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near death experience....check the bb area and crank on his foot. 

was pretty scary behind the lens!
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near death experience....check the bb area and crank on his foot. was pretty scary behind the lens!
  • 89 8
 Woah! What are the chances! POD!
  • 223 2
 Goodbye Nuts!
  • 40 7
 aha! crazy tho. i wonder how u got this close to take the photo.
  • 31 12
 SH*T!!! he broke the BB, now hes goin to break the camera../. POD!!
  • 38 4
 That happend to me once...I was confused when my foot slammed into the ground.
  • 6 5
  • 10 6
 now THAT is gonna hurt....
  • 21 6
 nutcrackerBig Grin
  • 148 4
 "near death experience..."
it probably was more of a near death experience for the spectators who were dying of laughter.
  • 52 4
 the eyebrows say all
  • 35 4
 whos got the balls to get that close to take the pic? rofl.

at first i was like why is this pod, but then i saw his crank arm. so this is definitely pod worthy
  • 17 5
 Lol............ just... Lol.......
  • 17 6
 Thought running through his mind-"f*ckkkkkkkk, why me!?"
  • 10 7
  • 40 89
flag tom-cuthbert (Apr 16, 2010 at 0:55) (Below Threshold)
 Wtf why is this POD? Who at PB is choosing these? It's a guy about to crash.... there are TONS of better photos out there that are MILES better than this, seriously.
  • 18 42
flag saynotohucks (Apr 16, 2010 at 0:58) (Below Threshold)
 I agree, there are much better options out there. '
  • 6 1
 hes barred
  • 21 0
 i want to see a video.!
  • 12 4
  • 39 0
 At least he doesn't have to worry about losing his cranks if he's clipped in haha
  • 7 2
 nut cracker in 3...2...1...
  • 34 1
 Goodbye fertility.
  • 4 1
 you look pretty fucked now!
  • 3 5
 still clipped in
  • 3 5
 at least he wont loose it
  • 2 1
 agreed. i thought it was shit until i saw the drive side !!!!!
  • 10 5
 See kids.... This is why you should AWLAYS stay unclipped Wink
  • 11 1
 anyone heard of zoom ?, awesome shot !
  • 11 0
 hahaaa ,thats what are the TuesdayÂŽs "How to..." videos goor for Big Grin next time tighten your cranks right Smile
  • 3 2
 wuffy27, have a whinge you fail at life...and good photo Moony, well deserved.
  • 5 0
 x-up16toddy, zoom, finaly! Someone who isn't retarded...
  • 4 1
 nice no cranker!tup
  • 5 2
 Â Â 
  • 2 21
flag yesok (Apr 16, 2010 at 4:55) (Below Threshold)
 that's the problem with external bbs - they're absolute shite.
  • 7 1
 Yesok. No, honestly, two ways this could have happened. No one tightened the pinch bolts on the left arm, or no one tightened the pinch bolts and the bolt cap that goes in the left arm, either way, this could have been avoided very easily. It's only two bolts you need to tighten. Still funny though, must have sucked landing.
  • 1 8
flag addyi (Apr 16, 2010 at 6:18) (Below Threshold)
  • 3 6
 nice crank no crank
  • 8 3
 hahahahahahahahahaha i looked at this like, pinkbike, are you godamn kidding me with this pod, this is OHHHH OHHH MY GOD HAHAHAHAHAHA
  • 7 19
flag B-Nay (Apr 16, 2010 at 6:46) (Below Threshold)
 What a Lame POD!
  • 3 0
 awe man, there will be one less aussie conceived in the world!
  • 2 0
 The same thing happened to me while i was bombing down a trail and i just fell forward and ran into a tree
  • 1 0
 That is gonna hurt ! hill land then flop over thats what i'd do lol
  • 1 2
 that has happend to me before, its not fun. hope you were okay
  • 1 0
 that look on his face... priceless...
  • 1 0
 HAHAHA!!!!!!!!! LOL
  • 1 0
 Thank-you for pointing out the obviously Rattsl. Pretty funny pic!
  • 3 0
 good thing he's got his ass on the seat or else his nuts and the back tire would get married upon impact
  • 2 2
 wish my cranks came apart that easy, i usually need a sledge hammer to take them apart
  • 2 1
 no waY!! i rather use the hammer on the cranks, instead of using the balls as hammers on the seat!
  • 1 0
 crrrap joa
  • 1 0
 lol his foot is still on the pedal
  • 2 5
 he has clipless pedals....
  • 8 4
 your maw has clipless pedals you fucking wank
  • 2 0
 I like how the crank arm is attached to his foot still
  • 3 0
 I think it's, his foot attached to his pedal and his pedal is attached to his crank arm
  • 2 5
 haha, his eyebrow expression is priceless! but not POD worthy, I gotta ask who is choosing these PODS?
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 This guy is fucked!!
  • 1 0
 i saw the thumbnail on homepage, and im thinking, cool? he's doing a 1 footer? then i click, see what it really is
  • 2 1
 no he's not about to eat shit... he is just showing everyone a new trick he has been working on. hahaha
  • 1 4
 ya, isn't that how your supposed to learn a new trick?
  • 1 2
 shimano dxr?????? or rawed saint?
  • 1 2
 now thats what i call crankless
  • 2 1
 Haha i blame sabotage. The russians have something against you my friend lol
  • 2 4
 check this out it was like the 4th pod ever on pinkbike...
  • 1 1
 completely diff people, diff bikes. so its different
  • 1 1
 all of you people that said "oh wow how did you get this close" and stuff like that you do know there is a thing on a camera that allows you to "ZOOM" closer to what your taking a picture of
  • 2 1
 yeah but he didn't do that, he was lying under the jump so stop trying to be smart
  • 17 2
 i know everyones going on about how close the camera is. anybody heard of zoom?

