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  • + 66
  • + 140
 so who wants to put some money on the table for this kids future?
  • + 219
 Yeah, it is and it deserved it, but I hate the videos that make you feel like giving up Frown
  • + 54
 ha! i hear you there.
  • + 17
 I thought they were normal jumps... then i saw 55.0 DAMN! I see the future
  • + 37
 Holy quackamole thats sicker than my nanna flashing her bits to cars on the freeway :-o
  • + 78
 Sure bikerboy43, ill put some money up. Just so he doesn't have to keep wearing his sisters old jeans. Poor little fella!
  • + 9
 Lol! So true, I hate those jeans
  • + 32
 Here we go, the skinny jeans arguement again. He is just sick, were gonna here big things from him soon. But we're forgetting about the filming quality too, props to the rider and filmer. Just a sick sick video. It's annoying he's 4 years younger than me, and about 10x better.
  • + 12
 wtf this isn't a fashion site. . . you're talkin about skinny jeans?? WHO CARES!? he's a 12 year old kid, kickin the hell out of any other rider twice his age!
after seeing this video i'll probably just quit biking x_x
  • + 33
 Thank you for making me and the rest of pinkbike feel shit about there riding. haa
  • + 5
 He even isn t an adult but he is a legend... Sick.
  • + 48
 people, we dont ride bikes to go pro its about fun doesnt matter jhow good someone is.... why would u quit when doing the best sport on the planet
  • - 1
 balla. you you got it! and yeah heh... nice movie... nice skills for that age... nice? very nice I must say!
  • + 3
 holy crap hes good i cant even do a no footer and he can do 180 tail whips
  • + 12
 i ride bikes for fun but still people, this vid had to make you feel like shit after about the half way point.
  • + 0
 nice camera work and awesome ride! great VOD today
  • + 0
 get this boy signed up to someone... he rips!
  • + 0
 That is insane!!!
360 tailwhip to flat (near end)
thats awesome
  • + 3
 was that him rapping too???? haha just playin. my god that kids gonna so sick!!
  • + 2
 I have a new favorite rider. I really liked that vader tire grab, that was pretty sick. Oh, and all the freakin' tailwhips... jeez
  • + 7
 bike for sale, im now quitting

wtf :O:O:O:O:O:O:O:O
  • + 2
 why is ther so many damn good bikers in austrailia? damn..i guess ill jus go into trail riding..
  • + 5
 this is so inspiring to make you wana get off your ass and get better aat riding, total respect to the shreder and camera man
  • - 7
flag djjumper13 (Jun 18, 2008 at 14:44) (Below Threshold)
 here is the future chase hawk
  • + 2
 ... holy crap! it just gets better and better as the vid goes on... and it started at amazing!
  • + 2
 his pants make him spin faster. duh..... but this kid is fucking amazing. id like to see him i another 5 years
  • + 1
 ballabiker, everyone knows on the inside they have that dream of geatting really good and maybe going pro.
  • - 1
 australia represent! thats the sickest riding ive seen
  • + 1
 ya fuck this i quit
  • + 0
 DUDE , holy crap, this kid has a deeper bag of tricks than some pros lately.
  • + 0
 get this kid to the dew tour
and more vids please Smile
  • + 1
 Everyone is quitting after seeing that? I tought most people enjoy riding and do it because its fun. Wink

That video is dope!
  • + 0
 he should get rid of his front brake
  • + 1
 Watching this, and knowing that he's only 12!
Makes me wanna quit bmx'ing :\
  • + 1
 this kid is like better than some pros but he didnt fallow thru with him career
  • + 14
 VOD! Darn Austrailians getting to ride all year and getting all good and stuff..
  • + 10
 no fuken way this kid is only 12Blank Stare like seriously i give up on biking, speechless, hell def get super far
  • + 10
 this is just annoying! VOD
  • + 11
 he is awesome!! VOD
  • + 2
 dam rights he is, amazing!
  • + 5
 Seeing someone really good doesn't make me want to quit. Riding isn't just about being pro its about having fun, and we can all do that regardless of how good we are. Sweet video and props for setting an example by wearing a helmet.
  • + 5
 He's pretty good but like in the "JUST QUIT" vid and others, it's all skatepark, mainly robot tricks, I'd love to see a 12 year old flowing some trails, doing big X-ups, turndowns and whips, you never see that.
  • + 7
 from which universe he's come???
  • + 2
 FINALLY some little kid that is actually good i hate all these vids of 10 year olds doing green runs and rollers and people r like "wow thats amazing keep it up little dude" f*ck those r so cliche. omg the 10 year old did i 1 foot drop ooooo(sarcasm). this kid does a f*ckin 3whip at 55.00 seconds he's good but i don't the music or his style of gear but he's still fukin crazy good props!
  • + 2
  • + 1
 i hate it when all these little kids are soo good , it doesnt make sence, like how does a 12 year old have such great coordination and how does he ride the bike so agressivley and flawless, and he must have been ridin since he was like 2, but props to him , it makes me have to work harder so i dont fall behind
  • + 1
 I'm not a big fan of BMX or BMX videos, but I have to admit, that was something special. The tricks that fella pulls of are heart stopping. He will definitely be the best BMX freestyler in the world when he's an adult, if not already.

