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  • 431 45
 How many negative props can I get???
  • 76 27
 Love the colours, but not good enough for POD in my opinion. :/ I suppose the timing is pretty sweet with the guy doing a tuck no hand and the bike, but would be much better if it was clearer.
  • 22 4
 the jumps look hot !
  • 73 46
 Not trying to hate on the photo or anything, but this really shouldn't be POD in my opinion
  • 34 65
flag patrickrupert (Apr 12, 2011 at 4:03) (Below Threshold)
  • 35 23
 I like it but i dont think its pod worthey neg prop me all you like but it just isnt for me
  • 11 1
 Well thats different.
  • 44 3
 didnt even notice the guy doing the tuck no hand
  • 19 6
 o lol at first look i was like wt.f why is this POD? and then i saw that beautyfull tuck no handed and i wass like omg now i know why! sweet shot dude keep it up
  • 8 1
 hey, i love it! interesting perspective and timing can really make a picture Smile
  • 6 15
flag bikounet (Apr 12, 2011 at 8:08) (Below Threshold)
 that should not be POD... but it still a nice shot
  • 6 2
 the tuck no hander in the back is legit, looks like a sick spot
  • 10 4
 Love the POD. Might not be as epic as other pods, but we can't miss what's going on here. It captures a moment; and the moment it captures defines off-road cycling: perfect day, speed, carefree freedom, anticipation, camaraderie--FEELING ALIVE!! Well done Ian on your selection!
  • 9 1
 haters gonna hate
  • 2 1
 Rocks..I really like the colors of the one to the left, it has a nice composition and an orange tint to it
  • 4 0
 yeah, i dont really see why it wouldnt be pod? its not as great as some as the others. but isnt part of it originality?? this is pretty original.
  • 2 23
flag matt-bike-baha (Apr 12, 2011 at 10:21) (Below Threshold)
 bbeaudoin, your never going to get negs like that you fucking mong, should of said the truth...about it being a shit photo.
  • 2 8
flag ktmracing14 (Apr 12, 2011 at 10:34) (Below Threshold)
 not POD worthy, its a good shot though... just my opinion..
  • 6 3
 Man, who's "D" have you gotta "S" for POD these days?
  • 2 1
 why doesnt this exist around me haha good shot
  • 1 0
 has anyone noticed that all these comments except for Ian Hyland's was today. This photo had really received only one comment befor today.
  • 2 0
 one of the meagest pods iv ever seen
  • 2 0
 ****a please.....
  • 3 3
 your doing it wrong... HOW MANY POSITIVE PROPS CAN I GET
  • 1 1
 Naaa matt-bike-baha... Your shit. Those jumps look amazing and I like the blurred affect because it shows how fast you have to go to clear the jumps
  • 1 0
 bloody hell, how can you tell i'm shit just from that comment?
  • 16 1
 Wow this is great! Like your description says "timing" I wish I could see the tuck no a little more clearly, but I don't think it's possible from this spot. Well done!
  • 39 2
 See thumbnail... Get confused...

Click image... Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

And YAY for NZ! Big Grin
  • 23 6
 Great timing I guess. But not POD material in my opinion.
  • 8 2
 intresting choice for POD.....but i really didnt see the rider in the back for so long..
  • 11 4
 Im not sure about the blurred rider to the right just doesnt do it for me.
  • 7 4
 Got to agree with you Downhill340. It kind of looks like he messed the picture up to be honest...
  • 7 10
 Fuck Off
  • 5 0
 I think the blurred rider on the right look great, it gives the photo a sense of motion
  • 3 0
 i thought to myself, "this sucks so much" untill i saw the tuck hahaha
  • 6 1
 Cool example of well put together shot. Not that other POD's are not, but usually its one person busting a sick trick, this is almost a narrative... more like this please. Dig it.
  • 5 0
 I think this is cool, it's nice to see a totally different POD. The flash on the far left is a bit unfortunate, but I guess without it the red bike wouldn't stand out at all?

