EWS Hopeful Lorraine Truong Brain Injury Fundraiser

Nov 21, 2016 at 10:52
by Pinkbike Staff  
Lorraine Truong is still sidelined after her brain injury at Samoens this year but she wanted to come and watch this weekend. It is sobering to see how much this invisible injury has changed a once energetic and outgoing girl. She s still fighting to get back to where she once was but the road looks to be a long one for her.

For the past 16 months, Lorraine Truong has been fighting to live with the limitations, daily pain and discomfort from multiple brain injuries sustained while riding and racing her bike. It has changed her life beyond recognition, where even simple tasks are now a huge challenge. She needs our help.

Although Lorraine has received good medical support in Switzerland, there’s no quick fix and knowledge of treatments for brain injuries is still in its early stages. To try to find solutions Lorraine hopes to travel to the USA where more advanced treatments are available, which could help with her recovery. However, treatment like this is not covered by her medical insurance and can be very expensive.

Lorraine's friends want to raise funds to take away the day-to-day worry of these costs for Lorraine and ultimately help to get her life back and hopefully one day to get back on her bike.

They have secured massive support from the industry and many riders to offer every person who donates to Lorraine’s Recovery Fund an opportunity to win some amazing prizes. For every 10€ you donate you will be entered into the prize draw – so the more you give the better your chances of winning one of these amazing prizes.

Lorraine Truong put in a big ride to take fifth - a great result for a self-supported privateer.

For those who don’t know Lorraine here is an introduction from multiple world DH and Enduro World Champion Tracy Moseley:

“Lorraine Truong burst onto the Enduro World Series race scene in 2013. Her flamboyant style on the bike caught my attention straight away. For someone so small, she could throw her bike around and had a lot more style than most of us girls out there! She just looked good on her bike, maybe not always in control but always having maximum fun!

Lorraine just loved riding her bike, and the freedom and feelings that it gave her. Having come from an XC background, she already had steely determination and mental strength and was quickly making a mark on the Enduro World Series rankings. U23 Swiss XC Champion in 2011 then straight into the top 10 at the first ever EWS race in 2013.

Lorraine continued to improve at Enduro, never finishing out of the top 10 in 2014, and at the same time she was starting to have a go at a few downhill races!

I really got to know Lorraine in 2014 and seeing a real potential in her I wanted to try and help her get onto the EWS podium in 2015. I began to help her with her training and trying to be a good mentor to her. Sadly Lorraine’s love for jumping, going fast and just generally pushing her limits often ended in crashing!

We all know that crashing is part of the game and a risk we take. Normally a bit of time for broken bones to recover and then we are back out there, pushing the limits again and again! Lorraine had quite a number of hits to her head during the last 2/3 years and in July 2015 at an EWS race in France, another blow to the head was one hit too many.

I would love you as the MTB community, to get behind Lorraine and help support her in her journey to recovery…. We need to raise 25'000CHF (23’300€) to pay for her treatment.

We have secured massive support from the industry and many riders to offer every person who donates to Lorraine’s Recovery Fund and opportunity to win some amazing prizes.

Here is how you can help.:
Every 10CHF you donate covers 2 minutes of this life changing treatment and as a thank you, you will get entered into the prize draw – so the more you give, the more treatment for Lorraine and the better your chances of winning one of these amazing prizes...

Together with Lorraine, I would like to thank all the kind donors to the raffle…Good Luck !


The Women s pro field had their start times moved up by ten minutes meaning the entire pro women s class went by before fellow PB shooter Margus Riga and I were set up. Apologies to women s racing fans for nothing but a podium shot Casey Brown 2 Claire Buchar 1 and Swiss Miss Lorraine Truong 3 .

For only 10CHF you could win one of many prizes including a BMC Speedfox Trailcrew bike, a Bike Verbier holiday in Switzerland or a day riding with the amazing T-MO in the UK.

As well as the chance to win amazing prizes you will be helping support Lorraine Truong in her journey to recovery and her desire to raise awareness about Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) and concussions.

