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Two Brothers are Riding From Cancun to Whistler With a Portable Kicker - Part 1

Jul 26, 2018
by IntoTheRide  

We are two French brothers, Pierre, 21-year-old, and Thibaut, 34-year-old. Like a lot of MTBikers, we had a dream:

Ride the Whistler Bike Park!

In December 2016, we decided it was time to make the dream coming true. Going to "the mecca" of MTB, deserve a pilgrimage. That why we decided to start our trip from Cancun, Mexico.

The plan was to travel those 9000 km and do freeriding on the way with the same bikes. We couldn't use DH/Freedide bikes, too heavy to travel with. So we decided to choose some big enduro bikes, who allowed us to travel and are strong enough to support big jumps. Pierre bought a 2017 Radon Swoop 170, 27.5", and Thibaut kept his unbreakable Nicholaï ION 16 2013, 26".


We arrived in Cancun the 17th of October. For two months, we travelled through a very flat part of Mexico, and we didn't find any place to ride. Still, we passed through amazing landscapes and discovered the very rich Maya culture.


To travel, we use some road tires, and change them when we reach a spot to ride. To make this trip a bit more crazy, we are carrying a trailer with us, and after two months of travel, in Oaxaca, we finally find a workshop to built our foldable ramp: 2m70 long, adjustable from 40 cm to 70cm height, strong enough to support us sending it at full speed!

The idea is that we could be able to jump everywhere on the way!


In Puebla we get to finally put our MTB tires on for a little session on the top of the local DH trail:

Arriving in Mexico City, we get to meet Alberto, a local rider, who showed us the best spot around: Amecameca. Thanks to him, we get to send this huge drop, probably one of the biggest of our life, very impressive but very safe, because very well done. A good warm up to send it big in Whistler!!


We were then invited to a little village, Almaya, where a group of rider have some very nice trails. The guys were so nice, we of course made friends and 3 of them decided to follow us for a week


Baja California was an amazing part of our trip. This is a desert. The roads are straight for so long, so turns becomes an event.

There is nothing to make stops or breaks for very long distance, so you had better get enough water and food supply with you. Every opportunity to get some shadow are welcome.

Arriving in Puerto Escondido, we get to meet an American couple, from Montana, travelling by their big sailing boat. They offered us to join them on the boat for 5 days, amazing trip!


After 3 days, we reached a little creek, with a nice mountain at side. The occasion is too nice, let's change the tires, put the bikes on the dinghy, and make some lines on the mountain!!


Tijuana gets a bad reputation. A lot of people told us to be careful, or even to avoid passing by. That's when you don't know anybody there. We get to meet the local riders, and spend an amazing weekend of riding and camping on the trails! For us, Tijuana ROCKS!


In San Diego, hosted by a brewer, we get to visit some of the nicest breweries in the town. We didn't know that beers were a local speciality. Welcome to California! We get to have some fun riding on mission trails!


Most of the bike travellers go from North to South. It's because of the wind. We didn't know that, but it makes sense.

In Santa Cruz, we met Tony, the boss of Cyclepath outfitters. He showed us the best trails around and lent us his top of the line Santa Cruz bikes.


This trip is not only about MTB. In San Francisco, we rented a car to hike three days in Yosemite Park. It was definitely worth it!


The youngest readers probably don't know about "Bullit", and it's a very famous car pursuit in the stiffest streets of San Francisco. Finally, a nice opportunity to use our ramp!


Passing through the Avenue of the Giant, by bike, is an unforgettable experience. The tallest trees in the world!


The 3rd of July, waiting in a park of Eugene in the afternoon, a guy passing by asked us:
"-Why are you travelling with these kind of bikes?
-We are looking for big jumps on our way!
-Ok. I go to my secret spot with big jumps tonight. Join me, we'll camp there are have a session tomorrow!"
So we did.
Fourth of July, riding with a "American flag full suit"! Happy Independence Day America!! Big Grin


In Oregon, landscapes get more forest. And trails gets sicker too. We are approaching Canada. A very nice session in Black Rocks!

We are actually in Bellingham. Here we get to meet crazy guys, showing us the best lines. And the speed to hit that big jump... Definitely getting ready for Whistler!!


Next stops are Squamish & Whistler, if you are a rider from there, don't hesitate to send us a message!

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IntoTheRide avatar

Member since Jul 18, 2018
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  • 169 0
 Towing along a pop up ramp...100% vital for survival
  • 28 0
 That made me smile. Water bottle? Check. Tube and Pump? Check. Portable jump? Check!
  • 118 0
 Man.... this is real adventure biking!
Riding for the love of riding, and finding people with same passion along the way.
Sat behind my keyboard.... my life just seems "meh" in comparison.
Seriously jealous/envious/impressed all at the same time.
  • 7 0
 @scar4me I can give you only 1 prop. Sorry for that
  • 1 0
 Do it over a weekend, got to start somewhere!
  • 44 0
 Proof that you don't need a road bike, a plus bike, or a fat bike to cover significant distances on a bicycle. #runwhatyoubrung
  • 3 0
Take a look with the old iron bike that i made a 10k travel through Patagônia!



