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Training With Brandon

Brandon warms up then goes for a spin up to the trails.


  • + 59
 let me be the first to say VOD
  • + 20
 That was awesome. lol I like the TLD Moped helmet.
  • + 11
 that was so legit! does he rally too?!
  • + 6
 awesome video...
Brandon is a biking GOD!
and now hes a rally car driver too? Razz VOD
  • + 7
 Epicccccc VOD
  • + 7
 Ya, really awesome video!!!tup
  • + 25
 Corsair, I thought you said those moped helmets were gay? But hey, whatever gets that prop average up......

Sick vid and helmet btw
  • + 3
 soo sickk must be VOD
  • + 3
 VOD for sure!
  • + 6
 omg! that was sick, esspecially the rally section. haha sweet.
  • + 15
 nice litlle 03 wrx
  • + 13
 Fricking throwing down as usual, that cork flip was gigantic!
  • + 4
 Sick riding and sick video especially the gnar flip lol but seriously why does he always look so pale and what knee pads is he waring under his freakishly tight jeans that are small enough that he is able to get blood to the bottom of his legs, its a miracle that his lower legs haven't had to be amputated yet because of poor to no blood circulation through them lol
  • + 6
 Dear god, wouldn't it be awesome to be him...lucky kid.
  • + 0
 such a mean vid
  • + 7
 Editing. 10/10
Quality of Filming 10/10
Riding 12/10.

just wow really. wow. the way he stomped that last indian down was insane :O
  • + 2
 wasn't expecting that backflip at 1:48! Sweet VOD!
  • - 5
flag je-sus (Nov 6, 2009 at 4:11) (Below Threshold)
 If you guys like this video, check out this one! www.pinkbike.com/video/108111
  • + 1
 Love the camera shot under the car !!
  • + 22
 nah, i think he'd make a better scrabble player personally
  • + 4
 Amazingly smooth riding as always from Brandon but he forgot to turn his engine off - rookie error. Razz
  • + 1
 so sick thats cool!
  • + 2
 he has such a good life..
  • + 2
 sweet av got the same trainers as Semenuk
  • + 5
 i want his life
  • + 4
 tight jeans are the way to go. fuck regular jeans.
  • - 2
 he didnt turn his engine off because he shuttled it and needed someone to drive his car back down lol
  • + 5
 8 posts up ^-- the only problem i could think of Brandon having a problem with being a scrabble player, is when the old folks argue with him that the word "Shredding" is not a verb Salute
  • + 1
 siiiick stuff. i thought he had a silver subaru tho. (i remember the article when he got his JBL speaks put in)
  • + 1
 best video on pinkbike coastal crew are sick
  • + 3
 that is his rally car, he has a white 08-09 subaru wrx for just regular drving
  • + 1
 semenuk is a fucking mad man
  • + 1
 That was intense towards the end! The guy keeps so much speed, and flows so nice! POD Big Grin
  • + 8
 Brandon is so dialed. Pro MTB rider, up and coming rally car driver...what next?
Awesome clip guys!
  • + 1
 Couldn't agree more! Love watching this guy ride, so clean and he goes so big!
  • - 3
 I agree with Spoiledgoods he would give pastrana a run for his money Razz
  • + 10
 No. Pastrana owns. Ken Block dominates.
  • + 3
 indeed, hes a master biker, but no one beats those 2 cirus boys
  • + 1
 ohhh no look flip was INSANE
  • - 1
 Ken block is a made for TV rally driver pastrana is a little better but if you wanna see a real rally driver its all about Valentino Rossi
  • - 3
 are you serious? how many rallies has rossi won? Brandon needs to stick to riding as he aint no rally driver!
  • + 1
 do you think Brandon seriously thinks he's a rallly driver? he's just goin for a rip up to the trails, I see no problem with that, he never claimed to be a good driver, you retards here just start shit then beak him for no reason.
  • - 2
 expat.... Rossi has won as many WRC races as Pastrana or block and rally America races don't count for shit.. Of course Brandon dose not think hes a rally driver... it was obviously just for fun and it was rad. All Im saying is that block and Pastrana are not all that good when compared to any WRC driver.
  • + 0
 i'm well aware that brandon was only having fun, and good on him. i was finding it very funny how the younger members among us were thinking it was awesome driving and comparing him to two mediocre rally drivers (way better than i could ever dream to be though!) Rossi has never won a round of the WRC and neither has Block or Pastrana and probably never will, but you never know....
  • + 2
 guys, guys. i love subaru, and judging from the video, Brandon does too, its all in good fun, he has 2, his bassed out road one, and that upgraded black one. I wanna ripe around in a wicked rally car too, doesn;t mean im a pro, im just a fan having fun. lets keep the positives goin
  • + 2
 Nice arguing boys. Big Grin
Did he put his bike onto the rear spoiler of his car,i mean that shot taken under the car.
Because subarus boot is a bit small,and neither did he had any bike holder.
Actually,rossi can't drive shit,just because he was in wrc,doesn't mean he can drive better than Pastrana or Block.And Block has entered the WRC world,we'll see how is he actually driving,compared to the other WRC drivers.
  • + 4
 Those pants made him look like a 12 year old girl tearing up the trails. Driving was fun to watch but definitely not rally speeds.
  • + 5
 fuuuuuukkkkkkkkinnnnnnnn MONEY! wow i wanna live on the coast
  • + 1
 i think he might not make that good of a rally driver, maybe the white impreza got put to its death in the mountains of B.C maybe thats why hes got this whip? all and all the biking is awesome
  • + 2
 driving down a straight dirt road is considered rally now?
Get that thing sideways a bit... and the little powerslide in the video doesnt count.
  • + 1
 Those helmets make me think of Charlie Brown video.yahoo.com/watch/4383933/11761619 personally I think they are pretty goofy looking.

