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How to Destroy a Fork by Eric Portillo

Location: Madrid (Spain) Song: Jonsi - Around Us by Dirtyflows.com


  • + 121
 thats why you use fox40s
  • - 58
flag summit800 (Dec 5, 2011 at 21:21) (Below Threshold)
 i own a fox 40, their still pretty racy forks. id personally go with a 888 for fr over a fox 40.
  • + 136
 what do you expect when you jump like that......
  • + 86
 "For Sale Boxxer 2009 WC, awesome condition!" hahahahha
  • + 38
 Ohhhh snap!!!, pardon the pun Wink
  • + 13
 i really dont think it would make a difference between rockshox doing this and fox... they're about the same quality
  • + 2
 Damn! One to many huck to flats eh? Haha
  • + 13
 Boxxers are not that strong! i agree! But this is what happens when you land like that and bottom out your rear suspension that hard, making your boxxer work like it was installed in a Orange County Chopper!
  • + 2
 @steven41 Come Fly With Me Wink
  • + 5
 I think he bottomed
  • + 2
 HOJJJ... hell yea!!!
  • + 5
 Ahaha "Sorry Judith".
  • + 4
 The chances are you would destroy any fork on such a hard bottom out. The only problem with OLDER boxxers is that they were not too stiff so it was easier to bend and break them.
  • + 3
 you landed up hill!! what do you expect???
  • - 7
flag jumpbikejames (Feb 1, 2012 at 10:28) (Below Threshold)
 try that on a set of 40's though? solid as a rock! thats why i swapped out my boxxers for 40's
  • + 4
 That's a good joke. That landing would kill most forks. especially after a heavy season. 40s actually have more durability problems than boxxers due to piss thin walls.
  • + 9
 Oh god not another arguing on boxxers vs 40's, one thing I can tell, I heard a lot more ppl say Boxxers are not even close to the 40s than anything else... Lookout on pb, you'll see maybe one or 2 40s cracked and like 30 boxxers destroyed...
  • + 8
 Myths propagate fast. You see more old cracked boxxers because they were weaker, new ones are strong if not stronger than the 40s.

You also see way less hurt 40s because there is less of them. They are much more expensive. Why the hell people never notice that?
  • + 2
 Boxxers more expensive? I don't know were you buy your bike parts but on my side a 2012 fox 40 was about 300$ less than same year Boxxer and Marzocchi were 60$ more than fox, I looked all three of them to finish my bike build... And its not for nothing Santa Cruz just changed from rock shox to fox... Just sayin'...
  • + 1
 Boxxers are cheaper because you have the race and team version. There is no fox 40 team. Also RS has much more OEM deals = much more prebuilt bikes offered with them. Bikes offered with fox are only the top models. Do you really belive the fox 40 sales and boxxer sales are close to comparable?

