How Bikes Make Cities Cool - Portland

Mar 25, 2012
by Scott Secco  
Fresh from the Kona Productions Crew, How Bikes Make Cities Cool – Portland, is a five-minute mini documentary that explores the thriving bicycle culture resident to one of North America’s most progressive metropolises. Filmed entirely by bike, with support from longtime Kona Portland dealer Sellwood Cycles and resident Team Kona athletes Erik Tonkin and Matthew Slaven, we spent the better part of a week talking to commuters, following kids to school and capturing the friendly vibe and funky nature of a city that embraces self-propelled commuting at the heart of its identity.

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scottsecco avatar

Member since Sep 18, 2009
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  • 105 1
 polar bears are epic...
  • 14 3
 Polar bears ARE epic Smile

Didn't spot any DH rigs in there though, lol
  • 5 2
 i heard about portland in 'its all about the bike'. good book, sounds like an awesome city to live and ride in.
  • 16 2
 if only more cities were like this......
  • 7 2
 Bikes don't get stolen in Portland?
  • 6 2
 Awesome video! Portland seems like a cool place.
  • 3 2
 Im glad that the fuel prices in our country are getting bigger, and i hope one day here will be like in portland.
  • 3 0
 That should definately be Kona's new slogan... 'Kona Bikes... because Polar Bears are epic.'
  • 5 2
 this video was fuckin awesome!
  • 4 1
 yes but i think you have given bike thiefs much confidence now, especially if they know they have almost 8 mins before police show up.
  • 2 1
 Normally I hate people posting link, but that was awesome...I've seen (I think about 1 year ago) a Giant Glory...just looked with a little bike look...It would be soooo easy to get a good Bike :O
  • 1 0
 Yep. I always take the bike inside or I ride the Piece of Poo when I know I have to leave it outside. Think about it, even without cutting crap off it would take a good mechanic 5 minutes to leave you with just a frame.
  • 13 1
 really liked the kid who said "gas, because my family struggles a bit so it's better to ride my bike" He is that young and putting others in head of himself and what he wants.
  • 1 3
 yeah, but the kid was on a freaking kona 24" cross bike. If you are struggling, isn't a 24" crossbike a bit of an indulgence, is it really necessary?
  • 5 0
 We don't know how he got it. second hand, those bikes are a couple hundred. Kid might have earned it himself?
  • 2 0
 the vid is sponsored by kona so maybe, just maybe the lent/gave him it?
  • 4 0
 or its cheaper than buying a car and gas for driving the kid to school
  • 12 3
 I live in Portland and it is the least bike friendly community I've ever experienced. No legal trail riding within the city limits that consists of anything other than abandoned fire roads. Any positive attention to Portland's bicycle culture is like a slap in the face to the real riders that live here. Thank god for places like Blackrock and Post Canyon..