Nice riding though, loving those trails and the way he rides them.
  • + 4
 wow gay ass fucking helmet nice riding
  • + 3
 I was hoping that style of helmet was gonna die with Robbie Bourdons career..but when you kill it like that you can wear what ever lid you want
  • + 4
 ha! i found it! SONG: Colour - Grafton Primary
  • + 3
 He makes it look so easy it almost aggravates me!
  • + 3
 man didn't knw he can drive too haha.that barrel roll was so dialed
  • + 2
 I was about to ask how the hell his bike fit in the little Suby but remembered that it probably doesn't have rear seats.
  • + 2
 Sorry.... nice vid but cant take anyone serious who wears their jeans that tight..
  • + 0
  • + 2
 You also ride bmx? these pants must be spray painted on heh
  • + 2
 Really really enjoyed this one... VOD
  • + 1
 Everything about that video was great except the skinny jeans. They need to go away...soon.
  • + 2
 so jealous of thats guys life Razz
  • + 1
 Awesome biking, SWEET car (one of my favs) to bad it wasn't the STi haha, SICK VIDEO.
  • + 1
 The quality is unbelievable.
What 35mm adapter are you using?
Or did you shoot DSLR? :0
  • + 1
 I do believe it was filmed on a 7D.
  • + 1
 hot damn! that was off the hook! the flip at 147 is officially the most stylish flip i have seen EVER!
  • + 1
 that backflip at 1:47 was so lazy and clean! looked sick! sick car and driving but i hate those helmets
  • + 1
 VOD very soon. great riding and driving. hes definetly got a great life ahead of him
  • + 2
 wow he has so much style!
  • + 1
 he has TREK REMEDY SLOPESTYLE custom build! Smile
ohhh by the way! he,car,riding--AWESOME
  • + 2
 thanks Big Grin
  • + 1
 How many STi's does that kid have! ive seen him drive 3 diffrent ones now!.
  • + 2
 The 80's called and want their jeans back!
  • + 2
 holy crap brandon haha your killing it man. hopefully see you soon!
  • + 1
 just wow. lol good riding
  • + 1
 semanuk is a freak of nature. that kid just throws down anything at will
  • + 1
 Ace fucking vid, mates. That wrx is fantastic. One lucky man.
  • + 1
 VOD!!!! i love the helmet... haha very nice work guys
  • + 1
 the helmet is discusting
  • + 1
 any idea what knee pads he uses could be?
  • + 1
 He uses 661 EVO knee pads.
  • + 1
 cheers man
  • + 1
 He'd make a good bike check article.
  • + 1
 god damn amazing. Great work behind the camera and in front of it!!!
  • + 1
 brandons like a theme park ride, fucking mental!
  • + 1
 SSSOOOOHOHOHOOOO smooth sick vid that cork flip was immense
  • + 1
 ok this is a true video and it has amazing editing and good!!!!
  • + 1
 whats up with the helmet its pretty mank
  • + 1
 subaru's and mountain bikes....... did i die ? is this heaven ?
  • + 1
 thats gotta be the best way to get to ur trails rally there AWSOME
  • + 1
 I thought he had that 2009 WRX from the JBL Projekt..
  • + 1
 does. he has two cars. the white is for regular driving.
  • + 1
  • + 0
 insane riding, insane filming, and man he can drive that car Wink
that flip was huge! epic VOD!!
  • + 1
 filming was great, the vid was meh
  • + 1
 here you go!
Colour - Grafton Primary
Big Grin
  • + 1
 I bet he has a turbo timer thus seeming like he didn't turn his car off.
  • + 2
 Child of style
  • + 1
 That helmet looks really comfy, any clue on what brand its based on?
  • - 1
  • + 1
 Where is the last part of riding at.
  • - 1
 his nwd part was a big BAD surprise, was hoping for an mind blowing video part by him, but it was just sooo lame! even this edit was more interesting than nwd! sucks
  • + 2
 what song was that
  • + 1
 sooooooooooo sick!!!! defo VOD
  • + 2
 sweet vid!
  • + 1
 one of the best videos i have seen on pinkbike
  • + 1
