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Carhoo crashing *tags* Brazil canada trails trails polska les gets france collective teaser portugal foam pit scoot


  • + 111
 a shit man. f*ckin sucks..next time wear a helmet man....Smile
  • + 30
 the key world is 'next time' Frown
  • + 29
 you guys are so fucked wear a helmet
  • + 16
 It looks like he's fine when he crashes... It's after when his bike flips and his cassette or something wacks him on the head. Wear a helmet next time!
  • - 34
flag Jackmanik06 (Feb 25, 2008 at 1:39) (Below Threshold)
 he wore a helmet didnt he, it just looks like it came off
  • + 20
 it was his shoe that fell off no a lid
  • + 9
 hahah silly kids and no helmets.. did you get a a derualier to the head or was it the end of the frame?
  • + 10
 helmets were not created just for lookin good!!! they were for proteccion!!! LOL!!!
  • + 10
 you could quite possibly have the stupidest friends ever and u are stupid as well for not wearing a helmet.
  • + 8
  • + 7
 pause it at exactly 32.3 or less and you can see the guy in the back playing Wink lol
  • + 2
 jackmanik06 its his hat that comes off not a helmet
  • + 2
 omg those f*ckin kids are dumb. This is why I think this kind of riding is GAY.
  • + 0
 it was a hat that fell off... no helmet... = f*cked.
  • + 2
 that's why EVERYONE needs to where a helmet
  • + 7
 your friends are duche bags
  • + 5
 he has no friends lol
  • + 4
 ur friends are f*cken retards
quote: wow look at his head, oh man look at his head

: do you have concussion

at least he set an example for other retards
  • + 2
 you did it wrong.
  • + 0
 it was a fucking beanie. who the fuck jumps any kind of jump like that wearing a big ass coat thats probbly why he crashed im guessing.
  • + 14
 I am the safety fairy and i grant you the ability to buy a helmet!
  • + 12
 that's why i always wear helmet
  • + 6
 i agree
  • + 11
 dude where a helmet
  • + 8
 "do you have any kind of cuncussion?" how would he know? lol
"shoulda wore a helmet!" damn right
  • + 6
 ach! i hate it when people do that to me, id be pissed if i were you! when they ru around you, " dude dude ar you ok .. shit dude your bleeding dude.. shit dude man you fell dude,.. DUDE you fell man holy shit, give him some space guys give him some space, holy shit he fell holy shit, man hes bleeding, oh man look at it bleed" Meanwhile you just want to recover yourself enough to get up, and what ever else is needed after that.. but man , helmet for sure bro.
  • + 7
 how stupid are the people who are with him... they are all lookin at his shoe when he has a masive cut in his head
  • + 6
 im pretty sure that every person wrote helmet in their comment
  • + 2
 what the hell man.if your friend is bleeding and you can see a big gouge in is head you don't just stand there at lauch at his fall"man you hit the jump nice but when you came down for land u got toaly laced up dude. haha you got thrashed bro" "should we take him to a hospital?" "no, just let him breath".you obviously know he is breathing or he wouldn't be talking and breathing doesn't heal cuts you dumb ass.then you start talking about how he was going so fast he lost his shoe.(holy shit!) also for the idiot who decides not to wear a helmet on a jump.buy a helmet and a new bike.
  • + 4
 Naw, we need these people out there. It not only entertains us to watch, but also makes us appreciate our helmets that much more. Smile congrats man.
  • + 3
 ahaha f*ucker wear a helmet next time and to the guy who said it anit to bad then another guy said yeah it is that made me chuckle lol
  • + 4
 lol that reminds me of when my friend got his hand got in a motorbike's sprockets. His mom said oh dont worry it's only a scratch and his dad saw and said holy sh*t
  • + 5
 Your helmet must be craked oh wait a minute what helmet!
  • + 4
 oh man im guna buy a lid(helmet) lol
  • + 1
 Aww man...at 6.7 you can clearly see that his disk rotor or dick brake hit him in the back of the head. What a bad time to not wear a helmet, even if the jump deosnt seem to dangerous.
  • + 3
 his head is pissing with blood and you guys just stand there and discuss what he did wrong, haha what good frends
  • + 0
 yeah really. WEAR A HELMET!
