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Sleeping walking dog

Try and watch this without smiling or laughing!!!


  • + 58
 that is so funny lol
  • + 91
 my dog done that all the time lol but it never got up and ran into a wall though lol props to the dog Smile
  • + 167
 haha has to be vod for april fools, lets not lie we've all done the same thing in our dreams, riding down whistler, hitting the drop...

And falling off your bed Frown
  • + 28
 true true
  • + 15
 that was so funny!my dog does that but not that intensly! i recon VOD......definatly
  • + 16
 HILARIOUS!! that just made my day
  • - 64
flag aar0n123magic (Mar 17, 2009 at 17:38) (Below Threshold)
 look at his dick LMFAO someone got exited
  • + 7
 morning branch? for dogs? lol
  • + 43
 thats his tail my frind, dont get so exited!
  • + 13
 my teacher showed that vid in our psychology class...
  • - 4
flag evan99biker (Mar 18, 2009 at 18:20) (Below Threshold)
  • + 12
 Hahahahahha!! Razz
No Wayy!! thats sooo jokes
  • - 10
flag tac1593 (Mar 19, 2009 at 20:25) (Below Threshold)
 i read a coment somewhere else that it was having a seisure:P
  • + 4
 chase that rabbit fool! Razz
  • + 7
 aar0n123magic what the f*ck are u on about ( look at his dick ) i liked this video until u went and said that Frown
  • + 3
 and its his tale any way lol dog perv!!!!
  • + 43
  • + 21
 your not funny- get out
  • + 3
 to aaron123 was that person that got excited you by eny chance
  • + 3
 everyone who has seen this, its up to us to make it VOD on april fools!
  • + 4
 to VASCOgva, ur a DOUCHE BAG!!!
  • - 12
flag VASCOgva (Apr 2, 2009 at 3:44) (Below Threshold)
 thank you.......Big Grin
  • - 12
flag VASCOgva (Apr 2, 2009 at 3:45) (Below Threshold)
  • - 19
flag jamiefhowe (Apr 2, 2009 at 4:11) (Below Threshold)
 o no im sooo offended, what you gonna do douche bag!!
  • + 4
 jaimefhowe, he might tell you to get a real some real comebacks because douche isnt a really great one
  • - 7
flag VASCOgva (Apr 2, 2009 at 9:43) (Below Threshold)
 ahahah, poor guy...its not ur business, FUCK OFF
  • - 7
flag jamiefhowe (Apr 2, 2009 at 12:05) (Below Threshold)
 well said
  • - 2
 yeah jamiefhowe, "douche bag" is about as unoriginal as you can get. try to think just a hair more when trying to insult someone.
  • - 2
 alright we dont have to have a bloody debate about come backs
  • - 4
flag wegner (Apr 2, 2009 at 13:14) (Below Threshold)
 i agree with jamie Smile
  • - 8
flag VASCOgva (Apr 2, 2009 at 14:09) (Below Threshold)
  • - 8
flag VASCOgva (Apr 2, 2009 at 14:10) (Below Threshold)
 just messing with you dude, ur niceWink
  • + 5
 Orite lets not make this a sausage fest lads Wink
  • - 4
flag viatch (Apr 13, 2009 at 15:52) (Below Threshold)
 you guys might think this is funny but some of it are symptoms of an illness, happened to my dog long ago(he's dead), its like an epilipsy or some sort. get him checked man!
  • - 3
 He's only sleep-walking dont panic
  • + 1
 run forest runn
  • + 9
 rember no helmit no vod hes not wearing a helmitt :L Big Grin
  • + 8
 sombody photoshop one onto him =)
  • + 6
 ommffffggg i jus seriously pissd myself!!!!
  • - 1
 Yeah a little bit of wee came out when i first watched it lol. The ending is the cherry on the cake Big Grin
  • - 4
flag mtbrider360 (Mar 17, 2009 at 10:24) (Below Threshold)
  • + 4
 for all you idiots that think the thing between its legs at the end was its dick it was a girl dog you dumbasses it was its tail because it got scared when it hit the wall
  • + 6
 this cud be VOD
  • - 21
flag adz123middlewich (Mar 17, 2009 at 14:52) (Below Threshold)
 how the hell could it be pod its not a riding video
  • + 10
 who said pod?
  • + 6
 It could be the April Fools VOD- just a thought.