The only bad thing was I got a bit fed up of hearing "Criss-cross-JUMP! JUMP!"
  • + 1
 amazing video seranly VOD but me its doesn't make me want to qiut but to continue because most of the pro riders are like 20 years old or more so till that age i probally going to but as good as him or better and his maybe gonna have no more tricks in his bag so my dreams are not gonna stop now
  • + 3
 wtfwtfwtf..im retarded and dont get it...how can midgets do that, i mean there tiny body structures arent made for that!!!
  • + 0
 that guy is an inspiration for all riders around the world. he is only 12 and he is rippin already. you wont be hearing about corey martinez soon it will be Alex Hiam. props for the riding but you gotta think of people who have hooked him up e.g colony and the editing was awsome that is also another great factor in this video. i have to admit he is maybe the bext 12 year old in the world and he will be something big in the future.
  • + 0
 Stop hatin this kid cus he is way better than you.i'm thirteen and i don't feel bad cus he is way bettter than me. just cus your like 15 16 17 18 and so on deosn't mean you can't get better and be just like this kid.

anyways nice vid. you have amazing skillz for being 12 and you are going to be big in the biking worldSmile

Keep it up
  • + 2
 12?? I started riding before he was even born... and we wont go into how much better he is than me! Awesome video, awesome riding, awesome editing, just god damn awesome!!
  • + 2
 such a talented kid, reminds me of ryan sheckler (the skateboarder). good as anybody would ever want to be. siiccckkk-good video tooBeer
  • + 3
 Oh my god, we'll see him at the x-games next year!!! this guy has future !!!
  • + 1
 I don´t like dirtjumping and such stuff usually - but that guy is just awesome. It was pure joy to watch him. Some Pros should ask him about style, I think they could learn a few things...
  • + 3
 the kid is 12 and he can do that shit. he is going far!
  • + 1
 That was honestly one of the best vods in along time. Really good riding, i loved the 360 tailwhips and tuck no handers. Keep up the good work.
  • + 0
 man that kid has some sick skill and im gonna go with some of the other ppl above this comment and say this kid has a future and that the camera person is also doing an amazing job and could have a future as well
  • + 3
 one of the best videos ever..VOD
  • + 0
 I say, all left foot foward people, are better then most, thats what this movie should of been called, left foot foward, cause i mean, look at him, tailwhips, 3 whips..thats intense
  • + 1
 HOLY shit lol. I have ridden with this kid when he first started riding. In the past year his skill has escalated so much its just scary. I now feel proud to have met him!!!
  • + 3
 brodieinnies, its a front footjam
  • + 2
 better than anthony messere, but if this kid still rides he shud post some newer vids cuz this one in hella old
  • + 2
 he's 12 years old !!
this is AMAZING !
this kid gonna go far !!

great vid !! Big Grin
  • + 2
 BORN TO RIDE!!!!.... it's a gift, so it's good to see the boy enjoy it... everybody got to keep riding !!! ~~~~~
  • + 2
 this viodeo dedicates me to try harder things i hate this kid he makes me look like shit
  • + 1
  • + 0
 Dude ! By far the best 12 year old BMXer i've ever seen in the whole life ! Keep goning at it ! Who knows, in a couple years you might be going against the pros in the X-Games !
  • + 2
 dude you need to be sponcered with your own line of videos just so we can watch you progress!!!!
  • + 0
 what the f*ck was that holy SH*T that kid is a shredder hes already throwing huge tricks and pretty good style and hes only 13 keep it up dude you will definatly see this kid going pro
sick VOD little dude........
  • + 1
 shit if he keeps riding like that he'll probably be the next scotty cranmer
  • + 0
 wow that kid is amazing! if he can ride this good at 12 what will he be able to do when he is 20....everything thats what! lol
  • + 1
  • + 0
 im sure if we all started young and lived near parks, we could be that good. but were not soooooooo, p.s awesome vid, dont like skinny jeans
  • + 0
 You´ve got som serious skills kid, and nog just for your age. Even if you were 20 YO you´d be really talented, props and as usual really VOD worthy. Smile
  • + 1
 AWSOME!!!! I realy love !!! it makes me want to change from dirt biking to rifing in skate parks!!!!Big Grin
  • + 2
 a kid with a great future on bmx Big Grin
  • + 2
 Sick... The new scotty cramer Razz
  • + 0
 He's like a young Scotty Cranmer. - "I'll go 3-table, and hey, why don't i just throw a tailwhip in there"