  • + 4
 ''hey wait its not that bad..oh shit it is'' hehe safety first man
  • + 1
 hellmet... i dont wear my hellmet always... but... whatever i dont go for big stuff whithout my helmet... even if i have to carry it away for miles just for use it for 5 minutes...
  • + 0
 I'm sure glad this wasnt how my buddy reacten when I broke my femur a month ago "Haha, you got owned" what a bunch of f*cking idiots, Help you Friend.

And next time Wear a helmet man, you got lucky THIS time.. bad shit happens to fully armoured riders, a simple helmet would've been the difference between stiches and mashed up head, and shaking it off.
  • + 5
 ough.. no helmet..
  • + 1
 Who the hell does not wear a helmet these days, really.

I know it was uncool back in the day... But how cool are you when you are laid up on life support being fed through a tube?

Not my idea of cool.
  • + 2
 H I E D L I M O E T T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 Ur fucking stupid, he prob had a concussion and he was bleeding a shit load, u gotta pressure the wound or he could of fucking passed out...This video should be used to show people to wear a helmet.
  • + 4
 dumb f*ck wear a helmet
  • + 1
 tuh duh u frikkin dumbass its a law to where a helmet for a reason cuz we all have iq's to protect but obviously he didnt and if he did thats the end of his worries
  • + 1
 it was a one fucking footer man learn your tricks and landing fuck i do no footers like like mad and you cant land that man fuck you suck at biking
  • + 1
 Fuckin idiot, bastar. wear the helmet, you stupid idiot. You have cheap helmet's. And your friend's are so so so stupid. Next time you'll use helmet, i'm sure about it.
  • + 0
 well that was a very cotrovetial video :/
but pleas leave these guys alone ok, its there descision not to wear a helmet, not yours,
yeh maby is a stupid ider not to but again its ther choice...
  • + 0
 k yo dude,, next time that happens or if yuou cut yourself that bad anywhere grab a shirt or anything and push as hard as you can on it. it will slow the bleeding and prevent swelling. trust me..
  • + 1
 lol they just stood there and had there own little conversation while there mate was just loseing blood out his head Razz wear a helmet next time Wink
  • + 2
 i'm not gonna lie i dont really feel sorry for him. i mean common sence points to mabey wearing a helmit.
  • + 0
 why is no buddy helping him, ur friend is bleending from the head, dont tell my what went wrong, u bring him to a hospital.. man, seriously BUT PROPS, maybe next time u might want to wear a HELMET
  • + 0
 see what happens when you don't wear protection especialy helments like you think you are all pros and don't wear helms or you think this is a small jump im not going to fall :X so wear helms thats all !
  • + 0
 godamnit enough with the fuckin helmets if he wears one cool if he doesnt thats cool to so shut the fuck up and stop complainin
  • + 3
 helmet retard
  • + 0
 a bit of advice for when you friend falls off for the guy in the background in green jumper and black shorts dont ich your balls help him ok
  • + 2
  • + 0
 dude just got a piece of that shimano derailleur! always wear a helmet dudes, for everybody..even if it looks gay and you think your superman
  • + 0
 1)wear a f*cking helmet
2)ur friends need to shut the f*ck up
3)jason222bike u just hate this kind of riding kus u either suck at it or u are a pussy and cant handle a fall
  • + 0
 assholl i allways wear a helmet you should too idiot and your friends yust laufing at your face hahaha you are bleeding man hahahahaa
  • + 1
 "You flew like a nig dog" K man.... Invest in a full face dude to prevent things like this from happening!
  • + 0
 that not even a big cut.... heads just bleed alot because all the nerves and stuff are there..... wear a helmet and maybe that wont happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 you shopuld have gone to the hospatile right after that and were a f*cking helmet
  • + 2
 lmfao "has any1 got a stapler?"
  • + 1
 some good friends though, just standin around laughing, telling him its bad, call an ambulance or sumthin
  • + 2
 can u do a no footer? wear a helmet
  • + 1
 that why you wear helmet and you got that gash from you bike landing on your head
  • + 1
 Stop fuckin talkin 2 him bout what he done, TAKE HIM 2 A HOSPITAL, CNT U SEE HE IS IN PAIN!!!!