We have to go with what we have, we need to find solutions, not problems! Smile
  • 29 0
 Anybody else read this in a French accent?

Awesome trip! I would hesitate to do it by car, let alone pedal the whole way. Mad props.
  • 5 0
 oui oui
  • 1 3
 Is it a French accent? Or "Québécois"?
  • 21 0
 I met Pierre & Thibau right when they were riding into Bellingham, cruising into the Galbraith lot. I was impressed when they told me about riding all the way from Cancun, but blown away when I noticed the ramp on the trailer and the full-faced-helmet & knobbies they were carrying for free-riding! What? You go guys!
  • 1 0
 When were they here in Bham? The article says they set out in October '17. Looks like they're on the jump line next to Cedar Dust but that wasn't running til a few months ago.
  • 3 0
 @sngltrkmnd: We started in october from Cancun, we were in Belligham just two weeks ago
  • 1 0
 @IntoTheRide: Cool! I trust you had a great time here.
  • 21 1
 This is sick.

But I always end up with the same question about articles like this. I won't say I'm necessarily "good" at making friends but I'm always skeptical of "Oh yea we just met somebody who was like come chill on our boat for 5 days" and "come stay with me for a few days and ride my new demo fleet". Is it just the nature of epic trips like this that people hear about it and are prepared/eager to help out and feel included in some way.

Can anybody explain this phenomenon? Are there meet-up apps in play? Again props to these guys on an awesome trip/feat - really just curious.
  • 16 0
 If I met these guys I would definetly take them riding, let them ride my spare bike, and stay at my place... anyone that want to ride in Belgium always welcome :p I guess there is alot of luck and if you dont get out there you will never get the oppertunity. Im also curious how they met the boating couple. Not having a fixed schedule and open mind definetly helps in those situations
  • 11 0
 @dutchforce: hi man, thanks for the invitation in Belgium! For the boat story, we just show up in a little village, who actually was a modern marina. A lot of American people sailing there, kind of "the best spot to hitchhike a boat"! So we just asked, and found! Probably lucky on that one... ????????
  • 37 1

You need to go travel. Perhaps you have a bunch already but I am guessing not much. Or at least not much in an unknown way. I have been really fortunate to have travelled a fair amount in my life. My Mum ended up in Canada through traveling the world in the mid1960's and definitely gave me the bug. Meeting people travelling that invite you in or out (for fun activities) is totally normal. I first went traveling at age 21(?) in late 1996. There were no apps for that then and the internet was still in its infancy. I mostly wrote letters home to friends and family. Apps are an extension of people: you can get taken advantage of through them or meet amazing new friends. Same thing existed before then. I have been to every continent except the really cold one. I always meet exceptionally nice people who invite me in. I hate the trope of Canadians being so nice. Its bullshit not because we are not nice but because most of the people in the world are nice.

As an example that will be appropriate for you (i looked at your profile), back in summer 2013 through summer 2014 I lived in Salt Lake City. I don't really care for, or use, social media. But I had no problem meeting people to MTB, back country ski, and rock climb with. I lOVED your city. And I think it ended up kind a little sweet on me too Wink .

The world is big, beautiful and full of mostly fantastic people. Don't let the a*sholes scare you off. Once you do you will be inviting travelling strangers in for the rest of your life.

