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Video: Stories - Episode 1 - Duane Walker

Jan 16, 2013
by Laurence Crossman-Emms  
Views: 76,776    Faves: 857    Comments: 74

The chapter strong Stories from Laurence CE goes motion with this piloting episode of Stories inMotion which follows Duane Walker as he takes you to some of North Wales newsest and most looked apon riding spots - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com

The chapter strong Stories from Laurence CE goes motion with this piloting episode of Stories inMotion which follows Duane Walker as he takes you to some of North Wales newsest and most looked apon riding spots - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com

The chapter strong Stories from Laurence CE goes motion with this piloting episode of Stories inMotion which follows Duane Walker as he takes you to some of North Wales newsest and most looked apon riding spots - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com

The chapter strong Stories from Laurence CE goes motion with this piloting episode of Stories inMotion which follows Duane Walker as he takes you to some of North Wales newsest and most looked apon riding spots - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com

The chapter strong Stories from Laurence CE goes motion with this piloting episode of Stories inMotion which follows Duane Walker as he takes you to some of North Wales newsest and most looked apon riding spots - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com

Two wheels in North Wales are at an all time boom and its bringing the industry along with it. Trail centres, shops, brands and riders are all starting to make an appearance. It was no better time to really start making a push for cycling in Wales and all the hard work has paid off. Already defined trail centres like Oneplanet Adventure, Llandegla are seeing new trails built, but its also paving the way for new developments like Antur Stiniog and Revolution Bike Park, three major facilities all within an hours drive of each other, and that's only 3 of about 20+ places to ride your bicycle!

There are places in the world that you always want to visit and tick off that "ride" bucket list, but is there a need to travel half way around the world when we can look at the great riding on our doorsteps. Its not until you spend time away from somewhere that you realise what you are missing, you being to appreciate what it has to offer. After investing some time in university study, recently returned Duane Walker was keen to get out on bike and rediscover old stomping grounds but also take a glimpse at what Wales really now has to offer!

The chapter strong "Stories" from Laurence Crossman-Emms goes motion with this piloting episode of Stories:inMotion which follows Duane Walker as he takes you to some of North Wales newsest and most looked apon riding spots.

Stories // The Adventure of One // Captured in Pixels

Laurence Crossman-Emms // www.laurence-ce.com

The chapter strong Stories from Laurence CE goes motion with this piloting episode of Stories inMotion which follows Duane Walker as he takes you to some of North Wales newsest and most looked apon riding spots - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com

