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Morocco B side

NWD 9 shoot in Morocco with Bourdon, Boyko and Barel.


  • + 35
 the movie is gonna be cool, but where was the riding in that, that was bullshit. all thats doing is getting people interested in the movie. weak pic for vod.
  • + 13
 i have to agree
  • + 12
 best part of the vid was the music, nothing else. barely any action
  • + 1
 and the editing who matches perfect with the musicBig Grin almost like a dance:P
  • + 17
 TBH thats the worst VOD yet
  • + 16
 that would have been cool if they actually showed some barel
  • + 17
 crap vod
  • + 20
 more advertising....cmon ...oh and give me neg props dont give a fuck...but honestly sick of the damn advertisements as vod...
  • + 1
 F*ck ya man...it not like were actually goina buy one of ther bikes. i mean i no im not. not no bout the rest of you
  • + 4
 "buy one of their bikes"? you do know that this is an advertisement for a movie, right?
  • + 15
 bourdan looks like a nob in that open semi full face
  • + 15
 absolutly poo!
  • + 13
 that was kinda boaring, however cant really judge it untill it all comes out.
  • + 11
 k so robbie bourdon needs to get some risers in his shoes since itlooks extremely hard for him to ride that small ass frame, no offense of course robbie lol
  • + 3
 lol he def looks a little small for his bikes but hes still a way better rider than a whole lot of people
  • + 0
 whats bourdo ridin in that, it doesnt look like a kona to me. could be wrong tho
  • + 13
 Wayyyyyyy to "GANGSTA" to be a POD....Bullshit vid
  • + 8
 So who is Bourdon riding for now that kona dropped him? And I'm agreeing with everyone else who said that video was worthless. The song, for those asking, is "Suck McSuckerson" by the famous rap group "MC Suck feat. DJ SUCKWORSE"
  • + 3
 haha I liked the song and editing a lot but this comment made me laugh a lot also!
  • - 2
 haha yeah. i actaully thought that was the song name artist etc. for like 3 seconds.
  • + 12
 whoresome i know what i'll be buying when it comes out
  • - 45
flag HewDaawg (Apr 28, 2008 at 15:48) (Below Threshold)
 nwd9 is gona be "da bomb" correction
  • + 132
 That poor monkey
  • + 6
 if this is how the nwd9 is gonna look like (i mean the atmosphere, music etc.) it will be absolutely ridiculously great.
  • + 104
 wasnt very much riding in it.
  • + 124
 just disappointing....put a real vod on not advertisements!!getting sick of it..dont get me wrong they're bomb ass riders but advertisements for vids shouldnt be vod they should be an add on the home page!!!!!
  • + 41
  • - 28
flag jonny-be-bad (Apr 29, 2008 at 7:22) (Below Threshold)
 Thought the Vid was good..The monkey thoug depressing animal rights have been after people like that for years ,but how do you punish people in countries where the impoverished people don't know any better.
  • + 36
 oh no, a monkey on a leash! kinda like what many people do to dogs? if you're worried about animal rights, worry about dogs in purses (it's like a micro cage). Or, we cold blame it on the ignorant poor people and violent "wee arabs" like racist bastards and think up some way to "punish them" NOTE TO AMERICA (and the UK): No one wants your f*cking "freedom and democracy".
  • + 31
 whoa dude i agree with most of your statement about the absurdities involved with dogs in bags, and the stereotyped owners of said animals, but your stereotype of americans and our english brothers is way out of line. if you haven't noticed we were kind of lied to by an administration, thats leaving very soon, after 9/11. as a result we were thrown into a meaningless, depressing war brought on by our money hungry administration, that we are now trying desperately to free ourselves from. so as for your socialist and unneccesarily angry views, i would check them before spouting off about our "f*cking freedom and democracy"!
  • + 7
 Jonny-be-bad, shut the f*ck up. It's not up to the USA to police the world. Skylerd, you are right, the UK needs to stop asslicking the USA, but I'm sure Canada has troops in Iraq so are not better than anyone else (correct me if I'm wrong because I don't know the exact facts). I don't like the way some americans feel they have a right to mess with other places and impress their values upon other countries and cultures.
  • - 9
flag watoosh (Apr 29, 2008 at 10:34) (Below Threshold)
 Haydendmorrison, "I don't like the way some americans feel they have a right to mess with other places and impress their values upon other countries and cultures". I'm afraid we in the UK generally use the word "arse" instead of "ass" as you used in your post, "the UK needs to stop asslicking the USA", so thats a little bit hypocritical.
As for Skylerd, yes, I agree with your views on 'animal rights', although I think your views on democracy are slightly astray. After all, you're from Canada, not Cuba.
Good teaser though, hope NWD9 is as good as the others.
  • + 0
 I don't like the way some americans feel they have the right to mess with other places and impress their values upon other countries and cultures either. i don't like it when people try to do it to us either. if i'm not mistaken though, haydendmorrison, their was once this little thing called the british empire that did the exact same things that W and his administration are trying to do right now. how the f*ck do you think we americans got here! a little thing called colonization brought on by the imperialist regime in power in england at that time too! so don't think your so different than me! oh and skylerd, shut the f*ck up and trying putting down the Karl Marx and living in the real world where shitty ass health care isn't free and you actually get to take home more than half your paycheck!
  • + 4
 for more information watch "Zeitgeist" and "earthlings"...
  • - 3
 Canada, thanks for being our hat. Sincerely, The USA
  • - 86
flag IHeartSatan (Apr 29, 2008 at 11:48) (Below Threshold)
 Note to Canada: Your still a bunch of f*cking pussies with bad haircuts.
  • + 28
 ... and i thought this was a biking forum. Chill out guys go study politics or something
  • + 2
 don´t get me wrong, but you see that this is only a b-side
  • + 16
 i find it kinda baffling how watching this video and someone commenting on the poor monkey got onto such pollitical subjects lol, pretty interesting though
  • + 4
 The UK government is absolute f*cking shite, i hate the government, i hate the system, but please dont think the people who live here act like it aswell. (directed at skylerd)
  • + 18
 Note to: IHeartSatan your still a f*cking twat so shut the f*ck up
  • + 3
 it is true that no one is doing any thing about poor monkey and how does this pop up it is a biking movie ?
  • + 20
 To IHeartSatan:

