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Bike Couples' Ride

Everyone's been on "that ride" with their loved ones. Darcy takes Geoff out for a nice leisurely ride and they demonstrate what can happen. (They are not loved ones.)


  • + 113
 This video is awesome, I spent 3.5 years teaching my wife how to ride and in the end I would say she was one of the best riders in Houston. She did drops, rode DH with me and was getting into dirt jumping, what I would give to have my best riding partner back. RIP little lady I love you.
  • + 39
 Frown me sad now
  • + 29
 Ah man happy for you until the last sentence s. Sorry for your loss bro. I'm sure she's shredding trails beyond our imagination.
  • + 15
 Brutal bro. Sorry for your loss.
  • + 1
 I came here to laugh, not to cry damnit.
  • + 52
 Hahaha, I like when he gets off the bike to step over the puddle...
  • + 12
 There are also some very hilarious dialogs. Well played.
  • + 36
 Never ride with a friend and his girl friend. You will feel like you shouldn´t be there and ride alone.
  • + 21
 Amen to that!! Most Akward day ever
  • + 29
 This would be so funny if it weren't so damn true! I love my wife to death, but when she rides with me I only remember the death part!
  • + 16
 I love my wife. Therefore we will never ride trails together. Beach cruising or towing the kids on a park trail is as far as I'll go!
  • + 9
 I actually loled at your comment haha. It makes perfect sense even though I am no where close to being married. Ride with your buds and you will stay happily married, start riding with her and things will go downhill from there, and not the good root, rock filled, slick and loamy kind of downhill...
  • + 13
 The only one they missed from the "boy" was "It's actually harder when you do it this slow, it's easier when you go fast"... heard that one too many times.
  • + 14
 probably because it's often true
  • + 7
 Often? Its mostly true.
  • + 7
 I've made two Big mistakes (and countless other smaller ones) in my marriage in the short time we have been together. 1 - I took her mountain biking for the first time. 2 - I took her skiing for the first time.

Both times I though that was the end of us... Now she just appreciates it as my time with my buddies to vent and stay healthy and sane. I like it that way.
  • + 2
 Haha classic.. I find it best to keep stuff like that to have time apart from each other. You really got me on on #2.. Its way too true, just like biking.
  • + 7
 My wife and I on Fromme yesterday. Both had a shit time. We laughed our asses off today at this. My girl is a decent rider, I just push her too much.
  • + 3
 Funny. This shows not 2 always assume about the sexes. I'm a female rider & I love downhill, rocks, bunny hopping, etc..
I just like to ride- w/no complaints. It's uncommon to know the non-typical girl that likes to shred, but I like being that 1. : p
  • + 6
 Just showed this to my wife. She's not laughing.
  • + 6
 Smile this is the reason we have our dogs
  • + 1
 i love my wife as much as she hates biking...I love biking so much that I'm afraid to have to worry so much if my wife decides to bike with me. I don't want her to fall over go OTB or anything that I would probably experience in riding trails or DH.
  • + 3
 I will never go trail riding with my girlfriend.. She fell off my bike a few months ago bumping up onto a road kerb ... It was about 10cm high though to be fair...
  • + 3
 I once let my mates sister have a ride on my new dh bike fresh out the shop, she rode into a curb and crashed! She then ran in the house crying and left my bike in the street. I hope she felt bad about that lol. Only joking obvs. But she did scratch it
  • + 5
 Been there Gully. I understand you bro. lol Well played Dakine!
  • + 1
 So awesome. I love it when I get told we aren't riding together. So close we should be holding hands or something. The problem is then one of the partners gets faster and the other gets slower and the cycle gets even worse. So instead I just suck it up. But I will say I have experienced every situation in this video in a ride.
  • + 1
 This is very funny. I don't like it when HE rides behind me, because he might run into me. Also, the words you really don't want to hear "OOOHH MOMMM!" then the ground is very hard and you don't know how you got there. Then next time you ride you say are there any really big drops?
  • + 4
 Classic reversal, only thing is its probably true for her, that dam girl can ride. nice work Darcy.
  • + 4
 "But I don't wanna ride uphill!" proceeds to sit on bike and cry
  • - 1
 Tbh, i'm like that anyway! Every time you ride up a hill a fairy loses its soul lol
  • + 4
 Funny, although I know a bunch of gals that don't fit this persona.....
  • + 1
 I have a few riding buds that act like that. They need a full trail description before they will decide to ride. eeecchh!
  • + 1
 If my wife came off the bike and injured herself, then it would end up being a pain in the arse for me.

Canal paths & promenades are as wild as it gets.
  • + 2
 Just got my girlfriend hooked on the sport, I think. Thankfully she's got a way better attitude about it than Geoff, haha.
  • + 1
 The only one they missed from the "boy" was "It's actually harder when you do it this slow, it's easier when you go fast"... heard that one too many times.
  • + 3
 wait I hit my penis bone back there Smile
  • + 3
 hahaha. That was hilarious Big Grin
  • + 2
 HAHAHAHAHA! Love this video... I'm pretty sure I'm not *this* bad, but worryingly a few bits sound mildly familiar... :S lol
  • + 3
 it's that bad for some people
  • + 2
 It IS this bad for me!!!!! I'm glad I'm not alone on this one! Sorry Lilly but i recon you are Smile
  • + 4
 I promise I'm not... the bit that made me laugh (which I know I'm guilty of) is the million questions about "how hard is this trail?"... I've definitely never started crying! Smile
  • + 1
 Lol, either way, i'd rather be out on the trail getting stick then stuck at home Big Grin
  • + 1
 Super funny. But I have only experienced that type of abuse on a Motorcycle ride with my ex. But pretty much the same stuff.
  • + 2
 The left handed glasses throw is spot on...
  • - 1
 to be fair he says he likes left hand corners more and she say's theres mostly right hand corners, then he seems ok with that?
  • + 1
 holy shit i f$#@ing love this good work
  • + 1
 "I'm sorry i'm just so hormonal!" hahaha that was great!
  • + 1
 I hit my penis bone back there! i can't stop laughing!!! awesome
  • + 1
 hahahahahahaha....well done..hahahahahaha....
  • + 1
 hey. thats happy anneverseriy
  • + 1
 Reminds me of my son and me lol
  • + 1
 that look @ 1:57. been on the barrel side of that. not fun.
  • + 1
 I laugh every time I watch this Smile
  • + 1
 Still An All Time Great!!!! Hahahah
  • + 1
 whats up with all this Spam Bullshit in the Comments ?
  • + 2
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Instant classic!
  • + 1
 So money!!
  • + 1
 That was cute
  • + 1
 awsome Big Grin
  • - 1
 Haha! Its funny because its backwards!
  • - 3
 Oh I get it, he's playing the girl. seriously weak
  • - 3
 i love that complaints Smile
  • - 2
 perfect in every way
  • - 1
 ..vod though?
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