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dot.Four - teaser 2009

Teaser 2009 for my upcoming movie named dot.Four - a film by Blaz Tomazin Please be patient this is teaser. Much more in trilaer: http://www.pinkbike.com/video/106706/


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  • + 48
 ^ hard nut
  • - 104
flag blinkerx (Oct 12, 2009 at 14:26) (Below Threshold)
  • + 13
 Dang can't wait for the movie that was amazing
  • - 93
flag LongyZ (Oct 29, 2009 at 0:11) (Below Threshold)
  • + 15
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flag snickkers (Oct 29, 2009 at 0:18) (Below Threshold)
  • - 92
flag thecolonnadekid (Oct 29, 2009 at 0:20) (Below Threshold)
  • + 2
 this is sick, nice title too
  • + 13
 Okay, but you used the same song as Larock and Shimano, and final titles are quite simmilar to that from Saint advert.. But still nice jobSmile
  • - 69
flag elzyboy104 (Oct 29, 2009 at 2:07) (Below Threshold)
  • + 2
 wtf tire is that?

  • + 2
 hell yeah
  • - 29
flag elzyboy104 (Oct 29, 2009 at 2:32) (Below Threshold)
 i settle it it was so good it was pod and vod at the same time it was that good
  • + 3
 that guy in the jeans was riding the hottest bike. ever. way to go
  • + 8
 had enough of that song watching "whats next" trailer. apart from that its good.
  • + 16
 i also think you mean V.O.D Wink
  • - 20
flag lew-77 (Oct 29, 2009 at 9:27) (Below Threshold)
  • + 9
 this film is a VOD ? In my opinion is it a shitVOD.... Boring and nothing
  • - 26
flag kansasmountainbiker (Oct 29, 2009 at 10:09) (Below Threshold)
  • + 4
 well done biking boy, you just turned the entire page bold Facepalm
  • + 7
 some nice shots- but this was such a copy of larock with the song. (Here come the neg. props)
  • + 11
  • - 1
 yeah :S picture lol
  • + 5
 personally i dont think this was good riding. i do not think it deserves vod
  • + 16
 you stupid american kids are soooo retarded. you just want to watch super pro class riding and stuff. maybe you should use your little brain and think of countries that got MTB 20 years latter than USA and Canada.
  • + 5
 razpizdi se Big Grin
  • + 6
 B0zero. DH has'nt even been around for 20 years. We stupid american kids like to watch super pro class riding n' stuff lol. However, we also usually check our facts before we say something stupid. you slovenian kids are soooo retarted looooolll.
  • - 8
flag b0zero (Oct 29, 2009 at 14:05) (Below Threshold)
 hahha, the funny thing is, you even don't know where is slovenia Big Grin
  • + 0
 and sorry, maybe I didn't meant too say stupid too all of you, just some examples who don't apriciate hard work.
  • + 0
 Your right. Its cuz I only like super pro stuff... and America is super pro
  • + 2
  • + 3
 ok. i like that thinking lol. i didnt say it was a bad movie. just doing my part to prove i am a stupid american kid lol
  • - 3
 Not a good vid at all its only a minute long....
  • + 6
 not vod matirial i was left thinking is tht it not what i was expecting
  • + 2
 b0zero, you don't speak english, and just because one american kid doesn't like a movie that was developed in your country doesn't mean the american kids are dumb. you are ignorant and fail to realize that the reason some people don't know where Slovenia is located is because its population is insignificant when compared to ours. You are unintelligent so please don't speak, ever
  • + 1
 oh and the video is kind of cool but not good enough for vod, not difficult riding
  • + 4
 nice editing though
  • + 3
 ok y the hell would that be VOD like seriously. that was the worst VOD ive seen in awhile. like there was barely any riding. and bOzero ur a fuckin fag!
  • + 1
 Maybe dejjvek is Harry Potter and the pictures he's used to seeing all move around and stuff cos they are magical. Therefore he simply construed this as a moving picture hence POD. Whereas us mere muggles can see its clearly a video and therefore a VOD. Thats the only logical explanation i can think of for now.
  • - 1
 Maybe he's just ignorant?
  • - 2
 were all you people that was calling the VOD pod just trying to piss us off, or are you all just dumbasses
  • + 6
 have a guess
  • + 6
 wow, people care way to much about vod and pod... its just a word.. give it a break and maybe care about somthing a little more importaint in your life if there is anything...
  • + 3
 ...Like my socks. I put on a pair of matching socks this morning, they were white, came about halfway up my shin, and had a very nice stitching pattern near the top. I had this sudden thought though that matching socks were a bit boring; I was thinking maybe like ankle socks, one sky blue and one bright orange? They'd have to be a pretty plain stitch though, and a polyester material so my feet dont get too clammy.