The mullet is a beautiful haircut. Wink
  • + 12
 hey iheartsatan, we may have bad hair, but we have better riders than americans and far better spots so shut the fuck up
  • - 1
 when did this become a forum about america sucks? we all ride bikes who gives a f*ck where were from. douchebags
  • + 4
 was it me or was there almost no good footy in that vid?
  • + 12
 anyone else think that this would make a better music video than biking video?
  • + 1
 Hahah there was like 5 clips of riding and the rest was all cultural stuff

Heres a link to the movie hucker03 mentioned, if you haven't seen it you should. - http://zeitgeistmovie.com/

Let's stick to biking though.
  • + 7
 iheartsatan... obesity....nuff said
  • + 7
 hey iheartsatan....you are a f*cking cum sucking pussy...bitch
  • - 5
flag IHeartSatan (Apr 29, 2008 at 19:59) (Below Threshold)
 Note to self-concsious Canadians: Your insults lose much of thier credibility when it's obvious you typed them with limp wrists. Thanks for playing though.
  • + 6
 i proudly sport a mullet.
  • + 3
 werd to that luc!
  • + 2
 Go ride your f*cking bikes all of you! I've lived in a few countries - there seem to be good people and bad people everywhere. We are all just human, and the sooner we all realize that people just aren't that different, the better off we will all be. Money rules, the really rich will always have their way - governments, freedom, the will of the masses, these are all just ideas.
  • + 2
 gettina wee bity of topic are we not
  • + 3
 Just thought id have my say in this not to stir anything up.....
To me the bottom line is we are all a bit too patriotic and protective of our roots so when someone like satan dude takes it to the next level it isnt nessisarily the best idea to make a fight out of it and start to fire "i hate you" at everyone.