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Member since Aug 28, 2009
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  • 78 10
 Dear America, This is excellent winter weather in our country, Yours sincerely, Britain
  • 12 1
 this video makes it look that way...
  • 34 63
flag a650B (Jan 16, 2013 at 13:17) (Below Threshold)
 Ill take America
  • 61 10
 The camera work was starting to give me a headache......
  • 42 6
 ^Should've gone to specsavers
  • 75 28
 I can't handle any more UK talk about their harsh winters. I've lived there over a winter and it gets a little wet. We have months of snow and freezing temps, then we have months of wet. Not all of the US is California - this country is much larger than all of Europe combined and is extremely diverse when it comes to climate and terrain. Just ride your bikes and wash off the mud like the rest of us. Mine is hung up until the snow melts.
  • 127 4
 Dear Britain, its always winter in your country, sincerely Australia.
  • 39 19
 @woodsroller the US is not bigger than Europe.
  • 12 7
 Right, I hastily mis-spoke as I was only considering western continental Europe and the UK. I stand corrected, but still looking at 3 more months of snow pack on the ground.
  • 8 12
flag GabrielDugas (Jan 16, 2013 at 17:42) (Below Threshold)
 Maybe not bigger, but canada and US are extremely big and contains several different climates. for an exemple, France enters 7 times in my province (québec), wich enter around 10times in my country... Gives you an idea of how big it is...
  • 6 1
 you should take an exemple with people who lives on vancouver island and around, it seems always wet and they take as much as they can out of it!
  • 6 4
 Exactly. Or Scandinavia. Super short winter days, snow, cold, etc. - no complaints.
  • 9 7
 British people just like to talk about the weather, that's all. Mostly about how cold/wet it is or how hot it is. We're quite sullen like that. The good thing about the dirt there is that you can still ride it in the wet if you want. Not like the greasy goose shit slick clay where I live (not like I'm complaining though)
  • 42 0
 As a Brit, there's nothing wrong with our winters. It rains a lot but it's not too cold (although the damp atmosphere can make it feel it) and we get to ride our bikes all year round. The trouble is that our winter lasts about 11 months of the year. The other month is Autumn.
  • 17 2
 I should add, there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad kit.
  • 5 1
 ^^^ was that a Sir Rannulph Fiennes quote?
  • 10 0
 There may be no such thing as bad weather, I'm just very dissapointed in it.
  • 4 1
 Yeah you're right, I had no idea until you mentioned that. You learn something new everyday!
  • 7 0
 the issue with the weather is that we *can* ride our bikes all year round, so the horrible thing about it is also the best thing, the problem is just that in the uk, there really isn't the capacity in the soil for good drainage, so when we get a winter of rain, not snow it all washes away or turns to swamp... (just look at the amount of flooding this year as evidence!) i'd rather it snowed a bit more and we could get out on skis without paying to go to the alps! but as it is, cycling up to your axles in shit is still better than no cycling at all :p
  • 1 0
 We tend to go on about the weather because it rains so much, not as much as Ireland though and other places probably. We rarely get hot weather also even in summer. If it froze in winter then it would be much better than the wet greasy trails many of us ride!
  • 8 0
 Its part of english tradition to complain about anything and everything, were not happy unless we have something to bitch about.
  • 11 0
 Why am I listening to an American tell me what the weather, dirt and people of the UK are like?? (Zorba). We have a massive variety in these too. Where I ride most weeks is quite sandy, but if you go 10 miles down the road it's thick clay. In the SE where I am it's loads drier than the North or West. Basically, The UK is small but even then you can't generalise about the conditions we have.
  • 1 0
 Bang on Danny. National attitude " its going to be sh!t" we all even complained about our Olympic which turned out better the we thought.
Perhaps we need a bit more American "This is awesome!!"
Or some more more euro " yah crazy for sure!"
  • 1 1
 Spot on Gavlaa. To be fair the US may be huge but there isnt a huge variation in the terrain there. Its all pretty dry. The main thing about the weather in Britain and Ireland is the longevity of the rainfall. Anyone who farms can tell you that it has not dried out in anywhere in a year. The ground doesnt get the opportunity to dry out. The wettest part of the US is way drier than the wettest parts of Ireland and UK and they get a few months of sunshine every year...and the soil tends to drain better there. The rain doesnt seem to damage the trails in the PNE. We have really boggy forests in most places and it has been raining every week since June. If you try riding one of your favorite trails in these conditions you will sink axle deep and make shit of the trail. Also it gets pretty old having replacing seals, brake pads, bottom brackets, cassettes and basically every wearing part of your bike many multiple times a winter and then again all through the summer.
  • 1 0
 Nout wrong with winter or summer. Winters practice time for the mega avalanche providing it snows!! And summers just all out flat out biking!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 And I notice in your post @samsemtex you said ask any one in farming about the weather. I work on a farm at weekends and work for a machinery dealer and I can tell you for a fact last year was the worst year I've ever seen. The ground didnt dry from the start of march time I p!ssed down non stop pretty much!!!
  • 3 0
 Dear Australia, the winters here are lush green and warm and our ocean water temperature averages 20 degrees celsius. Yours truely Belize
  • 5 0
 Dear never-seen-snow-ers, you don't know jack about winter. Sincerely, Russia. Nice riding btw.
  • 2 0
 Cheer Russia! Sincerely, Canada. snow is great btw
  • 1 0

