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Hitler's Trip to Whistler

Hitler's trip to Whistler goes horribly wrong.


  • + 51
  • + 20
 AHAHAHA I lol'ed so hard i cried!!!!!!
  • + 33
 best vid of all time... made me laugh so hard... id love to see hitler rippin down aline
  • + 19
 well done. haha...."now I have to sell my bike on pinkbike" hahahaha
  • + 16
 Hhahahhahha, just great! Big Grin His gestuculation fits so well to written words! lol tup
  • + 15
 Brilliant. I can relate to Adolf's misery. Where's my gun?
  • + 18
  • + 2
 oh my goodness thats friggen brilliant Big Grin
  • + 2
  • + 8
 this is quite possibly the best video on pinkbike
  • + 2
 soo hilarious! hahaha!
  • + 3
 Haha, GLC waitresess. Soooo true. Camp Of Champions gets to eat their everday! Luckyyyyyy....
  • + 2
  • + 2
 lol lol hahahaha
  • + 3
 some one got a gun lol
  • + 3
 its just the same video as when hitler getts banned from x box live, but with different subtitles:P still mega funny though
  • + 2
 and when ronaldo moves to real madrid or summin
  • + 2
 Pure gold hahahahaha!
  • + 3
 total vod..but it wont be Frown
  • + 1
 VOD just for a laugh Razz
  • + 1
 I agree VOD just for kicks
  • + 1
 WTF? That was hilarious! :L
  • + 15
 shame it wont get vod cos he wasnt wearing a helmet =[
  • + 1
 I lol'd at the no helmet comment
  • + 6
 nice steamers, adolf
  • + 1
 Hahaha lol "Anyone got a gun?"
  • + 1
 a MOTHERFUCKING masterpiece!! congratulations creators
  • + 29
 Its not that funny if you understand german
  • + 1
 what is he saying in german :/
  • + 7
 the whole idea is that we dont know what he sayin in german
  • + 7
 how the sovjets are surrounding berlin. Hitler wants a counterattack, but they can't do a counterattack. So he gets pissed.. Its really not funny if you understand german, but i bet it is when you dont
  • + 9
 Its fucking hilarious when you dont! We should maybe just do it to Japanese films or some crazy language which nobody here understands.
  • + 4
 I understand Japanese.... Wink
  • + 1
 das deutsche ist DEFINITIV nicht mehr so lustig.....
  • + 11
 it´s funny but not so funny when u understand what he say....
  • + 8
 vod vod vod vod vod vod vod vod vod vod vod
  • + 7
 hahahaha i couldnt stop laughing for ages........ hahaha
  • + 4
 hahah i cant get over this. "I TOLD U we should have gone during crankworx. But noo we had to finish off the russians" hahahahah
  • + 5
 that what he really sais is not as funny as that what you can read..
  • + 7
 I can`t laugh about that. I was in the german navy and what i heared everywhere in russia, poland, usa is, that we ara nazis. Sorry for my comment, but this movie-scene is very critical. Sorry for my post.
  • + 2
 A lot of people in the stated countries are too ignorant to realise that a large percentage of German citizens were against Hitler's regime, and what the Nazi's stand for is entirely different to what the German people stand for. Its like the BNP in the UK. Must be pretty hard for you to serve your country when theres pricks fighting along side you and calling you Nazi's =\
  • + 1
 I have to say, Historically your comment is wrong Benjamin. Hitler did infact have a massive support within Germany - although, not for his anti-semitic views/policies. From 1933-1939 Hitler had huge support due to a combination of his popular economic and forgein policy.
  • + 1
 Right you are Thomas, but i said a large percentage, i didnt say the majority Razz

The Nazi views/German peoples views thing is a reflection of modern day Germany though. You can hardly say Germany is a Nazi country, Thats like saying the UK is a rascist Nationalist country just because we have the BNP.
  • + 4
 However, Racist Nationalists is what a large percentage of British people are. lol
  • + 2
 hahaha this is just great! I understand it, because i'm german and it is absolutly NOT what he says but... it's an great idea... VOD
  • + 3
 whoever made that deserves some sort of prize! that was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! Big Grin
  • + 2
 hahahaha awesome! Big Grin

i love this one- www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jElwljxGGs