  • + 9
ur an a*shole
i sed VOD
video of the day
not POD
is it a photo?! NOOO
  • - 29
flag adz123middlewich (Mar 18, 2009 at 13:41) (Below Threshold)
 i meant vod u retard
  • - 29
flag adz123middlewich (Mar 18, 2009 at 13:42) (Below Threshold)
 and vods can only be riding video u a*shole lol :p
  • + 9
 Then atleast try to see the funny side of the video.
  • - 30
flag adz123middlewich (Mar 18, 2009 at 14:07) (Below Threshold)
 shut up u retard
  • + 8
 in all fairness i think ur the retard
  • + 3
 and btw fuckkk u
  • + 3
 Well said orly101
  • - 2
 cheers mate Wink
  • - 10
flag woodygebhardt (Mar 20, 2009 at 18:06) (Below Threshold)
 why dont you brits do something productive and unite together doingsometing epic, like making colonies or trying to get america back, lol jk . that one guy is retarded for not noticing that when you said it should be vod that it was clearly a joke so the guy that has all the neg props is a retard imo. lol
  • - 2
 exactly...i think
  • - 5
flag woodygebhardt (Mar 21, 2009 at 2:46) (Below Threshold)
 'the american speaks in toungs' lol yea
  • - 2
 It still deserves to be VOD,
  • + 1
 how does that make him an a*shole by accidently saying pod?
  • + 6
  • + 4
 lol i think your dog is broken
  • + 1
 hahahahaha, my dog ran in its sleep once but didn't hit the wall. that sure woke it up though, once he/she ran into the wall it walked back with it's tail between it's legs Razz
  • + 4
 lmao that dog would suck to sleep with:p
  • + 2
 you'd sleep with a dog?
  • + 2
 i watched this so many times i cant get over it i love how he dives into the wall
  • + 1
 I first watched this 8 months ago. Every time it comes up I have to watch it again!! SOOO funny! Ya think it was dreamin that it was gettin chased. hahaha.
  • + 2
 i thought it was fucking funny lmfao... poor dog tho he was like WTF when he got up eating the wall lol
  • + 4
 VOD !
  • - 2
 lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 2
 ahahahahaha!!!!!!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  • + 1
 Ye Gd Vid Poor Dog I Bet It Had A Bad Head Ake Lol
Who's Vides This Anyway Ur Dog Needs Dogtheropie Lmao Big Grin
  • + 0
 WOW...what´s wrong with that dog? ehehe
He´s f*ckin retarded; he just ran to the wall and got screwed.
f*ck yeaah, this is what a call........VOD!!!!!!!
  • + 2
 this is the best video i have ever seen !!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 hahahaha my dog does that too but he just twitches a bit haha not full strides...
  • + 1
 Hilarious! I've seen dogs dreaming they run or walk, but never saw one dreaming he was actualliy hiting a wall!
  • + 1
 hahaha that was a nightmare haha
  • + 1
 pause at 19.6 lol what the hell was it running from
  • + 1
oh yeah Smile
  • + 1
 hahaha thats great i want one Big Grin
  • + 1
 thats funny shit right there
  • + 1
 it should be sleeep RUNNING dog
  • + 1
 that video is amazin cheered me up lmao
  • + 1
 that has to be one of the funnist things iv ever seen.LOL
  • + 1
 thats funny and a lil sad that he ran in t the wall part
  • + 1
 what are you talking about that was fricking hilariousSmile
  • + 1
 that poor sone of a bitch,lol
  • + 1
 dogs have dreams too as people, psychodoggy heh
  • + 1
 that is f u c k ing funny
  • + 0
 that was the best!!!!!!
lol. the dog ran in its sleep then headbutted the wall. Smile
  • + 1
 I just laughed the whole way through!
  • + 1
 hahahaha he ran into the wall
  • + 1
 Ahaha. I thought my dog ran in his sleep! Then I saw this dog! lol
  • + 1

i think the dog is having a nightmare or something....lol
  • - 9
flag suupers (Mar 17, 2009 at 12:12) (Below Threshold)
 I don't think so - look at his dick (lol) Wink probaly he was figthing wis some other dog for a female dog ;]
  • - 4
flag adz123middlewich (Mar 17, 2009 at 14:54) (Below Threshold)
 tht its fukin tall ur retard
  • - 4
flag adz123middlewich (Mar 17, 2009 at 14:57) (Below Threshold)
  • + 1
  • + 2
 it never gets old ahhaha
  • + 1
 my second most favourite vedio on pinkbike
  • + 0
 HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH funniest thing i've seen in a long while, ran into the wall ROFL.
