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The Official BSD JAM 2011 Video | Supported by Nike 6.0

With the help of Nike 6.0, a team of dedicated workers and a lot of blood, sweat and sleepless nights, Hall 2 at Unit 23 underwent an amazing transformation at the end of last year. This is the official 2011 BSD Jam video from the new park. Thanks to Nike 6.0 and Unit 23 skatepark without whom this jam would not have been possible. www.bsdforever.com


  • + 61
 I love this. It does deserve VOD especially seeing as we don't get many BMX VOD's. I think it is filmed really well and as for the riding.... Well, that's just another story.
  • + 2
 i think the very same Smile
  • + 4
 a lot of trick's combinations an flow!
  • + 4
 dont you just wish you were there?
  • + 1
 really nice
  • + 4
 that heel click at 2:58 is ridiculous
  • + 11
 3:24 did he actually just do a cork flip drop in?! that is unbelievable!!!
  • + 1
 next job? Working at unit 23 skatepark so i can flow around that bowl after hours!
  • - 46
flag Jack1201 (Apr 13, 2011 at 11:23) (Below Threshold)
 bmx sucksss!
  • + 2
 @Ejg94 It's Harry Main... Flair Drop In.
  • - 8
flag Andiderbiker (Apr 13, 2011 at 12:30) (Below Threshold)
 can't even do a 180 on bmx :/, mtb ftw!

+ i really hate the music in most of the bmx vids!!
  • + 4
 The music goes well on this one....
  • + 3
 bio 5 on a bike...
  • + 1
 I haven't enjoyed watching a biking video for a long time.. This one blew me out of the water. Great find!!!
  • + 1
 that 5 was outa control
  • + 2
 now i wish i never sold my bmx.
  • + 5
 jack you are 12, shut the fuck up.
  • - 11
flag Jack1201 (Apr 25, 2011 at 15:15) (Below Threshold)
 woow bit late on the comment and bmx ix boring all you do is ride street and dirt and street parks
  • + 6
 how is that boring?
  • + 1
 second song was in a vod a while back called "Maybelater." I think, sick vid though!
  • + 17
 In mtb events its compulsory to wear a helmet, why bmx riders seem to think its more cool to wear a hat is beyond me. come on guy's grow up and set an example
  • + 2
 2nd that, I dont ride bmx, but i wont ride mountain bike people if they wont rock a helmet. They fall and break their head and it's gonna ruin my whole day of riding
  • - 7
flag Bushy123 (Apr 13, 2011 at 14:25) (Below Threshold)
 Its bmx... most riders dont set an example they just enjoy the sport by doing their own thing so please just shut the fuck up about helmets thanks.
  • + 7
 Alright tool, I'm guessing no one will miss you when your brains are splattered down the sidewalk cause you're obviously a total douche. Really i don't care if you get hurt, but thinking its cooler to ride without a helmet makes kids getting into the sport think it's cooler to ride without a helmet, which gets them hurt. Glad to see i don't share the dirt with an idiot like you...
  • - 11
flag Bushy123 (Apr 13, 2011 at 15:00) (Below Threshold)
 Cleary someone exaggerates to much, obviously little children dont look at me and notice the first thing im doing is not wearing a helmet. I dont think its cool its just my decision. I dont ride dirt because of bell ends like yourself. Clearly im not an idiot i probibly would out smart a creep like you. BYE.
  • + 4
 im of the view that you should ride with a helmet but come on to fuck, if theres a vid on here with bmxers without helmets you know there will be someone complaining before you even read the comments...
  • + 3
 yes, clearly you are smart because of all the concrete arguments you've made
  • + 5
 awesome video. what happened to the no helmet, no vod rule though...
  • + 1
 songs? please?
  • + 3
 I think helmets look steezy!
  • + 9
 i just like that bushy spelled probably as "probibly" after saying he's smart.
  • + 6
 i think bushy123 is right, who gives a f@#k if you do or dont ride with a helmet? if they fall thats theres problem but theres no need to call them stupid and idiots ect, when the level of riding they produce is amazing? lots of bmxers i know would rather ride with a lid but find it to distracting.. so just get over it. your little pinkbike comments arent going to make them put a helmet on.
  • + 2
 Atleast someone see's my point Smile
  • - 4
flag snaka-jack (Apr 22, 2011 at 7:06) (Below Threshold)
 i agree with bushy123 too its our descision not to ride with a helmet not some gay hardcore mountain bikers.
  • + 2
 gay? We're not the ones wearing skinny jeans buddy
  • + 2
 so fukin wat if we wear skinny jeans bmx isnt about setting an example its about riding your bike how you want to in your own way and if tht means not wearing a helmet then why shld u fucking care dude these guys get payed for riding im pretty sure they know wat theyr doin and their was only like 5 guys their who werent wearing aa helmet and they wer all riding street so their was no need for them to wear 1.