"Hitler angry over the state of 29ers in the World Cup"
  • + 1
 how do we get access??
  • + 2
 oh my, that had to be the tops! haha I love it. I'm home sick as a dog now and that made my weekend! Good show
  • + 2
 that is epic haha, sorry mister hitler, but there will be no riding for you!
  • + 3
 Hitler's bikes for sale? WHERE
  • + 2
 hahha great video just awsome ! i like the part when he screams that he wants to f*ck girls in whistler:P:P:P:P
  • + 2
  • + 1
 thats a bloody good job on that video lol . very funny and tbh if i was in that situation id be pissed too lol Smile
  • + 1
 hahhahahhahahha I almost died watching this....i didnt kill 20 mln people to ride a beach cruiser....hilarious....hahhaha
  • + 1
 haha thats so funny i nearly pissed myself.i thought they only made thiese vids of small towns.
  • + 3
  • + 1
 hey Bambergator, im from Germany and think the video is freaking Lustig(funny in german). Lighten up!
  • + 1
 Is there anybody who can tell me what had happened at The Longhorn last year?
  • + 9
 Scene: Inside The Longhorn Saloon
Bike Park Local: "HEY KOOKS! YEAH YOU! You with the lame mustache! What's up with throwing the Nazi salute and shouting Seig Heil?!"
Hitler: "We're not saluting! We're throwing high fives after a good run!"
Bike Park Local: "Yeah sure pal... heard that one before... You're in Canada now buddy... How about we go outside and I kick your ass?!"
Scene: Outside The Longhorn Saloon
Hitler and his crew get their asses kicked by Bike Park Local and friends.

Fast forward one year... Hitler is a little scared of getting his ass served to him on a plate again because of a "Little Misunderstanding". So the word was sent out... "No High Fives".
  • + 1
 Brilliant! You wouldnt happen to write for a comedy sitcom, would you?
  • + 1
 hahahahahaha thats the funnist vid ive ever seen!!well done just amazing hahahah im crying with laughter!!
  • + 1
 Damnit. That is some funny Hitler spazzing. I'd be pissed too, I love whistler.
  • + 1
 i was finally ready to hit the big drop on clown shoes!hahahahhaha.why werent we there during crankworx
  • + 1
 mmmh i don't know this story about hitler, i was a forerunner of DH ... lol that's really funnu ^^
  • + 3
 fucking raw
  • + 1
 Fantastic! I especially love the ladies line about how Whistler chicks aren't as hot or easy as everyone says!
  • + 2
 VOD thats f**king brilliant!
  • + 1
 the ads after were for a virtual jewish history tour and judiac studies online...
  • + 1
 OMG, that was f'n funny!!! Much as I'd like to see it, too politically incorrect to be VOD.
  • + 2
 poor dude all he wanted was to shred whistler...:P
  • + 2
 lmfao so funny much better than the aringinal sub titles lol
  • - 1
  • + 1
 best thing is that u can invent millions of stories, the man or woman who invented the idea is a g e n i u s
  • + 1
 oscar for best screenplay goes to.... bikeparkrider for Hitlers Trip To Whistler!
  • + 1
 like some other i have to say its only funny when you turn the sound off because the real dialog IS NOT FUNNY !!
  • + 1
 freaking brilliant! I LOVE WHISTLER!!!!!!
  • + 1
 man that is funny exspehaly at the end
  • + 2
 nice streamers adolf
  • + 1
 Shoulda booked with expedia! Poor guy.
  • + 1
 he may have killed 20 million people but no man deserves that punishment
  • + 1
 hilarious! Show girls how 10 inches of travel works in the wet.
  • + 1
 Clearly Germans don't find this as funny as English folk
  • + 1
  • + 1
 I have never said it before but, VOD!
  • + 1
 well done, nice edit and original theme.
  • + 1
 Who cares what it means in German,it's funny
  • + 1
 Ja das ist gut lol hahahahahahaha
  • + 1
 that was f*cking awesome XD haha
  • + 1
 what the??????? that was so funny
  • + 1
 best thing ive seen in awhile lol
  • + 1
 Wow! Mountain biking nazis..........I know they wear lycra..
  • + 1
 holy shits this is fuckin hilarious
  • + 2
  • + 1
 lol very funny haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • + 1
 ahahahahhaa fucking funny as man!
  • + 1
 haha very funny how can i make this my vod
  • + 1
 you cant
  • + 1
 Actually you can.
  • + 1
 You can do it now just not wen I replied to this comment because they updated the accounts now
  • + 1
 more hhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  • + 1
 thats funny eva braun wants to ride hehehehehehehe
  • + 1
 haha anybody want to tell me the basics of what he is saying??? lol
  • + 1
 BEST BIKE VIDEO EVER!!!! 1 and a full half thumbs up!!! pedalshop.com
  • + 1
 That was funny as hell, but someone has too much time on there hands
  • + 1
 i justed frikin loled proper hard. vod??? lol
  • + 1
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 sell my bike on pinkbike hahaha
  • + 1
 that sun o bitch deserved to die!!!
  • + 1
 the führer wants to ride!
  • + 1
 OMG i could stop laughin lol
  • + 1
 haha " sell my bike on Pinkbike " Big Grin DDDDDD
  • + 1
 absolutely hilarious hahahhahhahahhah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 HAHAHA holy sh!t that was funny! I wanted to rip A-line a new one HAHAHAHA
  • + 2
 i love these
  • + 1
 lmfao that was a good one.
  • + 2
 this is great
  • + 1
 i almmost cried when i saw this hahahahhaha
  • + 1
 Shown text doesnt compare with the spoken text Wink
  • + 1
 hahahahhahahahah! should be VOD
  • + 1
 hahahaha shit, that was funny
  • + 2
  • + 1
 Ha ha, this is one of the best ones I have seen yet. Ace!
  • + 2
  • + 2
  • + 1
 Funny as hell, but not as good as the "Van Homan will save us" one.. haha
  • + 2
 so funny! Has to be VOD!
  • + 1
 VOD for the title, no matter what's inside! ;d
  • + 1