Sweet riding, keep it up! (y)
  • + 0
 wow thats rediculous! great job kid, you can be competing with all the pros the way you ride now, wait a few years down the road and you'll be owning! sick vid
  • + 2
 This Kid is fucking amazing!!! really good inspiration and great riding
  • + 1
 dude this kid is raw and looks like he's about 14......all i can say is mad skills on a bmx
  • + 1
 such a nice video,that kids riding was amazing never seen some1 ride so good!
  • + 1
 wtf? its so poor.. when so young people are soooo good.. thats very sick... but.. VOD !!!"
  • + 1
 what you talkin nb16 it's all about the youth comming out and biking or doing good great pod guys!!
  • + 2
 damn the fuckin bike looks a bit big
  • + 1
 especially the bars...looks massive
  • + 2
 how old are u guy because your hella good.
  • + 2
 plz dont give me min props
  • + 1
  • + 0
 agreed, but i think little kid that are really good look kinda stupid because the bike looks way to big for them haha but still amazing, VOD
  • + 1
 what the hell! hes amazing... better than alot of older people! how longs he been riding :S
  • + 1
i would still be amazed if he was like 20... that is unbeleivable haha
  • + 2
 holy shit, this kid is unreal!
  • + 1
 He is a pros! Sweet tricks! I don't like bmx but this film is good! Good choice for vod!
  • + 2
 what the fuck hes amazing
  • + 0
 uuuuoouuh! this young bmxer with his tricks makes me feel like a grandpa with my bike Frown . He is a real pro and this is VOD for sure
  • + 2
 Great Stuff - This guy is sick!
  • + 0
 Fuck me, that kid is amazing! He should start riding with that American BMX kid that got VOD a while back! Today's POD and VOD are awesome!
  • + 1
 he is 13 and he has already got his own signature frame called the sweet tooth
  • + 2
 he is fuking mental for his age VOD!! for sure look at him
  • + 1
 fuck that even if he is 3 years older than he is he is fuckingf amazing
  • + 2
 This little ripper is a gift to biking, awesomeness
  • + 0
 Get him onto dirt and hell be amazing, he is the future. I wonder what daniel dhers was like at that age? hahaha look at yer man on the scooter, legend.
  • + 2
 man your so good this is worth VOD fore sure!!Big Grin
  • + 1
 i saw this kid ride the other day hes so insane the backfliped a 5 foot hip. hes crazy
  • + 2
 he has a lot of style. obviously got a big future ahead
  • + 0
 you should ride becuase you like it not because you want to be the best ( it is nice if you are Razz but still) HUGE! props to this kid
  • + 1
 I agree this guy most likely to make it big some day but until then I hope he keeps uploading videos like this 4 us to see
  • + 2
 im sure if i lived in a skatepark id be as good as him
  • + 0
 this kid... This rideing style, if he 25 years old i said ok, but he only 12 years old! He have lot's of time. Well done
  • + 0
 the kid needs some dirt and bigger wheels Big Grin jk. thats so sick, the kid is gonna rule the world in like 2 years.
  • + 0
 so smooth!!! way to go dude. some of the best riding i've seen. makes me wanna go ride!
  • + 0
 Caalle u say hes a Inspiration but i was thinking of trying BMX and... This scared me now im having second thoughts LOL
  • + 1
 this kid is nuts , i dont understand how someone soo young can be soo good
  • + 0
 This kid is good. PROPS But, still, it seems like every skatepark has a kid that's this good or close to it.
  • + 0
 dude, you are an inspiration. are you seriously 12 ? :O that was amazing, great riding.
  • + 0
 This kid is amazing he is the younger scotty cranmer. I would pay to see this boy ride honest.
  • + 1
 lokks like the kid from the "just quite" video finaly met his maker
  • + 0
 the kid should have sponsors queueing at his door by now, that's fucking awesome
  • + 1
 I see a future in Redline BMX!
  • + 1
 i like this music Smile whats this ?

