Filming Follow Me in Mexico

Mar 31, 2010 at 11:04
by Anthill Films  
Last fall the Anthill crew escaped the impending winter by heading south with Cam McCaul, Geoff Gulevich and Matt Hunter. The destination - a little known zone on the Baja Peninsula. We put together Gully's rider profile for Follow Me based on this trip.

Check out the video, some photos and quotes from the rider's inside.It is late November 2009 and the Anthill crew is heading towards Northern Baja California, Mexico. Our destination is a place called Punta San Carlos (PSC) where we will stay at a remote surf camp while we film lines for ‘Follow Me’ in the surrounding desert backcountry.


It takes three fifteen-hour days of driving from Vancouver, BC to get to PSC (unless you are Gully and you take two short flights). The rest of the crew loaded up the truck and a trailer with all of the camera equipment and eight bikes for the riders.

The crew includes three riders, four filmmakers and a photographer. The riders are Matt Hunter from Kamloops, BC, Geoff ‘Gully’ Gulevich from North Vancouver, BC and Cameron McCaul from Aptos, California. The filmmakers are Colin Jones, Darren McCullough, Darcy Wittenburg and myself. Haruki ‘Harookz’ Noguchi is capturing the photographs.


This was an amazing trip and everyone on the trip was stoked for the movie segment in ‘Follow Me’, as we were rewarded with some of the best terrain we’ve ever seen. I’ll let the riders do the talking:

Hunter, “The ‘Follow Me’ dynamic was perfect at PSC. We rode some lines together and the openness of the terrain was rad because we could each ride our own variation. Seeing Gully’s and Cam’s lines and then picking my own, it had a different feel there than on a trail where the line choice is more limited.”


Gully, “Lines that we all came together on gave us a chance to work together and show the trios different strengths and styles. I really enjoyed working with Hunter and McCaul.”



Hunter, “PSC is a secret shred zone. You can ride and surf and eat and party and it’s all top notch. You’re on the beach in Mexico and there are so many fun things to do that there isn’t enough time in the day. It’s the best place you’ve never heard of.”


PSC is a place you ought to go and find. It is beautiful and it is remote. To the west is the seemingly endless rugged Pacific coastline. To the east is the vast Baja backcountry with unlimited line potential. There is a lot to do activity-wise, but at the same time the essence of the place is relaxing. Nature provides the sounds and the visuals. The air is fresh and the environment is rejuvenating.

-Anthill Filmmaker Jonathan Schramm

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Member since May 17, 2009
179 articles

  • 7 0
 yeah! such a nice place near home and suicidedownhiller what are you trying to say about mexico??
  • 3 0
 You people that talk shit about Mexico, are just a bunch of mama's little boys that most likely have never been out of your state. I just rode my motorcycle from POrtland, Oregon to Veracruz, Mexico and back thru all BAJA, and its and insane place if you worry about Hospital's just don't crash!!! 4 weeks in that scary place Mexico, was the best experience in my life and yeah next trip I am taking my freeride mountain bike. Baja esta de puta madre, como dicen mis amigos Mexicanos!!!!
  • 2 0
 Americans will go to no lengths to turn anything into about how amazing they are, even though half the shit they compare to they base it on total bullshit. "America has better health care than the rest of the world!" and they have never left their country.

