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Yeti Cycles Going Full Enduro For 2014

Jan 20, 2014
by Yeti Cycles  
When the first images started to appear from the early rounds of the EWS I think every rider in the world was jealous. Jared finished second overall in the Enduro World Series cementing his place as one the best all around riders ever.

For the 2014 racing season, Yeti Cycles will focus their international race efforts solely on the Enduro World Series with a fully supported team that includes 2013 EWS 2nd Place Overall and DH World Championship Bronze medalist Jared Graves and 2013 Junior DH World Champion Richie Rude. In addition to the EWS World Cup team, Yeti will support a number of select athletes via their US National team and regional Racing Ambassadors who will race primarily in the Big Mountain Enduro Series, Oregon Enduro Series, and select EWS events.

Racing has been the cornerstone of our product development for over twenty-five years,” said Yeti President and co-owner Chris Conroy. “We are excited about enduro racing and have athletes that are uniquely suited to the discipline. Focusing on enduro racing will allow us to concentrate our marketing and product resources exactly where enthusiasm is growing from our sponsors, supporters, and customers.

Yeti Cycles Enduro Team

EWS World Cup Team:
• Jared Graves
• Richie Rude

US National Team:
• Mike West
• Chris Heath

Racing Ambassadors:
• Joey Schusler
• Nate Hills
• Alex Petidemange
• Sarah Rawley

Reflecting this shift in international race resources, Yeti Cycles will no longer race a World Cup DH schedule. Cam Cole will continue to race a World Cup calendar, but will not be a part of Yeti’s race program. “Cam is a great athlete and we were proud to have him on our team. While it’s sad to see Cam move on, we wish him luck.

World Cup DH racing isn’t done for Yeti Cycles, but our focus in the near-term is on enduro racing,” said Conroy.

Yeti Cycles 2014 Sponsors: Fox Racing Shox, Maxxis, Shimano, DT Swiss, Giro, Renthal, Pedro’s, WTB, E Thirteen, Thomson, ODI, Chris King, Feedback Sports, Stages Cycling.

