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Red Bull Joyride in Pictures

Jul 25, 2011
by Ian Hylands  

Photos: Sterling Lorence, Colin Meagher, and Ian Hylands

  Where's Waldo?

The voice of slopestyle Brad Ewen. Loud and on the mic as always...
  The Crankworx Slopestyle just wouldn't be the same without Brad Ewen's voice cranking out over the PA "Shut the front door!"

The Minister of Majic was on hand with over 20 000 other spectators. I m pretty sure I saw Waldo in the crowd as well...
  The Minister of Majic was on hand helping the riders with their video game tricks, along with over 25,000 other spectators. I'm sure I saw Waldo in the crowd somewhere...

Sam Pilgrim must have had a black cat cross his path this morning a flat tire after the start of both his runs.
  Sam Pilgrim must have had a black cat cross his path this morning, he flatted at the start of both his runs, effectively taking him out of the competition and probably out of contention for the FMB World Title. Coming into this event he was sitting only 8 points behind Semenuk, his only chance now is a couple of wins including the Red Bull District Ride, and Semenuk would have to drop out. Not likely to happen...

Diamondback rider Kelly McGarry crashed hard early on and injured his arm as always the Kiwi was still smiling. This years Crankworx slopestyle saw a few good crashes but happily no really serious injuries.
  Diamondback rider Kelly McGarry crashed hard early on and injured his arm but as always the Kiwi was still smiling. This years Crankworx slopestyle saw a few good crashes but happily no really serious injuries.

Yannick Granieri tail whipping. After going off course in run two he was out.
  Yannick Granieri tail whipping. After going off course in run two he was out.

Sa m Dueck tail whipping the first drop in the second run.
  Sam Dueck tail whipping the first drop in the second run. Sam has some serious skills, if he can put together a complete run he's in contention.

Mike Montgomery was on a banger run. Until he caught his heels on his handlebars as seen above...
  After a poor first run last year's second place finisher Mike Montgomery looked like he was putting together a banger run, until he caught his heels on this flip bar hop

....which resulted in a massive bail. No injury but no advance to the super final either.
  ....which resulted in a massive bail. No injury, but no advance to the super final, either. 12th place.

  Andreu Lacondeguy put together a full first run and while he boosted fairly big he left the banger tricks for the second run...

Andreu Lacondeguy jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  Andreu attempted this double flip a couple of times in best trick, finally stuck it in his second run here. Unfortunately he crashed on the next trick and with a less than amazing first run he was out of the running... 11th place.

Sloepstyle has evolved. With the influx of money has come the influx of support ie a mechanic track side to sort out your woes before the big dance. In this case the Claw s mechanic was replacing a stem that had seen--in his opinion never mind what the bloody stem manufacturer says it tests out for--a few too many major impacts.
  Slopestyle has evolved. With the influx of money has come the influx of support: ie a mechanic track side to sort out your woes before the big dance. In this case, the Claw's mechanic was replacing a stem that had seen - in his opinion - a few too many major impacts.

Darren Berrecloth jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  Not quite up to Anthony's height on this hip, but still a big solid table by the Claw

  Darren Berrecloth pretty much invented the 360 off of a big drop, no troubles on this one out of the Kokanee Cabin. 10th place

The Claw may have washed out but the course side autograph session was on despite failing to make the super final.
  The Claw may have failed to qualify for the super final, but the course side autograph session was still on.

No dance in the super final for Jamie Goldman but he rode well.
  Jamie Goldman didn't get to dance in the super final, but he rode well.

Jamie Goldman jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  360 out of the satellite dish, Goldman put together a couple of good runs for 9th place.

Kurt Sorge jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  While most people probably think of Kurt Sorge as a big mountain rider he proved here that he can compete in slopestyle as well. Final run and a huge tuck no handed flip.

  Same jump with an indian air earlier in the day

Kurt Sorge jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  ...and another one over the snowboard spine in the super final. Good enough for 8th place.

Tyler McCaul jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  Tyler McCaul had a couple of solid runs and was looking to improve his score in the super final

T-Mac suffered a pretty gnarly crash and likely broke his collarbone. I dunno it hurts like I broke it kinda the same way my wrist hurt when I broke it at Rampage.
  Unfortunately he suffered a pretty gnarly crash threeing off the satellite dish and likely broke his collarbone. "I dunno, it hurts like I broke it, kinda the same way my wrist hurt when I broke it at Rampage." 7th place, heal up Tyler!