Don't let a flag fool you. I'm English, the clue was when I wrote 'we're'. Btw, I wasn't generalizing, British people absolutely do like talking about the weather but does it make what I said any less true?
  • 2 0
 Why use the US flag then? If you want to post an as Englishman, use the Union Jack. It ain't rocket science.
  • 1 0
 My guess he is living in the US. Your location is important for buy and sell and tells everyone roughly where you live in the world
  • 1 0
 @gsom111: Thank you for creating some perspective. @GabrielDouglas: Definitely agree with you about snow. @Everyone: To be serious, why is everyone complaining about the weather, rather going out on their bikes and learning how to deal with the climate they live in? Riding is fun no matter what the weather is.
  • 1 0
 A lot of us here are british, we complain about everything, but especially the weather!
  • 2 0
 Because I live in America. Duh.
  • 1 0
 ⬆⬆⬆ well said.
  • 31 3
 i cant remember a time when the weather was that dry in the uk lol
  • 4 0
 Wettest year on record wasn't it?
  • 4 0
 Wettest drought ?
  • 1 0
 it was supposed to be the wettest drought .. which it utterly stupid ..but still wet
  • 3 0
 Wettest year on record for England, third wettest for the whole of the UK since records began about 220 years ago
  • 6 0
 Stop chatting about the weather! you're making everyone from the uk seem like boring old pensioners!
  • 3 0
 Got to live up to the stereotype :b
  • 14 0
 "I'm not one of those guys who's racing every weekend..." Dude, with that speed and skill you should be!! I bet that you'd kill at enduro!!Smile
  • 3 25
flag bikebuster (Jan 16, 2013 at 23:32) (Below Threshold)
 He wasn't that impressive imo...looked really stiff on the bike and only likes to/can tweak left. the camera work might have made it look worse with the repetitive shots tho...
  • 3 5
 bikebuster - I bet do more dead-sailors than boners...
  • 22 0
 Sorry, I'll try harder next time.
  • 8 2
 minimole, great riding, great attitude, screw demand-mungers Wink
  • 7 0
 Watch Duane ride in real life, then I think you'll re-evaluate your decision on how he rides.
  • 4 0
 I came to the conclusion when I went to watch him perform at Glentress stunt park that he is a nervous wreck on stunts over one and a half bike lengths in size.
  • 1 0
 Remind me were the ANY big jumps are at glentress? I haven't seen one for a while.
  • 2 0
 There's at least 15 in the stunt park.
  • 1 0
 Haha Scott that last comment gets me every time Big Grin
  • 1 0
 They're not exactly huge though. Someday they should justine a fast jump line with big long hits. Not complaining like glentress is still excellent.
  • 5 0
 The video was pretty well done. Don't beat yourself up if you're reading this dude. One or two of opposite pans spread out in the edit might be more effective. Otherwise the lighting and quality was amazin!
  • 9 1
 Uk riding, its amazing
  • 6 0
 My parents just moved to Wales, now I have a really good reason to cross the pond and visit!!
  • 4 1
 Definitely, there is some amazing riding about!
  • 4 7
 And don't forget to check out them wee sheep beauties!
  • 1 0
 No, that's still not reason enough to visit Wales. ..just kidding.
  • 6 0
 "I don't go out learning new tricks". Proceeds to pull off textbook tables and cross-ups.
  • 3 0
 So many new trails opening up in Wales. These are three of the newest and best venues. Come and ride here everyone, its epic, despite the never-ending precipitation! Google Trail Guru and check out my website if you want to see heaps more places to ride in this awesome country.
  • 7 2
 Love the vid of course Laurence, and was great fun filming it, helped of course by Wales' awesome trails! Duane.
  • 5 0
 Nice light switch...Sweet shop.....killer bike.....awesome trails....really nice riding bro !!
  • 3 0
 the x up at 1:56 was sick but then i felt sick after all the crazy filming techniques. cool vid none the less and some sweet riding. i now want an am bike!
  • 2 0
 Does anyone know what trail center they are at in the first half of the vid! Also sick vid. Will be vod before long for sure. And stop being so British everyone and leave the weather out of it! Wink
  • 1 0
 Great riding man, I'm from n Wales originally, infact, you were a few years below me in school, quite depressing seeing you ride like that now.... Revolution really is one of the best tracks in the UK, and the guys who run it are damn cool. Great vid as well....
  • 1 0
 Haha as in you went to Eirias High School?
  • 1 0
 yeh man, think i was few years above you in school.