As for Santa going from RS to FOX - I doubt they did it because the forks crack. The team had no problems with boxxer durability from what I know. Also neither the FOX team or RS team guys run stock dampers so your argument is invalid. They changed because they got a better deal. That's how it works on the top. They don't pick the parts the like the most.
  • - 1
 Boxxers are not cheaper, And anyways, i don't have a 40 for nothing... 40s are actually different, boxxers run with air and fox with coil... Anyways, in my opinion, Fox are way better than boxxer as marzo are either
  • + 2
 Boxxers are really nice forks. They are just a little lighter design then say the marz or fox forks. But that's what all these guys building $6000 bikes want right? I do think the new model 36mm boxxers are far stiffer then the older 32mm. I'm a zocchi guy myself though. Want to ride the newest 888 so bad.
  • + 1
 The funny thing is the differance in lowers weight between marz and boxxer is close to none. RS and new 888s with a aftermarket italian air spring weight ~100g of each other. If you take into consideration that RS has lighter axle, steerer and crowns that differance is even smaller. Fox is a bit heavier but that's 40mm diameter makes for thinner walls. I still don't get why marz went from 36 to 38mm.
  • + 2
 I regret my choice between my fox and a marz, I like my fox but its more maintenance than a 888 and the marz is feeliing soooooo smooth its incredible!
  • + 2
 Life goes on..
  • - 2
 i dont know why people are argueing between boxxer vs fox, did no one here watch ROAM, i mean come on the stuff they did on those boxxers more than proves they are the superior fork for both strength and reliability, its just videos of these retards landing solidly on there back wheel there whole 3 years of riding there bike leads to anything breaking.
  • + 2
 so wait... your telling us to not argue... then come and say that boxxers are better... sir your logic is flawed
  • + 0
 its not flawed, its the truth... boxxers all the way boy!
  • + 2
 I'm a boxxer fan and I defend them but the pro argument is pure BS. They will get gear for free so it speaks nothing of durability. If a recognizable pro rider destroys his fork on a high profile movie shoot you give him a new one. It's just good business.
  • + 1
  • + 42
 so did ya land that front flip tuck-no??? Razz
  • + 0
  • + 20
 just need the seals changed
  • + 17
 Duct tape will do the job...
  • + 11
 thats why i keep it real with the 6 year old 888 still eating it up.
  • + 10
 and thats why you dont land with your front wheel in the air and your back wheel in a hedge
  • + 9
 that tree finally put his foot down and said I'm not being abused anymore and said fuck you
  • + 9
 This is what happens when you keep a boxxer unmaintained for over an hour.
  • + 8
  • + 2
 Good effort on breaking em... Good way to send off an old fork... It can happen to any forks for the guys saying bout fox 40s there's a few vids on YouTube with mx forks snapping, shit happens
  • + 4
 sad about the music i wanted to hear the "SNAP" Frown