its funny how a little innocent monkey can stir up such an argument.
I feel like a preschool teacher here, everyone just chill and go ride....
  • + 0
 Watoosh, Trying to impress your values and opinions on me are you? Wink lol, joking btw. Anyways, I couldn't give a flying f*ck to be honest, I say I'm English but I probably have ancestors from all over. One piece of land is no different to another, it just seems like the USA is getting itself into a lot of shit and one day it'll back fire
  • + 1
 whats the song?
  • + 1
 wow this is def worth fighting over Razz oh and IHeartSaten, you talk big but if you said that to a canadians face...well...i hope you can run as fast as your mouth goes Big Grin
  • + 1
  • + 12
 shitt movie
  • + 12
 shouldn't be VOD
  • + 11
  • + 1
  • + 6
 Wow, I guess it's time to jump in here

This is not the NWD 9 trailer.

It is a short video shot on an 8mm camera from footage to be used as B-Roll during the editing of the real NWD 9 Morocco segment hence the name "Morocco B-Side."(In the old days kiddies,bands put out small 45 rpm records of their hits, kind of like a cd with only one track on it, the other side, the "B" side was always meant to be just that the "B", seconds, filler...)

There is no call to action saying "Buy this.. or Order here.." so I don't really think it's an advertisement.

It is meant to give you an inside and cultural look behind the scenes of the filming trip. It is meant to entertain and evoke thoughts and emotions which it clearly has so I guess it's "Mission Accomplished."

We hope you enjoyed the video, we are planning on releasing short videos through out the summer as a build up to the official teaser release at Crankworx in Whistler.
  • + 0
 the song name!! I want it!!! please freeride give me that song name.
  • + 9
 that was not much bikingFrown
  • + 8
 mh........wasnt much riding..... i think it was a bit bad vod...... poor monkey
  • + 4
 Is it just me, or have the NWD films kinda hit rock bottom? I personaly hated this pod and am sick of seeing addvertisments as pod. I think POD should be reserved for the average rider, not some godly pro. I dont care if you guys neg. prop me, I just want to get a point out.
  • - 3
 your sooooo right!
  • + 2
 maybe if youd said vod instead of pod youd get more props i didnt know wether to neg or pos prop you but i pos propped you cuz you had a great opinion
  • + 4
 one of the worst vod recently... almost no riding at all, crapy music. It looks like nwd9 gonna be crapy documentary movie about poor exotic countries with modern music in background. Strange, I thought it supposed to be about riding bike...
  • + 3
 i liked it.. i thought it was well filmed, edited. I really would have never thought it was by NWD it was totaly diffrent from there normal style work, yeah sure its a ad for a film but insted of complaining about how the VODs have been ads go out and make a vid thats better then this one..
  • + 3
 k i personal liked this video alot and i think it was cool how they showed lots of culture and stuff in the ghetto but still had a little bikein this is not like the trailor for nwd 9 its just a quick little clip so dont judge it just off this
  • + 7
 this trailer si a big shitBig Grin
the NWD films are good but this trailer .....
  • + 8
 this realy sucks
  • - 7
flag A-Martin (Apr 29, 2008 at 3:58) (Below Threshold)
 your an idiot I know I`m buying when it comes out Big Grin
  • + 5
 I still can't figure out why, after 9 installments, the NWD crew still feel the need to show everything in slow motion. 2 thumbs down, as usual.
  • + 6
 What the hell why is this VOD id rather see a GILF movie
  • + 5
 that vod deff wasnt my cup of tea nwd 9 dosnt seem to look like its going to be a good movie
  • + 3
 People at the top stop arguing like little children this video is about biking does everything have to turn into and long conversation about who is the better f*cking country for gods sakes grow up and enjoy the vid.
  • + 1
 agreed! they get pretty annoying. every country is awesome in its own way. so shut up and talk (nicely) about the sport that brings us all together.
  • + 4
 That was not a very good video I'm not sure why it would be a VOD if there is not much riding in it at all?
  • + 3
 i dont think that should have been vod, it had like three nice tricks and a lil riding and some fag throwin up a peace sign while his kid rides his fucked up ten speed
  • + 0
 I Emailed NWD for more info about the song and here it Is: From:Info (info@freeride-entertainment.com)

It's a live radio show recording by Z-Trip.