Used to ride at rhyd y foel (abergele mountain) and everything, don't even know if ther's anything still there.......I'm in London now, try and gethome as much as possible. Got an uplift booked at revolution, i love that place - Wales is f*cking cool, i miss it.
  • 1 0
 Haha awesome Big Grin
  • 1 0
 1st half is Revoulution @ Llangynog mid wales (where this years Atherton 4x3 project finale was filmed), 2nd half is the new Antur stiniog trail @ Blaunau Ffestiniog, both are £25 for the days uplift, both have decent uplifts that will not damage your bikes, and both have very friendly staff. The trails are great and will only get better with more planned i believe, Revolution is probably aimed at the more experienced rider with mainly black or double black runs (this i hear is set to change with added trails in the future) where Antur has a blue, red, black powder + double black- both are great days out though and everyone i know that's ridden them only has good things to say.
  • 4 0
 What was the song for this video?
  • 8 6
 Solid am riding, really bad filming, the rider and trail were good enough, we dont need all of the weird angles and camera movements
  • 5 2
 I'd have to agree that some of it was a bit motion sickness inducing. Some of the sweeping shots made me feel like i was about to headbutt the ground.
  • 3 5
 Nothing wrong with trying something new but it wasnt for me. Im really tired of the 2,3,4 shots in a row of the same thing at different angles. PLEASE STOP!
  • 4 2
 Woodsroller totally said it. Try living somewhere that is covered by snow from November to May... I'll ride in cold and wet any day..
  • 3 0
 Like Scotland.....
  • 3 0
 Loads of Antur Stiniog in there, what a place! Awesome trails! If you haven't been i recommend you go.
  • 2 0
 What a boring argument about weather.
Nice vid though..... Did any1else notice the riding or just the weather?
  • 2 0
 At last a good vid of the new 2013 commencal meta AM I love mine and he looks like he's really likening he's to
  • 2 1
 Yup, love it so much, seems like a near-perfect UK trail bike for a bit of everything!
  • 1 0
 nice to see a 2013 Meta being put through its paces, brilliant bike and very happy with my Meta SX! On another note this is a great edit and unbelievable tekkers on show
  • 1 0
 Cheers, only just build the bike up right before Christmas, love it so far! Was close to getting the SX but chose to go for the 150mm AM.
  • 1 0
 Whats 10mm between fellow riders? Wink got to say im still only 3 weeks into owning the Meta but WOW what a bike! Shame people are hating on the shock design because it does wonders for the feel of the bike and ive had to problems with mine so far in the wettest and muddiest conditions that shock guard does its job fine
  • 1 0
 these trails are all basicaly on my doorstep for the spring/summer where il be hitting them too with a 2013 meta sx or am : )
  • 1 0
 This is actually really good riding conditions, its not slippery and it keeps the dust down.
  • 3 0
 Dust? What is this 'dust'? We don't get that in the UK.
  • 1 0
 Hey nice combination of that dirt and gravel.I post this halfway through the video
  • 2 1

Just or the record

9,631,418 km²
3,718,711 sq mi

10,390,000 km²
4,010,000 sq mi
  • 2 0
 Slick riding skills !!!!!
  • 2 0
 The first place is revolution bikepark right|? That place looks mega epic.
  • 1 0
 Looks like it to me! Was awesome riding there.
  • 1 0
 The locations look awesome! The gravel jumps are unique too. I will most certainly be visiting Wales to ride next time I come to the UK!
  • 3 1
 I feel like I have vertigo after watching that.
  • 3 0
 wats the song name
  • 1 0
 you're a nutter riding revolution in an open face duane! haha, sick video though
  • 2 0
 sick track and a sick bike.
  • 2 0
 So sick, hes got so much style
  • 1 0
 Awesome edit and great riding, sums up why I enjoy riding bikes completely. Good job guys!
  • 1 0
 i LOVED it.. great stlye and loads of speed... smooth brother! keep up the good work!
  • 2 0
 Hmmmm, think im making a trip to Wales!
  • 2 1
 Faved it as soon as I saw 2 mins, killer edit, well done lads
  • 2 1
 it's always rain here. Yours sincerely, Indonesia
  • 1 0
 where is this? surely its not degla?
  • 1 0
 First Half was all revolution bike park, the old athertons hill I think plus In the same spot where there mental quarry run is, definitely wouldn't be riding without a full face there.

