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Video: 16-Year-Old Jack Neff Rides His Bowhead Bike Every Day in Bend, Oregon

Jan 21, 2024
by Bowheadcorp  

bigquotesI think my favourite thing about riding is…I just really enjoy it! It’s a good way to clear my mind. I just feel free. Then I also just love to ride with People. Friends. Family.

Jack Neff is 16 years old from Bend, Oregon. He’s had a Bowhead for 4 years now. He rides every day with his Dad.

We met up with Jacko on our way home from Sea Otter this year. Jack and his Dad showed us some fun singletrack in Bend. It was the first time Jack had gotten to ride with fello TEAM BOWHEAD riders Cole Bernier and Gustavo Ortiz. He was never not smiling.

bigquotesThat was the best day of my life

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Member since Jan 25, 2020
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  • 27 0
 COTA did a great job make the trails close to town more accessible. I get so stoked every time I see a bowhead in Bend. Must be such a cool feeling the first time a disabled person is able to get out on the trails and experience what we get to experience.
  • 9 0
 That must be an amazing dad.
I used to ride everyday when I was 16 too, but I’m clad if I can ride once a week with the kids.
  • 8 0
 I've followed this kid down a couple runs at Mt. Bachelor bike park and he SENDS. Railing corners and clearing jumps as fast and far as many of the riders on normal bikes. Love to see it.
  • 8 0
 I see Jack and his Dad on the whoops trail all the time! They are super cool and Jack sends!
  • 4 0
 Imagine being so blind they you cut down a video of a kid and his dad riding bikes despite life circumstances. I bet a lot of guys never got the chance. I would do many things to ride with my dad again. Thank goodness for bowhead and the other adaptive brands. It would be really cool to see them involved at some more events in the future!
  • 8 0
 Tons of respect!
  • 4 0
 1. Props to Jack and his dad. 2. I'd love to take a lap or 2 on a Bowhead.
  • 3 0
 God, that video of him talking about the bike and riding with his Dad just makes my heart smile.
  • 5 1
 Very cool
  • 1 0
 I saw his Dad get yelled by some d-bag while he was CLIMBING on the fire road. The Bend ebike nazis are truly something else. I’ll never understand it.
  • 2 0
 Im not plugged into the politics in Bend regarding ebike and access, but I cant imagine seeing a kid who is clearly disabled and using an ebike to get outdoors and deciding thats the person I need to scream at and have a meltdown about. Some folks really need to re-evaluate their priorities
  • 2 0
 Awesome Jack! Best part of the day for sure!
  • 2 0
 The bowheads are SO rad!!
  • 2 0
 Yes JACK!!!!! Crushin it!!!!!!
  • 1 1
 I love Royal Flush!

Happy to see the e-bike nazis in Bend allow these guys to shred despite their deep seeded hate for all that is “E” ✌✌✌
  • 1 0
 I love Royal Flush also Wink
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