  • + 4
 It's not a direct attack on bmx riders at all. I'm not that immature to start slagging someone off because they choose to ride a different discipline. It's just a bad example to set to young riders who see these people as possible roll models. Like you say "They know what they are doing" and if they are paid to ride then i am sure there sponsors would love to see them acting in this way. I know i can't compete without wearing a helmet and all the pads that my sponsors say to wear. Many people i have ridden with have had serious injuries, I know of 2 broken necks and a broken back in the last 6 months and the injuries could of been worse if they weren't wearing a helmet
  • + 1
 stomp, there are plenty of mtbers who wear skinny jeans, and they make you look like shit skill wise.Hell, I could outride you and i ride bmx. So explain to me where the problem is with skinny jeans? Don't go calling guys gay that wear them when they can outride you any day of the week. And who cares about if those guys arnt wearing a helmet. Its their choice not yours. If they crack their head do you have to suffer? Didn't think so. Stop bitching and ride your bikes
  • + 1
 Hey bro, I'm not the one calling anyone gay, snaka called mtb riders gay so i just pointed out the fact that we arent the ones wearing girl's clothing. Like I and Andy have both said, it's not about you guys getting hurt, could really care less, but you influence kids who start riding without helmets because they think it's cool. And really, talking shit on me because of a vid i made 3-4 years ago? You're cool
  • + 3
 Skinny jeans arnt girls clothing man. Maybe if you came out of you "im hard as f*ck" shell you would realise a ton of guys wear them now. and im guessing you have never tryed them on either. If you are influenced by a guy not wearing a helmet you need to start thinking for yourself. i personally prefer wearing a helmet when i ride street. I know its not "cool" but id rather not split my head. How am i suposed to know its 3-4 years old when you posted it a year ago?
  • + 2
 Well, it said so in the description. I'm just sayin' little kids are impressionable, and when pros don't wear helmets, kids think its cooler to not wear one.
  • + 1
 haha... its not that big of a deal in my opinion, just wish people would stop trying to be a hero by saying its stupid to ride without a helmet, its all down to opinion really, its not any cooler to ride without one its just the riders choice.
  • - 1
 ladies, ladies, stop fighting, theres enough of me to go around
  • + 3
 you wish ladies would fight over you
  • + 14
 As amazing as this video is im sticking to dirt
  • + 11
 more air in this vid than a hot air balloon Smile
  • + 1
 That sums it up nicely
  • + 5
 Wow the trolls in these comments are ridiculous. Even if you're not a fan of bmx you have to admit that was sickly.
  • + 6
 this seems like a video game xD
  • + 5
 Looked like a good day. Gotta get to that park soon
  • + 8
 best park ever, especially the bit with the wall rides, could flow in that for days
  • + 4
 In the background of the still shot before you play does anyone notice the abominable snowman suit??
  • + 2
 Yup. 0:19 - That there is a full grown yeti...
  • + 1
 @bushy123 While it is your personal preference, it is by no means an intelligent one. Refusing to protect your head on the grounds of not looking "cool" is not only moronic, it represents an event in your life with an unfortunate incident with pavement, one that you probably had no helmet for. As for my "intelligence" My IQ is in the genius range, and I highly doubt that you would be able to outsmart me. After all, I wear a helmet. Smile
  • + 5
 Sick As i wish i had gone through now Frown
  • + 4
 Wish I could have at least watched!
  • + 17
 i dont understand how in this day and age there are still riders from the bmx community that think riding without a helmet is cool. look around guys...
  • - 9
flag matt-bike-baha (Apr 13, 2011 at 2:51) (Below Threshold)
 because they're ard!
  • + 4
 i love the fact that in bmx vids like this the riding just gets more and more ridiculous all the way through. and they're not starting off badly...
  • + 9
 Agreed. Don't they realise that if they have a decent crash, they may never ride a bike again? That's hardly worth risking.
  • - 10
flag rectum (Apr 13, 2011 at 5:35) (Below Threshold)
 and all a helmet does is protect your head from slams and if you know your just chilling on a rail and being mellow then a brain bucket isn't a big deal its not like they protect your face and try convincing a bmx'r to were a full face
  • + 23
 an intelligent comment there from a guy who calls himself rectum...
  • - 9
flag nouser (Apr 13, 2011 at 12:02) (Below Threshold)
 i have a really good friend who always wears a helmet, fell from a tall part of the bowl and landed on his head and his helmet split, cut his forehead to shit . the ER doc said that the helmets that they are using for bmx do pretty much nothing when you are riding like that, just worsens the impact.
  • + 6
 p. much nobody on that video was 'chilling on a rail'
  • + 4
 hahahahahahaha ^^
  • + 9
 Feck chilling on a rail man...loop out on a manual and the back of your head is hitting the floor at a pretty shit hot pace. You don't need to be going big to seriously injure yourself. As for redline-45, if your mate managed to split a helmet that fully met modern safety standards and previously undeformed, then he'd have done a shit load more than a few wee cuts to the internals of his skull without one.