  • + 1
 ya it wasent me who was doing it. I said the same thing about it...wear a helmet
  • + 1
 @ kirbywatts if u think thats grose u should have bine there for my lip. and u guys are so dume not to wear a helmets
  • + 1
 actually i think you're the dumb one. you can't even spell "dumb" properly...
  • + 2
 u probly deserve it, put a skid lid on
  • + 1
 lol look at the guy in the green hoodie at 31 secs playing with his balls!!!
  • + 1
 wear a helmet you nob gobler and maybe you should get that checked out and not just sit there
  • + 2
 wear a helmet fuck head !
  • + 2
 o fuck no helmet stupid haha
  • + 2
 the kid is a dumbass and it was way to funny to do anything else
  • + 1
 you are a gay camera man you moved the camera so we couldn't even see the crash you and the biker are dick lickers
  • + 1
  • + 1
 you deserved that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 i bet he will allways allways whear a helmet every time he rides
  • + 0
 i love how everyone is retelling what happend and he's just standing there like uhhhhhhhhhh im blleeeding
  • + 0
 wear a fuckin helmet u tard ive ripped my face open WEARING A HELMET he got lucky
  • + 0
 1. wear a helmet and 2. your m8 iz stood ther with blood pourin out of his head and you just stand there looking at his bike
  • + 0
 he was wearing a helmet he just needed to tighten his straps and he would've been fine
  • + 0
 i laughed so hard at this not the guy getting hurt but the kid in the background feeling up himself
  • + 0
 why do people have problems with wearing helmets??? Are You to cool for it??
I realy don't understand...
  • + 0
 lol, they just stand around saying what happened and how bad it is! they are genuine proffesors
  • + 1
 he deserves to eat shit like that because his name is Carhoo
  • + 1
 what a tool, his friends are dicks too
  • + 1
 they could have helped him and not told him what he should have done on the jump while his head was bleeding but he should have worn a helmet!
  • + 0
 hahahah thats funny, at like 30 second the guys going to town in the back ground
  • + 1
 man it was so stupid!Frown WEARING A HELMET IS AN OBLIGATION!
  • + 1
 man...what the hell...where a helmet
  • + 1
 fuck the helmet learn how to land next time
  • + 1
 Well lesson learned. Were a helmet!!
  • + 1
 yeah what kind of douche dosent wear a helmet
  • + 1
 "You flew like a nig dog"..... LOL!
  • + 1
 who said do you want to go to hospital? of course he did you retard!
  • + 1
 fucking dumbass get a brainbucket
  • + 1
 Helmets are were its at!!!!!
  • + 1
 ya gotta love the guys friend saying he dosnt have to go to a doctor
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Not WEAR a helmet! Just buckle the s.o.b. haha
  • + 1
 no man from right here it looks like its a foot
  • + 1
 ya ur right its a bit bigger then a foot high but under 2 feet lol, this is when the same jump was a bit smaller, at 3:40 www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuP9cdIQlGU
  • + 1
 yeah but like thats not even a jump
  • + 1
 haha are you joking?
  • + 1
 its not that bad... ohhh shit maybe it is LMAO. Helmet springs to mind
  • + 0
 u big pussy that wasnt even bad at all if he thinks hes hurt he has no balls
  • + 1
 that was pretty intense but next time wear a helmet
  • + 1
 f*ck! you good? lol class line
  • + 1
 hey dumb fuck ! wear a helmet
  • + 1
 how do you fall like that on a jump like that, you must suck
  • + 1
 its a decent sized jump, and hes on a walmart bike
  • + 1
 were a helmet you would have been fine
  • + 1
 no sympathy at all for that guy. funny as f*ck tho lmao!!
  • + 1
 you deserved that wear a helmet dumb ass!
  • + 1
 he got hit in the head so hard
  • + 1
 listen at to what he says @ 62.2
  • + 0
 wehe dont scratch your bollocks mate were they itchy or did you just toss UNLUCKY!
  • + 1
 you are the worst biker i have ever seen
  • + 1
 Did some idiot say "you flew like a nig dogg? wow.