Good job litle man Big Grin
  • + 0
 Fuck that guys awesome, soon ull be at the X games fer sure, sick vid, props to the rder and filmer!!
  • + 1
 aww it,s Good vidSmile 5stars
  • + 1
 him and the 12 year old anthony are the same but anthony rides dirt
  • + 1
 well... my bmx is up for sale now if anyone wants it! check my page
  • + 1
 said he was 12 but still mad props for his skill on the bike.
  • + 1
 how old is this kid he is like 10 i give u props
  • + 1
 he should get rid of his front brake
  • + 1
 so these are our future pros aparently
  • + 1
 great riding not so great song
  • + 1
 HES like 12 god u know u feel like u want to give up when
  • + 1
 i hate my life
  • + 1
 at 45.6 what is that trick called
  • + 1
 vadar jam
  • + 0
 hes beta in person...........i have seen him twice at my local(tho hes makes every one else feel a little bit shit)
  • + 1
 i know i hate him
  • + 0
 wow, that kid is mint, and when i say it i meant, it 12 year old - all i can say is wow!.
  • + 0
 peopel may not like him on here but just think how hard most of that is!, the kid deserves alot of respect.
  • + 1
 man sickest vod props man we will be hearing from you
  • + 1
 nice vid like the tailwhips!
  • + 1
 what do i have to live for now?
  • + 0
 Haha this kid is like 12. He will be so goddamn good in like 5 years, not saying that he isn't now.
  • + 1
 Read the desription.. hes 12 (I think hes 13 now)
  • + 1
 shit.....can this kid read too?!?
  • + 0
 fuck this kid has one amazing biking future ahead of him hope for the best. but please...buy some new jeans
  • + 1
 hes soooooooooooooo fucking good at biking,vod for sure
  • + 0
 the music was so right for the video.

sick riding, makes me wanna go out and ride, but it's f***ing raining
  • + 1
 that was fucking weird ...like those kids were like better then the pros
  • + 0
 i kno what you mean dude it makes me feel like shit!!
  • + 1
 one day that kid is gonna get bored and quit
  • + 1
 Dude thats nutz!! Kids got mad talent for sure!! Deserves VOD 100%
  • + 1
 that song made me want to punch my crouch it was soooooo bad.
  • + 1
 i hope this kid gets his bike free...It says hes 12
  • + 1
 what! that kid is amazing
  • + 0
 dude is holding shit down Kid is way stylish and has nuff control for such a little man. wayyyyy nice
  • + 1
 I never even started bmx until i was 4 years older than this kid
  • + 1
 Some things just come naturally to people.
  • + 0
 holy shit, super good style and super young, by the time hes 16 hes gonna freaking nuts
  • + 0
 the music was sweet taking it back to the old school....but that kid puts my old ass to shame
  • + 1
 WHAT!?how old is he??he got skills
  • + 1
 gotta love that 360 suicide no hander, ballsy
  • + 2
 fuck me dry ..he is good
  • + 1
 ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh sh*t!!!!!!!!!

HE'S AMAZIN!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 i'm jelous- he's probably riding since 5 Big Grin
  • + 0
 that music sucked..but the Kid was SICK..after seeing that I feel like putting my BMX bike up for sale
  • + 1
 hes a fuckin' pro in my eyes even from this age..nice shit lil' dude....
  • + 1
 he is the kinda guy who makes me want to ride bmx
  • + 2
 you have future....Wink
  • + 1
 very goood, young and ride like pros!
  • + 0
 this kid is so going to be fucking sponserd when he is older man fucking sick as fuck
  • + 1
 watch out for this kid...
  • + 0
 Wow when i was 12 i learned how to bunnyhop, now hes 12 and he does 360 tailwhips...
  • + 1
 f*king sikest kid
puts most bmxers 2 shame
  • + 1
 wow !! really nice rider , nice ridig and nice video !! VOD
  • + 1
 i really want to give up now, thats one sick video and rider
  • + 0
 aperently he dosent know mitch radcliff if he has a good park he can really rip it... but vod anyways
  • + 1
 wow hes hella good for 12
  • + 0
 dude so sick!! man the kid i so small and pull some f*cking crazy stuff!!! his name will be to remember!!
  • + 1
 some serious skills there
  • + 1
 wow thats depressing
  • + 0
 that is sic as he is mad wow how old is he??? is he 13 wow sick vid....
  • + 0
 0.o wow anyone else wanna wuit now
  • + 0
 muisc? can u tell me the tittle of that song?
  • + 0
 He is amazing! he must learn tricks soo quickly !
  • + 0
 well im 15 guess im screwed lol
  • + 0
 wow soo dialed and soo sick!!!
  • + 0
 what the name of the song
  • + 1
 holy f*ck?
  • + 0
 how old are you your so good
  • + 0
 he's 12
  • + 0
 serious, who wants to buy my bike, i dont want to ride anymore
  • + 1
  • + 0
 Tight Pants?! When you rip that hard you can wear a pink skirt!
  • + 0
 amazing! this kid rocks! vod for sure
  • + 0
 Man, this kid has some serious style!
  • + 0
 Crazy! absolutely dialed....keep it up
  • + 1
 damn little bitch
  • + 0