edit: sry about the caps
  • + 2
  • + 2
 that made me laugh so hard i started crying lol
  • + 4
 omg this is hilarious.... so SOOOOO politically incorrect Wink but abosuletly VOD VOD VOD VOD worthy!
  • + 1
 hahaso funny there is like 100 on u tube
  • + 1
 i didnt kill20 million people just so i could ride a fucking beach cruiser. Oooo look at hitler he has a mean bike. Nice streamers Adolf
  • + 2
 hahaha thats classic
  • + 1
 i thought the xbox one was really funny but theres to many of them
  • + 2
 lol thats genius
  • + 1
 hahaha singletrack mag done one too on youtube
  • + 2
  • + 1
 lol i would buy Hitlers dh bike off pinkbikes lol
  • + 1
 I'll buy his bike. Smile
  • + 1
 wtf guy at 1:02
  • + 1
 Props to funny!
  • + 1
 im a jew...
  • + 1
 lol nice
  • + 1
 thats the best
  • + 1
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 nice 1 .vod
  • + 1
  • + 1
 thats brilliant
  • + 1
 That is hilarious!!!!
  • + 1
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 Haaaaaaaaa so funny
  • + 1
 fuck funny as lol
  • + 1
 Big Grin VOD!
  • + 1
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 not funny
  • + 1
 Great edit!
  • + 1
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 Really funny Big Grin
  • + 1
 hahahaha vod vod vod
  • + 1
  • + 0
 This the most epicly hilarious video of all time.
  • + 1
 that was so funny
  • + 1
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  • + 1
 The best!
  • + 1
 dude freakin genius
  • + 1
 Thats got be VOD someday
  • + 0
 What a genius idea. Love it!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 lol redonkulous lol
  • + 1
 omg hahahahahaha VOD!
  • + 1
 i jizzed in my pant's
  • + 1
 lol haha
  • + 1
  • + 0
 hahahaha thats fkin hilarious
i wonder if thats how he actualy died?:P
  • + 1
  • + 1
 yes hitler
  • + 0
 that is the funniest shit i have seen in a very long time. thanks man.
  • + 1
 that was genius
  • + 1
 hahaha nice fukin vid
  • + 0
 Sick video... the best!
  • + 0
 f*cking hilarious!
  • - 1
 haahaaa tup
  • - 1
 hahaha funny ! lololol
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