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Member since Aug 22, 2000
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  • 92 6
 Never go full Enduro!
  • 17 41
flag dchill (Jan 20, 2014 at 13:12) (Below Threshold)
 Enduro is for washed up dh racers. Richie is just starting out hell look at Peaty, Minnar, they still kill dh
  • 21 4
 Everybody knows, you never go full enduro!
  • 19 37
flag stacykohut (Jan 20, 2014 at 17:01) (Below Threshold)
 richie needs to get off this team and get off this team now. brutal to be thrown under the bus after winning the jr world champs. it is soooo sad to see a once great dh team be reduced to an trend following enduro scene. richie would be better off to buy a couple v-10s, get monster or rockstar on board and go race dh!!! i feel bad for yeti having to stoop to this enduro crap, but worse, i feel bad for richie. switch teams or go privateer now richie or watch your dh career go right down the enduro tubes. again..........so sad.
  • 45 3
 We gave him exactly that choice. He'll be racing enduro for 2014. Thanks for all your advice, though.
  • 1 26
flag stacykohut (Jan 20, 2014 at 17:58) (Below Threshold)
 One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all now thats some advice.
  • 4 1
 blue pill/red pill dilemma.....
  • 10 1
 I highly doubt one or two years in Enduro will kill his DH career, if that's what he wants to do. They gave him his choice, he chose enduro. I'm sure he would've been picked up by any number of super strong DH teams and made a go of it. But I think he gets props for sticking with Yeti. EWS is only going to get bigger.
  • 17 3
 Although everyone is sick of hearing the word "enduro", this format of racing is the best form of racing the MTB world has come up with, simply because it is actually representative of what most people do on their bikes. DH won't die, neither will XC, but for those of us who ride up a hill just to have fun riding back down the other side as fast as we can, this is just expanding on that. "Trend following" - whatever, this is just a race format that's actually based on the kind of riding most riders do, nobody's forcing you to race. It's also good for the industry, because it encourages development of better, more versatile bikes, cos let's face it, it's not that hard to make a good DH bike or a good XC bike, but getting something to go uphill well AND still be able to descend fast is tricky, and something that's really only been achieved within the past few years (on a side note, dropper posts have been a huge part of that becoming possible). It's also good for the sport as a whole - more race participation = bigger community of riders = bigger industry = better technology at lower prices. Thinking that "enduro" will somehow hurt any other forms of riding is ridiculous.
  • 6 0
 Enduro is not just for washed up DH riders, they just excel because of their vast experience and skills. It's such a new sport that Maes has been the only one to develop within it but that will change soon. Even if he ever decides to go back to DH this is a great move because of the experience and fitness he will get from racing enduro, especially being around guys like Graves. Plus he'll have more fun racing enduro because he will be riding his bike a hell of alot more. DH guys don't get that I guess. I can see the day coming when national teams will be filling out the rosters for their DH World Championship teams with more and more Enduro racers.
  • 56 1
 Hope to see Richie racing DH.
  • 12 2
 for sure, he'll be racing DH with Jared on sb66 Big Grin
  • 16 1
 As talented as he is, I'm sure he will do well in Enduro. Just a shame to see him win worlds as a junior and then get removed from the WC circuit, I had really high hopes for him this year. However he couldn't have a better partner and teacher than BEAST MODE Jared Graves!
  • 22 4
 We gave Richie a few choices, and he chose to focus solely on enduro for this season. Who knows what the future will bring, but I for one am excited to see a young guy with that much horsepower take on the best enduro racers in the world. Can't wait for the 2014 EWS to start!!
  • 6 0
 Wait what about Hannah Barnes?Why isnt she in the list there?
  • 14 1
 Hannah is on her own deal through Yeti UK. She'll be pitting with our team at certain events, but she'll also be doing some events independent of our factory team.
  • 3 5
 Top Enduro Riders are usually around 30 years old and the reason is because of their endurance. Younger riders have strength in sprinting but endurance is not their forte. Jerome Clementz, Dan Atherton and Jared Graves are all 31. Barel is is older and performs amazing in enduro. For what it's worth, Richie Rude should stay with DH and gained more experience and then transition later on.
  • 9 10
 Yeti, let the kid go race DH. Let him sign with a team that can commit to DH
  • 10 3
 mlr428- They did, he chose enduro.
  • 4 0
 True, but I have gotten the chance to actually ride with Richie and he is an amazing rider no matter what he is doing. Plus he is literally the strongest person I have ever met and I don't think he has any problem with endurance.
  • 4 0
Is Yeti looking at this a business/exposure decision? I'm guessing that Yeti sells a hellava lot more 6 inch travel bikes than full on DH rigs. Makes total business sense to me.............although I'll miss seeing the team on the WC circuit..
  • 5 1
 RR is a world cup athlete! He makes deliberate choices to enhance his riding on a daily basis. The man still may be a kid but we should respect him to walk his own path.

I vote Yeti as #1 brand of 2013 for there sb66 and Graves incredible season.
  • 1 0
 Why is the sb66 being discontinued then?
  • 1 2
 It's not.
  • 2 0
 It is unless there becomes a demand for it. There were basically no preseason orders from dealers for it. Bring on the carbon SB75
  • 1 0
 I only found few 2014 sb66c frames, in u.s. online market (e.g. www.jensonusa.com/Yeti-SB-66-Carbon-Frame-2014)
but it's stocked with sb75 which seem unfortunate due to this opinion: www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWMgTHHAglw

so if the rumors are true, then demand for good 27,5" is killing superbike 26". Hype anybody?
  • 39 12
 Taking an explosive powerhouse, who - rightfully - earned the nickname "man-child" and clearly has a bright future in the explosive power-requiring sport that is downhill racing, and making him race Enduro, is a f*cking waste and is borderline criminal.
I mean, just look at the kid, he is clearly made for downhill racing, don't make him race in a sport where skinny Euros dominate.
  • 8 2
 You say that cause he's gonna be a strong competition for Martin Maes right? Wink