The second is that new stinniog(probably spelt wrong) place I think
  • 1 0
 its so great seeing some this awesome filmed at my local bike park
  • 1 0
 does anyone know what trail center it is from 1,30 ish
  • 2 1
 revolution bike park first half of video and antur festiniog second half
  • 2 0
 Llandegla free-ride track is at the end in the dark, I'm sure!
  • 1 1
 aye that's degla, and it's b-line, not the freeride park
  • 1 0
 It's the freeride track ain't it? The shot in the dark is the first jump, the small double he clears in the dark is the one after the berm. Then he's stepping down off the bridge near the end.

I have tried and failed all of those, I'm sure it's them.
  • 1 0
 wrong dude its the freeride trail at the end in the dark..
  • 1 0
 Bigskins is right i was one of the guys who was using the lighting, its the freeride at degla
  • 2 0
 Ah fair enough, it looked like b-line. I hate that freeride park haha, so pedally...
  • 1 0
 That turn at 1:37 was sick.
  • 1 0
 this is like Neil Donoghue riding B-Line apart from the night riding
  • 2 0
 That vid is amazing
  • 1 2
 Amazing Video! The he makes the Meta look like the perfect bike! The wet and wild trails looks super smooth in its gooey conditions! RideOn!
  • 3 2
 It may look really muddy but in Wales the condition are very suit bile for riding the trail are built well and the mud it not claye so the roots aren't as slippy Wales it alway great to ride
  • 2 1
 Thats sounds awesome! Here in japan our we gets ample rain fall, at least once a week. Out mud has lots of clay so its very tacky and gooey. I loved the trials in this video! Purely awesome!
  • 2 1
 Good job guys. Top class riding and filming!
  • 1 0
 So much quick panning!!!! Great riding though!
  • 3 2
 Ya far too much of it back-to-back, found a few sections difficult to watch. Otherwise a great video though!
  • 1 0
 Parts of it looks like a big ass BMX track, so groomed and flowy.
  • 2 4
 too groomed, not enought gnaarr
  • 1 0
 this is how the trails have to be for trails regularly ridden in all weather riding
  • 9 1
 not for long, once the audi's with ibis mojo's on the roof start to arrive from surrey it will soon be turned into a great big braking bump strewn with empty gel packets.
  • 2 1
 Second shot is Llandegla for sure Wink
  • 1 0
 tomorrow i am gonna buy this bike Big Grin
  • 1 0
 Very 'Aronofski' - I like it! Looking forward to seeing more Smile
  • 1 0
 Awesome ride. I like the blue and yellow combo.
  • 1 0
 Vanderham drop at the end!
  • 1 0
 great video and photos it made me a bit dizzy though
  • 1 0
 Good video and riding.. That bike looks a lot of fun
  • 1 0
 I think 2013 is a pure Enduro year!!!
  • 1 0
 very good and flow riding
  • 1 0
 those jumps at the end look paved.
  • 1 0
 Time to go ride in the U.K... Nice video Smile
  • 1 0
 Love it! Great to see such a high standard video from this area!
  • 1 0
 why was this called stories?
  • 1 0
 Awesome video man! Good to see some new angles and style, love it!
  • 1 0
 any idea what that mud shroud is called?
  • 1 0
 Are we commenting on the photo, or the weather?
  • 1 0
 Could be Llandegla ?
  • 1 0
 llandegla is one in the dark...
  • 2 0
 Antur stiniog defo
  • 1 0
 Llan in dark yep
  • 1 0
 I just pooped my pants
  • 1 0
 Hey good job guys!
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 Brilliant video, but that shock is in a terrible position for UK winter.
  • 2 0
 The frames come with a neoprene shock guard that keeps a lot of the muck off. I'm not too worried about it to be honest.
It's the black vertical line behind the shock.
  • 1 0
 Same here . No problems with mine
  • 2 0
 Clear shot of it clean
Clear shot of it doing its job
  • 1 0
 ah, couldn't see any evidence of a guard from other vid/pics I've seen.
  • 1 0
 great vid nice trails!
  • 1 1
 THIS LOOKS AMAZING! Smooth, smooth stuff!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 nice fun riding!
  • 1 0
 amazing place Big Grin
  • 1 1
 That's so fresh!
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