  • - 13
flag VASCOgva (Mar 24, 2009 at 16:07) (Below Threshold)
  • + 5
 get a sense of humour idiot
  • - 7
flag VASCOgva (Apr 2, 2009 at 3:49) (Below Threshold)
 second time and you will fell it, everybody is soooo nice in UK, i can't belive i am going on vacation there this summer,
  • + 5
 shut the hell up fagscogva. its funny and your the only one that doesnt think so. so get the hell out
  • + 1
 actually its funny until he hits the wall then i just feel bad for it
  • + 0
 OH MY GOD THAT IS FUNNY its like full on running while on its side hahahahahahha
  • - 1
  • + 1
 omg i have the same dog but mine doesnt run into a wall while doing that
  • + 0
 that what i call a bad dream hahahaha at the end his dick was like twitching
  • + 2
 it wa shes tale or her tale you retard
  • + 1
 i saw it on utube loll
  • + 0
 funny video but not VODSmile
  • + 1
 the dog has a boner!!!
  • + 1
 run run run, ouch.
  • + 1
  • + 1
 sexy bearst
  • + 1
  • + 1
 vod! jaja
  • + 1
 hahahahahaha YES!!!
  • + 0
 "I told Charlie not to give Steve anymore speed!" lol
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Lmfao vod
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 poor dog
  • + 1
 Lolz he bit his tail
  • + 0
 dude when it hit the wall it was the best part dude
  • + 1
  • + 1
 hahahaha crazy dog
  • + 1
 poor dog Frown
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Soooo funny
  • + 1
 VOD all the way
  • + 1
 hahaha ! coool Big Grin
  • + 0
 hahaa that dog deserves a medal... for specialness
  • + 0
 hahaha i laughed so hard at that!
  • + 1
 is this for sale?
  • + 0
 thats so great props on getting it on tape!!!!
  • - 1
 hahahahahahahahaha!!! my dog does that but doesnt run into the wall though lol!!! u have an awsum crazy dog lol
  • + 0
 god how i lold
  • + 0
  • + 0
 lol crazy dog
  • + 0
  • + 0
  • - 1
 what the was that planed but anyways hahahaha
  • - 1
 ahahhaha lol that was sick and funny! lmao
  • - 1
 that is not even funny that can kill your dog
  • - 3
 my dog just died because of seizures
  • - 4
flag VASCOgva (Apr 2, 2009 at 3:52) (Below Threshold)
 you are so fucking rite!! ur the only one that is suporting me!!!! THAT IS NOT FUNNY... poor dog
  • + 0
 lol thats great
  • - 1
 this should be VOD its f*ucking hillarious
  • + 0
 hear is your dog?
  • - 1
 this wud b the funniest VOD ever i fit was Razz , i say VOD anwyays Razz
  • - 1
 was dat his invisible friend he was killing lol funny vid
  • + 0
 haha nice dog
  • - 1
 thats kinda mean when dogs do that theyre having nightmares
  • + 0
 haha... vod
  • - 3
 thats shits funny
  • - 3
  • - 3
 ha loved it vod!!!!!!
  • - 3
 xD Funny as Fuck!
  • - 2
  • - 2
  • - 1
  • - 2
  • - 2
  • - 2
  • - 2
 omg tht is hilarious haha lol
  • - 2
 lmao times 100000 thats the funnyest thing iv ever seen lol
  • - 1
 funny =D
  • - 1
 that is 1 crazy dog!!!
  • - 1
  • - 2
 LOL!!hahaha stupid dog haha.so nice
  • - 1
 LOL that is so funny
  • - 2
 That's just plainly funny
  • - 2
 ahahahahahhahahahahah thats wicked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • - 3
 lol, that is funny even if u watch it over and over again! dont get wat its got to do with bikes....
  • - 2
 ermmm.. everything? Big Grin
  • - 1
 so funny!
  • - 3
 חחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחחח איך הוא נכנס בקיירר
  • - 1
 Ha that is a VOD
  • - 1
 that is class lol
  • - 1
  • - 1
  • - 1
 yaa man LOLOLOL
  • - 1
 lol funny vid
  • - 2
 aaronmagic your sick minded
  • - 1
  • - 2
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