Team GT at Crankworx Rotorua 2016 - Video

Mar 24, 2016 at 10:39
by GT Bicycles  


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GTBicycles avatar

Member since Apr 2, 2013
265 articles

  • 40 4
 GT bikes are underrated
  • 38 7
 To be fair, they used to be some of the best, then they sold out and were absolute garbage for years.They finally make great bikes again, but still have a ways to go to earn their reputation back.
  • 26 8
 they've won world cups, world championships and rampage in recent years. they earned it already.
  • 10 4
 ....and EWS
  • 18 5
 The problem is that once you get shit in your mouth, it takes a long time to get the funk out. Yes, GT is doing great and making nice bikes right now, but it will take another few years before I will forget WalMart GT bikes.
  • 13 16
 I'm sorry -- I'm sure they're great bikes and all, and I certainly wish them no ill will -- but I think GT makes some ugly bikes. Big ass, goofy lookin' swing arms.
  • 6 1
 Eh, I gotta be fair -- I do like their BMX race frames and their MTBMX bikes. Those are pretty sweet.
  • 4 0
  • 7 0
 Yeah, check their website. I didn't come up with that name, that's what they're calling their dirt jumpers.They're nice.
  • 10 0
 I guess it's all subjective, but GT makes my favorite looking bikes. I could see why people don't like the swingarm, but I actually think that makes them look tough, burly, and ready to rip.
  • 4 3
 @TheR Seriously the bikes are fugly, they could ride awesome, the teams might win, but just the the girl you hooked up with while you were too drunk, you dont want your friends to see you on her.
  • 6 0
 @abzillah - sounds like a man who knows from experience!
  • 1 1
 It is subjective, and I'm sure many people like them precisely because they are ugly. (Or at least for the same reasons I find them ugly). Kind of like those hairless dogs that are so ugly they're cute.

Actually, it's only the full suspension bikes I have a problem with. I suppose the Avalanche frame is a classic, though I'm not particularly interested in XC machines.

I have no problem with GT. Back when I was a kid, GT were the premier bikes, right up there with Haro. They were both popular bikes and had the best teams.

They used to have a color of frame called GT blue. When you saw it, you knew it was a GT.
  • 3 3
 GT bikes are ugly? This statement can only come from anyone who owns a brand other than GT. As a lifelong GT owner, I believe that all other brands, other than GT, are ugly.
Subjective statements on bicycle beauty are just that. Subjective.

The sexiest swing-arms belong to GT, period.
  • 5 0
 @rushnbobo did you just rant on people making subjective statements and then type a subjective absolute?
  • 1 0
 @rushnbobo -- yep, they are more than ugly, they are FUGLY. You're right, I don't own a GT, because I wouldn't sit on one of those FUGLY-assed bikes with your ass.

Ha! Just kidding man. They're probably not bad bikes, I just don't like the way they look. Ride what you like, buddy. Peace!
  • 3 0
 Bring back GT blue!
  • 4 2
 If it's any consolation, I think YTs are ugly, too. I know it's a big sin around here to criticize the sainted YT, but the truth hurts, Pinkbike! Negative prop away!
  • 1 2
 My next bike might still be a YT, though...
  • 20 0
 When I saw her waving the check from that SUV's window I thought "What the f*ck, get back on the wheel!!" then I remembered it's NZ.
  • 2 0
 Glad I'm not the only one haha
  • 11 0
 I've wanted a sanction since they've came out
  • 9 0
 GT sure knows how to pick up their female riders tho !
  • 6 0
 Rachel Throop for the win.
  • 2 2
 I've always said, she'll make you forget how ugly those GT bikes are.
  • 7 0
 Good bikes for sure and good video.
  • 6 0
 The new Sanction looks nice
  • 4 0
 Somebody please tell Wyn that a dermatologist won't be much help on a wrist injury.
  • 1 0
 @rushnbobo. Actually, the attitude comes from the fact that I have the power to vote with my wallet every single day. Which, in turn, does make me feel quiet entitled to an open opinion and consumer vote. Instead of waiting for the masses to come to a democratic opinion on what is right and wrong. It's not so much a debate on proving a company that doesn't strive for profit as much as it is proving a company who strives for true innovation. If you owned multiple companies you would of course share new innovations amongst the others, in term avoiding unwanted competition, but a plus is cost sharing. Similar to avoiding a monopoly corporation for utilities. It would naturally resist unneeded advances or promotions because of lack of competitors. I would rather support a company doing it for their own companies personal gain of customers you appreciate their advances. Unfortunately the more people you have to answer or explain yourself to the slower things are. I am not trying to sway your opinion, since you are a devoted GT customer.
  • 4 1
 I love my gt but the company truly lacks in merchandise, costumer service and that awful thing they call a website.
  • 3 0
 I love their website, customer service and merch.
  • 2 0
 Really? then i must be going to the wrong site.
im looking on how to service the i-drive and that's nowhere on the site.
and also looking to purchase a gt jersey or t-shirt and could not find it.
can you be so kind in providing a link?
  • 9 6
 they've won world cups, world championships and rampage in recent years. they earned it already.
  • 4 4
 I wouldn't say GT has exactly earned it unless the trophy is handed to the man who strokes the cheque. Gt has been owned by Dorel Industries for the past eleven years, same company who owns brands such as Mongoose, Cannondale, Diamondback, Maxi-Cosi, Quinny ( that's right infant carseats) as well as home furnishing companies. The CEO and three vice- presidents all make well over 1.5 million a year and the company assets are worth well over 2 billion dollars. Not to hold that against them but they certainly have the money to pay for top athletes to endorse their brand similar to another big brand (Trek). So to say that they have earned it is not exactly a false statement, but it sure does discredit the athlete who dug deep to make it happen. So when considering what company to choose for your next bike remember that if you don't buy a bike from them you will almost certainly buy your first car seat or coffee table from them. I choose to support a company trying to benefit the cycling world and not increase profit margins of a globally traded corperation.
  • 1 0
 @messmyth This is a solid point. I would have to look into how they give back to cycling (it's of course totally possible for a globally traded company to do many, many good things for a sport), but it is probably more likely that a brand solely invested in cycling (or outdoor sports) is going to do more to benefit the sport. That being said, I try to give all companies the benefit of the doubt; just because they are big and make a lot of money doesn't mean they are somehow tainted or greedy. You have a spectrum from Whole Foods (say what you will about pricing) to Walmart (full on douche rockets). Just like any other business, they can go either way.
  • 5 0
 Who gives a shit if Doral is a global corporation that focuses on profit? Show me ONE company that doesn't focus on profit. GT is making incredible bicycles and I will continue to purchase them. The company doesn't "pay" their riders they negotiate contracts with their riders (as does every other team) the riders sign or they dont. The millennial entitlement attitude is truly anti- economics. Some of the best brands on the planet are owned by a parent company.
Trek (Electra) made 900 million last year. Profits?
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