + 76
 This is brilliant! My kids will be raised up with bikes, not with some gay ass football!
  • + 18
 Your right about football!
  • + 40
 future anthony messere without the douchenessXD
  • + 1
 do canadians dislike messere?
  • - 3
 Way to steal lines from other vids
  • - 4
flag braydonnelson (Jul 12, 2012 at 13:03) (Below Threshold)
 im pretty sure like every canadian comments that?
  • + 0
 I saw u had commented on cascadive collective video that said that...
  • + 1
 dude your fucked..
  • + 4
 Messere who lol? I mean ive been riding mtn bikes for 13 years. I look up to people that have been riding somewhat longer then me lol, like Kirt Vores, Cam Mcaul, Kyle Strait, Cam Zink etc... Messere is good but hes got a long way.
  • + 0
 messere is douchey?
  • + 1
  • + 1
 meh I guess if your 15-16 and riding with the best...
  • + 1
  • + 2
 Dont keep false idols kids. yeah these guys are amazing but I dont idolize them. U people make Messere sound like a god lol.
  • + 0
 well yeah.. anybody can be pro if they start early enough and work hard enough.. in mtb anyway, xc/road might require a few injections but not going into that...
  • + 1
 messere is a god!!
  • + 1
 cool bro, U 2 should get married.
  • + 30
 What a little ripper, he can ride better than me!
  • + 7
 Same here man. I can't be mad.. it's just too awesome xD
  • + 9
 He's like a young Jedi on a bike!
  • + 15
 such a sick edit. finn is killing it on those little bikes!
  • + 3
 this can't be for real!! Razz that kid is bloody pinned! sweet vid Big Grin
  • + 1
 Ians insane too 1:04 is a crazy scrub!
  • + 13
 embarrassing moment when I realize,that he's probably better than me Big Grin sick edit and riding..I smell a legend in future Smile
  • + 6
 that kid shreds!!!! wish my younger brother would do this with me!
  • + 3
 i dont haha!
  • + 3
 I wish mine still did , he used to till he turned into a nerd/nob :L V.O.D cus it reminded me of the good old days Smile
  • + 5
 love how iain is like a shadow of what finn's gona be like when he grow's up, almost like seeing the future
  • + 1
 I was breaking my bones snowboarding in lake louise when that little bugger was just an idea ......to his parents.....who are probably younger than I am........son of a bitch!!!!!!!! That is all. I have nothing else to say......
  • + 1
 I am 37 years old, in our country, unfortunately there are no parks :-(
I cried a little, then I remembered that there is a beautiful girl child :-)

Returning to the video: a very good one, good luck with your little guy!
Of course, going to the favorites!
  • + 4
 That's awesome! Can't help but be jealous. I wish I had started at that age.
  • + 0
 OMG, what an excellent video. I have not smiled so much for a long time, that young man is going to be one to watch in years to come. Its a shame one of the Major league brands cant take him under their wing, some thing football teams do now and again in the UK..
  • + 5
 My Fav Vid by farr!!
  • + 2
 I rode the lift with him and his dad a few weeks ago. super cool lil shredder. he raises the bar for everyone around him. pro racer? pro DJ? his choice.
  • + 1
 Kidding my little brother a little shredder bike just like this when he's 9. Hope he turns out somewhat like him! This little man rips! He's way better than me and most of my buds.
  • + 2
 That kid is gonna be a freaking superstar by 17. Man can shred it up. PROP!!!!
  • + 2
 This video is amazing! One of the best videos on pinkbike i think! Song fits perfect!
  • + 1
 If that is the future talent of MTB riding , then we got lots to look forward to as a sport!!! Yeahhh, little dude... Just yeahhhhh!!!
  • + 1
 Even though the video is very inspirational and talented portrayal from both riders. The downside will always stand, and that is: proper gear will reduce fatal injury!
  • + 2
 so young so gnar!! when raising ma kids ima teach them to bike then walk Razz
  • + 1
 I gotta show my boys they are 3 and 6 and they bike at the skatepark but no downhill I am sure they will be inspired to do it from this video. Anyway great riding.
  • + 1
 whats with nine year olds named finn being so good! www.pinkbike.com/video/96658
  • + 2
 What the hell this is sickkk!!!!!
  • + 1
 i swear i hate my parents for not getting me into downhill at a younger age
  • + 2
 I want a kid like this one Razz
  • + 2
 sick edit i think i just found my new favorite rider that kid is amazing
  • + 0
 Nice video and probably my son will also love to saw the video but not lucky enought to had bike park like that in our country...take care always!@#
  • + 1
 Man that kid is throwing nofooters like its nothing ... Damn ... Thaaats GGGGreeeeaaatt
  • + 1
 im 14, how can you afford a bike like that wen you're that old? it makes me jealous...
  • + 1
 He obviously has a fully time job to afford it what else is a 9 year old suposed to do
  • + 2
 Thumbs up if you wanna grow up in Whistler!
  • + 1
 THAT KIDS MINT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Razz
  • + 1
 soon all good companies will do bikes for childeren . I love this child ! he is amazing !
  • + 2
 Look out Danny Hart.......
  • + 1
 I want to ride my bicicle I want to ride my bike... LIKE THAT AMASING KID Smile I wish my parents would raise me like that Smile
  • + 1
 I have watche this video like 10 times now, it's so good!! Can't wait to go to whistler to shred!
  • + 2
 amazing thats all i have to say
  • + 1
 Well that kid rides way better than I do, props for doing A-line kid and keep up the great riding! Razz
  • + 1
 that is why we need to up and stop give video games to our child's!!! excellent video!! it is an example to everyone
  • + 3
  • + 1
 Dragonette - Let it Go
  • + 2
 this just proves how biking is starting to come in family jeans!!!!