but never mind still a good crash video
  • + 1
 The camera dont have sound on slowmotion mode Wink
  • + 2
 oh alright fair enough. never mind Smile
  • + 4
 Damn that is pretty gnarly, guess ya shouldnt have a landing that is slight up hill.. at least the rider came out un-hurt
  • + 1
 landed exaclty the same but instead of my forks snapping they rebounded me forward off my bike and dislocated my collar bone, wish i was that lucky, rather my forks snap than me
  • + 0
 What would you expect from casing that to shit, on a fork with 32mm stanchions. I will always prefer the security of Fox. Though they are more expensive, they need replacing much less often, so pays themselves out within a matter of months!
  • + 1
 The fox is cheaper here...
  • + 1
 A fork that was ridden hard (check all the marks abd scuffs) and was landed short on a not exactly small jump. So what? Big deal! Everything breaks at some point. Take some responsability! Wink
  • + 4
That is insaaane :O !!!
  • + 1
 Didt't think they would break like that haha
  • - 11
flag vengeance111 (Dec 13, 2011 at 10:14) (Below Threshold)
 And thats why you buy 888s
  • - 7
flag joshbb1 (Feb 19, 2012 at 2:56) (Below Threshold)
  • + 3
 Uh did he expect that to work?
  • - 1
 One thing people are leaving out is that his rear tire got pulled by that bush a little bit do all his weight onto his front wheel which was on an up slope. They had been riding that jump repeatedly so landing not only flat but uphill slightly would rip up and fork. It wasnt a new fork so it probably wasn't as stiff as newer products
  • + 2
 You cased the shit out of that jump... I would be surprised if it didn't break from that. Glad you didn't die though.
  • + 1
 You couldn't expect anything different,its a very light fork....and years of abuse,just a matter of time for sure..good to see you made it out ok Smile
  • + 1
 If you get this video and put it into a good video editing software and go frame by frame you can actually notice it broke by not bottoming out...
  • + 1
 when he snaps the forks it looks like he goes for a full on front flip ! haha
  • + 2
 thats why fox 40's or monsters are really good forks to use
  • - 2
 My Monsters are 04 and still eating drops, jumps and DH
  • + 1
 wow !!!! i ve change my boxxer for a fox 40 Wink ) best thing i ever made Wink !
  • + 1
 Hey, look at the bright side, you almost have tuck-no frontflip's flat ! lol
  • + 0
 so, what was his plan? "oh look a bush im gonna jump into it"? definitely shitty to break your fork though! shit happens i suppose.
  • + 0
 wtf? was he wearing clips? i don't see any other explanation for him.... TAKING the bike with him as he went over the bars. lol
  • + 1
 he was riding like normally then the forks broke, just like slamming on the front breaks id take the bike with me
  • + 3
 That was awesome!
  • - 1
 This is amazing!!The song too with slo-moSmile
  • + 0
 Thats what happens when you ride freeride on world cup DH forks! Use your brain and buy forks that are suited to your style of riding.
  • + 1
 everyones like, man there covered under the warranty,thats great my face isnt.
  • + 1
 What would you expect from casing that to shit, on a fork with 32mm stanchions?????
  • + 1
 Slow it down and look again, the fork looks broken or stressed before he even jumps.
  • + 2
 did u complain to rockshox and get a new fork??
  • + 0
 Bro, thats so sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 2
 thats so crazy I didn't think it could break in that spot
  • - 1
 its because he bottomed out.....the fork couldnt take that much pressure of bottoming out that hard so the leg went snap (he he)
  • + 2
 hoooooooooooly sh*t....
  • + 0
 No Forks Should Break after a landing THAT smooth! (Sarcastically Speaking of course)
  • - 2
 fox should get the right's to this and just show the bit with him falling off cuz they snap a empty wallet and then the broken fork's and right under neither rockshox the same price but more like chopstick's
  • + 2
 That was pre gnarly..
  • + 1
 ive landed like that a bunch of times and never broke my 888
  • + 0
 Clipped in while needing a beefier fork, just needed Carbon bars for the trifecta...
  • + 1
 That was totaly wicked man! never seen that before!
  • + 1
 i like how he is clipped in lol
  • + 1
 glad i just got 2010 boxxers and sold my 2009's this scares me! haha
  • + 2
 ducktape it bro!
  • + 1
 Do people actually listen to music like that?
  • + 1
 haha still smiling
  • + 0
 Screw you guys ......... I´m going home !! (walking Big Grin )
  • + 1
  • + 0
  • - 1
  • - 1
 Lol if you build a landing that won't happen
  • - 1
 why were you smiling at the end? i'd be crying my eyes out!
  • - 1
 thats why you land on the landing... haha
  • - 1
 See now there's ur problem ur fork is snapped
  • - 1
 How old was it?
It is Boxxer from 2009?
  • + 4
 5 years old Boxxer with so much hard riding, in my opinion its a really nice fork, was enough riding belong this time
  • + 0
 yup, 5 years is long time

thx for reply Smile
  • - 1
 just a lil' duck tape and she'll be good as new
  • - 1
 I think you need a new pair of forks mate Smile
  • - 1
 You might need to service those you know...
  • - 1
 ahhaah hubiera quedado mejor con la cancion de benny hill ya tu sabe
  • + 0
 q putada.....
  • + 0
 Thats What Fox 40 is for
  • + 0
 your doing it wrong...
  • - 3
 Whats the song? Smile
  • - 2
 BOS for life!!!!
  • - 2
 O_o oh dude!
  • - 2
  • - 2
 hahaha what a wetter
  • - 2
 getha broken boxxers here Smile
  • - 1
 should buff out....
  • - 1
 rockshock new promo vid
  • + 1
  • - 1
 very good
  • - 2
 Nice front flip hhhhhaaahhhhahahahahahahaahhahahahahaSmile
  • - 1
 3 clipless pedals
  • - 1
 Moar shims?
  • - 1
 Fuck yeah!
  • - 1
  • - 1
 haha thats epic!
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