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Kyle and Kevin Transition Fall Ride

Kyle and I decided to leave work early and hit one of our local trails. It was a perfect fall day and the trails were tacky. A great day to be on your bike.


  • + 9
 this is better then some vods ive seen before. good job. local trails. good finishing shot actually! VOD
  • + 9
 wow...vod no doubt. RIDER OWNED FOR LIFE!
  • + 7
 Amazing video! Cool trail!
  • + 38
 I though the music was gonna cut and kevin was gonna say "can you please remove your pants" when he was putting on that glove. I was so scared i pee'd a lil
  • + 1
 Vod Cool Video
  • + 9
 that was sick. you guys are smooth.
  • + 4
 the song sucked...great video tho!
  • - 16
flag rage67 (Nov 5, 2008 at 1:26) (Below Threshold)
 gross mustache
  • + 13
 its an alright vid, the only reason i would say vod is because of the beginning and the ending sequences
  • + 3
 those guys were hauling ass in the the car lol
  • + 0
 nice mustage
  • + 6
 i wish i had a transition store in my town
  • - 47
flag dylans (Nov 5, 2008 at 5:41) (Below Threshold)
 these guys are fucking faster then sam hill himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • - 17
flag spud3 (Nov 5, 2008 at 10:13) (Below Threshold)
 the bikes cost MORE than his car !!!! i wanna be like that lol but with a lambo and like the best bike evr =]
  • + 7
 spud that would be quite hard to find a bike to cost more than a lambo o and can we decide if it is a "cool finishing shot" for ourselfs rarther than you telling us Smile
  • - 12
flag troythebiker (Nov 5, 2008 at 10:38) (Below Threshold)
 was the opening sequence with the cars in fast motion?
  • + 3
 this vid drags...cool trail and riding but get a bit boring unfortunatle
  • - 12
flag demo-dan (Nov 5, 2008 at 13:23) (Below Threshold)
^^^^^pod worth^^^^^^^
  • + 1
 sorry bud but i don't think so ^. great vid. where is the trail at ? i live in b'ham too
  • + 5
 Oh no he did not just diss the Transition Riders!
  • - 3
 great vid and all but could you have chosen a better song?
  • + 0
 diggin the stache, sick vid
  • + 2
 Mustache ride any one?
  • + 2
 when somebody post a comments like "vod" he gets a lot of props, but if video is vod, when somebody post "great vod" he gets a minus props !!! it's .... Blank Stare
  • + 6
 not a bad video but not VOD worthy, sorry guys :S the riding was good but safe no where near as good as your other videos and the facial hair was a mistake haha
  • + 4
 yae i agree with you man wasn't that great
  • - 8
flag norcomanikowner (Nov 5, 2008 at 6:18) (Below Threshold)
 i will admit it would have been fun but i dont think it was POD worthy
  • + 11
 maybe worth VOD but not POD Wink
  • + 6
 I think the point of the video wasnt to be epic, but just two guys that own a bike company taking the time to rip a local trail after work. Great colors and a solid trail vid
  • - 1
 I agree with the concept, I thought it lacked energy though. Amazing trail, wish I knew where it was so I could rip it.
  • + 1
 Just south of Bellingham on Chuckanut Drive. Take Cleator on the left before the fire-station, go up. Couple of fun trails up there.
  • + 8
 Hell yeah! Thats some damn fine Northwest ridin' right there.
  • + 3
 wow bud calm the fuck down, obviously everyone is not going to be as fast as Hill....but they had fun doing wat they did and if your sooo amazing why dont you post a vid as nice as this with equaly or better riding and to add insult to the injury that i have already casued you, i could bet you my life that your dog can not ride a fucking bike fuckin under-acheiver.... owned...
  • + 4
 i love people who love to ride bikes
  • + 4
 bit borring but EPIC tache!
  • + 5
 nothing special for me
  • + 4
 yeap, its like XC riding...
  • + 1
 It's not an XC trail. I promise.
  • + 3
 Wow! cool XC vid, was XC wasn't it? Sllloooowwww mofo's
  • + 2
 not the best riding but still love the editing and you gotta love the mustache
  • + 3
 OK vid but not a VOD, XC trails riden sloowwwwwwwwwly.....
  • + 0
 That was brutal ! I kept watching hoping that something exciting would happen.. sigh. Good colors though, if it wasn't for all the snow outside my window I'd be motivated to go riding.
  • + 2
 haha...i loved the music and the stashes. that was so awesome. that trail was alot of fun too
  • + 2
 CHUCKANUT MOUNTAIN!!! rep that bellingham
  • - 1
 bham for life
  • + 1
 YOU DUDES SHREDD!!! Great VOD!!! The Staches are CREEPY to say the least....
  • + 2
 I mustache you guys a question: how do you do it? I vote VOD.
  • + 2
 pinning it.