  • + 1
 man that we guy is a total shredder hes got something going for him in the futcure
  • + 1
 I love watching little guys/girls ripping it up at such a young age. Shows that the sport that we love so much has a future.
  • + 2
A mini- version of Martin Söderström Wink
  • + 1
 That wee dude has some skills and at that age!!!!! Amazing.. I wanna go live there aswell Wink
  • + 2
 Finn rides his bike better than me! Big Grin
  • + 2
 If anyone chirps this video I WILL KILL YOU!
  • + 1
 this kid shredds he has some serious talent he can obviously keep up with ian ill keep an eye out for his name
  • + 2
 Better than I am by Far I m so jelous.
  • + 2
 he's 9 years old holy shit
  • + 2
 Definitivamente quiero un hijo así !
  • + 2
 Incredible little rider ! Smile
  • + 2
 Everyones smiling like a little goon while watching this... Big Grin
  • + 1
 i could watch this overAND OVER AND OVER AGAIN
  • + 1
 Rode with theses kids at the airdome. They shred so hard!!
  • + 1
 Sera el primer niño en correr rampage en unos años mas.
  • + 1
 i wish this kid was my brother :I
  • + 1
 That's awesome. Enough said
  • + 1
 coolest vod ive ever seen. that is all.
  • + 1
 I couldn't do no footers when I was nine.
  • + 1
 Finn is insane for his age!
  • + 1
 This video makes me smile. Atta boy!!
  • + 1
 That's adorable! This kid will be a legend!
  • + 1
 I mean............sheeesh!!!!......
  • + 1
 damn he rides better than me...
  • + 1
 Vod wish I was that good at 10
  • + 1
 Wicked video, can't wait to show my son...or should I...LOL
  • + 1
 that kid is better than me on my dh bike. but good on him
  • + 1
 I thought this was really cute. Smile
  • + 1
 that little guy is the man
  • + 1
 Holy crap that kids saving the next generation!!!!! What a little boss
  • + 1
  • + 1
 next redbull joyride winner ! so much respect for that kid
  • + 1
 this kid is f*cking sick Big Grin the guy in the back was okay to Wink
  • + 1
 VOD - Video of the decade?
  • + 1
 Child labour laws? huh lol. Lil kids flipping into foam pits. Crazy lol
  • + 1
 i wish i had a childhood like that....
  • + 1
 I love how at 1:29 he doesn't even use the burm.
  • + 1
 What bike is the kid usiing?
  • + 1
 WOW, this kid is going to go places ! i guarantee it !
  • + 1
 what the fuq that kid has got more style than me :O
  • + 1
 This kid is shredding and every one knows it.he's sick.
  • + 1
 totally dope, better than me hahaha.
  • + 1
 Nice the edit is armazing
  • + 2
 little bikerLAD!
  • + 2
  • + 1
 last time i done a no footer i lost my right bolluck..
  • + 1
 What a Talent ! VOD for Sure!
  • + 1
 now that is whats called a true 'lil' rippa'
  • + 1
 in 10 years he will be the world champion
  • + 1
 E isso mesmo,desde cedo e que se comessa !!!!!!
  • + 1
 What bike does the little kid have
  • + 1
 Its a Lil Shredder Prodigy, check them out at www.lilshredder.com or FaceBook @ Lil Shredder Bikes
  • + 1
 incredible talent, a new hero to me
  • + 1
 Holy shit. I feel too old for bike o_O
  • + 1
 I wish my children follow his steps! Awesome!
  • + 1
 this video is a nice little reminder to myself of how much i suck hahaha
  • + 1
 props to the young ripper
  • + 1
 NICE VIDEO, can i ask what camera are you using???
  • + 1
 The kid is great rider! Smile
  • + 1
  • + 1
 VOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it's cute!
  • + 1
 wow, i wish i was as good as the little devil!
  • + 1
 this little kid will be the next beclaw!!
  • + 1
 Wow!!! Soooooooo good! Replaying it over and over.......
  • + 1
 What a baey! Finn's gonna be the next Semunuk for sure
  • + 1
 That little boy is unique! VOD !!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 very good .. this kid has a future!
  • + 2
 whens this kid goin pro?
  • + 1
 Awesome Kid. Finn i respect you ;]
  • + 1
 god 9 years old and hes got it woop woop
  • + 1
 No freeking way dude. that kid is amayzing . keep it up bro
  • + 1
  • + 1
 so sick! VOD Wink
  • + 1
  • + 1
 that kid ROCKS!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 kid pro:Wink
  • + 1
 Wow, VOD!
  • + 1
 how old is he
  • + 1
 He has nine years;D
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 This is VOD !
  • + 1
  • + 1
 He's bare smooth!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 kid is a bad ass!
  • + 1
 such a sick shredder
  • + 1
 Whats the song called ?
  • + 0
 somebodys gonna be pro when there older and its not gonna be me
  • + 1
 amazing VOD
  • + 1
 true shreder
  • + 1
 Mint. Soooo good!
  • + 1
 damm he fast
  • + 1
 This so sick!!!!
  • + 1
 why didnt ian scrub
  • + 1
 best video ive ever seen
  • + 1
 What bike does he have
  • + 1
 one of those 20 inch little shredder bikes Wink
  • + 1
 WOW!!! :o
  • + 1
 he is just crazy !!
  • + 1
 that kids going places
  • + 1
 Wow that's just insane!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 What's the song called?
  • + 1
  • + 1
 just awesome Big Grin
  • + 1
 What's the songcalled
  • - 1
 even cooler than very a cold thing locked in an icebox
  • - 2
 WTF How Old are the boy
  • + 1
 9 it says in the caption
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