szacun/respect Big Grin
  • + 0
 damn kid you kick ass big time...nice ridin'
  • + 0
 he is really good...12 years old? f*ck
  • + 1
 incredible.. holy shit.
  • + 1
  • + 0
 WOW, that was sick, wats the song?? PM me
  • + 4
 The song is Jump by Kriss Kross. They wore their coats backwards.
  • + 3
 And their pants backwards too! Come on, am I the only one who's that old? I think I had the single on cassette. The B side was "I missed the bus" hahahaha.
  • + 1
 definitely remember the 'kross. backwards denim overalls with one strap done up! that's how we roll...
  • + 0
 ok that was insane
  • + 0
 im going to shoot this kid jk jk, this kid is amazing
  • + 0
 holy fuck how is he so good
  • + 1
  • + 0
 amazing expecially because hes 12 those tricks are crazy for any age!
  • + 1
 werry werry good vidSmile
  • + 1
 holy shit vod !!!!
  • + 1
 How old is this kid?
  • - 1
 i think hes better then that kid that rips woodward, at least hes riding a full size bmx
  • + 1
 Respect! man
  • + 1
 he rips
  • + 1
 holy shit i quit!!!
  • - 1
 WOW!!! he has so many tricks dialed and is stylish as hell...... check the 270 no-hander :O
  • + 0
 Sick vid, but i fucking hate this song.
  • + 0
 Lol he is so good i cant belive it :O
  • + 1
 ... and imagine what kind of style he will have in the next years ... he's awesome !
  • + 0
 wow, amazing riding, so much confidence and steeze, Vod for shure !
  • + 0
 this is a AMAZING vid, this guy is sick!
  • + 0
 Holy crap, he's gonna be good. VOD.
  • + 0
 lol the bike is as tall as him
  • + 1
 ya i know nd he good my bike is right size for me and i suck ass
  • + 0
 Those darn kids these days.
  • + 0
 WTF he is 12..nd he can like 360 barspin!
  • + 1
 xgames soon pal Frown
  • + 0
 this kid is too good, ill sponser u right now on the spot, lol. props man.
  • + 0
 Wath's dat for a Boy , he is a robot of Bmx XD ! Very Very Big Up dude !
  • + 0
 what is this music title and artist?
  • + 1
 kris kross jump
  • + 0
 he rides just like Garrett Reynolds
  • + 0
 needs to pick up a real bike
  • + 0
 Dinamita!!!a ese niño prodigio le veremos en las rondas mundiales
  • + 0
 special vod he is very talented i love his style and the vid is cool!!!!
  • + 0
 wow, this kid make me look so bad
  • + 0
 HOLY shit how old are these kids there crazy
  • + 0
 amazing. so much style its incredible
  • + 0
 This guy makes me feel bad abiout myself Frown
  • + 0
 he dont make me feel bad he makes me want to ride my ass off and get better then him.... i might be hurtin tomarrow
  • + 0
 omg these kids are crazy amazing, how old are they?
  • + 0
 You make me sick, you little bastard! Awesome! Just awesome!
  • + 0
 omfg he is the next big thing in bmx...... PROPS
  • + 0
 troppo bravo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 i respect this kid
  • + 0
 this guyis 12 andcandothis already?
this guy has a bright future
  • + 0
 f***ing sweet
keep it going.
the future looks bright.
  • + 0
 nice but you should not ride a bmx
  • + 0
 I QUIT. he is so good all i could do is drop my jaw the whole vid
  • + 0
 now he just needs to grow and start riding a 26".... haha
  • + 0
 hes gonna be big.... his riding is so sick
  • + 0
 Next Scotty Cranmer or Daniel Dhers Eek
  • + 0
 Whoa this kid is amazing! T-Whips, Foot-Jam T-Whips! This kid is mint!!
  • + 0
 one word------- QUALITY !
  • + 1
  • + 0
 the kids nuts, with tricks and wearing girls clothes
  • + 0
 completely solid vid. nice riding! props
  • + 0
 props this kids the next cranmer
  • + 0
 these little guys will world bestsWink
  • + 0
 he is good and he only can get beter
  • - 1
 OMG....... niceeee!!!! you sick!!!!12 years !!!!!