We'll never know what RR would habe achieved in DH. If you compare him to previous junior killers like Brosnan or Bruni, those guys made top ten and i think even podiumed in there last junior season. Still none got a win. I don't think Richie cale close to a 15th spot. Might be a smart move after all. Good luck to him anyway.
  • 8 11
 He wasn't in his last junior year, he's only 16. And I don't care about anything Martin Maes does, I don't know him and if there is one thing you should know about Belgians, it's that patriotism is a non-existing feeling for us, except when it's about soccer, because then we finally have an excuse to get wasted.
  • 16 1
 Richie was born on 1/1/1995 so if I counted correctly he's 19.
As fir the rest I was just teasing you. Dunno about your patriotism, but I clearly see your limited sense of humour. Have a nice day.
  • 15 1
 no one is forcing the guy into anything...
  • 15 2
 ^^ This is correct. We gave Richie a couple options, and he was fully onboard for Enduro. Looking forward to the 2014 season!
  • 4 19
flag stacykohut (Jan 20, 2014 at 17:07) (Below Threshold)
 it really is sad that yeti is being reduced to this and its the saddest for richie to be involved in this crap.

being a privateer on the dh scene rockin jr rainbow stripes is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay cooler than being a factory trail rider, ...sorrry, i mean enduro racer.

like the guy said below...........

do not drink the kool aid!!!

although it seems it may be too late for yeti, it looks like they may have a purple mustache already.
how was the kool aid yeti? pennies a glass?

so sad.
  • 16 0
 ^maybe he just genuinly enjoys riding enduro..? Whats sad is the amount of hatred you people express towards a type of riding that you've obviously never even tried. At the end of the day its all just having fun riding a bike..
  • 4 16
flag stacykohut (Jan 20, 2014 at 17:47) (Below Threshold)
 its a comment section on a bike website.
i made a comment, that is all.
and the end of the day, as a fan of dh racing, its a loss to the dh race scene, both richie and yeti leaving the wc scene fulltime.

as far as racing goes....dh is just cooler than enduro............no 'hate' on enduro............just a view, a comment, thats all.
i'm old enough to remember a time before the word enduro had anything to do with mtb racing...it was called riding your bike, and yes i did participate in off road riding a 26 inch bicycle with gears and knobby tires. from 1988 to 1992. 4 years of 'enduro' for this kid.
riding your bike is all about fun...........no doubt about it..love it. goodtimes and definately more than just 'a sport'.
racing? well thats another matter...................

as a world jr champ, i can't imagine enduro was richies first choice for 2014 and onward.

will he still be with yeti and the enduro world in 2015?
check back in 12 months from now, we will see whats up.
  • 11 2
 He's signed for 2 or 3 more seasons, but please do keep checking back with us! We love our fans as much as our customers.
  • 3 17
flag stacykohut (Jan 20, 2014 at 18:01) (Below Threshold)
 somebody needs to say it........... 26 DH FTW!!!!! hopefully he only signed a letter of intent. lol.
  • 13 0
 Half these comments are purely idiotic, Yeti isn't forcing him to do anything. If you followed Richies instagram you'd see that he spends 90% of his time riding his sb66 and he's clearly been chilling with Jared for a while now. Granted he's in NZ at the moment but you aren't getting lift access here in CT for 6 months of the year, thats my guess as to why he's doing enduro (and he WILL kill at it). That being said he was my favorite rider to watch because I've seen him race local dh for many years and he destroys the competition, too bad we won't see him on freecaster this year because you know he would always be in the top 30 qualies. I have to find someone else to root for in wc dh now :/
  • 6 0
 fabdemaere, and the rest of you dopes, what part don't you get about Richie choosing to race Enduro? How can you make him race DH if he would rather to something else? With his accomplishments and potential, he surely had plenty of choices of what to ride and who to ride for.

