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My DHR was stolen out of the bed of my truck at 3:03PM today in the Epicenter Bike Shop parking lot on Baldwin & Mission St. I saw a shady van peeling out around a 1-Way street and a 5 minute car chase later, I got her back.


  • + 108
 man, you kept it cool, i would have regulated on that guys face with a roundhouse or flying drop kick if i had a running start. i had my motorcycle stolen from me i hate thieves.
  • + 22
 Ahaha flying drop kick, just the image in my mind made my day, on the other hand that little fucker better not try and steal a bike again
  • + 121
 Steal his gardening supplies
  • + 4
 Interested in my bear?
  • + 39
 Just gonna go ahead and be the first to comment on this vid that's about to go viral
  • + 25
 "My brother had the same one" Yeah rite. Way to get your bike back man and way to not totally obliterate that guy. He should consider himself lucky.
  • + 43
 seems legit I'm sure a bunch of people have a bright orange DHR with a yo mama sticker on the rear shock
  • + 9
 I think he ment his brother stole the same one, and he wanted to follow the family tradition
  • + 1
 @nato117: this comment is gold!!!!????????????
  • + 18
 man, what a shitty experience, i f*cking hate shitty immigrant people that make our countries (third world) look like shit, like we dont have nothing else to do that go to the usa and steal things to make money. Even though you kept it cool, i could not stand talking to a guy like that and not beat the shit out of him or something, my bike, is something irreplaceable, is not something that anyone can simply steal. Good for your composure man, im glad it ended well.
  • + 8
 not all immigrants are bad people
  • + 6
 I am from a third world country i know how fucked up this shit is, im not trying to offend anyone, but what i was trying to say in my previous comment is that i hate those immigrants who go to any better country and do bad things there making people from that country to hate all immigrants, not only the ones that are bad. thats my point. I support the people who leave their countries looking for a better life while they are honest and work for it.
  • + 12
 You tell em Iggz. Bike theifs are fucking assholes. Glad you got it back.
  • + 7
 you the man!!!! when i camp at sea otter i tie a string to my toe and one to my bike when i'm asleep... i would be so bummed if my bike got stolen, i would cry, lol! killer vid man.
  • + 10
 I'd have punched his fatness
  • + 5
 go to ace and buy like 4 feet of chain and lock it in your truck when you leave it so this cant happen again. I cant imagine having my bike stolen, I'm so paranoid about it.

still, I'm glad to see you got it back that would have sucked. Salute
  • + 17
 I am so paranoid that I hate when people eyeball my bike or get too close to it. Almost everything I own is tied up in my bike.
  • + 8
 I get massively paranoid on trains. Especially when people want to lean their piece of shit city bikes against my machine.
  • + 5
 don't you hate it when people that go to the bike park for the first time and just fucking throw their bikes on the lift and fuck up your bike... happens to me almost every time... you just have to charge 20 bucks every time somebody puts a scratch in it, lol
  • + 3
 LOL! Once a kid totally janked his approach onto the lie. My bike was hanging by the seat and he knock date jig around so my bike goes lifting away dangling by one seat rail. I was biting my lip the whole way up
  • + 3
 ohhhh thats just terrible.... there are alot of rocks where i ride... i'm always super worried that my bike is gonna fall about 60 ft onto a big pile of jagged rocks... almost makes me want to hike up... lol
  • + 3
 you let that greasy f*ck off easy bro, i would have gone to jail that day for relentlessly beating the f*ck out of that guy.