  • + 0
 LOL yep
  • + 1
 Thats why they invented helemts to stop things like that from happening
  • + 0
 I was almost expecting his buddy looking at hole in his head to exclaim: "Look ma! No Brains!!!"
  • + 1
 Brain Buckets are always a good idea...
  • + 0
 Wear a helmet and you were jumping on a mongoose lol...I am not joking i saw that at zellers...
  • + 0
 hense the reason most riders wear helmets, and why werent you wearing one ??
  • + 1
 Because he's not a rider. He's just a kid that decided to do a jump.
  • + 1
  • + 0
 LMFAO he snapped his bars, i dont think his bike likes him to much either lol
  • + 1
 dumb ass i dont feel bad for him hes a dumb ass and not wearing a helmet
  • + 0
 if you had a helmet that would have been cool. my friend got his helmet knocked from his head when he did the same thing
  • + 1
 lesson lived is a lesson learned buy a helmet
  • + 0
 Don't be a fucking retard never were blue on sunday of stuff like this happens
  • + 1
 kids, thats why u wear a helmet,
  • + 0
 haha when i watched this video, an add came up for helmets... thought it was pretty funny. where a helmet dude!!
  • + 1
 chavs trying to ride never works lol
  • + 1
 www.pinkbike.com/photo/1557546 WEAR A HELMET! ALWAYS!!
  • + 0
 hahahahahahahahahahhahaha man that was f*ckin sweet
"you got any kinda cuncution" lol good stuff man
  • + 1
 PROPS to the dude laughing in the background i always do that lol nice
  • + 1
 (46.Cool jack's the best in this vid
  • + 0
 great friends... just standing around talking about his bike while their friend is bleeding from his head...
  • + 1
 remember to close your helmet !! man youre bleeding so bad ... ouch!
  • + 0
 holy shit holy shit..shut the fuck up and do somthing and were a damn helmet
  • + 1
 fucking ware a helment fucker
  • + 2
 helmet safe
  • + 2
 you need a helmet
  • + 1
 i really dont feel sorry for you
  • + 1
 that suck next time buy a fucking helmet u fucking idiot
  • + 0
 porkercon... shoudldnt he borrow a helmet or something if hes guna attempt a jump... IDIOT
  • + 0
 and this is the reason of why people should wear always their helmets!
keep riding...but next t«ime with helmet...!
  • + 1
 yo dude you dumb no helmet
  • + 2
  • + 1
 shoulda worn a helmet no shit
  • + 1
 love the way there all joking about when hes standing there bleeding
  • + 1
  • + 0
 bro its the dreailler that did the rip
  • + 0
 i like the comment 'you flew like a nig'. classy.
  • + 0
 dude ur messed were a stinkin helmet
  • + 0
 how fukking shit is the guy filming!
  • + 0
 sam thing happned to one my friends the axel hit his heqad looool
  • + 0
 ive had a derialer hit me in the nose and break it
  • + 0
 outchhhh just makes u want to were a helmet hey
  • + 0
 got you just fucked up your life MOFO
  • + 0
 no helmet....just regret....
  • + 1
 one word: helmet?
  • + 0
 flew like a nit hahahahahaha so funny.
  • + 0
 What part off the bike craked your head open.
  • + 0
 oh sorry i bet that did Hurt BUT FOR THE SAKE OF IT HAHAHA BALL SCRATCHA
  • + 1
 holey shit!
  • + 1
 dude you ok?!
  • + 1
 were a helmet man
  • + 1
 That was so lulz
  • + 1
 no damage no fun! :p
  • + 1
 helmet f*uckin dude...
  • + 0
 fanny!! wear a helmet dip shit!!
  • + 0
 HAHHAHAHA some nice friends you have there. wear a helmet!
  • + 1
  • + 0
 ya like fuc* ware a godam helmet u dumbass
  • + 1
 were helmet dude
  • + 0
 another crash without helmet...
  • + 1
 invest in a lid
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Lmao you flew like nig.
  • + 0
 wow man nice header lol wear a helmet
  • + 0
 dozey ass thats what helmets prevent dumb shitter
  • + 1
 fuckin dumbass
  • + 0
 u need a helmet :l

even chavs need em
  • - 1
 wow your cool
  • + 0
 Its not me that was in the crash. We figured the cassette did it.