If it said he was racing Enduro on a SB75, it would have been too much to handle, and may have induced a seizure in half the commentators here.
  • 1 0
 Skinny Euros dominate eh?? Graves - one of the most committed riders in any discipline he cares to try his hand at, cleaned up XCO at national round this weekend just gone with 2 crashes and a mechanical. Insane at 4X, 2nd in EWS, DH world champs?? TB, another Aussie and a slightly built one at that, pretty sure he is handy on a DH bike too. Dont be too quick to judge what makes a decent DH or enduro rider. Its a lot more complex than fast twitch/slow twitch muscle composition/body type. Granted there is a reason why people with African descent are better at sprinting than they are swimming...
  • 1 0
 EnduroManiac I agree with your statement partially but you realize he came within a couple of seconds from beating Loic as a first year junior during world champs last year right? This year he himself admitted that he didn't have a stellar year but he was always in the top 30 qualified as a first year junior and his best result was 15th at Windham, + he wasn't even 18 years old yet...
  • 1 0
 Frdh: I didnt mean the kid has limited potential, by far! I don't know if it's a career choice, this would only be speculation. Nevertheless making a comparison between 2 riders on a single race may not be fully relevant, especially worlds junior when one has nothing to loose, and the other has his last chance before getting elite. Anyway, good luck Richie, I hope I'll have the chance to see him on a few EWS (from far behind Smile )
  • 30 7
 Someone get Rude on a DH team, quick!
  • 13 0
 In my opinion, Yeti has the best race bred pedigree out there. Along with it's unique designs, it deserves a very very special place in our history. Not the mainstream brand, but definitely one of the most original, and core ones, with the best racing development program. When you think, that more or less, it's Yeti that we have to thank to for pushing up riders like: Jullie Furtado
John Tomac, Colin Bailey, Jimmy Deaton, Missy Giove, Myles Rockwell, Crolyn Curl, Kirt Voreis, Joe Lawill, April Lawyer, Monkey Vasquez, Marla Streb, Nathan Rennie, Tara Llanes, Trent Lowe, Jared Graves, Jill Kintner, Ross Milan, Justin Leov, Sam Blenkinsop, Aaron Gwin, Eliot Jackson, Richie Rude.
Seeing Yeti leave DH world scene, it makes me wonder about the future of DH, comparing to the mainstream Enduro. I've read over here somewhere the saying: "Enduro - the place where DH riders go to die".

With all these 29'ers, weekend warior's soap operas of enduro... the future looks bright. I wonder why they forbidden Lycra. It would be great these days, along with Sam Hill on clipless in Punta Ala...

Sad day for some of us...
  • 8 6
 don't drink the kool aid

always a big underground DH scene, possibly better without all the fuss. let the bozos drop huge coin on Enduro bike/outfit/openface helmet and goggle combo

meanwhile, I'll be mountain biking

this enduro thing sounds far too organized and official to me
  • 10 2
 Sad day for ignorant people for sure.
  • 5 7
 enduro is the new kid on the block and getting all the attention at the moment. It's also a way of pushing the new 27.5 wheel size being forced down everyone's throat. Give it a year or 2 and the focus will be back on DH . I just don't see enduro getting more viewers than D.H.
  • 7 1
 Enduro may not be more exciting to watch, but it's a heck of a lot better as a way to market bikes. Remember, advertising is the driving force behind sponsorship at a high level and for a participant-oriented sport like mountain biking it makes a lot of sense for companies to put their money behind a race format that more closely resembles how most people actually ride.
  • 1 7
flag BeerGuzlinFool (Jan 20, 2014 at 16:09) (Below Threshold)
 I really don't think the Enduro race series will make much of an impact on how many all mountain / enduro bikes are sold. Like you said this is the type of riding most people do anyway. Those bikes would have been sold anyway.
  • 5 0
 Well, it's not about convincing people to buy any bike with 120-170 mm of travel rather than a downhill bike or an xc hardtail. It's about convincing people that your 158.4 mm bike is the best.
  • 11 0
 I like how all you guys think "marketing". In reality it's real mountain biking, the most pure version of it.

Amazing how capable these trail bikes are currently.

I come from a moto/dh only background, and I'm so excited for the progression of mountain biking. Amazing that people are talking bad about it. What don't you guys understand? Legit enduro races are multiple runs on DH TRAILS... just on shorter travel bikes. Really gnarly!
  • 4 5
 Actually I see enduro as a more aggressive form of xc. The long climbs between the DH sections is what will keep it from being widely watched. I am not saying this is a bad sport or bad for mountain biking I just don't think it will hold the publics interest for long. This is the type of riding I did for years before lift access bike parks started appearing near me and this is the type of riding I will go back to once my body gets to old to handle the constant punishment DH delivers.
  • 7 2
 That's a misnomer that a lot of people believe. Enduro is for the most fit riders.

How are you going to pedal to the top to ride a DH trail on a trail bike that will punish you even more when you get older and beat up? Ain't gonna happen.