what this song?
  • + 0
 wow that was insane...how do u get soo good sooooo young
  • + 0
 that was completely nuts that kids good (I wonder how old he is)
  • + 0
 and it was alittle repeatative
  • + 0
 prob cant even do that on tony hawks american wasteleand
  • + 1
 amazing for that age
  • + 1
 how old is this kid
  • + 0
 dude u should try dirt jumping with a hardtail
  • - 1
 sick things ur doin there, but i gotta say, i hate your bmx style...
  • + 0
 crazy smooth
  • + 0
 He deserves to be pro
  • + 1
 fuck that he will own every one nd make pros look bad when he is older
  • + 0
 one kid :O
  • + 0
  • + 0
 thats so sick !
  • - 1
 OMG HES SOO SMOOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#
  • + 0
 Hell yeah he is. The future of aussie BMX... you bet!
  • + 0
 omfg just amazing
  • + 0
 Big bars eh.
  • + 0
  • + 0
  • + 0
  • + 0
 what the hell
  • - 1
 wow 260 tuck no hander this kids for some seroius skill
  • + 0
 this is superb
  • + 0
  • + 0
 hes only 13 crazy like
  • + 0
 sick dyyyd
  • + 0
 Pure natural talent
  • + 0
 that was sick!!!!!!!!
  • + 0
 nice vod Big Grin !
  • + 0
 nice vod i think
  • + 0
 amazing (Y)
  • + 0
 i give up on ridin
  • + 1
 i think its making a few people feel like this! but hes got talent!
  • - 3
 biches Razz
makes me want to try harder...
and im trying hard already- if he can do it i can too(cept i ride mtb coz its betta)
  • + 0
 just amazing wow>
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 young sick nice style
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 dam i wish i had skills like that. mtb is better though...
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 You know what they say.... Amature BMXers make great professional mountain bikers...Boyko, Bass, Lopes, ect...
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 OMG :0
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 this kid has a future. but im sure he could do more tricks if his pants weren't so tight...fagget.
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 you ever tried a 360 whip in Baggy jeans, ain't easy is it????? ih wait you ever tried a tailwhip? or a 360?
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 Sick dude!
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 what is the song
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 that kid is so sweet
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 realy nice vid... Smile
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 i hate BMX but do this tricks with mtb then its cool
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 he must be 14, and rides like scotty cranmer............envy...very much envy.....
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 reminds me of this kid zen at my park
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 i think i need to quit
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 wat is the song called
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 koles! jestes prze typ
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 gosh, that kid will be the king, for sure !
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 Why do I bother.......
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 Sooo Cool Love it!!
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 kris kros - jump
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 WTF. omg.
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 how old r u?
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 he should be on 18" wheels
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 id say so, hed be 360 triple whipping by now on them!
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 props... he makes his bmx look like a mountain bike!
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 what is that supposed to mean?
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 old news
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 next aaron ross??
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 fuck that shit next mark webb
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 how old is he
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 nice vid but put some short or something on man, gay
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 wth , how old is he man ?
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 sweet u should be sponsord
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 can u not read?
it says colonys alex hiam
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 this kid could get sponsored easy. send in that vid to any bmx company and you'll at least get an amateur sponshorship
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 are you stupid, the name of the vid is colony's alex hiam. that means hes sponsered by colony and hes professional.
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 does anyone smell a little aaron chase on 20 inch wheels?
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 No, he looks like a BMXer rather than a wannabe BMXer
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 if anyone is looking for a dj bike i have an 06 15" devinci basher, pics are on my profile.
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p.s you suck(kev1snowman)
sweet video!
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