Karma only works if we all agree to participate.
  • 9 0
 Just smile and say hi.
  • 4 0
 ... And stay in a hostel along the way. Lots of interesting fellow travelers that are almost always willing to share an adventure.
  • 3 0
 You might be surprised how generous people can be when you share the same passion. I have been extended hospitality when traveling with bike, so when I meet a like minded person/group traveling through without a good place to stay they are invited to surf my couch or camp in my yard
  • 6 0
 My buddy and I actually ran into these guys sizing up some jumps at Black Rock about 3 weeks ago. Definitely really cool guys, and not a wonder to see them get some help and guidance along the way. Gypsy vibes bring out the best in people.
  • 3 0
 @goffboy: Well said. It just happens really... At first you will be somewhat skeptical but the next day you'll be playing an extra in a colombian tv series about pirates! At least that's what happened to me, and I'm also not the most outgoing guy... get out and get lost
  • 1 0
 @dutchforce: agree. Mtbikers are some kind of the sick family. Impressively dysfunctional one but a family Big Grin
  • 3 2
 Life friends start with a simple question, "Do you have any weed?"
  • 1 0
 I have been around and I found that if you are a good person and you trust your instinct that good things and people will follow.
  • 2 0
 kinda like hitch hiking. like minded people will stop
  • 2 0
 Currently cycling from Alaska to Argentina, and it's unbelievable how many cool people will approach YOU. People see me cycling up the mountain they live on and will ask you: "Dude, what are you DOING here? Need a place to stay?"
  • 18 0
 Not sure how these guys are doing this with NO WATER BOTTLE MOUNTS! Oh the humanity!
  • 3 0
 True story. I'm never buying a bike without a trailer ever again.
  • 1 0
 Hi man!We are just using two 3L camelbacks in the paniers!! ;D
  • 15 0
 Damn that’s a long ride Eek
  • 1 0
 and from sea level...
  • 4 0
 And into the bloody wind!
  • 11 0
 Thanks evereybody, that's an amazing trip so far!! We have a facebook page call Into the Ride if you want to follow the end:
  • 9 0
 Amazing trip guys! Get in touch if you want a basement apartment to crash in for a couple nights in north vancouver.
  • 3 0
 That's amazing man, we appreciate that ! Hope we see you.
  • 7 0
 The McQueen photos are awesome. Enjoy the journey, still lots to see before Whistler. Squamish will probably captivate you guys for a while
  • 8 0
 Awesome post! It was fun camping with you guys in Santa Cruz. Glad to see you made it back safe!
  • 1 6
flag Joelukens00 (Jul 28, 2018 at 17:28) (Below Threshold)
 Do you really think that pointing out that you met them makes you special? Because I met them too and I was on their Instagram story
  • 2 0
 @Joelukens00: read what you posted, but slowly.
  • 4 0
 Pretty sure I passed these guys on the Sea to Sky highway just north of Squamish on Tuesday. It was unusual to see a bike with a trailer because the bike lane is pretty narrow at spots and their trailer was partly in the car lane. Hope their ride north from Van up to Whistler wasn't too hot - I guess they're used to 30C from Mexico - and they're enjoying the bike park now.
  • 8 0
 Yes that was probably us, we make it tuesday to Whisthler ! We just passed the afternoon in the lost Lake, and we will be riding the bike park for dew days now... Happy end !! Big Grin
  • 1 0
 @IntoTheRide: Congrats guys! Enjoy a few cold ones :-)
  • 6 1
 My niece just got the training wheels off here bike. Im gonna read this article to her so she can get stoked for future adventures.
  • 15 6
 training wheels should be banned. Stride bikes get your kids riding better and quicker.
  • 3 0
 @rrolly: Agreed, they only train kids how not to balance.
  • 3 0
 @rrolly: Yeah, except for my son never showed any interest in his balance bike and wanted pedals like everyone else. Now he loves to ride with his training wheels but can't balance to save his life...luckily I'm not making him learn on the Rampage site, so not literally. I'm thinking about taking off his drive train for a week to make his bike a balance bike and make him pass a feet-up cone weaving test before I give a him his crank back.
So much for him being the next Jackson Goldstone... Frown
  • 7 0
 @rrolly: To each there own. My kids were not fans of the stride bikes - we tried 3 types. Put training wheels on and they would cruise around the patio for hours. Start raising the training wheels off the ground and they started to figure out the balance thing. Go figure once they could ride a bike they loved the stride bikes. Your not wrong and I am not right, just different strokes for different folks. So long as kids are riding is there really a wrong way to learn?
  • 5 0
 @DJK12: Touché
  • 1 0
 @rrolly: Imo the earlier kids get onto bikes be it even with training wheels the better because that way they can learn to coast and pedal whist standing, which leads to earlier pumping skills.