  • + 0
 look his fall and see his bycicle, his head is crying for a helmet xD
  • + 1
 get a helmet
  • + 0
 and hahahaha "u flew like a nig dawg" hahahahah
  • + 0
 Shit! The Head! os Shit! Where is the Helmet? Big Grin get better soon
  • + 0
 dumass were is your fucken helmet
  • + 1
 wear a helmet you dick
  • + 0
 helments are for a reason
  • + 0
  • + 0
 i can't watch it because i need a beter flash drive
  • + 0
 once same happened to me XD i wear now helm Big Grin
  • + 0
 i think before he had a HELMET
  • + 0
 HAHAHA at 31.4 seconds the dude in the back is playin with his balls
  • + 0
 stupid no skullcap not smart
  • + 0
 NO HELMET FOREVER, iM TOUGH!thats yours sentence stupid, its hurt!
  • + 0
 To sum all those comments up, Where a helmet DOOFUS!!!
  • + 0
 Dude you a f*ckin idiot why dont you wear a helmet
  • + 0
 a helmet and tie your fuckin shoes numbnuts
  • + 0
 When u dont wear a helmet u are stupid:/
  • + 0
 give the guy a fukin break i think he has got the point :S
  • + 0
 thts nasty man tht must of hert well next tym do ur helmet up init lol
  • + 0
 wow lol did u get a helmet yet
  • + 0
 guys i think he gets it after everyone has said wear a helmet.........
  • + 0
 thats what u get 4 not wearing a helmet
  • + 0
 ur gay man wear a dam helmet when ur riding or going off jumps
  • + 0
 wear a fuckin helmet DUMB ASS
  • + 0
 why wouldent u wear a helmit
  • + 0
 cuz hes a retard and so are you because you don't no how to spell helmet.
  • + 0
 lol. sad but funny have fun next time
  • + 0
 where is his brain?? is drain with blood....
  • + 1
  • + 0
 I do hope there was only a scar for a reminder...
  • + 0
 dude thats bad but you couldnt even see the crash
  • + 0
 "You flew like a nig" haha woww
  • + 0
 man that one guys laf is so funny
  • + 0
 well swacy,ya fucked that one up
  • + 0
 the ads after r all 4 helmets lol
  • + 0
 man you should have worn a helmet. but that looked sick
  • + 0
 lol you flew like a nig dog ah i miss canada
  • + 1
 no helmet Frown
  • + 1
  • + 0
 he'll need a stapler or stiches, what the f**k is a stapler going to do
  • + 0
 wear a helmet you f*ucking retard.but i guess your really cool not to.
  • + 0
  • + 0
 i suggest a helmet next time, but that was f**cking sweet!!!
  • + 0
  • + 0
 f*ckin noob use the helmet ¬¬
  • + 0
 payaso!!!! Usa casco si vas a intentarlo
  • + 0
 Next time you need a skid lid
  • + 0
 i think the next thing i buy is gonna be a helmet....
  • + 1
 moron school.
  • + 0
  • + 0
 wear a helmet
  • + 0
  • + 0
 so what did we learn????
  • + 0
  • + 0
  • + 0
 helment retard
  • + 0
 no one does....
  • - 1
 lol jack u flew like a nig man
  • - 1
  • + 0
  • + 0
 where a helmet
  • + 0
 Donde esta la helmeta???
  • + 1
 No lo trajo entonces se jodio lol
  • + 0
  • + 0
  • + 0
 poor bike!!!
  • + 0
 evr heard of a helmet?
  • + 0
 HAHAHA "SHit That head"
  • + 0
 love it every time
  • + 0
 helmets are you friends.
  • + 0
  • - 3
 this is what happen to stupid people with no helmet. you deserv it and more
  • - 2
 no helmet no POD's hehehehehhehehehehhehe fucking men
  • + 2
 If he had a helmet on the crash wouldn't of been nearly as bad, and by the way it would be VOD saying it is a video...
  • + 2
 you didnt have to copy it all again
  • + 0
 cuz i tried to look at him with my own eyes and it was freakey so i moved
  • + 1
 what an idiot^
it doesnt actualy work if you havnt figured it out yet
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