Older adrenaline junkies and really good skill level older riders continue to ride DH, because their bodies can't handle the climbs and fitness it takes to be an enduro racer. Nothing wrong with that at all, super cool actually to see these older guys shredding a DH trail.... but don't kid yourself on a legit enduro race. Look at the BME and EWS.

Riding aggressively on xc trails is completely different. Enduro is a race format. I think that's where the confusion and misconceptions come from. Keep shredding and riding DH man!
  • 5 5
 a vast majority of people don't care about racing - in any form the guy can just ride his bike up the mountain - at his own pace - then ride it down this used to be called mountain biking - or freeride not so long ago now the gongshow and ego fest of enduro and marketing dollarization has taken over once people get bored of it - by say 2017 - they will take up extreme fishing or upside down hang gliding or god knows what then there will be.....mountain biking
  • 14 3
 WHAT?!? Richie isnt racing dh this blows...
  • 8 0
 Seems like that rumour Cam Cole on Commencal that popped on Vital could be true...
  • 5 0
 Gonna be sad to have Yeti out of the world cup. Hopefully they come back to downhill with a vengeance. In the meantime, that is one damn strong endure team. Good luck to Graves and Rude this season!
  • 5 1
 It sucks Richie won't be racing DH anymore as he was the top young American coming up. I don't think it our right to criticize his decision. I just hope that the switch to enduro is really what he wants to do and not something he was pressured into by his sponsors. If its really what he wants to do then good for him.
  • 4 0
 I'm reposting from Facebook and Andrew at Yetifan who spoke with Yeti honcho Chris Conroy on their decision to focus on enduro.

Please check out Andrew at Yetifan.com and on Facebook.

1) The switch from Yeti's main focus at WC downhill to Enduro world series must have been a tough call to make?
>> It was a very difficult call to make. The difficulty came when the EWS became a truly international event and the racing spanned the globe like DH. This effectively meant we would have to run two word cup caliber programs. While that intrigues us, we are simply too small and don't have the resources to make that happen. We also were working on signing Jared for two more years. As you can imagine, his stock went up substantially after his EWS and World Champs success... We knew we wanted to keep Jared on the program so signed him and proposed an Enduro only schedule to our racers. Jared and Richie were very excited about moving in this direction. Jared has been a strong mentor for Richie and they enjoy racing together. Cam was intrigued by racing Enduro, but felt he still had some unfinished business in DH. We wanted what was best for Cam, so we asked him to see if there was any option to race DH on another team. He found a good option and will be moving on for 2014. I have nothing but great things to say about Cam - he's fast, committed as a racer, and a really good person. Though he is no longer on the team, he remains a friend of Yeti.
  • 4 0
 2) Yeti has always developed Bicycles through competition, Trials and XC to the early 90's, then DH & 4X from then on, do you think that Enduro is a natural progression for you & the sport?
>> Enduro is an exciting format and it embodies what we love about the sport. It takes a combination of skills, fitness and mental toughness. The bikes they use are also in categories where we sell most of our product. Our team will be integral in development of new models and we are very excited about what we have in the hopper... Many people have asked if I think WC DH is going away and my answer is simple -- no. WC DH is thriving and having partners like Red Bull will push the sport even further. The exciting thing is all these disciplines and co-exist and thrive.

3) Richie will be doing the EWS too, its easy to overlook that he did really well at one last year, do you think that like Jared he could be a multi discipline winner in Cycling too?
>> Richie is an amazing athlete and incredibly strong. We feel very good about Jared training with and mentoring him. The sky's the limit with Richie... yes, he could excel in multiple disciplines.

4) Will the team be starting the season on the SB66 ? Or anything up your sleeves for them to test?
>> We'll start the season on the SB66c. And, yes, they will be testing new product throughout the season.

5) Is the DH World Champs still a target?
>> Not this year, but maybe in the future."
  • 7 0
 Graves vs Clementz - Round 2 - FIGHT. Bring it on.
  • 5 1
 Amazing how easy it is for people to decide how to spend someone else's money. Dh is a small niche in the mtb market. Spending money on enduro makes more sense when you look at the potential return on investment.
  • 6 0
 Chris heath is a name I haven't heard in a long time. Welcome back!
  • 4 0
 Rude is amazing at Enduro, he's going to crush the competition and be at the top as he was in Downhill. East coast Represent!
  • 3 1
 I think the questioning of JohnP has not been specific enough to satisfy all angles. Perhaps the best question to ask is:

Did Richie Rude have the ability to exit his current Yeti contract (without penalty and loss of income) and move to a dedicated World Cup DH team with a similar pay scale and level of race support he is used to?

