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Photo session at the DJ spot
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Photo session at the DJ spot
  • 85 3
 gettin low.
  • 29 2
 i envision this getting POD soon
  • 6 1
 I agree for sure, this has to get POD! Its a great shot, plus great riding.
  • 40 15
 that shit is low, how ever is that bush covering your bar end which is on the floor?
  • 5 2
  • 45 107
flag nouser (Aug 18, 2010 at 11:31) (Below Threshold)
 dont think its fake,cause of the fork compression,but who knows... also great photo
  • 86 9
 Who said it was fake? Dont start shit. POD
  • 9 10
 whoa leave it to bonchu to get the horizontal on a berm
  • 10 2
 just a lil bit pinned
  • 27 9
  • 7 4
 Beautiful bokeh!
  • 5 1
 berms. get more Gs
  • 17 1
 how low can you go?
  • 16 29
flag Jona1021 (Aug 21, 2010 at 0:25) (Below Threshold)
 jhowlett, yes, his bar is on the ground, and there is dust in the air behind him because he isnt moving.... fuck some people... sick picture, thats low!
  • 6 3
 Dang!These indonesians love to get low dont they?
  • 6 2
  • 9 1
 Get Lowwwww get low get lowww
  • 21 1
 to the windooooow! to the wall.
  • 23 1
 'til the sweat drop down my balls.
  • 8 18
flag borocks (Aug 21, 2010 at 0:50) (Below Threshold)
 hey i know that song...ahahha
  • 4 1
 to all skeee skeee mofucka
  • 5 0
 sick dude, props for rippinĀ“ under the radar!!!
  • 9 12
 jhowlett started saying shit,not me,i only said,it was real because of the fork compression,dont need to neg prop. but ok sick pic btw
  • 5 18
flag george-93 (Aug 21, 2010 at 4:30) (Below Threshold)
 He could have just let the air out they are WC's and i dont see any dust behind him just the light on the berm.
  • 10 2
 ^ www.pinkbike.com/photo/5498419

I'd like to see you remove air out of the teams then. Wink

And the EXIF data shows the shutter speed is 1/800th of a second, for action sports (super fast photos), if it was fake it'd be 100 or less.
  • 3 1
  • 11 0
 What? He could still take it at 1/800th even if it was fake.
  • 1 0
 Of course, but why would he?
  • 6 1
 Are you people serious. Would it even be possible to hold that position standing still? There is debris flying up behind him, and it's clear that his front tire is spinning. This photo is obviously real. The trees in the background prove it hasn't been rotated. PB is so crazy.
  • 5 0
 Its definitely real, but my bet is the next frame would be him crashing out Smile Seriously impressed if he made it back up!
  • 7 0
 @ tetnolarry they could be sideways trees Razz
  • 2 3
 you cant tell if the wheel is spinning as firstly its taken with 1/800th so if it is real it wouldnt be blurry. there is no dust behind him. the tire isnt compressed at all to equal the amount of compression from the forks but i will admit i still find the the fork compression hard to explain.
  • 4 0
 aye but wats the point in fakin a photo its just sad
  • 1 3
 normally i hate it when the downhillers come to the dj spots, but i think that this is definately an execption
  • 3 0
 maybe his bar end isnt touching the floor then? after all, you cant see it any way aha Smile
  • 2 1
 looks like an accident waiting to happpen
  • 1 0
 now thats how its done
  • 2 1
 look at the shadow of the wheel and the lighting. shits real i took a shot of my brother getting pretty damn low too. its not impossible, check it out. www.pinkbike.com/photo/5272628
  • 8 3
 thats a really tight turn...kinda like your moms pussy.... Wink
  • 3 5
 lol. that comment better get neg props...haha. just seeing as what it is. lol
  • 2 1
 crashpropned you comment prop average is less than 1. thats pretty bad
  • 3 0
 why would anyone fake it? its obviously real, who goes out buys a downhill bike and gear but cant ride it, and is that bad to fake it? just doesn't make sense at all obviously its real because letting the air out of the forks and attempting to sit sideways for long enough to get the perfect looking railed berm... what i call this is true riding, great pod
  • 2 1
 Look at his front tire, no way does he ride out of that
  • 1 0
 holy i'm surprised u didn't slide out sick pod
  • 1 0
 i think he did, cause if you look, hes already comin off the berm, and being that low with your front wheel on flat, theres no way hes coming back up
  • 1 0
 how do you know my prop average???? Confused
  • 4 0
 No question.......... its real! Sick riding and sick shot!