Mexico is chill. I broke my foot riding some old 17th century silver mine roads, road back out to the town, asked the gas station to call a cab. Cab came, took me to the hospital. It cost me $400 bucks and I was in a cast, with crutches and they gave me a bottle of T3s. f*ck, what else do you want?
  • 3 0
 Man i was there last oct , the best man good wether , fun trail , there are like 60 miles pure open desert rocky trial .. top of the world is the best trail to go down the Camp ,, can waith to go back this oct cheersss
  • 1 0
 Stoked for this film, most anticipated since Seasons! The surf looks sick! As for healthcare.........very thankful I live in Canada, and thats no joke! It saved my little girlSmile Have a good Easter weekend of riding, 5 days off!!
  • 1 0
 Looks to be close to where I went surfing/camping every year a while back. But I haven't been there in over 6 years. The dirt is very powdery and sandy... I'm surprised they were able to work with it. It's endless terrain though. And for the most part what Southern California coastline looked like before the gringos arrived. Beautiful part of Baja, still pristine.
  • 4 0
 these guys forgot their surfboards......
  • 5 0
 wow, nice trip.
  • 7 0
 yeah stunning location.
  • 25 19
 Yeah, but if you crash and get hurt in Mexico, you're FUCKED
  • 20 9
 how they have hospitals
  • 21 19
 I love it when american 16 year olds say stupid shit they know nothing about.... but yeah, I hear that it's even worse up in Canada. they have, like, no hospitals or anything.... the only place in the world with hospitals is America!
  • 27 1
 You might be forgeting the UK.... And there all FREEEEEEEEEE
  • 7 15
flag suicidedownhiller (Mar 31, 2010 at 12:37) (Below Threshold)
 No, they have hospitals, it's the sub-standard health care and uncleanliness of the hospitals there that's the problem...
  • 11 3
 Seriously you don't want to be in a mexican hospital. The ambulance most likely will not come. My parents had a car accident there before me. first the police will take you into custody, then when the facts are sorted they will hospitalize you. My grandmother would have died in that accident if a doctor hadn't been passing by and took her to the hospital himself.
  • 12 29
flag shawndogger (Mar 31, 2010 at 13:13) (Below Threshold)
 all these other countries pay taxes for free healthcare, unfortunately the united states will be too.. damn obama
  • 18 4
 So you'd rather pay something ridiculous like $35 000 for a procedure that would cost nothing with a proper healthcare program? Definitely doesn't seem logical for someone in the biking community of all people.
  • 12 2
 yeah shawndogger, if you break your back,or like rupture a kidney and need a transplant, you will be VERY VERY thankful for universal healthcare...
  • 19 3
 yeah tax is so uncivilized the bottom 10 % of society dont deserve health care why not just let the poor people beg for charity or die on the street. ammmmmmmerica f*ck yeah.

stupid yanks
  • 8 11
 Everybody, SHUT UP I just made a simple comment, no need to get into a political arguement. Everybody hates everybody, that's the way it is, no need to bring it out on a biking website where we all get along because we ride.
  • 10 4
 Seriously, you dont want to believe everything you suicidedownhiller or r-trailking. If your father was stoned of course the police takes you to find out whats going on first. The goberment hospitals might not be the best but all of the other ones are better than what you have in your country and I know what I am talking about. Baja is a paradise!!!! saludos Ensenada
  • 7 0
 healthcare and how its paid for is an extrmely relevant debate for bike riders. without the NHS id be broke.
  • 3 1
 yes baja is a good place to ride chek out my albums got somo baja stuff
  • 8 3
 It's funny that everyone's trying to pretend that Mexico has good healthcare or that Baja is anything but a straight up shit hole... I'm only about 2:30 from this spot and you couldn't pay me to go into Mexico... Mexican healthcare and police are both a joke and Baja is about the highest crime region of North America at this point.
  • 1 0
 @suicidedownhiller: I wasn't commenting about waht you said, just on the comment directly above mine.
  • 2 1
 without universal healthcare, alot of ppl in canada would be dead including my dad cuz we sure cant pay for his meds
  • 3 1
 Willems, you are the one being ignorant. Suicidedownhiller and I live very close to the border, and know various Mexicans from school or what not and I assure you, in a place like PSC you are in big trouble if you get seriously injured. When the government is dealing with mass murders every other weekends, and all medical personnel are elsewhere, just pray that you can live a few days without any assistance.
  • 1 0
 crazy idea: lets talk about the biking and leave politics out of it.
  • 1 0
 I don't understand why some of you guys are complaining about Mexican healthcare when its a FACT that alotta of people go there to treat there cancers and stuff like that, yea mexico has an extremely corrupted government and terrible police but believe it or not they have some pretty good doctors and medicine that actually works.
  • 2 0
 Necronutz, there is no problem with scheduling something in Mexico. Just don't expect any emergency assisstance, i was just.. you know, making some interesting conversation from personal history? Mexico. Deal with it.
  • 6 0
 everybody shut up and enjoy Mexico's food. Taco's and burritos.
  • 1 1
 alright but think about all the other people that never break bones or do anything remotely dangerous to where they would need to go to the hospital.. ya sure, its nice to have when you need it, but I guarantee you I will spend more on taxes paying into the system than I would if I just paid for my medical bills as they came.. just my opinion on the situation.
  • 1 0
 true ill give you that but id rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it am i right? u never know wats gonna happen. without universal health care, wat bout the ppl that get cancer and cant pay for the treatment? they either go bankrupt and are screwed for life or they die
  • 2 0
 ya dude, I see pros and cons for the healthcare plan. I think it should be optional, like if you want to pay in, they you get free healthcare, and if not, then you just pay for it as you need it. but the way its being set up, we dont have a choice.
  • 5 0
 the whole point is that everyone contributes so everyone has it. the people who would choose to opt out of something like that are the people who don't have a lot of money. and its those people who will need the coverage if things go badly. your argument doesnt make sense and you should be grateful that such a great program is finally coming to your country. plus now your government will be getting money instaed of private health care providers, so your tax refunds will be bigger!! (bigger tax refunds=bigger splurges on bikes once a year)
  • 2 0
 +1 to frankie 360
  • 1 1
 alright for one, I crash on my bike, I break bones, but do I need a healthcare plan? no. my family is middle to upper class in the states, and I feel its a waste of money. my opinion, doesnt mean you have to agree. but im done debating it..
  • 3 0
 I'd just like to say that it's seriously hillarious to listen to foreigners & people who are just too young to understand taxes or healthcare or the relationship between them with Obama's dumbass plan here debating this... Please dont stop.
  • 1 0
 Well, nationalized health care services in other developed countries have an approximately equal level of care as the US currently. The US has some much better care and some much worse depending where on the socioeconomic ladder you are, on average they are the same. However, in the US it costs ~16% of GDP, in other countries ~7-9%. For the same care. That's ~8% of GDP that could be put to other uses, that's a butload of money and productivity that is basically going down the drain right now. And a plan to fix that is stupid?
  • 1 1
 Yes... cause that's exactly how simple it is... We pay too much so we're just gonna take all the extra we pay and use if to provide healthcare for everyone who doesnt already have it... Facepalm Nice of you to illustrate exactly why its funny listening to outsiders who dont understand the system and youngster who arent even yet a part of the system debate the issue though...

