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The Love Train

Flowing trails with Shaums March. After a week of training in the IMBA instructors certification program it was nice to finally hit the trails and ride with a legend! Thank you Shaums, Karey and the Riding High Crew. Ride On!


  • + 1
 Hop aboard the love train. There is some Gnar , plenty of flow, smiles for miles. normely Im bored of chest footage. When you can keep tight to a rider in front of you. And i meen tight. And you were. The footage looks sweet! I have met Shaums him and his wife had a place at Whis. The man is very cool. he has been in the Red Bull Rampage. Serious talent. The riding , the music the whole vibe.......loving it bro!
  • + 1
 Thanks Shredder. Have learnt more from Shaums in a week than the rest of my years combined on the bike. The way he can break things down to the fundamentals and tell you exactly what you are doing wrong at any moment on the bike is amazing.. Also following him on trail is incredible!
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 I smoked a doobie with himSmile sssshhhhhh.
He did a local race. Bear mountain. Beat every ones time by a minute! Track was about 5 minutes long.
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 Holy Moly brother! Super fun trail riding down under! You got to ride with my all time favourite rider. I saw Shaums video in a shop back in 2001 that totally got me into riding! Super wicked! I liked the flowing up and down of these trails along with the hips and jumps along the way! RideOn in the summer heat!
  • + 1
 Thanks Niko.. I cant say enough about Shaums. All round amazing! Great teacher and person.. was so good to the kids too allowing them to partake in the skills clinics! Hit the trails again today with him and same crew.. Got to do some DH and freeriding which was awesome. We all definitely want to keep him here in Cairns
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 Superb! Please tell him his videos inspired me all the way here in Japan. Please enjoy the flow mate! RideOn!
  • + 0
 Shaums gets to Japan sometimes.. You should definitely try and get him out your way for an IMBA course!
  • + 1
 If you keep Shaums in Cairns, then we'll miss him here in Bellingham! He has talked about working with our high school mtb team here in Bellingham if it works out for his schedule. Fun to see him in action down-under.

Color me jealous.

p.s. rode this morning in the rain, but temps were close to 18 deg. C so quite pleasant for winter. Enjoy working on those skills in the days/weeks to come!
  • + 1
 hey, just curious, what HS you are working with to have a mtn bike team?
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 Thanks reverend. You guys are indeed lucky to have Shaums based in Bellingham.. Good luck with the h.s MTB team and glad to hear you enjoying some winter riding days
  • + 1
 tweaked my back a little doing a manual on the road on my way back home from a trail ride Sunday. Bit tight still, but should be good for my regular Friday night ride. Doesn't hurt too much on the bike commute. Rode the Ducati today with sunshine and some dry roads! Smiles for miles.
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 Hope the back is better.. I tweaked mine too just before this ride here.. lots of stretching and rest and then some work swinging a mattock on the trails. All better now!
  • + 1
 shaums on a transition! how cool is that? met this guy in the whistler parking lot a few years ago. he spent like 15 min. giving my kids pointers while his van load of clients waited for him. he was very nice and helpful to my boys and their friends. hope to see this guy on the local trails!
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 @waffleeater .. Cool story, I would agree. Super generous with his time and is awesome with the kids
  • + 1
 Mate that was sick ! Some nice trails and the riders have great flow . Awesome !
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 Thanks Mick.. best day on a bike ever!
  • + 1
 Oh brother, this seriously makes me dream of summer. You could also use that video to teach someone how to ride properly.
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 Thanks brother. This summer has been super hot but thankfully rideable. We were lucky enough to ride with such an awesome teacher.
  • + 1
 For reAl? What a great opportunity man! So did you teach him everything you know? Haha.
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 Haha! I tried but he ain't ready! Just kidding.. awesome to follow him on our home trails.. flow and athleticism on bike are freaking amazing. Makes it look effortless
  • + 1
 I confess, I was actually taking note of what he was saying! I'm like "ok, shoulders down arms extended" at my keyboard at work! haha. So much ice and snow out there, no riding till April for us. I'd love to have some coaching. Never too late! good for you guys to take that opportunity. so cool.
  • + 1
 So true.. I think everyone here learnt a truck load! I know my control and balance has improved a lot. Is the first time I felt like I actually know what my body is supposed to be doing!
  • + 1
 Wow cool stuff! pretty rad to See Shaums up in Cairns! Nice vid hope to get back up to F.N.Q soon
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 Cheers deadbeat. Give us a shout if you need a riding buddy when you up next
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 Oh man, that waaaas tranquil Big Grin
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 Learning from the zen master can only result in a peaceful experience!
  • + 1
 hey dude that was wonderful, so flowy and smooooth! tup
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 Thanks man. Atherton trails are our only smooth and flowy trails.. the rest are steep and gnarly!
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 it's nice you have choices! tup
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 WOW !! I want ride that trial !
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 Come on down!
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 Yeah shaums nice edit.
  • + 1
 Thanks dude! Was such a pleasure to train and ride with Shaums.
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 yea shaums is an awesome guy to hang with and funny as all hell.
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 nice nice Shaums
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 Cheers madmon. He is a really good teacher!
  • + 1
 nice work. Beautiful!
  • + 1
 Thanks man. Glad you liked it
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