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Trail Side Bliss

Not much riding here, my knee still feels like hamburger. However, I did get out for a short lunch ride last friday. It felt good and I know I need to push myself to stay on the bike even if it hurts like I'm a little girl! Alcohol stove testing it also very fun and tasty, ahhaha RideOn and stay free of danger! Niko


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 What a great way for me to start my riding day bro. I'm so very happy that you're able to ride again, aven with that injury. The food you cook at the trails is insane man! I just hope I can fly to Japan one day and do all those cool videos and delicious foods with you! RideOn!
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 Thank you Brother! I had to take it easy and keep things at halt, when I was on the bike my knee was not yet ready I soon noticed, ahhaaha But soon, I need to push the pain and grind my teeth to further heal it. If you ever made it this way, we would eat and ride like kings! I will take 1 week off work to just cater to you needs here in Japan! But, please bring your lovely wife, she will get along with Hiroyo very well! RideOn my friend!
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 Of course my wife would come with me brother. I would be very proud to have her meet you and your lovely family!
Trully happy to hear you would take a week off to be my personal guide, you, the TrailMAster, guiding a crappy rider like myself; hahahahahahahha! Who cares! I'm going just for the food, hahahahahahaha!

Love you man!

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 haahahahahahhahahahahhhah I don't think you are a crapy rider bro, we would have tons and tons of fun! Yes, I would take a week off to ride and eat like Japanese Samurai! My wife's family has 2 restaurants and both my wife and I love to cook so as for food you are set bro! Thank you Ricardo! I love you too man, you have become a true friend here on Pinkbike. Its funny but we have known each other for 3-4 years now and ride together in our little videos every week. Please have a great February brother! RideOn!
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 Indeed we have buddy. It's been a while since we've first met, and I trully hope that one day I have enough cash to travel from Canada to Japan brother!
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 Thank you brother! However, you will be like me now. When you have the time and money you will most likely go back home to visit your family. For me too, at this point for the sake of my kids I need to go back home and visit family! However the dream is there! One day my friend! RideOn!
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 Your cooking kit is very hi teck looking. Fits in a nice compact bag too.. Music including your sound effect laden intro is funky and very entertaining.
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 The cook kit is super light and very simple. I had 2 stoves, a bottle of alcohol, 2 pot stands, 2 wind screens, a pot and a pan. It all fits together so it just slides in my pack and Im ready to roll! Its nice to have something hot to sooth your chest like soup or coffee when you have been climbing in the cold for a couple of hours! However, this day was just a short lunch ride, ahhhah Yes, the Garage Band is really fun to tweak with! I have about 6 songs now, ahahhahhah RideOn!
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 See that's one thing though, your videos are superb.....I love every single one!
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 Thank you brother! That means a lot. I like positive feedback! RideOn!
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 Stellar job man. The music was awesome! I like your Amish way of making everything by hand and from scratch!
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 hahahhahahhahahhaha Im a modern day Amish stuck in over populated, over industrialized, over polluted Japan. hahahahahhahha My heritage can't got to waste and I need to refuge to the hills to make a lunch with my homemade goods, ahhahah I didn't make the pot and pan so, Im not totally there yet!
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 Sorry man.. I meant Amish 'like', not that you were actually Amish !! Though that is kind of a funny thought and would make a funny spoof in black and white!

Anyways.. I think industry is important especially localized industry for local consumption. Japan is so far ahead of Australia because it can still manafacture high quality goods on shore and sustain multiple industres mostly thanks to its large population. Australia is much worse in that we don't manufacture anything onshore (other than mattresses and cooler boxes) and we send masses of resources to places where manufacturing happens at less than sustainable practice for cheap, cuz thats what the world demands.