Get real, riding only exists >1 hour from Portland.
  • 7 2
 Yeah Portland tries coming off as bike friendly but in reality the majority of people living there seem anti-mtb. Its just a bunch of hipsters riding fixies. Shit its even hard to ride a bike at Burnside. If you want to ride real man shit you have to go outta town a ways or pay to ride at The Lumberyard.
  • 3 3
 So fuckin' true man!!!!!! It's all road bikers and they hate mountain bikers because portland tries to be green and is against trail building.
  • 7 2
 I live in Portland, and I am with you guys about the lack of trails in the city limits, its really sad!!! BUt at least last year NWTA finally got two projects approve by the city. The first ever pump track in a Portland City Park, Ventura Pump Track and the remodel of Eichler Park in Beaverton where know we have a cool jump line for bmx and dj bikes. Come out and help us build some trails, come out and help give us numbers soo the City have to listen to us. This year we have new project in the city a full Skills Bike Park in North Portland and we have to do alot of work to get Post Canyon rideable again after the storm. Come to a NWTA meeting and help us out
  • 9 0
 I think you guys are so focussed on your definition of 'bike friendly' that you missed the point of the video. Try moving to a 'conservative' state where they love guns, horses, Jesus and motorsports - they'll let you make all the trails you want. And they'll encourage you to ride them at more than 15mph.
  • 1 1
 NWTA has the right idea and their projects are great for the area. Eventually the public eye will turn towards advocating offroad riding, and the folks at NWTA are the ones that will make it happen in Portland. I'm sorry for using this video as a soapbox for my opinions about mountain biking in the area, since it is a very nice video. I am glad to see the community riding and making an effort to reduce carbon footprint etc... I just hope that eventually we can put tires to dirt within the city limits on something that isn't an abandoned fire road. Until then, we'll be driving a long ways for good riding.
  • 3 0
 Screw portland. Mountain bikes have been around for how long and there still isn't any good trails in portland? I guess if you follow the skateboard timeline, in 10yrs or so we should have bike parks everywhere in the city. Seriously its a town loaded with self righteous hypocrites. I am glad I don't live there. I hate going there for the most part. And I don't see them ever changing. At least not until we get some decent leadership. Doubt that will happen anytime soon. We could have an awesome area of the state that could bring in a ton of tourist dollars, look at the shore and whistler. But instead we are stuck with morons in tight pants, with ugly sunglasses pushing bikes that can't coast down the sidewalk and saying how awesome this town is for bikes. Screw them. Screw them all. I am gonna go back to building my trails and maybe eventually it will catch on.
  • 4 0
 PDX is massively bike friendly until you get to mountain bikes, but that tide is (hopefully) turning. Lumeryard MTB park will be open soon, hopefully the city gets off it's arse on all the skateparks it's supposed to build too. NWTA has a few things starting to happen in city limits, maybe, they need all of our help if we want anything to ride. We used to get run off the road commuting, drive an hour to rays mtb and 7 to snowshoe, Portland is a big improvement over that, but could always be better. Just mind that the doofus in tight jeans on a track bike might be me riding to work on something faster than my freeride bike or bmx :]
  • 1 0
 The comments above could not have said it better- Portland is nice towards bikes if you're a roadie or commuter... MTBer's are totally outta luck here; which absolutely blows. I shoulda' done more research before moving here... The thoughts of moving to Bend definitely intrigue me.
  • 1 0
 here's some Portland DH action for you:
  • 1 0
 Zoo bomb is more asshatery than good DH riding. There used to be some ok trails out in Washington park, but the trail runners and hikers would always get pissed.
  • 15 2
  • 3 1
 Yep, I 2nd that.
  • 9 1
 When Portland allows single track in city limits (Forest Park) then i will call it a "Bike friendly" community. Just because the mayor unknowingly takes water utility dollars to build bike lanes doesn't. I like portland but this crap is propaganda.
  • 2 1
 Couldn't agree more. As soon as you leave the pavement this "bike friendly city" seems to see us as nothing more than a huge wallet that needs to pay up.
  • 1 0
 Can't even begin to explain how many Dirt jumps and trails I've been part of in this city that have been torn down. Fail. Nothing against the commuters. Wish I could still do that. Just needs to be consideration for both sides.
  • 12 4
 I'm amazed that they took that much video in portland and managed to not get one person riding a fixie haha. Seriously though, that's awesome that they did that, hope they keep focusing on more cycling related towns, come on fort collins!
  • 10 28
flag Bowen1911 (Mar 25, 2012 at 14:55) (Below Threshold)
 They have too many hipsters over there. Portland could be wiped out, and hardly any real men would be lost.
  • 13 4
 what a douche this guy is, huh? great addition to the conversation bowen1911, get lost.
  • 5 4
 Bowen1911, just come over I'll show you a REAL men!!
  • 3 13
flag Bowen1911 (Mar 25, 2012 at 19:55) (Below Threshold)
 TROLOLOLOL!!! The fixie boys are sad!
  • 3 1
 by the looks of your profile, video and pics, your a loser
  • 2 5
 I look like a loser because I spend my time not documenting every little biking activity I do? TROLOLOLOL again!!!
  • 1 0
 Fun fact: due to the number of accidents in Portland relating to fixies, it is illegal to ride a fixie if you do not have hand brakes.
  • 8 1
 Cool vid yes, but this only shows one side of it....Most of the road bikers in portland are complete assholes. If a biker and a car collide, it's automatically the cars fault. I love portland, but sometimes there road bikers are the worst people to deal with..
  • 3 0
 As a law-abidding cyclist (rider, racer and commuter), I CRINGED watching cyclists in Portland... actaully I cringe in most cities , but Portland was the worst, followed by San Fran.
  • 11 3
 great video to promote biking as a whole, and if anybody thinks negatively about bikes then they are a pesamist and haven't opened themselves up to the world
  • 4 0
 i ride my mtb/dj bike all around portland everyday.. the cops will be dicks thats for sure. but ive been able to build some good stuff up in the industrial area.. portland riders send me a message and lets line up some rides.
  • 1 1
 Sounds good man. I work downtown about 5-6 days a week and can bomb down from Multnomah Village in like 25 minutes...
  • 4 0