This is what you can win:

1x Week of holiday in the Swiss Alps with Bikeverbier.com
1x BMC Speedfox Trailcrew full bike (size S), mounted with Team components
1x Day of riding with Tracy Moseley
1x Fox fork 36
1x Pair of DZR Mamba shoes (size of your choice)
1x Pair of DZR Minna shoes (size of your choice)
1x Pair of DZR Jetlag shoes (size of your choice)
1x Pocket Rocket BMC kit (short and jersey)
1x Fizik Monte Saddle
1x Giro Cipher helmet
1x Giro All Mountain helmet
1x Isostar food package
1x entry for the Enduro World Series round in Finale Ligure
1x V8 Equipment FRD 20.1 backpack (teal)
1x V8 Equipment EXP 110.1 travel bag

You may also get the signed jersey of one of these riders:

Sam Hill, Tracy Moseley, Jérôme Clementz, Lewis Buchanan, Greg Callaghan, Jill Kitner, Bernard Kerr, Manon Carpenter, François Bailly-Maître, Ludo May, Nico Vouilloz, Damien Oton, Iago Garay, Bryan Regnier, Anita & Caro Gehrig, Marco Osborne, Anneke Berteen, Rachel Atherton, Casey Brown, Jared Graves, Cécile Ravanel, Rae Morrison, Mark Scott, Katy Winton, Brendan Fairclough, Emilie Siegenthaler, Katy Curd, Justin Leov, Kerstin Kögler, Hannah Barnes, Anka Martin, Steve Peat (signed book and DVD) or from the whole BMC MTB Racing Team.

Also for every one of you who donates 50CHF or over, Lorraine will send you a #myBrainmyRules t-shirt to help raise awareness and get us talking about Brain Injuries.


When you donate 100% of what you give goes to Lorraine’s recovery. Every 10CHF you donate covers 2 minutes of functional neurology treatment.

Let’s help relaunch the Pocket Rocket!

You can find out more about Lorraine, her racing career, her journey and her experiences as a brain injured rider on her website: www.lorrainetruong.ch.

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Member since Jul 22, 2013
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  • 67 0
 Man, 16 months. Why didn't this get on Pinkbike sooner! I hope she gets all the help she needs. Healing vibes!
  • 15 0
 the fundraiser is quite recent, about a week old I think, as for her condition, It was covered here on pinkbike earlier this year in this great article. www.pinkbike.com/news/brain-injuries-in-mountain-biking-are-we-doing-enough-2016.html
  • 3 0
 Still, it might be that it took awhile for her to find this treatment. Either way, I'm glad she can get what she needs.
  • 11 0
 I also hope she gets the help she needs. But I've gotta ask, after a couple bad hits to the head why was she not sidelined much much earlier, before unrepairable damage was done?
  • 6 1
 @pm148: It's not easy to diagnose CTE, and to suffer consequences it doesn't have to be multiple hits on the same day. add to that sponsor and results pressure and even pressure from the riders themselves who want to do their best.

How many times have you gone on rides not being 100%?

That being said, more has to be done in MTB and other action sports to prevent and educate about this, in pros and regular riders as well.
  • 3 1
 @pm148: Well its only recently this is getting the attention it deserves in the US through professional wrestling, the NFL, hockey and extreme sports but even then there is no proof positive way of telling when someone needs to take a long break. There are still big question marks about the whole deal as the dude posting above me pointed out. Its not black and white and we're very lucky to live in a time where this is even recognized, much less with treatable surgeries available.
  • 6 1
 @pedrosalas7: I'm aware of the complex nature of it, I was looking at it from the aspect of "ok I've gotten x amount of concussions or hard impacts to the head these past few months I should take it easy". If I'm being honesty I certainly ride when my body is less than 100%, but anything with the head I give it plenty of time. Maybe that's just from growing up playing hockey and lacrosse and being very familiar with concussion safety.

Certainly no blame goes to her, I think it was irresponsible of the team and people around her. like I mentioned, teams I have played on have always had tests and always pull players after a big hit to evaluate them, and take the proper safety measures after. If these teams of young kids can do this, why was her team not?
  • 14 2
 @pm148: when you say "her team", you realise as a privateer this is probably just her and a mechanic right? her team is probably a guy trained to fit cranks not diagnose complex brain injuries that even pros miss.
There doesnt need to be a public inquiry every time a concussion is missed, blaming somebody doesnt solve the problem, raising awareness does.
  • 6 0
 @pm148: within the Mtb community we have been too slow in picking up these practices that other sports do regards brain impacts. It is changing, slowly. As you say we need to have measures in place and changes in attitude, not just shrug it off. And athletes need to be more honest with head injury. Lorraine is a very strong willed individual and is also so intelligent she can cover up the symptoms.
A lot of teams don't have budget for medical staff. Yes, you have been fortunate with your back ground in those sports. I think it is easier in team sports rather than individual sports to keep an eye on athletes.