If it is fake, then how did they make his jersey become tight against the front of his arms like it does when you're riding at speed????
  • 2 0
 and it looks like nice dirt(grippy), a good rider would get that back up!
  • 1 0
 definitely saw it and was like whoaa,sick...kept looking atit and was like ...ohh, how? fake?....continued thinking definitely is realy boys i mean common. obviously looks like that front fires gunna slide right out but if hes pinned which i believe he is anythings possible lol yall should know crazy shit happens
  • 2 0
 There is two thing indefinite that he's getting after this photo. g-forces and g-strings. haha see what i did there?
  • 1 1
 G-strings? Why?
  • 1 1
 uummmmmmmmmmmmmm... gonna have to help us out there kickitpinkbike! haha
  • 1 2
 ooohhhhhhhhh... railing burms too much causes the desire to cross dress.. aaaaaahhhh
  • 2 0
 Hot chicks = G-strings. you know what G-strings are right?
  • 1 1
 How would he got hot chicks from going round a berm?
  • 6 0
 obviously the sheer action would blow there clothes off, and then its down with the fornication.
  • 3 0
 Oconnor you`re genius!
  • 1 0
 @moongose: amen2 dat mn!
  • 1 0
 @mtbgirlxcatzx: aye a ken eh

  • 4 0
 That's sick! I understand how people question whether something is fake if it's beyond what they can imagine, but I've seen and shot people riding out of way crazier looking situations, roost coming off the bar end and all... This is a great photo of a solid rider, let it be that...
  • 1 0
 if legendary photo ninja ian hylands says its real...i believe him ahah. he knows his shit.
  • 1 0
 haha, I'm not saying he didn't crash, but he's definitely not balancing there, and I like to trust that photographers don't post "posed" shots. Jumphilo has taken some good shots and Bonchu is a pretty sick DH'er, I'd hate to think that they "posed" a sick shot....
  • 1 0
 your still a fuckin ninja. dont be so modest! ahaha. like i said, i trust what you trust.
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Thanks Ian, I really appreciate what you wrote.... means a lot from someone I look up to. Cheers
  • 4 1
 Hes either falling or it is fake, his front wheel is too sideways to gain enough traction to right itself, so hes just about to fall. Pretty amazing shot though, i wish he made it.
  • 1 0
 Im going to have to call this fake for a few reasons; there is no stress on the tire, almost looks like a zip-tie on the fork to hold it compressed, cant see his bar end, front tire is turned to much for the corner and to far down on the burm, and the rider isnt even really looking in the direction he wants to be going. Neg prop me, i really dont care but i would call this fake.
  • 1 0
 i dont think its fake.. but im pretty sure he washed out

am i fakin it here? www.pinkbike.com/photo/4783648
  • 1 0
 thats realy, you can actually see everything out in the open. you must have alot of speed in that corner because it looks like a decent sized berm, but you have a camera on, where is the video?
  • 1 0
 i have it still.. i was probably going 25-30mph i'd say. the vid doesnt look anything special.
  • 1 0
 It seems to be real guys...if you guys download the picture and open it in Wordpad then nothing about Adobe or something appears just the date and camera which is:
Camera: Canon Eos 5D Mark 2
Date: 2010:08:13
Time: 15:09:11

There is some info about HP but its all about the colors
  • 2 0
 i agree with intense111 look at the angle of the front wheel, at the speed u would need to get that low you wudn't be able turn that tight without washing out IMO
  • 2 0
 damnn thats low! sick POD but I rekon he crashed after that, look at where his front wheel is, looks to me like he's about to meet the floor with his face.
  • 1 0
 thats cool in all but thats not how to take a corner... you lean your bike in and keep you body up right as much as possible to keep balenced, stay on your center of gravity, and not spin out when you come out of the turn
  • 6 4
 Thats super steezy radically gnarly stoking of beastly epically sweet POD worthy proportions!
  • 1 0
 ragdoll (20 mins ago)
www.pinkbike.com/photo/5498422 well i guess he did.