  • + 6
 the riding blows its just really good editing and a good camera. ...pod
  • - 5
flag mooseman414 (Oct 29, 2009 at 19:49) (Below Threshold)
 you guys are fucking retarded, ITS A VIDEO NOT A PICTURE!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • - 5
flag mooseman414 (Oct 29, 2009 at 19:50) (Below Threshold)
 You guys are retarded, ITS A VIDEO NOT A PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • - 4
flag mooseman414 (Oct 29, 2009 at 19:52) (Below Threshold)
  • - 5
flag mooseman414 (Oct 29, 2009 at 19:52) (Below Threshold)
  • + 1
 b0zero, your right, canadians nor americans know where slovainia is, cause nobody gives a fuck about you!
  • + 1
 whats slovania?
  • - 1
 exactly my point, i really dont know either.. some foreign russian country i think? dont go on my word though
  • - 1
 probly some made up shit
  • + 0
 yeah prob
  • + 3
 stinkyboy go eat shit Smile
  • + 0
 its ok dude. im from latvia.....im right there with u...haha kinda
  • + 2
 stinkyboy already ate shit... why else would he be stinky?
  • + 1
 for all who have -F grade in geography.
Don't be ignorant to small countries Wink
  • + 1
 haha yeah! people always think wales is in england lol
  • + 1
 i used to think cornwall was a country Facepalm
  • + 1
 I'm not that impressed with it. Yeah, good graphics, good filming and editing, but nothing different from, say Larocks stuff, or any other generic MTB film, what makes it stand out?
  • + 2
 uh larocks film was pretty damn good dude. i dunno what ur talkin bout
  • + 1
 Yeah It was, I'm saying the filming and editing is good, like Larocks (not as good, quite Wink ) but its the fact that its a bit similar, that it doesn't stand apart from other films. Its not a bad thing that other films are as they are, they're brilliant, because they did thier own thing. But theres nothing thats going to make this the next big thing, because its a bit too similar. Sorry, I'm shit with words >. Basically, the other films are awesome. This is awesome, but no different :S I think thats what I'm trying to say! haha, just my thoughts, Olly
  • + 10
 tight! gonna be Vod!
  • + 4
 dayum. thats superb quality right there. good riding AND camera work! just wish it was a bit longer, even though it's a teaser
  • + 2
 Agreeing with few other comments. 1st big mistake; Never ever please ever again use a song that has been used in a highly publicized film! Sure thing if the song was used in some amateur's 30second video but not in any POD or half decent video. Second mistake.... I recommend filming more than one style of riding (dh) and film more than one location (from the video it looks like the same location although it may have not been). For a teaser at least you need your own song, which is half the effort today and you need to film other riding styles like dj and at other locations to keep it interesting. Editing and film shots you seem to have down pat, just about refining the shots in keeping them smoother. Otherwise great edit. Biggest problem was the song. Sorry, as son as I heard the song start I didn't want to watch it, because it's used! maybe in two years you can re-use it but defiantly not a few weeks.
  • + 2
 By far NOT a V.O.D this was just stupid, the editing was great thats about it. I know its a teaser but how about you actually tease us with some epic footage do like a 10 foot drop and cut out before you show the landing or something thats a teaser this is just like a promo trailer did I a better job shouting out to companies then teasing us for your video I could tell you that I would not bother to watch the full video at this point as it could be a waste of my time. I think I counted about 16-17 seconds of actual riding in a 1min 11sec film thats a bad ratio should be atleast 35-40s of riding in there minimum.
  • + 1
 oh yer, every single riding shot par 1 the riders all go to the left you of....mix it up the angles a bit, have side shots, and if you have a decent zipline and tall enough tree's why not above? you could always resort to.... oh I dunno (insert sarcasm) have the rider goto the right of you?
  • + 5
 yeah ......whats the the song
  • + 6
 the glitch mob - Monday nepolian remix
  • + 8
 The Glitch Mob - Nalepa Monday remix. www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtnVduIY75Y
  • - 12
flag kansasmountainbiker (Oct 29, 2009 at 10:09) (Below Threshold)
 POD BRA!!!!
  • + 2
 in fashion a while back pink was the new black and now in action sport online videos short is the new long.. some nice shots in there
  • + 1
 It must be the off season already... vod? yeah ok, I'm gonna slickly edit together some shots of me getting up and taking my morning shit set to some M83 tracks and hope for a shot at the top spot
  • + 3
 cant call this vod its was just a sh*t advert. Super LAME!!!