I was there, I didn't make her go to hospital, I live with that everyday when I see or speak with her.
  • 4 1
 @pm148: Just as an aside, if the teams you grew up playing on had all these things like concussion spotters and protocol to protect the athletes, it may be possible that you grew up with some very well run youth sports leagues. One example does not the reality make.
  • 1 0
 @pm148: I grew up playing the same sports and the mentality was "don't be a pus*y" It's up to the individual, and people who play hard like to keep playing even when they are hurt.
  • 2 0
 @bluumax: she was not a privateer, she actually has a contract with BMC 50% engineer (she has a Bsc in materials science engineering and a Msc. In mechanical engineering) and 50% pro rider.

That being said I agree with you about the awareness issue, and we also need a change in mindset towards the issue, we can't keep going around saying don't be a p*ssy and ride when it comes to head injuries.
  • 2 0
 @VwHarman: no doubt they were well run, but we didn't have spotters or anything special. If the coach saw a kid hit their head he would pull them out and have a parent ask them a series of questions, which they would compare to a baseline. It was actually mandated by the entire league. Certainly nothing special but it got the job done, I see no reason why even the smallest teams couldn't do that.

@kbonesddeuce: interesting, how recently was that? I've never seen that mentality on any team I have played on when I comes to head injuries. Even my friends who played much higher levels of soccer/football etc. told me that there was never that kind of attitude(when it came to the head).

@bluumax: doesn't matter, my point was that it should have been stopped far before. It has nothing to do with diagnosing a complex head injury, because she should have never been allowed to get to that point. Granted I don't know the ins and outs of her program but I've gotta think that there was someone who could have taken her to the hospital after, where they could have given her proper guidance (ex: you got a concussion don't ride for x months). My comment wasn't to blame anyone or make someone feel bad, if anything It's creating a conversation
  • 3 0
 @pm148: For what it's worth, I agree with you on this. While CTE is a relatively 'new' concept the idea that smacking your head real hard is bad is nothing new. I grew up skiing park and took some pretty big hits. Several where i was out cold on the mountain. At 16 I knew enough that the headaches and onset of dyslexia was a bad sign. I gave up park. I gave up competition. I gave up sponsors. I knew my head was worth more than switch cork 10.

No one is looking out for athletes but themselves. If you choose this path you have to be smart and know how to take care of yourself. Know when to push and when to pull back. I feel for her, i really do. It will be a difficult and long road but she can get there. I have battled it and I now have a successful engineering career.
  • 16 0
 She's one of us, so let's help her out, everyone.
  • 2 0
 yep word
  • 9 1
 And what about converting those prizes to cash money for her?!?! I understand it could "help" people to donate but.....
Or maybe the people who will win those prizes can sell them and give the money back to her through this fundraiser?
Anyway that's a good initiative for her... Good to communicate on that!!!
  • 10 0
 More money can be raised by selling tickets to win than selling the items themselves. That's how the fundraising tom-bola at your local social club works.
  • 4 0
 I donated but yep as with all raffle donations if I win, I give the price back or sell it and donate the funds again....I am with you, for causes like these we shoukdnt need a prize to become involved.
  • 3 0
 This post actually made me to send in some money for her treatment:


She was such active girl, pursuing her dreams, example for many and now she barely can do something.
I hope you will get well soon Lorraine!
  • 2 0
 What exactly is this treatment she is seeking funds to access? I also am living with a brain injury, for six months now. I'm sure I'm not the only one and would really like to know if there is some magic treatment I've not heard of. Anyone want to send me some money too? I'll settle for some information, thanks. I sympathize with anyone living with a brain injury.
  • 5 0
 @jaycyr I feel your pain. Ive had a handfull of concussions through out the last few years wakeboarding and this january got one on a atv that never went away like previous ones. In april I went for a little ride on the dh bike and went down on a berm and landed head first. I know i shouldnt have been riding but figured i'd just take it easy. After that one i feel like im not in my body and life's been a nightmare. Doctors all told me to rest and it'll get better. CT scan showed no issues. I did my own research and went to a sports physio therapist who found my nervous system wasn't talking to 3 of 4 of my muscle groups. That helped a lot, then have been seeing a neuro feedback technician who plays tones to create new neuropathways in my brain once a week. That has helped a ton but Im still not 100%. Also saw a ear nose throat specialist for my eyes constantly feeling strained and out of focus. That all checked out fine then he told me to see a vestibular therapist, so I go friday and hope they can help. On top of this been eating super healthy, no caffeine, no alcohol, taking omega 3 pills and true hope emp brain strength pills, getting out for light hikes to bring more oxygen to the brain to help speed up healing. Even playing Lumosity games on my phone to make myself a bit faster again. So frustrating having poor memory as well. Definitely not something i ever thought would happen to me. Good luck on healing and hope some of this can help you out.
  • 3 0
 @5thgear: Thanks very much for sharing your story and the treatments you've been trying. I think that one of the difficulties is being your own advocate, in terms of work, doctors, insurance companies who may not see you as being injured after a period of time, as well as doing all your own research on treatments and such. It can be hard to sort out and pay for these therapies. I am like you, had a few concussions over the years that cleared up in three to four weeks, but the last one has been a whole other ball game with symptoms that vary from insomnia to depression. This is a tough, tough thing to deal with, but life goes on. One minute you're a very active person, able to work and do anything you want, the next, you are not able to exercise, work, or have a beer without paying for it for days afterwards, let alone the psychological, financial, physical and social effects. I messaged Lorraine and she responded personally about the clinic she is being treated at, Inova. As i understand it, they employ different treatments based on individual assessments using neuroscience. Having one place where a patient could go and be taken seriously, by medical professionals experienced in treating concussions would be nice. I wish I could afford such a thing too. Where I live, I am lucky that there are some physiotherapists developing treatments, including vestibular. In addition we have a psychologist performing neurofeedback treatment, etc. There are a lot of people with a history of multiple concussions in the Sea to Sky area. My doctor says there is no scientific proof any of these therapies work beyond a "mothering" effect. For me though, after six months, i'm tired of sitting around waiting to feel better. Even if its just to feel better that I am being proactive, i will start to try some of these methods. After all, I have hope that someday i'll be able to do most of what I used to, although i probably will never be the same. I sincerely wish anyone living with a brain injury all the best and know that you're not alone.
  • 3 1
 I once broke a helmet, hard crash, my neck was quite bruised but my head was ok after some days. But I ask myself, what about today´s full face helmets with all that MIPS and other designs, aren´t they made to avoid these traumas? When Stevie Smith passed away, the only info I could find was severe head trauma, wasn´t he wearing a helmet? I feel naked if I ride without one, I never get on a bike without a helmet, but really, if the impact is just too strong, WTF, it doesn´t matter, brain is shaken up inside so bad that it is game over. So bad to see this girl with CTE, I hope she fully recovers and gets on a bike again.
  • 1 0
 I think Stevie was on his motorcycle when he crashed?
  • 1 0
 Stevie was riding Motocross when he had the accident
  • 2 0
 Think of all the people who are suffering from the very same thing who don't feel like they should ask for the help and don't have the noteriety and social standing to garner the support.
This modern age of asking the world to fund ones own problems is quite interesting.
Her sponsors should pay up maybe?
Although it's a bit late, this sport is dangerous and being reckless, as it seems she has a nature for, comes with a cost that needs to be considered more heavily.
Everybody who wants to throw money at this cute girl could consider their own communities and friends and family that are going through the very same thing?
  • 2 0
 Dear donor,

Thank you so much for you generosity. Lorraine flew to Atlanta on Sunday, November 20th for a functional neurology rehab, and this is thanks to you!!!

The raffle will take place in January, so good luck :-)

Thanks also for your touching messages which bring her a lot of comfort and support.

"We'll keep you up to date on her situation.

Once again, a HUGE THANK YOU!