Nah, not the same dude. First pic has goggles, you're link hasnt got goggles on.
  • 1 0
 yeah i know that now, cheers bro. i didnt look at the pic hard enough.
  • 1 0
 wow thats really low, lol i just found out something even cooler, just imagine how nice it was if some would jump above him while doing a nice trick Big Grin
  • 1 0
 i hate it when people think shit is fake! your just fooking jealous! it takes loads a skill and big balls to do stuff like this! give the guy the respect he deserves.
  • 1 2
 i dont know hard to tell but look at the forks on the top side there is some random peice of white and the tire in the back disapered of the rim i am saying photoshop the is no stress in the tire or the dirt neg prop but it is fake
  • 1 0
 nvm i dont think it is fake
  • 1 0
 another Indonesian POD Big Grin

it' also nice to see that this picture wasn't taken at Cikole trail, IIRC the last three Indonesian PODs was taken there Razz
  • 2 0
 why is it so hard to grasp the concept that he can get that low?.........because you can't?
  • 1 0
 dam it almost seems like hes trying to get as low as he can for the photo then fall. Ill be amazed if he pulled through outa that
  • 3 0
 nice shot
  • 2 0
 Hueheee....manteb photonya Om Andre.....nikung abissss...
  • 2 0
 rail that corner like ...? i wont go there but dammm
  • 2 0
 congrats on the pod bro. yeah boi
  • 2 0
 How Low can you go, How low can you go!
  • 1 1
 not so bad Wink Nice photo.
  • 5 3
 Great photo, bet u he crashed right after though Wink
  • 2 0
 Good picture but I doubt he would be able to get up from that.
  • 2 0
 thats a different rider notice the change in the color of the forks, but either way this photo is well deserving of POD
  • 2 0
 ahh yeah your right, jumphilio had uploaded like 4 or 5 of these pics i assumed it was the same rider, but now that you point it out, its not, hahaha. these pics arent fake anyways, none of his photos are. i dont know why people cant be happy that others out there are shredding. plain and simple
  • 2 0
 wow thats lower than my gf goes XD
  • 2 1
 NICE SHOT....hANDLEBARS ARe HIDING THOUGH hehehe...and clothes are not flipping at all.......hehe but still great shot hehe
  • 1 1
 props to the photographer and the rider, no fake, that is pure speed and focus ++++++ all the way pod great job m8, and great job to the rider sweet..*)
  • 2 0
 they should make more bmx pics
  • 1 0
 Love it. All different riders, different costumes, different rigs, same spot, same sickness, same balls... WTG Boys
  • 1 0
 way too perfect. even if he did wash out after or not, they still got the shot.
  • 3 1
 sick pic but dont really see how its pod :S
  • 1 0
 because these days staying on the ground is cooler than going in the air, what is this world coming to? Frown
  • 1 0
 yeah true
  • 2 1
 Just because people can't ride as well as the person in the photo, they just say it's a fake :S
  • 3 1
 yeah i bet samp69's like a massive fag and sucks dick and stuff
  • 2 0
 chris do you have any idea how gay that sounded?
  • 1 0
 yeah i know , it was someone else on my profile haha
  • 1 0
 i resent that chris
  • 1 0
 No that whie thing is the other half of his rim u spaz not photoshop dipshit
  • 1 0
 I think the next shot would be him crashing cos his bars on scraping the ground and his left hands off.
  • 1 0
 i think this is fake.. because look at the shadow.. there isnt one.. i call it fake but good photoshopping
  • 1 0
 hahahahahahaha he cant even do a small burm with out fallin of what a loser
  • 1 0
 How could it be fake? He is sideways and his suspension is compressed....fake g's?? I think not! Eat shit bum!
  • 2 0
 thats one awsome shot mate well done Smile
  • 2 1
 amazing shot. POD!!! for sure
  • 2 0
 that is verryyy lowww
  • 6 0
 his handle bar is in middle earth
  • 1 0
 and his mind just got blown.
  • 1 0
 awesome photo, awesome riding. Waiting for this to be pod
  • 2 0
 Amazing shot
  • 2 0
 how low can you go
  • 2 0
 that is pure epicness
  • 3 1
  • 2 0
 Nice corner
  • 1 0
 i wouldn't be suprised if he crashed with how low he's gettin
  • 1 0
 wow this is awsome man deffo pod
  • 1 0
 Jebany... Smile
This looks amazing.Awesome !
  • 1 0
 Na malym obrazku juz myslalem ze to jest polski POD Smile Zaje*iste !
  • 1 0
 Nice photo, another great POD
  • 1 0
 Great pic...better riding!