I'm not saying that the healthcare system in the US is perfect, it's far from it and it's based entirely too much on profiting by NOT fixing ailments but what's been proposed does little to address the real issues and far too much to address Obama's socialist desire to tax the rich... at least the rich who arent lining his pockets that is.
  • 3 1
 You might be surprised how much I know about the Canadian and American systems. Of course its not as simple as it looks in the first post, but at the same time, its still true. Institutions like medicine, financial regulation and defence are not best left to the market to solve efficiently, because there is simply too much at stake and too much potential for abuse. You really want Blackwater to take the place of the Marines? Let BoA decide how to regulate itself? Didn't think so. Canada's system isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but at the same time its the same average level of care, and a lot cheaper.

I'm done.
  • 1 1
 Damn it chochocodummycocho, I bet you've never even had a real burrito. The American "Burrito" is not Mexican food at all.
  • 1 0
 yea youre right. i would love to try one through. haha
  • 2 0
 babableroybrown i agree obamas plan isnt great. its a comprimise too comlicated to administer and far too weak. what you need to to join the civilised countries of the world with a national health service. your saying obamas motives are to tax the rich can you explain why this in its self is a bad idea?
the issue is one of socal justice and for once it really is simple. the question is whether or not you are too selfish to pay so that everyone in your country can have health care.
  • 1 0
 shawndogger. ya thatd be great but politicians dont care bout the little ppl as long as they have a cushy seat to sit theyre hiney on theyre good
  • 1 0
 exactly, but I guess there isnt really a way around it.. it just sucks that we have to start now.
  • 1 0
 I ve been down their acouple of times and I never really thought about ridng bikes their other then Dirt bikes. My bros company Wide-open Baja is doing bike tours down their though now.
  • 1 0
 well sed muffins Big Grin , we are mountain bikers, not bmxers !, nothing against them though !, dnt wanna start another argument that will end with healthcare !!!!
  • 1 0
 funny how your all complaining about polatics on a bike website when your all about 5 anyway and your dads writing the argument because he doesnt have balls to right 2 obama
  • 3 1
 i live on the Northern Baja California, Mexico.. it's a nice place.. nice pics
  • 1 1
 you guys are fucked who cares about who has better healthcare, watch the video and comment on it dont waste your fucking time worry about who has better healthcare
  • 2 0
 Oh yesss. Cant wait, I'll be seeing the premier in like 2 weeks.
  • 1 0
 EPIC! I'm liking the photo with the aeroplanes in too, looks so cool Drool
  • 1 0
 i love the Distillery. good music, back to the roots of the collective on that one.
  • 2 0
 All these pictures are better than PODs have been lately.
  • 1 0
 Stay out of Mexico!!!! Looks nice to ride but not worth getting kidnapped and chopped up into little pieces!
  • 2 0
 Gullies bike is so sweet!!
  • 2 0
 I can't wait to get it.
  • 1 0
 gonna be an epic movie!!!
  • 1 0
 sickkkkk clip props you guys
  • 1 0
 Gulevich is such a sick rider...
  • 1 0
 very cool....crazy guys
  • 1 1
 i have the same gloves as he does. dakine coverts 2010 ;]]
  • 1 0
 Looks pretty awesome
  • 1 0
 gonna be awesome
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 nice picks
  • 1 1

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