I believe the frustration being exhibited in comments is from people under the impression (through implication of the press release) that Rude is under contract with Yeti and since the press release is so late, he had no better option with another team to be able to pursue a World Cup DH career at this time.

The press release and short answers make it "appear" that if Rude wants a decent salary and to keep a ride (since most all World Cup DH teams budgets are done and gone), his only choice is to pursue Enduro until a better option comes up.

I think the only thing to satisfy the masses would be a direct statement from Richie saying "I had the option to jump to another World Cup DH team, but I thought I'd try this because it is interesting to me and I really want to try it as opposed to DH and strike while the iron is hot."

Love ya JohnP. Come to Asheville again. Miss your honesty ( and epic man stories).
  • 2 0
 I'm glad you wrote that , I was going to ask some thing similar but not as well worded as that !
  • 1 0
 My personal desire is to see Rude rip a new one in the World Cup and finish a podium with Gwin and Neko 1/2/3 in no particular order!
  • 2 0
 I just feel sorry for him , for the right or wrong reasons we don't really know , but in my opinion some one that made such a big impact in the juniors DH would not choose to enter enduro full time on the next season if they had a totally no strings attached choice between the two.
  • 2 0
 Why not support the fastest growing discipline in mtb racing history. Bike mfg'ers get attention/money from what people are watching. DH has been lacking in that department lately. Plus, it makes sense that a company that makes the best all-mtn bikes would support the race category they fit in. Dh sales make up such a small percentage of any company's line-up. Why put more race dollars into something no one buys?
  • 5 0
 Yeti, Thank you for representing Colorado. How can I help?
  • 3 2
 Wow, that is pretty big deal for a name like Yeti to pull out of dh. Even if they just were the frame sponser for a team like Intense has done in the past. I guess once Rocky Mountain went away a few years ago it was only a matter of time that some other names left. I am glad then I did not buy a 303 wc in Dec when I got a new frame. I wonder if Rude decided to get out of dh or if it was suggested. I am pretty sure he would have no issue picking up a full factory ride.
  • 12 1
 How does Yeti deciding to fund an Enduro team over a DH team this year effect the quality of a 303WC to make you glad you didn't buy that frame? Just seemed like an odd reason to not by a frame. They are still making a DH bike and a pretty nice one at that from what I have seen.
  • 1 3
 yes end of DH imminent? lol

no 303 hey well I guess it is your loss if you choose to be influenced by advertising, marketing and sponsorship. or you could avoid being a sheeple and make up your own mind and ride a goddamn amazing bike. no worries - scarcity is purity - means I will enjoy riding my 303 this summer and have interesting chats with fellow riders who see a rare bike on the trails and want some casual bike talk over a beer

  • 3 2
 I talked to one store and they told me that Yeti is thinking about discontinuing the frame after this year. No team, no development, no products. At least that is how it goes in DH.
  • 4 1
 I could care less, you can barely find a 303 frame right now. scarcity, yes?

I now have a timeless classic, and it will last me 3-4 seasons. rides amazing, looks stunning, good price. what am I going to want to beat that? can't go any faster right now, I am maxed out for my ability

I don't care about what the sheeple are doing when they demand the new trendiest wheelset. or new colour way 2015 carbon edition with a 2016 proto-shock and purple forks

I got my ride for 2014, don't need the carbon frame. no buyers remorse for me

  • 2 0
 'I talked to ONE store' wow, were they in direct communication with production/marketing departments then?