  • + 14
 "just worsens the impact" what a load of shit if you believe that your a f*cking retard...
  • + 3
 i broke my skull last season at the park and the only reason i survived was my brain bucket. BUCKLE UP OR ILL HUNT U DOWN!
  • + 2
 Thats a great way to spend 10,000 pounds on building supplys ,What a work of art . creative lines had by all .such a stunning video .
  • + 2
 This is one Harcore vid this has got to be THE best indoor vid by far =D and it definatly diserves VOD
AMAZING GUYS mind blowing stuff Razz
  • + 2
 Don't get me wrong, I'm a dirt fan, but don't these guys just make dirt riders look kinda sh*t?
  • + 1
 not at all man, they are two completley different things. The dirt guys in bmx are all about the flow on the trails, not about big tricks. Park and street guys are the opposite. None of the guys i ride with are really into tricking at all and we all ride dirt. Just two different scenes
  • + 3
 Positive props and what?

  • + 3
 Bmx guys gettin rowdy, sick edit , big time tricks too, nice.
  • + 3
 Proggression Nuff' Said
  • + 3
 some of the best riding right there
  • + 3
 I just had about a seven minute long orgasm
  • + 3
 thats was one of the dopest seshes ive ever seen thats such a sick park
  • + 3
 VOD !!!
  • + 2
 i was the 36,000th person to watch this
  • + 3
  • + 2
 IS JUST :SIICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 3
 Must be VOD! Big Grin
  • + 3
  • + 1
 well that was mindblowing just watching the tricks people are doing these days.definetly worth VOD
  • + 2
 diggin the nollie bars. killer contest, van homan is legit
  • + 1
 so nice to finally have a bmx vod! its a nice change from the everyday dh, and dj. best vod in a while!
  • + 1
 I love DH and all of its variants, but damn. This was awesome, riding was superb, track was smooth. Well earned VOD.
  • + 3
 kriss kyle is leggiitt
  • + 2
 rivetting!bet vid in a long time.nice.
  • + 1
 These comments were oh so interesting Wink
  • + 1
 badass... these guys get to have entirely too much fun. hahaa
  • + 1
 4: 57 was soo f*cking raw
  • + 1
 i would love to be dave for a day
  • + 1
 So sick this video, POD it deserves Yes!
  • + 0
 is there a specific type of animal control meant for beasts? because that place is full of them!
  • + 2
 Yes, Its called a gun. Now stop trying to be funny.
  • + 2
 shut up dom bumder
  • + 1
 the rider with the red bike has some serious skill fp :O
  • + 1
 I was at this and it was awsome !!!
  • + 1
 2:58 was some crazy ninja shit!!!!
  • + 1
 i enjoyed kriss kyle's little g-turn 360 thing there!
  • + 1
 If your Mountain bikers anyway why are you watching this "buddy".
  • + 1
 do these people not care about there health?!?!
  • + 1
 well they obviously do...........
  • + 0
 k. since when have i cared what you think?
  • + 2
 well they wouldnt be alive if they didnt care about their health Smile
  • + 0
 ur one clever person dale.....
how u work it out ?
  • + 2
 ive asked jeeves....
  • + 1
 Dom you got rinsed
  • - 1
 I love how you all lick each other bums
  • + 1
 i love how michael licks yours even worse
  • - 1
 cool? he isnt licking anything of mine...
  • + 0
 why say it to me then lol
  • + 3
 how about you guys shut the f*ck up? XD
  • + 2
 Canada, once again peacekeeping Razz ^^
  • + 3
 Yea Buddy
  • + 1
 look at the pick dnt play it and ull se a big yeti thing
  • + 2
 whats the song called ??
  • + 1
 yeah +1, what tune is that?
  • + 1
 The first tune is:
The Kills - Night Train
  • + 2
 The Kills 'Night Train' The Black Angels 'The Sniper'
  • + 0
 AMAZING! Real life video game right there. Makes me want to bust out the BMX again!
  • + 1
 FINALLY!!!!! a decent VOD
  • + 1
 hasnt this already been VOD?
  • + 1
 to sickk, what are both the songs anyonee?
  • + 1
 unit is mint and that vid is amazin
  • + 1
 street and park riders under one roof
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 that was sick
  • + 1
 that was sick
  • + 0
 better than simpel session!!!!!
  • + 1
 seriously... not at all
  • + 1
 epic for park
  • + 1
 that was sick
  • + 1
 VOD for sure!!!
  • + 1
 very pro Big Grin
  • + 0
 new tricks
  • + 0
 so crazzy
  • + 0
 01:36 haha so slick!
  • - 1
 i usaly hate bmx, but that was shit hot!!!
  • + 0
 sweet whats song name
  • + 0
  • + 0
  • + 0
 i was there Razz !
  • - 2
 shut up dom u koon
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