 hes at Roberts Creek near Vancouver!
  • + 1
 bet this will be VOD 2maro...
  • + 1
 i was right... yahh
  • + 1
 what a video glad it was vod
  • + 1
 whos suby was he driving.... his is white?
  • + 1
 has a white for regular driving. black for rally. two cars. both sick. wish i was him? yuup
  • + 1
 yesssssssssssss for sure a vod
  • + 1
 VOD for sure. nice job guys. tup
  • + 1
 speechless !!!!!!!!!
  • + 1
 ^^ Semenuk**
  • + 1
 helllla sickkk
  • + 0
 sick i like the rally car in progress
  • + 1
  • + 1
 I've been there
  • + 1
 what bike does he have ?
  • + 1
  • + 0
 What is the name of the song?
  • + 1
 VOD tomorrow lol
  • + 1
 that was fantastic
  • + 1
 WOW! Smile
  • + 1
  • + 1
 what car does he drive?
  • + 1
 why sweden needs to catch up! Subaru Impreza WRX (WORKS). Japanese company that along with some euro brands dominates the rally scene.
  • + 1
 what a life
  • + 1
 super sick! VOD!
  • + 1
 Jizz , In , My , Pants .
  • + 0
 SICK VOD !!! I Love Scooby's
  • + 0
 gay helmet, and where did put his bike in the rally car
  • + 1
 song ?
  • + 1
 what song? Great vid.
  • + 1
 sick vid
  • + 1
 sick ,good tune
  • + 1
  • + 0
 driving bike sucks Razz but this subaru was nice tup
  • + 1
 so sick
  • + 1
 fastest uplift ever
  • + 1
 so sick semenuk rulez
  • + 1
 super stylish!
  • + 1
 great rider!!
  • + 0
 Go Brandon!That was sick!Lovin the Rally Car part!It was awesome!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 now thats V.O.D. Wink
  • + 0
 and props to the skinniness of his jeans Wink
  • + 0
 whats the song please anyone??
  • + 0
 thats a nice schoobaroo!
  • + 0
 great camera angles
  • + 0
 Thanx Tilx Smile
  • - 1
 best vod i've seen sick riding and driving
  • + 0
 trek 4 lyf!
  • + 0
 this is sick Smile
  • - 1
 sick helmet from troy lee
  • + 0
 what bike is he on?
  • - 13
flag jamesm2010 (Nov 6, 2009 at 2:27) (Below Threshold)
 Looks like an 06 kona bike not sure what model though :S
  • + 8
 Trek Remedy slopestyle custom for him
  • - 3
 hes good at rally!
  • + 1
 thats not rally. thats back road driving. takes practice. but you won't see him racing anytime soon.
  • - 2
 next rally champ? VOD
  • + 4
 If going fast down a straight road is your idea of rallying, then yes, he will become the next champ.
  • + 12
 All you kids thinking he can drive pretty much goes to show how little any of you know about driving. First beginner mistake Brandon makes is driving one handed with the other paw on the shifter. No professional race driver does that, it's plain unsafe. As for going down a dirt road fast, yeah give any idiot an open road and a car and I'm pretty much sure he'll be able to do the same.
  • + 1
  • + 3
 m47h13u i respect that u know what ur talking about and obvisly i was wrong but coiler66 that road looks about as staight as u
  • + 2
 m47. totally agree dude, he aint no rally driver, some of the guys on here need to see some proper WRC drivers in action rather seeing the X Games lot prance about in a stadium. Pastrana and Block are good, Loeb, Gronholm, the late great McRae and many others would wipe the floor with them
  • + 3
 again, Brandon never claimed to be a rally driver. he was just goin for a rip up to the trails, no problem wiht that, you guys here just start talkin shit out of nowhere
  • + 1
 just putting the kids right!
  • - 2
 same shoes as me!!!!!!
  • - 2
 the parts with the sube drifting was so tight!
  • + 0
 definatly not drifting, powerslidings the word
  • + 0
 yeah i know, but drifting sounds better than "powersliding"
  • - 1
 #1 human ever
  • + 5
 hes definitely not human:P
  • - 1
 props great filming
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