Orange bikes over here in the UK said they were absolutely discontinuing their DH production line, only for a few months later go back on that and say they're actually offer them as a frame only option...
  • 17 1
 Although it's fun to believe rumors you hear at the shop, the truth is that we still love DH, will still ride DH, and are testing several cool DH designs to someday replace the 303WC. We're a tiny company, and trying to support two separate teams to travel the world is too expensive for us, unfortunately.
  • 5 1
 John, you guys are doing an amazing job. big love from this Yeti rider that is all
  • 2 0
 DH is nice to watch but people spend the money on AM/Enduro bikes, kids don't have big disposable income, the 40 soemthings do and Yeti is looking to steal a march on its copmpetitors
  • 1 0
 Watching an enduro race is hardly exciting tho
  • 2 1
 YETI's reasons for doing this can be debated until the cows come home. Marketing. Resources. Bla bla bla.
As fun as it may be, the appeal of watching enduro racing = ZERO. Not on TV, and not live.
On the other hand, watching Danny Hart vs Sam Hill vs Steve Smith on a rooty, rocky mudslide of a track, on a state-of-the-art downhill beast, and on the edge of what is humanly possible on two wheels (with a slightly insane Rob Warner screaming and spitting into the microphone)... now THAT is exciting. Not just for people who ride bikes, but for your average semi-fat person on the couch. Agree or disagree, but downhill is the pinnacle of the sport in many ways, just like Formula 1 in car racing. All the 'serious' brands are there. Trek, Giant, Specialized, Scott, Santa Cruz, GT. Speaking of GT- it's fair to say they've made a pretty solid comeback in mountain biking the last season or two, with world championships, overalls, bike of the year or whatever, bla bla bla. And how did they do it? DH !!!!!! Smile
Ps. YETI- you can bet your asses it's not only DH bikes they're selling out of now!
  • 1 0
 Yeti ftw. I will be rocking my 95c all year long for Enduro and DH. I just hope Yeti works over the 75. I would rock the 66c or my 95c, but the geo and dimensions and suspension configuration of the 75 will keep me from ever buying one. I love Yeti but not the 75.
  • 1 0
 Like others - I didn't see that coming. I had high hopes for Man Child in WC DH this year. Yeti has probably done more to find and develop talent in mountain biking than the rest of the bike companies combined. Strange to see them step away from DH. I realize they are too small to fully support EWC and WCDH at the same time. I pity the Frenchman who has to look at RR's horsepower while waiting for his turn to drop. Man Child and Grubby FTW! Still sad about the DH however.
  • 2 0
 So is Rude going to be racing WC? And where is Hannah in all this? Is she going to be riding for Yeti in the EWS or just for the Silverfish team?
  • 1 1
 Rude and Graves racing WC enduro.
  • 3 1
 Ive heard that the sb66 isnt going to be made anymore... big changes happening at Yeit it looks like. not sure if its for the better.
  • 1 1
 Probably an SB 67.5? Smile
If yes guys please make it with a steeper seat angle (for real 160 mm fork).
  • 4 0
 Its called the SB75 and its been around since last September Smile
  • 6 0
 Oh yeah i screwed the name. So sb-76 please! 5" travel are not enough. And the bike is too heavy for 5" only! Well just a guess, I didnt check but I cant imagine it's lighter than the sb66 (alloy)
  • 1 0
 SB75 has a front travel fork of 140 mm, which makes the BB stand at 330, which is extremely low IMO, it perhaps needs a longer travel fork in order to make the BB slightly higher, 160 or 150 perhaps?
  • 1 0
 Read the comments before you make an early judgment call/rant about Richie or Yeti. There is someone from Yeti trying to explain things. And, by the way, enduro racing is actually pretty rad.
  • 2 0
 Rude is amazing at Enduro, he's going to crush the competition and be at the top as he was in Downhill.
  • 2 2
 big kid in spandex???..................not sure its the right choice for a junior world cup DH champion............enduro is a fad people, it will come and go just like x-games dual slalom on snow....................
  • 2 0
 Well, I didn't see that coming...
  • 2 0
 The SB66 will be available for Europe. And if requested here too.
  • 1 0
 Hadn't heard that. Bravo to Yeti for keeping them available, even with the drastically reduced demand, there will always be a niche for 26'ers (or at least for a long time I think).
  • 4 2
 26" isn't niche, unless not being a middle age man with too much time who wants a hobby is a niche. Everyone who isn't a middle age man with too much money only really wants 26"
  • 2 0
 @lennoxrider, I know you're trolling, but everyone wants the blingiest new bike. And believe it or not, 'extreme' teenagers are not the group that actually spends lots of money on them. 650b may not be desirable or an improvement for everyone but it certainly sells.
  • 3 0
 I'm not trolling, and you basically just agreed with me. When you said 'extreme teenagers' don't spend money on bikes, that's the issue, as they are the guys who wan't to push themselves and get better and go bigger and have fun doing it, which is where we all know 26 is the best. The guys with the money though, they've maybe got a wife and kids, and can't be pushing themselves and maybe get hurt, which yeah is fair enough, but they are pricing out the guys who really want to ride because every time a new fancy bit of kit comes out they can pay the asking price. Sorry to rant, but as someone who loves to ride, like everyday, I hate being priced out, yano?
  • 2 0
 I think we can both agree that 26" has gone from being the standard to being niche in an alarmingly short time and accompanied by some really cynical marketing that flies in the face of both physical realities about a larger wheel and the fact that elite gravity races are still totally dominated by 26" wheels. That said, I think that everyone should give things an honest try before dismissing them and I look forward to trying 650b at some point. I know (or know of) a handful of really fast people who ride 650b or (gasp) 29ers and I bet you do as well, so I disagree with your characterization.
If you feel you are being priced out, take a step back and realize that you don't need to have the best gear to have fun or get better. Disregarding inflation, I don't think comparable bikes have gotten more expensive, they've just gotten better across the board. I'd take deore hydraulic brakes over xt v brakes any day.
Finally, you guys in the UK are lucky to have a vibrant 26" trail hardtail segment still. I'm jealous. What could be more democratic and less trend whoring? US riders seem so obsessed with new stuff making them better.
  • 3 2
 This in a money thing Enduro bikes out sell DH bikes massively, the end of DH?
  • 1 0
 money wins!
  • 2 0
 So stoked for my new SB66 getting a small chub thinking about it #bikeporn
  • 1 0
 So are they announcing the SB76c next week?
  • 3 6
 Sad to see this happen and the short-sightedness of it! Spectator friendly sports and sports that appeal to all ages are sports that sell, e.g. Nascar does so well as all ages love 800hp V8's and its broadcast and spectator friendly as it all takes place on a nice easy to view oval... Downhill racing has similar values, the tracks are short enough to have decent tv coverage and for spectators to assemble in large enough numbers and the riding is fast, wild and crazy enough for any age group to appreciate the excitement.