I just wish there was more demand for high quality products that last at a higher price.. And less demand for cheap shit that ends up in land fill in less than a year from manufacture..
Sorry for rant brother!
Any way what you do is inspiring and sets a good example.. Please don't underestimate that!
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 No I like it! I was laughing so hard I almost fell off the couch, I would love to be Amish in a modern world! Im with you Josh on how the world has become. I would rather pay a bit more for something I will use my whole life than replace it in a year. I'm actually frustrated living in Japan because the whole nation has become an instant ramen eating disposable good society. When I went to have my oven fixed or my heater fixed the repair man said both are 10 years old and need to be replaced. I told him in America my grandparents have been using the same oven since my mother was born, I dont want to buy another oven. I want one that will last forever. Then we have central heating and air conditioning using just one unit so instead of replacing 6 air conditioners like here in Japan we only need to fix one machine. ahhahahhah In high school I worked in an electronic shop, then moved on to repairs. So, in my mind things dont need to be trashed, they can be fixed. Its just jaw dropping to me that the repair men here in Japan are forced to sell new products rather than use their ingenuity to fix something due to repair labor being more than a new item or the machine has in reality been made to wear out and not be repaired. There you go, now I had my rant, ahahhahahh We are even! In my spare time, I love to tinker so making stoves has become a cool little past time for me when my bikes are all up on repairs. I started when my shoulder was in really bad condition about 2 years ago. Im super stoked though, my shoulder in 4 years is finally at a point that I have started lifting weights again lightly. It feels great!
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 what a great video! encompasses everything i love, thanks bro. get that knee right so you can do more of this, RIDE ON!!
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 Thank you Brother! I love the being in the woods and having fun whether its cooking, hiking or biking. Its all good but when your knee is feeling like minced beef it makes things a bit of a bother. Thank you for your kind words mate! I will RideOn again!
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 Excellent video, enjoyed in everything..I want to quickly heal knee.RIDE ON BROTHER Cook
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 Thank you very much for the encouragement brother! I too want this knee pain to go away, but I must still take it super easy! RideOn dude!
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 Nice to see you prepare a good meal and shred your On-One despite the knee injury! RideOn!
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 Thank you Manny! It was actually very painful so, I cut the ride short. There was snow on the trail just above where I ate lunch so, I didn't want to get all muddy too, ahhahahah Im feeling strong so the knee will heal in just a little more time, thank you brother! The OnOne is a super fun trail bike, she rides nice with the 160mm fork! RideOn!
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 nice short ride and lunch !!

how do you feel your knee ??
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 My knee still feels bad, it hurts to pedal and stand on the bike. But, I want to ride, ahahhahah Thank you brother boy! RideOn!
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 Hiro-san kokooga Sinjou desu!!!Doudesuka?
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 oh very good the sinjyou trail!!
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 Yes, this trail has a dead end at the top but the trail is long and fun!
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 Nice video!
Did you injure a knee?
Please take good care of your knee.
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 Yes, I fell and cracked my knee cap 3 weeks ago. Its still too painful to push the limits! ahhahha A short Lunch ride!
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 Lunch appetizing!!
How condition of the knee ? Brother.
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 It still hurts, so I didnt ride much, just at lunch! hahahahhahahhahah Thank you it was super delicious! RideOn!
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 awesome man. I hope to make a video as good as this one day.
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 Yes, your videos are great man! Im not doing anything different, ahahhahah I really enjoyed your skiers to the left and right, the trail looked super fun! I actually am recovering from a knee injury so, I had to make this a short ride! ahahhahha RideOn bro!
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 best of luck on the recovery. knee injuries are the worst.
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 Thank you brother! This Sunday I have a ride planned on some jumps so I hope I can sustain the pain. Or, I will just be filming, ahahhahah
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 Food looks great,riding kind hard because you knee. get well amigo.
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 Yes, my knee was still to painful! But, I have to push through the pain as its been 3 weeks now. The bone is healed so there is build up of unwanted blood and crap in the knee that needs to flushed out. However when I was pedaling I felt like crying, ahhahahha Thank you Amigo!
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 time will heal you knee. have great riding next time mister Japones
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 haaahahahaahahah Thank You!
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 our favourite rider chez nikoniko tup
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 Thank you Brigand, Im touched! RideOn mate!
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 living the dream mate
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 Than you mate! My life is one spectacular dream! ahhaha RideOn!
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 nice tune!
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 Thank you, its my own creation using garage band!
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 Sweet Video Big Grin
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 Thank you brother! RideOn!

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