  • 1 0
 Deserves the POD. Cool.. How looooow can you go..
  • 1 0
 can't wait how sam hill will do it..!!!!!! just get lowwwww!
  • 1 0
 How low can you go? Pinkbike should do a bike limbo contest!
  • 1 0
 shit did he fall or did he make man he crazy!!Big Grin
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Down he goes, still a nice shot!
  • 1 0
 One word: EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2 0
 railing that shit
  • 1 0
 Any chance this guy ate shit right after the photo was taken?
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 quality, horizontal dh! Smile
  • 1 0
 yer raaaaiiiillllleeeeddd !!
  • 1 2
 yer gay
  • 1 0
 sorry that was chris-w1 on my profile ^^^
  • 1 0
 oh well
  • 1 0
 looks awesome but that guy is soo close to bailing! Big Grin
  • 1 0
 any idea if he rode out of it?
  • 1 0
 I see a gravity 777 bar there!???
  • 1 0
 fake why else would that bush be conviently covering the bar end
  • 1 0
 nice getting low on the burm pod!!
  • 1 0
 Sick bike, sick corner, sick POD!
  • 1 0
 i too .. there is no shadow. but nice photo
  • 1 1
 F-A-K-E Razz its easy to do. he's resting on the handle bars, someone out of shot throws some dust up and bobs your uncle POD
  • 1 0
 @ stokalation ...he just did
  • 1 0
 Just another technical photo, boooring!
  • 1 0
 Its all about the berm guys, its a great pic!!
  • 1 0
 lower than a druggys self esteem
  • 2 0
 lower than nans tits
  • 1 0
 I would have liked to see how this ended.
  • 1 0
 nothing fake here. does who can ride know it... Great POD!
  • 1 0
 Too bad this isn't fake... Just shows how much I have to improve
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 so nice. so low to the ground.
  • 1 0
 perfect picture!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 So great! Honing! Ken
  • 1 0
 He got layed
  • 2 1
 dope shit
  • 2 1
  • 1 0
 jeez is he low enough
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 ops , pomylilem flagi Razz
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Nice Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 nice man!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Awesome !
  • 1 0
 shedd that is loww
  • 1 0
 this is sick
  • 1 0
 Lil John springs to mind
  • 1 0
  • 1 1
 ale hĆ³jowa tu nie woowĆ³j jo byh to lypiej wziĆ³l.
  • 1 0
 kotoś się wąłmał na pb sory
  • 1 0
 Nice shot, POD Big Grin
  • 1 0
 Pre bail pic for sure
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 nice turn Wink
  • 1 0
  • 1 2
 Check out the video of this is picture here www.pinkbike.com/video/153954
  • 1 0
 simply amazing
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 there is no lower
  • 1 0
 that pic looks real because of body position. that rider can go out of the corner but POD's one can just fell.
  • 1 0
 Fricken gettin some!
  • 1 1
 Looks like hes getting ready for a bubba Scrubba!! Big Grin Great Pic
  • 1 0
 oh my lanta!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 nice grip
  • 1 0
 talk about commitment
  • 1 0
 beast mode!
  • 1 0
 yep thats sweeeeet!
  • 1 0
 ohh that is so sick!!!
  • 1 0
 He could so go lower Wink
  • 1 0
 go tit pined Smile
  • 1 0
 OMG !! shit that is low
  • 1 1
 diped like a cadi, stuntin like my daddy...
  • 1 1
 shut up
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 bar digger haha
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 nice pod *--*
  • 1 0
 how low can you go!
  • 1 0
 wooooo so sick
  • 1 0
 awesome!!! so low
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 holy frick
  • 1 0
 Ya, das low! PoP!
  • 1 0
 look out dude!
  • 1 0
 attack that shit!!!
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 i smell a crash
  • 1 0
 was it POD?
  • 1 0
 POD Smile
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 nice shot
  • 1 0
 nice pod!Smile
  • 1 0
 sick shot
  • 1 0
 get a life
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 completely awesome !
  • 1 0
 waaaaaaayyyyyyy to low
  • 1 0
 Holy shit
  • 1 0
 Kneescraper ;D
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
 soo sick hes pinn thatt
  • 1 1
 railed! so sick.
  • 1 2
 nice shot, nice colors ... POD
  • 1 1
 how low can you go
  • 1 1
  • 1 3
  • 1 0
 ok, no fake, but he's gonna fall after shot made
  • 1 0
 nope. hes got it all the way
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