  • - 5
flag crowe (Oct 29, 2009 at 6:02) (Below Threshold)
 as a lot of vods are!
  • - 2
 dude, only sh*t thing here are you chichester-jumps.
  • + 1
 That was excellent. Short and sweet. I'm blow away with what people can do with a minute of air-time. The music was great, even the logo things at the end looked solid.
  • + 3
 Got my VOD vote. Sick editing
  • + 2
 The full video could be fun to watch...but this short trailer did not deserve a VOD. .over.
  • + 0
 Nice editing! Scratching my head a bit on the VOD status though. Someone got paid off, or else somebody has a picture of the VOD decider with a goat.
  • + 1
 yeah, there was like no riding, need more meat less bun, although those super fast cable cam's were pretty sick
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Some great camera action, AND TOP TUNAGE! Will look out for the full movie!
  • + 2
 awesome like, cannit wait for the full thing pod vod etc
  • + 2
 25 seconds of riding and u got a VOD
  • + 1
 ya sweet dude, lets show a total of 7 seconds of riding, and the rest of who the film was made by..
  • + 2
 the video seemed to be over before it even started.
  • + 2
 YEAP Powaaa
  • + 2
 demo rulez
  • + 1
 The GIANT Glory DH it´s the best part of the video!!! Big Grin
  • + 1
 meh, not the greatest riding.
  • + 1
 about 5 seconds of riding?
  • + 1
 Sick !! what's the name of the song ?
  • + 17
 if you were paying attention to the dates you would know you're wrong
  • + 3
 look at the dates,, idiot
  • - 11
flag kansasmountainbiker (Oct 29, 2009 at 10:09) (Below Threshold)
  • + 2
 VOD some day =)
  • + 1
 that was pretty sick!!! a little short though..but still SICK!!!!! VOD!!!
  • + 1
 hahahaha pa VSI hejtajo Big Grin
  • + 1
 so is there like 3 people in the movie?
  • - 1
 can't actually see what was so amazing. there was only couple of riding shots. yeah the full film will be good but that was pretty crap
  • + 1
 yeah any one know this song
  • + 1
 The Glitch Mob - Nalepa Monday remix
  • + 2
 yea POD lol shure is VOD
  • + 1
 končn mamo slovenci VOD!!
  • + 1
 amazing camera work but in my opinion the riding let it down abit.
  • + 0
 i agree , the editing was dissapointing to! ive seen many better teasers! nice camera work though!
  • + 2
 song name please? anyone
  • + 1
 u have a limited edition fork and its not hangging on ur wall lol
  • + 1
 excellent stuff! love the cable shot Big Grin
  • + 1
 is this vod just because of the high def? wasnt any decent riding imo
  • + 1
 song please??
  • + 1
 what the song
  • + 1
  • + 1
 lepa Wink
  • + 0
 this song is getting soooo over used!
  • + 1
 WOW amazing!!
  • - 2
 dude, well done, but you CAN'T take styles AND music from other recent vid. as said above, shimano saint ads and Larocks stuff.
  • + 1
 would you ask yourslelf if they took the music from us?
maybe we had the music first and then they had it?
  • + 3
 or not.. Wink
  • - 2
 dude bOzero just get over ur self ur a fuckin fag
  • + 1
 only stick and stones can brake my bones, words can't hurt me Big Grin
  • + 1
 short but Nice pOd
  • + 0
 good edit but riding wasnt the best
  • + 2
 why dont u cry about it
  • + 0
 what is that song called?? nice vid
  • + 1
 Nalepa monday mix by the glitch mob.
  • + 1
 sweet, bit short though
  • + 0
 wow, that's a sick vid! however it would of been better if it was longer
  • + 2
 its a teaser,not a movie
  • + 1
 look nice.vod.
  • + 0
 why is evryone saying pod????? lmao Razz
  • + 0
 nice but not VOD worthy .in my opinion
  • - 2
 did i miss something? if that gets videos of the day pinkbike really is running outta videos....
  • + 0
  • + 0
 i have that demo!
  • + 0
 Demo rulez!
  • - 1
 i thought i escaped that song for good.
  • + 0
 its just childish
  • + 0
  • + 0
 its VOD there speshy
  • + 0
 POD !!!
  • + 1
  • - 2
 POD!!!!!!!!!!!! mate
  • - 2
  • - 2
  • + 3
 you got to love when songs get used over and over and over again..
  • - 1
 okay breaker breaker...
  • - 1
  • - 1
 a bit short maybe..
  • + 0
 you've right
  • + 2
 no good vod
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