#2 From:Info (info@freeride-entertainment.com)

One of our editors found it...sorry I can't really help you out.
  • + 4
 Crap. I really don't like NWD's. Clay Potter rules.
  • + 3
 Yup, hate to say it, but that sucked. The last thing I need is more "previews" in my life...
  • + 3
 lame vid shots , lame somg lyrics just another try in look cool add lame lame lame
  • + 4
 Give the monkey a bike and let him be FREE!!!!
  • + 3
 that was pretty bad, the filming looked like crap, I'm exited for Seasons, there's a good bike film
  • + 0
 Thats plain awesomeness, right there. Too few bike-action though, but I guess that´s gonna be in the real segment. Those movies can´t be reinvented every season, but going for a different route (like this) isn´t all too bad. Smile
To NWD crew: Personally, I´d love to see a little racing action in NWD, just one or two segments. Go watch a World Cup (finals could be cool) and maybe the world championships in Italy in June, that should make for a nice difference. And stop showing dirt jumping please, I doesn´t get more boring than that. A little more trials and/or 4X would be nice, too. Smile
  • + 0
 I think I can help you :
go to the Z-trip page : www.djztrip.com/downloads.html
and from there on the bottom of the page there's the : » Indie 103.1 Mix / January 2008.
glad to be helpful
  • + 3
 looks sick, but hated the trailer compared to nwd 8's trailer.....
  • + 0
 i don't think this is necersarily the trailer, just an insight to whats goin on in the freeride entertainment world
  • + 0
 why is there a monkey on a lesh thats so mean and cruel people cant have a wild monkey as a pet its just wrong (unless its a tamed monkey and it acually likes the owner of the monkey)
  • + 1
 poor monkey wat do u expect in canada and u.s and uk etc.peaple hav dogs in morroco they hav a monkey on a leash way of life there and here.
  • + 1
 If anybody has an iPhone...why don't you try "shazam-ing" it?
  • + 2
 song is