 This video is crap! I live here and the town is the most least mountain bike friendly place i've ever experienced!!!! This video shouldnt be allowed on this site, the town is a disgrace as far as working with the mountain bike community. Closest legal trail riding is atleast an hour and we have the largest park within our city limits of any US city. DH TRAILS?, YEAH IF THEY'RE PAVED WITH TOFU TO PROTECT THE DIRT AND FEED THE HIPSTERS
  • 4 1
 Word, sum's it up quite nice. I moved to Portland and have had a blast riding around the area. I got into DH last year and it's a bit of a drive for some EPIC polar bear saving single track, but its a cool city. Black Rock is the shit, that's all i'm sayin'! This year they are opening more/new trails on Mt. Hood at Sugar Bowl as well as Timberline! Here's hoping for some "great brown pow"
  • 3 0
 Portland is not bike friendly. There are fights between drivers and bikers daily, usually because bikers refuse to stay on the bike routes. And as for mountain biking, even though the city is covered in parks and forests that would serve as perfect places for trails, the city refuses to build or allow the building of trails anywhere. There have been bikers arrested, yes arrested, for biking in the parks. Its ridiculous.
  • 4 2
 just to give you guys that hate Portland a little perspective,its an urban environment, so its gonna be urban riding. You have to travel an hr to get to some of the best mtb trails in the world, and this is a bad thing? and being from Philadelphia and Boston areas at different times in my life, an altercation with a driver would be welcome cuz, usually they just clip you and if they cut you off in traffic and you give lip, you might get shot. If you want to ride your mtb in city limits go live in your isolated little west coast bumpkin towns, and leave the city alone. I live in Bend, we technically don't have DH trails in city limits, we go out to the trail for that. I would imagine this video is just about promoting cycling as a lifestyle choice, and kona is pumped about Portland having a large number of avid cyclists.
  • 3 1
 I road bike five days a week to save money on gas. The money I save on gas, I use to drive my mountain bike to the mountains to have some fun! One thing though, San Diego needs better lanes for bikes, I feel safer on my mountain bike flying down the mountain than riding my road bike on the streets.
  • 1 0
 Agreed...SD blows for road riding
  • 1 0
 I think everyone needs to quit hating on road biking or fixies or whatever they're on. If you want nice mountain bike friendly dirt trails then go to a "mountain", and quit complaining about people who are reducing traffic and gas emissions in your city. Or go ride Ray's.:>Wink
  • 3 1
 Hey Al Gore the only hating going on is on the city or Portland that claims to be so biker friendly. The ONLY bikers it's friendly to are a small cross section of the biking community and if you aren't part of that then you're SOL. We have one of the largest parks in the country within city limits and dozens of other parks in the Portland area. None of them have a single biking trail and you risk tickets and the off chance of getting arrested if you do. It's not a matter or "well you only need to drive an hour to get to the best biking trails in the world" it's the fact that the city prides itself on loving bikers and in reality if you don't commute to work they could care less about you and are looked at as an outcast...... On a brighter note we do have a bunch of sweet green boxes to designate where bikers are supposed to sit in traffic that only cost the city just shy of a million dollars!
  • 2 0
 If you want a "mountain bike" friendly communtity, go to a mountain town, Portland is a metropolitan area, you have city things happening, the fact that kona and portland are trying to encourage cycling is awesome, we should all be supporting eachother, you ever get the feeling that roadie guys and fixie guys are discriminated against by mt bikers instead of the other way around? dont we all just want to live on 2 wheels? btw I ride a bmx and a stinky, so save all the fixie jokes.
  • 1 0
 Exactly my sentiments mirdad., Stinky's don't ride too good in the city.
  • 3 1
 Thats so cool! I want to live in a place like that. Here where i live, if i ride my bike down the street people just think i dont have a car or licence or got a dui, Biking just isnt accepted.
  • 2 1
 Nice video...shame about the MTB scene in Portland though. I myself ride my bicycle every day (unless I'm super sick and don't leave my home) and really wish there was such a strong community of other bike commuters in my area. Riding around here is mostly sketchy, frustrating, and stressful.
  • 1 0
 All you have to do is watch Portlandia on Netflix and you'll get the point. Great city for bike commuters NOT for MTB's. I can feel the "smugness" all the way from Vermont. No thanks and nice try Kona Bikes. Love to see an underground MTB flick about Portlandia locals and their effort and dedication to living there and having to commute to ride their bikes on dirt. now THAT would be sweet! peace
  • 2 2
 This city its great to ride your bike in the city, if you are into mountain bikes better have a car or know somebody that does!!!!, and you will be at BlackRock or Post Cayon just and hour away drive. But if you live riding your bike in the city, check it out its great.
  • 2 0
 Did I spy the springwater corridor at 1:57? I hit a skunk on that sucker once.
  • 1 0
 I got chased by a Giant Nutrio out there once.
  • 1 0
 thats wicked!
  • 2 1
 Great video, nice to see all the younger kids riding there bikes and seeing how much they enjoyed it
  • 1 1
 For road riding come to Davis, CA! great bike lanes everywhere and the riders know the laws pretty well. The drivers cooperate too and are used to pedestrians.
  • 2 2
 And what if they are hipsters? I dont even know the meaning of hipster but they look responsible people with their environment!
  • 3 1
 Hipster=too cool for school, I'm winning the " I'm more weird than you contest"
  • 2 0
 it sure helps kids with asthma Big Grin
  • 2 1
 i cant fucking beleive people are bitching about driving a hour for some of the sickest trails in the world!
  • 1 0
 Love Portland, too bad mt biking in the area is such a let down.
  • 3 1
 love it
  • 2 0
 polar bears are EPIC!
  • 2 0
 They make epic rugs
  • 1 1
 So China is going through a automotive boom and America going through a cycling boom. how times are changing.
  • 1 0
 And China is on the verge of owning America....
  • 1 0
 cant wait to be in portland for ubi
  • 1 1
 I agree, wish more cities were like this......
  • 1 1
 Bike sculpture ftw!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 great to see
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 portland is bmx capital. so many cool guys down there.
  • 1 1
 I love how full all of the bike racks where in the background.
  • 2 2
 Two thumbs up for Oregon
  • 1 1
 Stumptown! Nice!!
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