bring on the neg props.
  • 2 0
 true that man ... i was thinkin the same thing!
  • 7 1
 Wow, that's quite sick! His cranks are almost gone at both sides:P And maybe it is POD worthy!?
  • 2 1
 NUTCRACKERRRRRRRRR ->>>>>> www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb02tJWQF7U&feature=related lol

Ok, 1 What are the chances, 2 How on earth....??, 3 That's going to be painfull on the landing!, and finally Who took this picture I want to give him some kind of award...jesus christ you need a hell of a lot of manup to stay there and dare take this pic! Bravo!!

POD Big Grin
  • 1 0
 What a co-indidence this is,i was reading one of my recent mags the other day,(Decline,Dirt,MBUK),it was one of them mags.
Anyway their was a berm shot getting owned by two riders,from that classic above shot,and Dr Steve Peat was pulling no bones that he was riding a Morewood,same colour and model as the one in todays POD,yet anybody who has ever seen Dr Steve Peat will tell ya that he does'nt have brown eyebrows,and brown eyes.So who is this mysterious rider?Plus no TLD D3,which is like the "Bill" without any fans,as far as Peaty goes.
  • 1 0
 Forget what you read above,there is in fact another Peaty in the land of Oz,and thats the pic i saw the other day,when it was POD and at that time i only knew of one Peaty,put 2+2 together and came up with 6,so i deserve any flack coming my way from the land of Oz,but just to try and wet the flames,i think this rider Peaty is the real deal,crank failures come and go.But the brave photographer of todays POD needs full props for still being where he is,keeping it in focus,then commando rollin out of the way.But if you have a look at santacruzinvpfrees album,you,ll see more of him in there,he's the real deal.
GringoBeer Cool
  • 5 0
 hahaha bonnycastle you are funny
  • 4 0
 shimano product at its best. LONG LIVE SRAM
  • 1 0
 dont you mean truvativ? Wink
  • 1 0
 its a luftalarm crank arm right?
  • 2 0
 truvativ sram avid rockshox are all the same company.... but truvativ makes the cranks
  • 1 0
 they are shimano cranks in the picture. Sram owns all teh companies they are seperate branches
  • 2 0
 Lame POD! guy gets POD for lack of maintenance on his bike. i think tonight i am going to loosen off my headset and stem and hit some jumps tomorrow....
  • 1 0
 Hahahahhahahhahaha.... mano fodeu... naum pro cara q tah encima da bike, esse quase nem se machuca, mais igagino o kra q tah tirano a foto.... Ultima foto dele antes de ir pro hospital...
  • 5 4
 its the worst pic ever, retarded and lame, pb shouldnt even have a section for pod if they're gonna put crap like this up, man i also cant wait to see how many neg props i'll get for this comment, IM STOKED
  • 1 1
 couldnt have said it better dude..
  • 2 2
 im not doing it lol what about u ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????BITCH????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  • 2 0
 i think its a staged picture, cause he's looking right at the camarra and its really not the hard to ride clip-les with one foot.
  • 1 0
 i ride at that track twice a week for racing and gates that jump is easy to recover off and he must have felt the cranks coming lose before he did that jump and you need a special tool to get the drive side off
  • 1 0
 whats that special tool, if the left arm is off, the right side can come out just by sliding the spindle out, so what special tool are you talking about
  • 3 0
 At least he doesn't have to worry about un clipping
  • 3 1
 i dont think it is fake, but just very unlikely of ever happening again. and i reckon he could get that pic you know....
  • 2 2
 Holly crap! I never saw that trick one-foot with crank, nice! He's face looks like he know how look the bloody scrambled eggs!Big Grin After that, try to check your crankset before you go go. Please..
  • 3 0
 Big Grin try to stick out your left foot from the pedal now!
  • 2 1
 I've had that happen to me. Its very easy for the splines on the crank to wear without you knowing, and one day it will just go.
  • 3 0
 The lesson is use unclipped pedals Smile
  • 1 0
 Didn't really need to point out the snap - could have just said 'running an External BB' in the description and we could just expect it to be broken or snapped.
  • 3 0
 im not a doctor but something is wrong with this picture Razz
  • 1 0
 I dont think its fake, you can see theres no spindal on the left side crank, and the right side/rest of the broken spindal is pulling out the right side of the bike
  • 1 0
 My crank broke off once.. I ended up doing a ragdoll roll onto the trail and having someone else run into my stomach afterwards..
  • 3 0
 is he on Saints ? ... this is gonna hurt
  • 2 0
 Amazing, the eye's say it all. The right place at the right time. Too funny!!!
  • 2 1
 15 minute drive from my house this track! haha
Well snapped, what are the odds eyy?
  • 2 1
 haha, yeah! it is too. i never noticed that.
  • 4 1
  • 5 1
 Aaaale to byƂo dobre!!
  • 2 1
 look gd, prob legit but i think might b a set up. nice photo tho. def POD!@
  • 2 0
 hes mastered a one foot with clips lol
  • 2 0
 funnyest pic ever !!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  • 3 2
 Can't be a coincidence that his pedal has come off as well, must have been set up!
  • 4 1
 Why exactly would anyone intentionally smash their nads just to get a photo that everyone was gonna say is fake anyway? If anyone was going to try to "set this up" don't you think they'd be smart enough not to use clip ins? As far as I can see, there's no way to fake that without paying a big penalty. Not worth it.
  • 3 0
 I don't mean him!!! I mean one of his mates or whatever, as a joke.
  • 2 0
 Also, looking closer at the picture, I don't think the pedal has come off, so it's just loose cranks :p