And how nice do those trails look?!?
  • 2 0
 to c25porter if you can get me some jumps in the desert and a step down run in super close to the first jump then yes you're right it could be better. unfortunately I have to work with what I've got and in this case this was the best I could do.
  • 4 1
 I don't know...it's a little distracting to me. I didn't even notice the tuck until I read Ian's description. I think sometimes not every creative idea works out.
  • 2 0
 My Thoughts exactly, the "focus" of the picture is hidden, or at least what I percieve the focus should be, I like the idea of the picture, but I need it to be closer to the big air or at least not have him fade away into the trees. Like the idea though, just think it would have been better in the desert where the trees wouldn't hide the rider in the air.
  • 1 0
 This shot is sickkkkk. These guys probably took their time to get this shot lololol. I can't get enough of how unique this shot is. Man people now a days seem to think a shot needs to be oversaturated and HD to be what they want it to be lololol, what happened to make natural looking shots lame ???
  • 1 0
 Wow all you haters if you think you can do a better shot then get off your computer and go shot a better picture holy f*ck no one can just appreciate what pinkbike does for us riders. Ian great pod it's different but good...makes you look bewond just the blurry rider about to drop in and that's when you see the tuck no. So keep these photos coming and to all those haters get a life no one cares what you have to say. Peace
  • 4 0
 nice pic of the jumps but not POD worthy in any way shap or form
  • 1 0
 you would think that this is the last day of the rest of our lives the way you people hang on to the value of what is pod worthy in this world.. cant wait to here how gay the sport of cyber biking is tomorrow. Steve Holt!
  • 4 1
 I'm sorry but this does not deserve pod!
  • 1 0
 Like the idea but feel the framing could be better and the tuck no hander is lost against the trees. Cause of this i wouldnt call it as god enough for POD.
  • 1 0
 Ok , don't be hatting, But i really dont think this should have POD , The only really good thing is the tuck no!! And the jumps, But i dont think POD worthey
  • 2 0
 Dam I wish I had trails like this near me!
  • 2 0
 not the best pod i have ever seen
  • 1 0
 Nice shot n timing, how many times did you have to send them back up to do it again..?
  • 2 0
 View it in X-Large size and it gets much better.
  • 2 0
 pods are going downhill latley this pic is horrible
  • 1 0
 the photo is good with the focus and that but not really good enough for pod there are thousands of better pics on pinkbike
  • 1 0
 not usually a dj noticer but hot damn! that is one fine shot you got there!
  • 1 0
 Ya great pics of that awesome spot. Your working with some nice clay there.
  • 1 0
 people need to start posting more pictures if its coming down to this being POD
  • 1 0
 if all the pods have to be perfect then no one who is not a super human will get it
  • 1 0
 nice work fellas. i cant wait to go back to gorge rd. oh i love hipped lines
  • 2 0
 Strange but cool!
  • 1 0
 I like it, its different Smile
  • 1 0
 Makes me wanna ride! props to the photographer and riders - well done!
  • 1 0
 POD, Just for the trails!
  • 1 0
 nice pic......but it isn´t a pod!!!
  • 1 0
 in response to tyler138 i think we got it 3rd or 4th try
  • 1 0
 Cool jump and good place!
  • 1 0
 awesome shot, but not POD worthy in my opinion...
  • 1 0
 in fairness those jumps are pretty sick!
  • 1 0
 i wanna move to new Zealand
  • 1 0
 the timing is absolutely good!
  • 1 0
 It's good but it's not a speckled hen
  • 2 0
 ??? |:
  • 2 0
 dont like this!:O
  • 1 0
 this pic is about as clean as lindsey lohans drug test
  • 1 0
 anyone else get confused by the camera flash in the back
  • 1 0
 i will proly get hella neg props but the blurry guy ruined the shot
  • 1 0
 i dont understand people and propping up and down.
  • 2 1
 how many positive props can i get???
  • 1 0
 That would have taken awile to make
  • 1 0
 only can agree to Ian, a unique idea, nice!
  • 1 0
 That's a lot of diggin!!
  • 19 1
 We got hobbits to do it. And orcs to remove the trees.
  • 2 0
 Oh boy I see what you did there.
  • 1 0
 Is that lord of the rings speak?
  • 1 0
 Is this near nelson ?
  • 3 0
 maybe 12 hours drive,so not really.
  • 1 0
 Nelson??? Looks just like nelson pal, loads of curry shops!
  • 6 6
 my dog could take a better photo
  • 5 1
 Could he really? I'd love to see that. Why don't you post some?
  • 1 1
 Aye, he could, and hes dead! thats how bad the photo is.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Shame about the blurr :/
  • 2 2
 This is sick
  • 1 2
 the tuck no hander looks like geeezas on the cross...
  • 1 1
 Sweet ;D
  • 2 2
 not worth pod
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
 nice pic dude lover it
  • 1 3
 Worst POD I've seen for a while
  • 1 2
 awesome pic
  • 3 0
 yeah, looks like you have a lot of other, more pod worthy shots. this one is great and everything, but it looks like you have a lot of better pictures.
  • 3 1
 You tell him staike i hate when people say the pic sucks when you look at there profile and all you see is cell phone pics
  • 1 0
 wtf? i'm not even a photographer? did you read my comment at all? i never wrote that this pic sucked, i wrote that he had a lot of other pics that were even better imo!!
  • 1 0
 im not talking about you, im talking about the guy that said this pic sucked
  • 1 0
 oops, somethings messed up. my first comment was a reply on a comment from the photographer of this pic, saying he had better pics, but it got deleted, and yeah... sorry.
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