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  • + 83
 One of my favorite videos of the year. Nice compilation.
  • - 216
flag pawl (Nov 17, 2010 at 18:05) (Below Threshold)
 DAC!!!!(dudes are crazy)
  • + 44
 thanks for posting this was crazy
  • + 14
 no problem
  • - 42
flag free-riders (Nov 18, 2010 at 17:42) (Below Threshold)
 the running on water is actually fake, i ssaw a documentary?
  • + 139
 did you have to see the documentary to know it was fake?
  • - 68
flag fappachino (Nov 18, 2010 at 18:57) (Below Threshold)
 it aint fake
  • - 59
flag free-riders (Nov 18, 2010 at 20:04) (Below Threshold)
 well i was 90% sure it was fake, but i was still intrigued, so i looked it up.
  • + 46
 Yeah, that water one was totally faked and a lot of the other ones are too. Like the basketball ones you can fake soooooooo easily. I liked that one where the girl on the trike drifts into the spot though!
  • + 6
 thiers no way you can run on water awesome video by the way their was some mind blowing stuff in their
  • + 7
 oscar nomination right here!
  • + 8
 here's the vid about the running on water www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oe3St1GgoHQ
  • + 2
 it would be sick if you could run on water though!! sick edit
  • + 2
 awesome vid and music goes with it perfect
  • + 3
 woote f*ck, how could he run on water?! :o HES JESUS!
  • - 15
flag niklas96p (Dec 10, 2010 at 4:50) (Below Threshold)
  • + 4
 Hadouken! - Mecha love
  • + 4
 Everysingle one was cool
and heres the video for those people believing the walk on water thing is true.. www.youtube.com/watch?v=vblhBmHKW5s
  • + 4
 that skiier at the end.. holy g force batman.. that is so huge...i would have a heart attack mid air and fall to my death..
  • + 4
 some sketchy shit in there man
  • + 4
 omf! VOD!!
  • + 9
 4:07 = moonwalk ftw!
  • + 2
 EPIC is the only word i can use to explain this!
  • - 10
flag Vaili (May 13, 2011 at 12:34) (Below Threshold)
 Actually that running on water was not a fake..
  • + 3
 did u watch the video i posted up? ^^ cuz idk how u could think it was real after that
  • + 0
 no, i havent watch your videos but i have watched longer video of that guy attempting to run on water a failing and now he just got further..
  • + 1
 ^^ your an idiot, its fake they even say so in the video and you cant walk on water after youve broken the surface anyway dumbass
  • + 0
 The running on water is fake. I asked the creators.
  • + 1
 hahaha 4:07
  • + 1
 SCREW you guys you can walk on water! www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVDJKyeyKCQ
  • + 1
 lol look really close you can see thats fake trust me me and my brew looked at it
  • + 1
 plus y can they only run to the same spot ecry time even with the jet ski/sea-doo pulling them also if u look super close a spot the waves are just a little different like they hit something under water just saying not trying to be a dick or cause stuff lol
  • + 2
  • + 0
 HAHAHAHA this 90% fake.
* Lost all hope for mankind.
  • + 10
 the frontflips in danny macaskill's new video should also be here
  • + 3
  • + 9
 3:46 little girl biking skilz !
  • + 5
 I am always amazed at how many people push the envelop and there is no TV show about them. Just infamy on the internet. Smile Go Humans!
  • + 5

This proves the walking on water bit was faked. Sorry guys, Jesus was false advertising.
  • + 3
 As for the walking on water clip, it's just a lake that flooded and the dock is submerged under water. He's running on a dock, and when the dock ends, he falls into the water.
  • + 0
 the guy is wearing a wet sout incase he falls in that freezing water because he is running on a patch of ice thats under the water..... thats what i think
  • + 5
 awesome, the jump into the pool was nuts
  • + 3
 Was it just me or did anyone else think the guy at 3:16 was going to over shoot the water?
  • + 0
 its you.
  • + 5
 the baseball guy is fake
  • + 4
 all it needs now is zinks 3 off the icon sender
  • + 1
 i can do that stair slide in my school shoes! well something similar and not as good haha Smile remi galliards football skills are immense! and how the hell did that dude jump from that high onto the grass?!! wtf moment!
  • + 5
  • + 3
 that golf shot accros the lake is in killarney
  • + 3
 HUGE!!! PS. No thats what she said comment.
  • + 6
 thats what she said
  • + 6
 i love how the "thats what she said" comment comes from Ben Dover.. hahaha. even better!
  • + 3
 really awesomeeeee....sick action....
  • + 2
 Did anyone else notice that the walking on water one could have just been a really shallow lake?
  • + 1
  • + 2
 It took me like 20 minutes to watch this, every clip i had to watch at least 3 times to see if it actually happened.
  • + 3
 seen this on hadoukens youtube channel
  • + 2
 seen this before but fucking hell even after seeing it 4 or so times some of that stuff still amazes me!!
  • + 2
 This was amazing. Regardless if some was fake, it doesn't matter to me. All that matters was it was one badass video.
  • + 2
 Awesome video, people really are awesome, coming from evolution to the 21st century.
  • + 1
 1 or 2 were fake but all the ones that were real. props to the people who did these stunts
  • - 2
 flag B-Nay (Nov 17, 2010 at 17:15)
One of my favorite videos of the year. Nice compilation.

- 117

flag pawl (Nov 17, 2010 at 18:05) (Below Threshold) show comment

+ 31

flag lovethedirt (Nov 17, 2010 at 20:16)
thanks for posting this was crazy

+ 10

flag Lil-Timmer (Nov 18, 2010 at 7:2Cool
no problem

- 24

flag free-riders (Nov 18, 2010 at 17:42) (Below Threshold) show comment

+ 72

flag pawl (Nov 18, 2010 at 17:49)
did you have to see the documentary to know it was fake?