My baaaaad.
  • 2 0
 Goodbye fertility [2]

  • 2 0
 wow i have never seen that before..
  • 2 1
 its not fake, the crank spindle just slides out, its just a suuuper unlikley picture, but its relly funny.
  • 1 0
 how funny.. my old bmx home track southlake!! feel sorry for the bloke in the pic.. its a pretty fast first straight..
  • 2 0
 how did it end? smashed balls? =D
  • 1 0
 der hat doch ein fully
beim hardtail hÀtte er echt ein problem
  • 1 0
 What hurt more after that? Biker nuts or camera mans face?
Also they guys face just says,'Yup I am definitely fuc*ed.'
  • 2 0
 Well there is your problem right there!
  • 2 0
 I agree
  • 2 0
 What the hell is this ....
  • 2 1
 i want to see all the girls in our class give blowjobs to us and noah cant lol
  • 1 1
 all i know is that the crank that is clipped on his shoe is going to nail the camera guy right in the face...i dont believe this pick sry pb.
  • 1 0
 hell no... the next 5 secondÂŽll bÂŽ awful!!! pobrecito el tipo en verdad...
  • 1 1
 That doesnt look like Peaty to me.Look at the eyes it looks like Steve Romaniuk.Why do so many people Piss and complain about the P.O.D.?
  • 1 0
 That's your own fault. Unless you don't wrench your own bike, but even so..
  • 1 0
 Damn if he spent as much time checkin' his bike before a race as he spent shapin his eyebrows,.. he woulda been *good*!
  • 2 0
 same happened to me a week ago just didn't get it on camera
  • 3 2
 what did he do not tighten the cranks or break em?
  • 6 3
 Looks like the cap has come loose and the spindle has fallen through, his fault though, should always check everythings tight.
  • 14 1
 everything Wink
  • 2 8
flag rideonjon (Apr 16, 2010 at 16:01) (Below Threshold)
 shut your cake hole wuffy nobody wants to hear you winge and complain ALL the time.
  • 8 0
 That's not a complaint dipshit. That's answering a question Wink
  • 2 4
 all you do is bitch and complain ,and your the only dipshit around here.
  • 4 0
 I sense anger, did your daddy beat you or something?
  • 2 4
 wow your real observant,"or something" what are you implying.i was molested by my father,real classy Wuffy.
  • 5 0
 No i didn't imply that you were Molested by anyone in anyway. Where'd you get that idea from? I said beat...