(Disclaimer: don't have kids, never taught a kid to ride, completely typing out my ass)
  • 3 0
 @DJK12: "You're not wrong, and I'm not right"
Best sentence I've read in months.
If only humanity could grasp this concept.
  • 2 0
 @gilby82: Good idea. I did the same to one of my kids. Make it fun for them though. Puts some treats on the line for each accomplishment and laugh lots. Riding bikes and laughter, recipe for riding for life.
  • 6 0
 You crazy french bastards!! Super impressive and you guys go huge! Good stuff.
  • 3 0
 A bike packer is travelling around Australia, when he come to Belanglo State Forest NSW he comes across a guy named Ivan who tells him he knows a secret mint track and will show him the way. Entering into the forest the bike packer says,
"Wow, it eery in here isn't it?"
To which Ivan replied,
"How do you think I feel, I have to walk out of here alone."
  • 2 0
 Sounds like a serial killer story. Is this a warning?
  • 3 0
 @Beez177: Narh, not a warning just dark humour.
  • 2 0
 You guys are hilarious, it's good to see that kind of spirit. Everyone gets caught up in thinking trips like this are too dangerous, myself included. Looking forward to the next article and how your "send it" training pays off!
  • 1 0
 Trip of a lifetime boys! Live it up!! I've been lucky enough to have traveled around BC quite a bit without an agenda and an open mind. Met tons of cool peeps and rode the goods. Its really shaped my life and I continue to seek and share these types of experiences. Ride on!!
  • 3 0
 This whole story made me smile about as big as you can. Please keep us updated on this.......awesome trip and story!
  • 1 0
 Thanks man !! We update our facebook page : www.facebook.com/Int0TheRide
  • 4 0
 Met these two in Santa Cruz at Cycle Works.
  • 2 0
 Yeah man !!
  • 3 0
 When are you getting to whistler? I will buy you as many beers as you can drink
  • 1 0
 Haha nice one! Here we are, and we will stay for a week at least Big Grin
  • 1 0
 Galbraith Mountain! You're in my stomping grounds... There hasn't been enough rain to settle the dust this summer... but what an amazing adventure!
  • 2 1
 Interesting trip, glad to see survived roads of Mexico & got to do some mountain biking a long the way!
Socal microbru is well worth trying at least a few!
  • 3 0
 That's Awesome sitting in my office in Buffalo NY very jealous!!!
  • 3 0
 Crazy French ! The portable jump omg !
  • 1 0
 9000km road on enduro bikes with all the luguages and a f*cking ramp ?!
  • 3 0
 Oh man so great. That headwind photo is inspiring
  • 1 0
 That is one of the best adventures I've heard of! I'm glad you were able to ride Black Rock, perhaps if you get the chance you'll session Alsea Falls too sometime.
  • 1 0
 They just closed Alsea falls. It was way too dangerous and stupid
  • 1 0
 This is the way to travel -- wandering for new friendships and adventure, all ren. This is beautiful, boys. Ride to the ride.
  • 2 0
 Vous êtes bienvenus si vous passez sur la Sunshine Coast; c’est juste à côté de Squish...
  • 2 0
 Trop cool merci ! On pense aller quelques jours a Robert Creeks, on a un ami la-bas mais on te tient au courant quand on est dans le coin !
  • 1 0
 That was trully an epic journey. Great to see you guys riding our local trails in Tijuana amd hanging with the budz. Saludos!
  • 1 1
 Mon dieu! I would worry about the Narceaux these days -glad you made it through SoCal. Cool to see my town in the shots - bon chance!!!
  • 4 1
 26 aint dead for sure.
  • 4 1
 You bet! His good old 26 inch wheel will make about 4 million revolutions on their way to Whistler.
  • 2 0
 And I suffer to make 3 hours on a bike on saturdays jajajajaja
  • 1 0
 Bravo les frangins.

Oh, à propos, "les rues les plus raides (pentues)" ---> "steepest streets", pas "stiffest".
  • 1 0
 would have been 8.97% more efficient on a 29er...just sayin.
Hahahaha! what an awesome journey!
  • 2 0
 so they started in october and are finishing now? 9 months??
  • 2 0
 Exactly, 6 months in Mexico, 3 months in US and 1 month in Canada now.
  • 2 0
 Isn't PB HQ in Squamish? They should let these guys crash there!
  • 1 0
 Over used but the words fits here. Epic adventure. The ramp trailer is brilliant.
  • 1 0
 Fade to Black shouldn't be a stretch after that drop in Mexico City... doh
  • 1 0
 I remember the bike packer story about the guy traveling in Mexico they found burnt to death. No thanks
  • 1 0
 Those full faces are catchn some big air on the front..maybe turn them or cover them...? Sick adventure!
  • 1 0
 Yo Yo ! This is GR8! Nice foto-report. Good job guys and good luck for the rest of the journey.
  • 1 0
 You both are living a great life! Keep up the sends!
  • 1 0
 looking for a place to happen, making stops along the way
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 ya super sweet
  • 1 0
 I'm in Bellingham and have a spare room for these guys!
  • 1 0
 ok thanks
  • 1 0
 This is awesome! Safe travels
  • 1 0
 Awesome guys, if you need a guide in Pemberton hit me up!
  • 2 0
 Mentalists. Love it!
  • 1 0
 At the pace they're going, I may see them in Whistler next week!
  • 1 0
 nah just spend the money on expensive bikes
  • 1 0
 Two words: Hell yeah
  • 1 0
 Wtf! Awesome trip guys
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Crazy french guys !
  • 1 0
 Don't be racist Frown
  • 1 0
 Gros respect !
  • 1 0
 I love this story!
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