Enduro has none of this appeal, its very hard to have even basic coverage, the majority of which is someone sweating their ass off slugging it up a hill which is incredibly boring to watch, the downhill aspect isn't even as good to watch either - Enduro [ahem... trail riding] is something that is fun to do, but will never be as mainstream or exciting as downhill riding. Downhill will out-live this Enduro trend and Yeti will no longer have a respectable presence in the downhill market when everyone realises they've been tricked and that Enduro riding is basically just plain old normal 'riding' just like everyone who enjoys the downhill part of a trail ride does anyway and goes back to being a fan of downhill...
  • 1 0
 looks like they will never release the carbon dh bike now
  • 1 0
 what about Cam Cole?
  • 2 0
 Commençal Riding Addiction it seems.
  • 3 0
 cam cole & commencal seems like a good fit. nice stylish bikes. stylish and fast rider.
  • 4 3
 booo. long live DH.
  • 1 1
 remember when the Colorado flag on the frame meant something???
  • 1 0
 still does if you ride a metal frame
  • 1 0
 i talked to one of the yeti factory demo guys and he told me they had nothing american made, unless he meant in the trailer.
  • 2 2
 first thing that popped into my head when i read this: HA GAAAAAAYYYY!
  • 3 6
 Why Yeti? You just pigeon holed your junior DH world champ into Enduro? What's next, you gonna ask him to drop 50lbs of weight so he can pedal more?
  • 9 0
 He chose enduro himself. See my posts above for more info.
  • 5 0
 Pretty sure that Jared Graves is about 190lbs. of pure beast. Just won a serious xc race on a broken fork, not to mention his bronze at the DH world champs on a trail bike. Pedalling does not equal pipsqueak.
  • 1 0
 So rude said " I no longer wish to take part in DH , instead I will to timed trail riding ? "
  • 2 3
 what a joke.

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