Team myBrainmyRules

PS : If you donated 50 CHF or more and you wish to have a T-shirt, please send us an email with the following information (if it’s not already done) : gender, color, size and your postal address."
  • 1 0
 We need riders looking into the effects DMSO has on a traumatic brain/spinal cord injury. It can keep you from losing your well being. Look it up

also, look at this article on her for more backstory:
'A bit of bad luck maybe, like when my BMX frame broke when landing a jump and sent me head first in the next double. Probably also my riding style – I love to be high on my bike and to play with the terrain – combined with my tiny size – such that my bike is quite heavy relatively to my weight and force – and my love for risks. And definitely because the more you hit your head without giving your brain time to heal, the more sensitive it becomes.'
We ALL ride like that from time to time, high on our bikes playing with the terrain.
  • 4 0
 such a bummer, but sending so many healing vibes!
  • 8 3
 How about sending money?
  • 6 4
 @fabdemaere: I'm going to pray for her. Just kidding. I'm going to send money as well because that will actually make a difference.
  • 6 4
 Not sure "healing vibes" are going to help that much...
  • 5 4
 Dont worry guys, I got this! I will like the facebook post with 5 of my fake profiles, healing should be a matter of seconds!
  • 7 2
 @captainian: Nor will passive aggressive responses meant to shame someone, but hey, we all have our quirks!
  • 1 1
 @VwHarman: if it "shames" somebody into donating, it sure does...
  • 5 0
 who says i haven't donated? what an absolutely negative thing to say on such a sad post. get a grip.
  • 1 0
 Donated in hopes to see an inspiring rider who put so much into her craft (and career with her engineering background) to get treatment and live the rest of her life without pain or discomfort.
  • 2 0
 You can read her story, including an update here: enduro-mtb.com/en/adrift-sea-noise-lorraine-truongs-story
  • 4 4
 Weird. I thought US healthcare was crap and European was the most amazing ever. Yet here is another European looking for the best care on Earth. Hope you make it over here! We will treat you right!
  • 3 3
 Everyone knocks on US healthcare about how expensive it is. You get what you pay for. "Free" healthcare is great and all but when it comes down to it socialized healthcare will always be a step below. I mean look how good Obamacare is working out, it's not. Politics aside I hope Lorraine can get the treatment she needs.
  • 5 1
 I think we can separate healthcare for public versus advancement in medical science to be separate. there might be other areas where it might be more advanced elsewhere. But like you, I do hope that she makes it to the US and they have what it takes to help her heal
  • 3 1
 @Doowaroda: I don't think so. I don't know the specifics here, but i do industrial research for the health care industry. The drive to make money motivates people to invent / develop new things. The US health care system is based on competition and therefore people develop new stuff to be competitive and make money and get it approved through costly means. It's no coincidence. And don't forget about marketing and educating potential customers...
  • 2 0
 Dick. The RULES - the bullshit people have to go through and the money they have to find to get even basic treatment - is what's crap about US healthcare, not the healthcare itself. Here in the civilised world the difference is clear enough.
  • 2 0
 @KeithReeder: That's weird I live in the U.S. and have had to use the system many times and it has never failed me and I don't consider it to be a high cost. I'm not rich, I worked at a grocery store making $13 an hour, going to college and still had enough money to cover my medical and pay for school and live. Now that obamacare is here EVERYONE is paying more money for insurance regardless if they are on it or not. I'm not saying the system is perfect but it is definitely headed in the wrong direction IMO. I don't care where you live healthcare is never free. Someone is going to have to pay for it. The problem is that eventually you always run out of someone else's money.
  • 1 0
 @cheeverbrent: and @Keithreeder.
niether system is perfect. it is man made thus imperfect and I have been made to suffer in both systems despite cash etc. but that is not the case. the case is the life of a young ambitious person that had everything good going for her and now has to hide in a dark room as anything in life becomes painful noise.
maybe you spend a few $ and help and who knows maybe as a result healthcare etc becomes better for all.at least we helped one person rather complaining about inequalities or the wrong politician. man up
  • 1 0
 Prizes or not. I don't care about 'em. I'm giving to her because of heart. So tough to go through this at such a young age. Life changing. Get well Lorraine!
  • 2 0
 Sent money and wish that the treatment lead's to a full recovery.
  • 1 0
 I sent some CHFs - feeling thankful for wut I got and hope she gets better too!
  • 2 1
 She needs to go to Colorado
  • 1 0
 Anyone else having issues getting the paypal page to load up?
  • 1 0
 What an inspiration! Donation made. Good luck Lorraine.
  • 1 0
 Sent some money Smile hope you get the treatment you need Lorraine!
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