- 28

flag fappachino (Nov 18, 2010 at 18:57) (Below Threshold) show comment

- 41

flag free-riders (Nov 18, 2010 at 20:04) (Below Threshold) show comment

+ 29
  • + 2
 awesome!!!! such a sick video!
  • + 2
 Where they through the girl in the basket ball hoop! that was great.
  • + 1

Im pretty sure the water thing is real.
  • + 3
 I'm pretty sure you're really gullible. Hi-Tec viral ad anyone?
  • + 2
 haha ya ur right, i saw a video on utube later on, behind the scenes, and apparently it was all a shoe advertisment.
  • + 1
 More appropriate title might be: "some people are awesome... while others are just f*cking nuts"
Awesome video mate
  • + 2
 i would do crazy stuff with that one flexable chick haha but sick video
  • + 2
 soooooo fking sick hhhuuuggge props on that one!
  • + 2
 people are awesome i would have to agree
  • + 1
 um shity bike?
  • + 1
 yea the running on water was a viral ad for some shoes but was fake
  • + 1
 i gotta learn how to do that stairslide at 3:55
  • + 1
 the triple backflip should be added to this.
  • + 1
 this should be titled america
  • + 2
 even know other people are in it hahahah
  • + 1
 wow, cool but I think some of these people have a death wish
  • + 1
 FKN BRILLIANT !!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 0
 The walk on water wasn't fake I saw how they do it and I know a guy who do this
  • + 1
 Fucking Sick Thaaaaaaaaaaa.
  • + 1
 this is gotta be the coolest vid on this website!!!!
  • + 1
 there are platforms under the water for the walking on water part
  • + 1
 VOD I can do the hit ball through the legs in badmonton
  • + 4
 I tried and the only balls that I hit were mine
  • + 1
 it took me 5 months to get it
  • + 3
 and it took me one seconde to fall on the concret while grabbing my balls
  • + 1
  • + 1
 omg! f*cking awesome! Eek
  • + 1
  • + 1
 all real sick vids but some were fake you know...
  • + 1
 4:07 is my favorite
effin funny
  • + 2
 this should be VOD
  • + 2
 ya totally
  • + 1
 The backflip on the wheelchair was amazing!!!
  • + 1
 That is some of the craziest shit i have ever seen
  • + 1
 agreeeeeeeeeeee with the title also we are truly amazing
  • + 1
 the people running on water is fake i seen it on mythbusters lol
  • + 1
 holy shittt that was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vodd of sure
  • + 1
 the guy sliding down the steps was the best
  • + 1
 "people are fk goofy" george carlin. lol
  • + 1
 mental! but some fake, still mental though.
  • + 1
 I luv this video...so amazing
  • + 1
 this is the best video ever!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 yes people r awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Razz
  • + 1
 0:25 is how far my balls dropped wen I saw this vid
  • + 1
 i wana learn to do the same as the guy at 3:55 aha
  • + 1
 The basket ball shot or the stairs?!
  • + 1
 the stairs aha
  • + 1
 this is the sweetest video i have ever seen!!
  • + 1
 I agree with the title =D
  • + 1
 I hope this could be a VOD
  • + 1
 You forgot this: www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7GuGF8Yvac
Be patient.
  • + 1
 As you can see from the comments, people are wankers too,
  • + 1
 OOOOOOOOyyyyyyy great vid but that is on youtube you know ;l
  • + 1
 fucking awsome...........
  • + 1
  • + 1
 id laugh if this got vod
  • + 1
 04:07 - EPIC!
  • + 1
 great vid bro
  • + 1
  • + 1
 wow! such a sick vid!
  • + 1
 people r awsome
  • + 1
 100,001 viewsSmile
  • + 1
 VOD for a year
  • + 1
  • + 1
 3:45 funny drift
  • + 1
  • + 1
 fucking funy vid
  • + 1
 iv shaged all ye mums
  • + 1
 this vid is so siick
  • + 1
 fuck me sideways
  • + 1
 Holy fuck shit!
  • + 1
 omg !!!!!!
  • + 1
 ^^^ Fags
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Fucking hell
  • + 1
 Love it!
  • + 1
 of course you are
  • + 1
  • + 1
 I love xtreme sports!
  • + 1
 sick video budz
  • + 1
 Most sick thing evar
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 0
 These people are all losers cause u spend youre time profecting it
  • + 1
 perfecting a skill takes time...why are you on a mountainbike website then?? you basically called yourself a loser if you actually mountainbike....
  • + 0
 thes people are all losers becouse they waste there time
  • + 1
 At least they probably know how to spell,unlike you....and here you are,wasting your time on a website,get a life kid.
  • - 1
 Let's not forget we're just humans. God is the only One who is total Awesomeness. He created us...Isn't that Awesome enough?
  • + 1
 Go Balls out!
  • + 1
 that was awsome
  • + 1
 Insane! Big Grin
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Hollyyy shit!
  • + 1
 nice video
  • + 0
 What Hadouken song is this?
  • + 2
 hadouken - mecha love i think...
  • + 1
 water walker is real
  • + 1
 2:54 is my fav
  • + 1
 insaneeeee!!!!! :O
  • + 1
  • + 1
 3:15 is my fave
  • + 1
  • + 1
 that was awsome
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • - 1
 guy running on water-low tide
  • + 0
 This vid is so good
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