  Cam McCaul has had a rough season due to injury, most recently his shoulder again at Claymore. It was hurting him a bit here but you wouldn't have been able to tell by the way he was riding.

Critical audience indeed first run for Cam McCaul with Claw Zinc and the rest of the crew looking on.
  Critical audience indeed: first run for Cam McCaul with Claw, Zinc, and the rest of the crew looking on.

Cam McCaul jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  Cam did a superman front flip over the trick jump on his final run, unfortunately he slipped a pedal while he didn't crash he lost a bunch of points. Here he lets it all hang out a little further down the course.

Cam McCaul jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  and tailwhips off the satellite dish. 6th place.

  North Vancouver's Geoff Gulevich has really been stepping up his game the last year. Second place in qualifying and fifth place overall

  Greg Watts threw down some seriously large tricks that would have won most slopestyle contests. But the Red Bull Joyride was a little tougher than most normal events and Greg ended up in 4th place. A very respectable finish considering the runs that Messere, Zink, and Semenuk put together.


Anthony Messere jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  Before this event most people still hadn't heard of Anthony Messere. Sponsored at 12 for BMX, and still only 15, Anthony's third place finish here has suddenly thrust him into the world spotlight.

  Anthony front flipped off of the start drop on his super final run, unfortunately he slid out landing another giant air on the hip and his first place attempt was cut short.

Anthony Messere jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  Anthony boosted so high on this hip it looked like something out of a ski or snowboard movie. I even heard a few people make references to Hoffman

  Here's another angle from Sterl


  Last year's winner Cam Zink was trying hard for his third Crankworx Slopestyle win, close but no cigar. Front flip out of the cabin on his first run.


The Delicate Genius -aka Semenuk-pre competition. This is one event that Semenuk wanted to win for so long. Home town boy does good.
  The "Delicate Genius" - aka Semenuk - pre competition. This is one event that Semenuk wanted to win for so long. Home town boy does good.

first place at 2011 redbull joyride in whistler bc
  Flip whip out of the cabin.

  and again from the other side...

Brandon Semenuk jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  and the back...

Brandon Semenuk jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  Truck driver out of the satellite dish. Semenuk tricked everything on the course, and they were all solid impressive tricks.

Shhhh Delicate Genius at work.
  a "small" trick, 360 x up off the start drop

Brandon Semenuk jumps during the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011
  same trick, different angle...


Semenuk was not shy with the bubbly a spay left...
  a bit to the left...

...and a spray right.
  and a bit to the right...

Brandon Semenuk celebrates with Cam Zink and Anthony Messere on the podium at the Red Bull Joyride event in Whistler BC on July 23 2011


Welcome to the club Cam Zink congratulates young ripper Anthony Messere on making it to the Crankworx podium.
  Welcome to the club! Zink congratulates Anthony on making it to the Crankworx podium...

After last years attempt was derailed by a crash that took him out for the rest of the season Brandon Semenuk has finally won the Crankworx Slopestyle
  $25,000 richer, and just simply stoked for the win!