that was pot-smoker "fast".
  • + 0
 The music... the driving to the trail... the riding... You made me have that feeling while sitting in this chair, of going to the local spots around here... Props to ya!
  • + 2
 pretty good vid...i wish i hade some of that riding in my home town. Smile
  • + 0
 its not always about some hard core, its about the way of life...cool vid! smooth riding,sweet trail a nd my favourite Transition bikes...greets guys!
  • + 1
 Well i enjoyed it but did you seriously manage to film all of that after work? Mad! Big Grin
  • + 0
 That trail looks a lot more friendly than the trails I rode with Kyle and Sam. Trees looked more friendly also!!! Very cool video!
  • + 1
 They aren't world cup riders going 60 down the hill, but it still looks amazing! Keep em coming
  • + 2
 Kyle and Kevin, so hot right now
  • + 2
 dang skippy
  • + 0
  • + 0
 Boy Howdy!
  • + 0
 looks like a fun trail and looks like you guys had fun riding it. thanks for sharing!
  • + 1
 oh and, nice vid guys!
really enjoyed it! =D
  • + 1
 well made video good ridin too
  • + 1
 Nice big mother fucking mustachio bro!!!
  • + 0
 Good looks on this video, transition released it like 5 days ago but it's definitely sill great the second time around!
  • + 0
 Nice vid guys! that looked like a fun trail, where was that, up on chuckanut?
  • + 0
 yeah, that's on chuckanut. I LOVE THIS TRAIL! one of my favorites. i jumped when i noticed what trail it was.
  • + 0
 Looked like you guys had a great time up there, loved that ending with the drifting that was sick as. Nice bikes too guys!
  • + 0
 sorry --- I'm sure you had fun with it but, that was a little snoozy for me..
  • + 0
 facial expressions, moustaches, bikes, trail, music, filming, production, all = WIN
  • + 0
 that was pretty good, looked like a real fun ride! thats what its all about
  • + 1
 Nice vid. The trails look fun! Nice mustash
  • + 1
 Whats the song?
  • + 1
 nevermind, cannibal queen- miniature tigers.
  • + 1
  • + 0
 low speed Big Grin bud nice ride Razz
  • - 1
 Sweet. Makes me want my new Rev32's to show up at the shop quicker (exploded an old rim last weekend)!!
  • - 2
 36 is worth the weight
  • - 1
 I see you both are running the MOVEMBER mushtache's. Great to see. Oh yeah, and good vid too.
  • + 1
 that looks pretty fun
  • + 1
 trail looked like fun
  • + 0
 it was ok, sorta slow. vod? maybe but it was still a sick trail
  • + 0
 the guys with the half helmet has a sweet mustach
  • + 0
 I really wish they would extend the chuckanut trail. nice vid guys!
  • + 0
 Looks like a fun single track trail by your work.
  • + 1
 sweet trial
  • + 1
 what trail?
  • + 0
 wow.. pinkbike cant just go through 2 days in a row with good VOD's
  • + 0
 transition is the best, and great vid guys
  • - 1
 slick vid! loved the trail, loved the shots, loved the editing, loved the tunes! makes me wanna ride!
  • + 0
 yeah this is what we could call a moustachioed ride ! nice !
  • + 0
 Ca donne le gout daller en faire // I love , VOD
  • + 0
 nice track, the vid is put together really well.. good work!
  • + 0
 Man i wish my work would let me have a moustache!!!! Ok riding kool vid.
  • - 1
 i to ma być VOD? - wyglÄ…da jak niedzielna przejeżdzka po buÅ‚ki!
  • + 1
 Long live Stache-tober
  • + 0
 great vod
  • + 0
 nice trail
  • - 1
 that definitly isnt the VOD!
  • - 2
 why VOD? i mean, its not bad but, the music is terrible, the riding isn't all that good aswell
  • + 0
 nice vid
  • + 0
 not bad
  • - 2
 u guys look the wierdiest fuckers wit ur mustaches my dog could do better riding than that!! gud editing thou
  • + 0
 VOD sooooo good
  • - 1
 everyone give them a break its not shave november
  • - 1
 That was a fun video... gret choice of music as well...A+++ performance.
  • + 0
 cute song.
  • + 0
  • + 0
 boring !!!!
  • - 1
 Worst VOD I have ever seen in the past month
  • + 0
 what a nice track
  • + 0
 i like his mustache
  • + 0
 nice job! mint
  • + 0
 but coolBig Grin
  • + 0
 nice vid :-)
  • + 0
 Boring but nice Big Grin
  • + 0
 THIS is VOD. Oh dear.
  • - 1
 it"s a lifestyle, you just watch and you get the feeling Smile

  • + 0
 decent track:P
  • - 1
 Please, change this music, because is a terrible...
  • - 3
 Double Black in all its glory, minus the sweet fire road! Can't beat chuckanut for an after work shuttle session if you live in Bellingham.
  • - 2
 I'm so cool. I even know the name of this trail. Oh, in case you don't I will provide you with the town and mountain. Why don't you post directions while you are at it. I doubt that you have ever lifted a shovel on that hill.
  • + 1
 I've done my fair share of building actually, and I know when to keep my mouth shut about riding spots. Its not like this trail is underground... its marked on every map for the mountain. Not many people ride it because it isn't really worth a trip from anywhere but Bellingham, not because its a huge secret.
  • - 1
 building on this trail?? don't think so!
  • + 0
 Think whatever you want.
  • + 0
 jon sounds like a dike, don't ya think so brendan? haha...
  • + 0
 sweet skidd
  • + 0
 that was a nice trail Smile
  • - 3
 a lot of comments
  • - 3
 polly want a cracker
  • - 3
  • - 3
  • - 3
  • - 3
 fun to ride
  • - 3
 just cool
  • - 3
 sweet video man
  • - 3
  • - 3
 nice comments
  • - 3
  • - 3
  • - 3
  • - 3
 sweet man!
  • - 3
 monster video
  • - 3
 Frown awesome BORING VID
  • - 3
 i haven't watched the video yet!
  • - 2
 that was kinda sad.
  • - 2
 that was sick bro
  • - 3
 man that is nasty sick bike
  • - 3
 the guys with the half helmet has a sweet mustach
  • - 2
 go transition!!!!
  • - 2
 this is gay..
  • - 3
 class that as cross country not downhill...sorry
  • - 1
 ooo nice
  • - 2
 Why Vod comon guys whats going on
  • - 1
 best friends.
  • - 1
 very nice
  • - 2
 transition for life rider owned for life
  • - 1
 cool local trail
  • - 1
 badd vod
  • - 2
 that was an awesome video.. reallly smooooth riding Smile
  • - 1
 this is so borring
  • - 1
 very nice VOD
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