Label: Glitch Mob Unlimited
  • + 3
 absolutly no pod. the musik sucks and less riding. shit
  • + 3
 the name of the song would be awesome eh
  • + 3
 yeah that song was awesome!! would pay the person giving me the name of it!!!
  • + 2
 i didnt find anything real that cool i thoguht it was boring. all he did was ride a gay lil trail NOT vod
  • + 3
 this bored me to death, hope they do a better job at the movie itselfFrown
  • + 2
 so much better than any of the old nwd films, no more of that slow mo huck with the streets in the backround
  • + 0
 TWVOD - The worst VOD ever Thumbs Down Maybe Radek "need therapy, therapy, Advertising causes need, Need therapy, therapy, Advertising causes need..." Rolleyes
  • + 2
 great editing and camera shot but not enough biking
  • + 2
 nwd9 better be better than the promo for it
  • + 2
 "Bobyan.. is very nice fabyan"!
  • + 0
 i dont no what to think of this video..... i think disorder has been going down hill since NWD7 witch i think was an amazing video, we wil have to see what 9 has to offer
  • + 0
 everyone just relax....you see, that's the EVIL monkey that lives in Chris Griffin's closet....we're all safer now that he's on a leash.
  • + 0
 Just noticed that The song in marocco b-side isn´t the first z-trip song NWD uses, "Bury me standing" from NWD 7 is also a mix my z-trip.
  • + 1
 Does anybody know the name of that song? Its sweet!
  • + 1
 I think its sick! gets me pumped. cant wait for the full movie
  • + 1
 thats didnt impress me as much as it shud have done i have to say
  • + 1
 song name? please :X
  • + 0
 that would be epic if i could find that song. i know its brother ali but it has some crazy beat to it.
  • + 1
 all americains have no balls
  • + 0
 Well that was totally random
  • + 0
 you little sob AMERICA's balls are far bigger than canada's balls ever were or will be
  • + 0
 ^^yeah....if you use a magnifying glass..OH SNAP!!!! Razz
(no offence intended to americans who have self respect)\/ \/
  • + 0
 stop fukin arguin and ride ur bike fagets who gives a shit about a monkey on a leash your moms seem to like quite a lot
  • + 1
 decent vid, sic song...sounds like the glitch mob, they throw down!
  • + 0
 i know i just comented but i get over how hard that song pound shit the pictures fell off my walls
  • + 0
 whats the name of that song someone please send me a msg with the title of that song???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 0
 there should have been more riding its a bike film i just dont the trailer promoted the film very well so dissapointed.
  • + 0
 That was a real bod vod there was barly any Biking in it this is Pink Bike
  • + 1
 man that is some sick clip, any1 know the song?
  • + 1
 i agree with skylerd eccept i blame parris hilton for dog purses
  • + 0
 Brother Ali - Original King that is the song but in the trailer is a other version
  • + 1
 looks like it gunna be good
  • + 1
 it will be my favourit. nice places.
  • + 2
 Why is this VOD?
  • + 2
 anyone know the song?
  • + 2
 The guy talking/singing was Brother Ali but I don't know the exact song name.
  • + 1
 the song pls.... anyone...(reply to me please)
  • + 1
 Is anyone else totally sick of New World Disorder?
  • + 8
 yesss!!! i remember when NWD used to be cool. when they had chicks with big tits! and dudes givern'r big moutnain style! now they have a bunch of dirt jumpers acting like fags, wrestling around in spandex, doing all the same tricks on the same size doubles in different places! you want to see tricks watch BMX vids, you want to see real style and sweet editing go buy Seasons when it comes out!!!
  • + 1
  • - 1
 i dunno know, i kinda like the approach that they are going for. the editing is differant, thats for sure. but its pretty sweet.
  • + 0
 There was only like 2 seconds of riding on this vid. Not a VOD!!
  • + 1
 damn, i'm disappointed
  • + 0
 Not enough riding for me.
  • + 0
 kinda tasteless to put that monkey in, but other than that cool vid.
  • + 1
 song ??
  • + 1
  • - 1
 Sick... and poor monkey...Why would you beet a monkey? its a monkey there cool and are closest relitives.
  • + 0
 that looks like a sick video
  • + 0
 what version is the song in this trailer
  • + 1
  • + 0
 it is more on music video than ridin ehheeh
  • + 0
 anyone know what song that was??
  • + 0
 any one know what song that was it was sick!!!
  • + 0
 I like th music, wheres it from?
not VOD but nice teaser
  • + 0
 is that the first video footage of the new Norco Five being ridden?
  • + 0
 i hope its better than nwd8
  • + 0
 Anyone, who knows the title of the song??
  • + 0
 nice VOD
NAme song please??
  • + 0
 that was really boring, there was hardly any biking in it
  • + 0
 yea does anyone know the song
  • + 0
 its a mix of Brother Ali-Original King with techno i can't find it...
  • + 0
 hey iheartsatan....you are a f*cking cum sucking pussy
  • + 0
 not very good i cant really see why people are interested to be honest
  • + 0
 that cant be a trailer.... no no no.
  • + 1
 i agreed ^^
  • + 0
 they are pros they can do that shit lol
  • + 0
 you guys are godam bitterss of raom
  • + 0
 kinda weird, i dunno...
  • - 1
 omg cyclist-abuse its not a pod its a vod
  • + 0
 so sick
  • + 0
 10x ManBig Grin Big Grin Big Grin
  • + 0
  • + 0
  • + 0
 whats the song
  • + 0
 Track name please?
  • + 0
 Looks Sooo Good! Big Grin
  • - 2
 that is the gayest song ive heard in my life, and i listen to enrique Iglesias
  • - 1
 if you listen to that you're gay!
  • - 1
 that is art and the art of biking love it need it want it
  • + 0
  • - 1
 ok. that was lame and that song was horrid.
  • + 0
 trippy song
  • + 0
 what'' the song name?
  • - 3
 looks awsome
  • - 3
 niiice :d
  • - 3
  • - 3
 such a nice vid vod for sure
  • - 2
 That was horibal, no biking
  • - 2
 i want to go to morocco, and when i get there, i want my bike.
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