Posted In:
Stories Red Bull

Author Info:
IanHylands avatar

Member since Jun 23, 2008
588 articles

  • 72 2
 go anthony! he is wayy to good for only 15
  • 14 1
 I tried to warn you guys to watch out for him! www.pinkbike.com/photo/6415121 haha
  • 10 1
 Only 15 and still beating the likes of the Claw,McCaul,Zinc,props to Anthony for that.
  • 2 1
 Who was top 6?
  • 16 4
 the placement of zinks hand and the look on his face in the third to last picture create a feeling of uneasyness.
  • 2 0
 sorry MrHuckmeister meant to give you positive props
  • 1 0
 i wanna see t-mac's x ray!!!
  • 2 0
 reminds me ALOT of the condor. damn, that Messere can boost!
  • 2 0
 does anybody know the songs on the comercials like the kona one and stuff ??
  • 29 0
 Page of PODs
  • 3 0
 Agreed, all so dope
  • 17 0
 I almost started crying when Anthony didn't land that massive hip. If he stomped that run, he would have shat on Cam and Brandon
  • 3 0
 I agree ... crazy high off that hip
  • 3 0
 does anyone have a photo or video of the front flip off the drop??? post a link?
  • 2 0
 i got dah footy
  • 11 0
 shame pilgrim didn't use his slope bike, then he might have actually been able to put down a run
  • 1 0
 Martin didnt use NS bikes slope bike last year either. Notice a trend? Wink I feel bad for people who buy the protos of the ns bikes owners shop.
  • 9 0
 anthony makes me suck at biking...
  • 8 1
 congrats to everybody, I was on the edge of my chair the whole livestream great comp all around
  • 1 0
 This is the 4th or 5th time I have been to this event, and it was the best. The course was perfect, designers did an amazing job. The riders killed it, throwing solid entire runs, new tricks, and 5 or 6 of them could have won any other comp. The fans were louder than I remember them being in the past. The weather was perfect. Everyone involved in this event - stand up, take a bow - you did good!
  • 1 0
 sounded out of breath
  • 2 0
 Very nice pics! am i the only one that thinks the course has lost it's individualism in terms of how 'cool' some of the features are? look at the track a few years ago and there so many cool drops/wallrides/gnarly shit! it's almost turning into just a big dirt jump course, not that that isn't a bad thing, crankworx used to be so much cooler though!
  • 1 0
 After this win he can ditch the delicate genious crap. Sem is a real rude boy, after bailing that first run he have tons of pressure. Then he stick that landing on second run soooooooo butters. That smooth landing got him the win because Cam was right there on his ass.
  • 4 1
 Was it just me or did Semenuk not sound stoked on the win, he was just like "Yeah...... Uh... I'm stoked"
  • 7 0
 He always sounds kinda out of it, that's who he is. Doesn't matter though, hes such an amazing rider he can be however he wants to.
  • 3 4
 Agreed, not knocking him or anything as he is a top notch rider, just needs to show some more enthusiasm!
  • 9 0
 He doesn't need to do anything other than what he's been doing, let the guy be who he is.
  • 5 0
 its called being a little modest, which isnt a bad thing. quiet confidence i reckon, he doesnt need to be all hyper enthused all the time, he shows that in the way he rides.
  • 1 0
 he was probably just really overwhelmed and he's a soft spoken guy to start with, he's wanted a CW win for so many years it prolly hadn't sank in fully yet...
  • 3 0
 Am I the only who spent a few minutes looking for someone in that first photo?
  • 1 0
 i'm embarrassed to admit but no you are not. the third one too.
  • 2 0
 I absolutely loved it when Cam went to hand Messere the champagne bottle, he was just like "dude, who cares? Take a swig!"
  • 2 0
 great photo's but i think Geoff Gulevich deserves more exposure than one shot.
  • 1 0
 Awesome shots from you guys! Here are a few more angles: http://adove.pinkbike.com/album/Crankworx-2011 Smile
  • 3 0
 Anthony is a beast
  • 2 0
 Aah no D: pilgrim could've had it!
  • 4 2
 no semmenuk would have slayed him anyways Smile
  • 1 0
 And Messere would've slayed Semenuk Wink
  • 2 0
 did no one get a picture of anthony's frontflip? wow.
  • 1 0
 best crankworxs ever, from what I can remember ... the longhorn rocks!!! Smile
  • 2 0
 Congrats to Brandon!!! Well deserved.
  • 2 0
 SWEET Thanks for the photos PB!
  • 2 0
 anyone find waldo? Razz
  • 2 0
 Siccccccck pics
  • 1 0
 I love the crankworx , it's sick as hell !!!
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
  • 2 1
 anthony is better than zink he should be got 2 place...
  • 1 0
 why didnt casey groves ride at joyride?
  • 1 0
 had 12 stitches in his palm from practice, he was riding before the comp but decided not to compete
  • 1 0
 by the way, where's martin soderstrom? what have specialized done to him?
  • 1 0
 every single photo could be POD . Anthony just blows my mind
  • 1 0
 What bike was Anthony riding?
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 semenuk is such a good rider
  • 1 1
 Jaki model Treka ma Brandon ? " That model has Treka Brandon ?"
  • 1 1
 Jeszcze nie wszedł do produkcji. Bóg wie kiedy wyjdzie.
  • 1 1
 thats a shit ton of dough
  • 1 1
 messere = the new semenuk. holy shiiit
  • 1 0
 semenuk! the return!

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