Beat -

–verb (used with object)
to strike violently or forcefully and repeatedly.

  • 5 1
 Dude rideonjon...he wasn't complaining at all. I admit, sometimes wuffy's comments irk me the wrong way, but he did nothing wrong here man. Go take a rage dump.
  • 2 0
 i lmfao on all of wuffy's comments there XD
  • 2 1
 ha ha look at his face! this is why you check your bike BEFORE you ride!
  • 3 2
 its ok cuz hes still clipped in, itll be a safe landing... haha
  • 4 3
 pre-ride check??? maybe next time. lol.
  • 2 2
 Dunno if it's POD but that track looks sweet - from the bits you can see anyway....
  • 4 3
 i like the fact that his foot is on the pedal
  • 2 1
 well he does have clipless shoes...so the pedal would stick to his shoes
  • 1 0
 Talk about one footers Razz
  • 2 0
 more like one cranker.
  • 1 0
 its go o my pic but its crap as a pod
  • 1 0
 is the fotografer still alive...lol
  • 2 1
 Bout to joint he Lance Armstrong club.
  • 1 0
  • 2 1
 ouh... bad moment to chrash
  • 1 0
 I see a hard hit on the nuts in few moments jajajajajajaj
  • 1 0
 goodbye balls.......... wahehehheheh........
  • 1 0
 Woops! lol. I love how he is still clipped in ahahaha
  • 1 0
 bhahahahahaha thats awesome!!! ouch though...
  • 1 0
 Unlucky Guys (rider and Photographer)!Bad maintenence o his bike!
  • 1 0
 By by balls. Oww Great pod.
  • 2 0
 well that sucks
  • 1 0
 yah really. I like your fox forks!
  • 1 0
 isso jĂĄ aconteceu comigo
  • 1 0
 don't think that's supposed to happen.. lol
  • 1 0
 for sale: morewood ndiza w/dent on toptube
  • 1 0
 arrrggghhhh, quick release cranks!!!! ends with ouch lol!!!!!
  • 1 0
 You can read the "D'OH!" in his eyes.
  • 1 0
 pinkbike doesn't have time to pick nice pod's. they're all at sea otter Smile
  • 2 0
 hey lucas
  • 1 0
 F * * K . . . thats what i would of said... lol
  • 1 0
 He should make the landing....he still has both feet on the pedals....
  • 1 0
 Yowza....that guy needs a hug....zoinks
  • 1 0
 Jednym SƂowem....JA PIERDO**LE
  • 1 0
 HAHA the crank and stuff just totally came off
  • 1 0
 i like the pedal still stuck to his shoe haha... clip ins...
  • 1 0
 and the other crank is about to fall out!!
  • 1 0
 ummm ok lol..................?????????
  • 1 0
 lol the pedal is still stuck to his foot
  • 1 0
 i beleive u havent tightend that crank enough
  • 1 0
 look at his face, he knows he's fucked lol
  • 1 0
 gutted... i had that once... on the downhill track!!
  • 1 0
 the look on his face sums it up Razz
  • 1 1
 when i saw the thumbnail i was like wtf, how is that pod, then i looked at it bigger, ledgend!
  • 1 0
 So i am pretty sure i would have shat my pants if i was that photographer
  • 1 0
 hahahahah!!! look at the face!
  • 1 0
 "Wow this bike feels lighter in the air..."
  • 2 0
 made in china
  • 1 0
 if he ever has kids tey will come out deforemd :L
  • 1 0
 wow! that would suck for sure!
  • 1 0
 Near death experience for his future children
  • 1 0
 hahaha look u can see the spindle faLLING OUT THE other side
  • 1 0
 Holy shit man!!! great pod for sho! XD
  • 1 0
 hopefully ur wearin a jock bro
  • 1 0
 cool picture byt i def. dont think it is pod worthy at all.
  • 2 0
 i completely agree
  • 1 0
 Exactly this happened to me today! >:C
  • 1 0
 I love how it's coming out on the drive side too
  • 2 0
 one word... LOL Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  • 1 0
 i wonder what BB he's using... so that doesn't happen to me haha
  • 1 0
 shimano bottom brake? nice sistem ÂŹÂŹ
  • 1 0
 LOL still clipped in so crank can't fall
  • 1 0
 I feel bad for the camera guy about to get a crank to the face!!
  • 1 0
 the consequences of not properly screwing the crank on
  • 1 0
 And he's still clipped in!
  • 2 2
 if his right foot moves out another 4" then goodbye balls
  • 3 2
 good luck !
  • 2 1
 hahaha good POD!
  • 2 1
 NIce xD
  • 3 5
 Rule one of basic bike riding- Before you start your days riding, Always check over the bike to ensure that nuts and bolts are tightened and secure.............
  • 7 0
 whos got time for that when y'all could be rippin' Big Grin
  • 1 0
 what's better, 5 minutes checking over the bike or 5 weeks getting spare parts and fixing it?
  • 8 0
 Or 5 months of sitting in a bed with an icepack on your scrote???
  • 2 0
 Yes you could be "ripping" as you so put it but, the only thing that's "ripping" is your hamstring, your riding pants shortly followed by your mates who are "ripping" it out of you for being a school boy idiot for not doing the basics on the bike first......
  • 2 1
 ohh shit man
  • 1 0
 hahahah goood!
  • 1 0
 weyyyyyyyyyy gutterrr Razz
  • 1 1
 Quero minha mae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 ooo thats not good
  • 1 0
 hahahaha nice
  • 1 0
 ahahahah !!! Big Grin Big Grin
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 ouch. balls.
  • 1 0
 lol no comment
  • 1 0
 holy shit lol Big Grin
  • 1 0
 mechanical fault !!!
  • 1 0
 POD for decades
  • 1 0
 wooow very good pict
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 scrote mc booger balls
  • 1 0
 Î”χω πΔσΔÎč!!!!!
  • 1 0
 hahahaha!Nice POD!!
  • 1 0
 Truvativ guys did it
  • 1 0
 owned..... Big Grin
  • 1 1
 lol but thats gonna reeeeaaaallly hurt :S
  • 1 1
 im geting a footjob from u what do u think....... god
  • 1 1
 u mean see ya we would lmfao
  • 1 1
 will is going to get us in shit!
  • 1 0
 omg nice shoot Big Grin
  • 1 0
 that aint peaty lmfao
  • 1 0
 thats rather funny Smile
  • 1 0
 totally staged.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 that sux hahaha
  • 1 0
 FAIL Big Grin
  • 1 1
 you suck and your bike to my moms mom bikes better than that
  • 1 0
 LMAO! Haha, crack up!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 ouch that really hurts
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 in memorial of...
  • 1 0
 this is a stupid pod
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 3 2
 Must be a Kona
  • 4 4
 1 foot! OH YEAH! lol
  • 1 1
 love my stylo's)
  • 1 0
 i love my stylo's too Smile