it is what it is, you came out on top of the whole situation & got your bike back. not too many people get this kind of golden opportunity. i've posted this link to your vid on my facebook page today, many people will see that guys face.
  • + 7
 It was a turner dhr too, those shenanigans are expenisve
  • + 6
 Rear naked choke all the things!!! I bet if you punched him 30 of his people would've jumped out....
  • + 5
 That's gnarly bro! He would have been the richest beaner in Cali if he got away with it.
  • + 6
 Dude. That was MESSED UP. So close. Good thing you 'er back.
  • + 3
 *got her back Big Grin
  • + 1
 When i saw the title i thought you got it stolen bro but then i watched the video and it made my day to see that you got it back because i know how it feels to get a bike stolen ive had two stolen right from underneatu me and it almost put an end to my career. What really sucks is when i got my first bike stolen i was 11 and i was completely destroyed over it. The 2nd time it happened i knew the persons name and what school he went to but the cops still did nothing so now i see it as if you loose sight of it its gone.
  • + 3
 Fuck thieves I hate them if someone stole my bike and I caught them I would be like nice bike dude is it yours no its mine bitch knock the fucker out cold
  • + 3
 Glad that you got it back man. My friends took my bike as a joke (we laughed after) and it's such a shitty feeling, even though it wasn't really stolen...
  • + 2
 Some dirt bag stole my dakine right off my truck over by ABS. Im so stoked you got it back man! Crazy to think how people can stoop so low.
  • + 3
 I domt think i would be able to control myself in this situation,i'd would've lashed out.
  • + 1
 ummm, why wasnt the bike locked up in the first place rather than just chillin in the bed? just sayin.... way to take action and get it back though. And not getting violent i probably would have.
  • + 2
 You should have kicked him in the balls and trashed his van. The fcking lil thieve did not learn a thing from this. Im happy you got your ride back. !!
  • + 1
 Mate I had my bike stolen a few years back and ended up prowling the streets for weeks in my car looking out for some chav riding around on it! I would've ended that dick!
  • + 3
 I know the feeling, man. I had my fully pimped Morewood stolen in Whistler 3 years ago... fuckin' brutal!
  • + 2
 Propps for keeping cool bruh I would of curb stomped his face if he stoll my scott like fuck that shit
  • + 1
 Seeing this almost 10 years later... and curb stomp for the win !!! 100% !
  • + 1
 Put this thief on blast share his picture online and Craig's list, all social networks. I'm sure there is lots of people he robbed before.
  • + 3
 that whole time i just waiting for a backhand to the face!
  • + 5
 Same I was waiting for some massive throw down. That guy was piss scared.
  • + 2
 good job iggz, being the bigger man you let him off easy... 'nono ye ya no stealin, yeh" bitch please
  • + 3
 Wow. That sucks man that happened. Glad you got it back.
  • + 2
 I'm sorry that happened to you man, my worst nightmare is this without the type of ending you experienced.
  • + 1
 Hmmm...You handled that pretty lightly...I would have given that guy a rear naked choke...Lights out! Some of us aren't so lucky to get our bikes back though.
  • + 2
 happy you got it back man thought you were gonna drop that guy tbh
  • + 1
 Damn Straight!! had the same thing happen to me but i wasnt so lucky to get it back.
  • + 1
 Sorry to hear that bru
  • + 1
 FCKN THIEVES!!!! i got my RMB stolen last month... stealth dude came up and just popped it!
  • + 1
 I think he was trying to say that he thought it was his brothers bike ahahahah
  • + 2
 Dirty god dame bike stealing people , ahh whats the use of you ..
  • + 1
 dude, you showed some serious restraint!!!!
  • + 0
 Do wot scots do best man , I,d have hit him with a grab head but!! Ur too soft
  • + 0
 I feel so pissed off watching this vid. I don't know how you did to don't smash his fucking face in.
  • + 2
 The wife and kid threw me off that plan
  • + 1
 Ok! So legit dude.
  • + 2
 I'd of leathered him.
  • + 1
 it still amazes me how many racist people still exist ......
  • + 2
 that was fucking awesome
  • + 2
  • + 1
 I would have had him arrested.
  • + 1
 good on ya bro
  • + 0
 dude props for not beating the s**t outta that f**ker
  • + 1
 VOD!!!!! You tell him
  • - 2
 props for not shootin that beandacho between his eyes
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