yours hollow ones?
  • 1 1
 HOLY CRANCKS!!! shift
  • 2 2
 ive got that t.shirt
  • 2 3
 They cal this software Photoshop ! Cmon guys !
  • 1 1
  • 1 2
 oh my nuts!!!now you are a woman hahahahahah Big Grin good luck xD
  • 1 1
 i know FAGG
  • 1 1
  • 1 2
 get a life will no 1 likes u
  • 1 1
 not good at all
  • 1 2
 thats why the BMX track is made for BMX's. you MTBers are fruity
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
 Why on a bmx track?
  • 1 2
 haha his foot is still on the pedal
  • 1 1
 now that just sux
  • 1 3
 farrrrk hes shittin himself
  • 3 6
 ellsworthrider66 I agree. Its too much. LOOK at the bb spindle! Fake! But like I said, fun pic!
  • 2 1
 how could you photoshop that?? it would be f*ckin hard to photoshop the chain where it is, going over the roller, and all the spokes are right, if this is fake it's a bloody good photoshop Razz
  • 4 0
 most of the people who scream photoshop, just use it to fcuk up pics. have you guys had a crank fall off? it happens, QUICK! wouldn't take long for that to slide off, maybe 1/2sec to slide out, look how far back his leg is, i would say it's about 1/2-1/4 sec behind him, so that is probably about right.
  • 1 4
 aahahaaaa f*ckin crank:-j=)))))
  • 1 3
 how could that happened?
  • 1 4
 gay doesnt deserve pod it shouldnt have even been an option
  • 2 5
 wooo shit
  • 1 1
 because his crank arms fell off you idiot !
  • 1 0
 yeah but that doesnt make it a good photo
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