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Bike Drifting at its Best

These kids have it dialed in when it comes to bike drifting.


  • + 12
 Tell you what...If he lost it and hit my car parked on the street there - I'd be pissed.
  • + 10
 How do they do that? Do they put oil on the tires or something? It's pretty hard to break traction like that on a normal bike.
  • + 4
 yeah I have no idea... looks like there are white marks left by the tires on the street... don't know what that is. cool vid though.
  • + 1
 I thinks its sand on the roads.
  • + 1
 im thinking they put vaseline on their tires.. Razz
  • - 1
 i think it's KY
  • + 11
 good vid but not vod...

no more good street or dirt vods on pinkbike?

  • - 12
flag andrextr (Oct 21, 2008 at 14:00) (Below Threshold)
 a street or dirt vod can never be good, sorry... lolz
  • + 9
 video sucks... what about dirt jumping or downhill for vod. the stuff that actually matters
  • + 4
 All you stuck-up haters of this VOD need to pull your heads outta yo asses!

I watched this with the sound off as its late and I thought it was legendary (in a pseudo cool kinda way), it would take quite a bit of skill to do as well.

Its nice to have a different VOD showing how people in other countries without access to dogs-bollocks bikes can still have fun on 2 wheels - that guy would show you all up on a muddy dh course!
  • + 1
 well said. props to the fellas, there having a good time. all that matters
  • + 8
  • + 3
 complete fu*king sh*t, why would you up load a fu*king video like that?
that sound track is just WANK,

like ym friend said, why the hell has a video with shit sound, shit editingm shit filming, and genreally crappy riding get vod. this makes me want to deleat my acctount and skull f*ck the ****s who made it.

BTW skidding around corners isnt drifting, i used to do that when i was seven, grow up
  • + 5
 I take shits that are worth more than this video. If you guys want to waste time like this guy put soap on your road and hold the brakes.
  • + 3
 True, not as exciting as watching somebody hucking over the side of a cliff, in perfect light just before sunset, on top of a hand-made DH rig. Maybe this was a joke. But, just for a second, put the assumption that this is a joke video aside for a moment. Show me something sick and amazing from a kid in Iraq or Somalia, where access to $3,000+ bikes is, let's just say, less frequent. You have to get pretty creative with less to do more in that situation--it forces you to make the most of what you have. It's one thing to POD and prop downhill and FR folks with groomed courses, 8" of travel, and access to spare parts. It's a whole other accomplishment to do something memorable with a *hitbike, no support, and making the most of the elements around you.
  • + 7
 why is this the vod
  • + 4
 There are hundred's of websites out there with stupid video's like this on it. Why have it as VOD on pinkbike? What a waste of space. It isn't even funny.
  • - 2
 because you like men george!!
  • + 4
 all they do is put petrol/oil on there tyres, ive tried it before, theres no skill in pouring something onto your tyre then pedalling. is there ?
  • + 5
 this is like the arab burnout video but not hillarious
  • + 2
 im not sure if i should be stoked for the fag drifting or his sick bike. haha thats a bunk VOD but props to that kid, prolly cost him a grand to get that bike imported over enemy lines
  • + 5
 sh*t music and this is NOT A VOD
  • + 6
 not vod worthy at all
  • + 5
 how many tires would he get through in a year!?
  • + 6
 hahahahaha awesome
  • + 1
 howw????? and why would u want to
  • + 3
 they must have major flat spots, probably what helps them wheel spin so much Smile
  • + 0
 u only just worked that out?
  • + 0
 no i worked it out a month and one day ago Big Grin
  • + 4
 This is one of the "GAYEST" vod ever put on pinkbike!!!
  • + 4
 agreed that was shit. What is it with the terrible VODs lately???
  • + 5
 Pinkbike gone bottom
  • + 2
 worst vod ive ever seen! people do crazy tricks and awesome editting then few lads pedal fast and do a few skids or "drifts" then they get VOD!
  • + 0
 WOW, im so stoked, im well up for riding now, just the sort of inspiration that the film makers of the bike industry today cant even get close too...... Harlets on granny bikes doing stem- shag skids should most cetainly NOT be VOD! simple. Smile
  • + 5
 Wast of time..
  • + 0
 Haha, nice. To all of you who thought you were wasting your time watching this... do you honestly think posting negative and pointless comments was any less wasteful? How many of you faeries can even get close to that anyways (assuming it's for real)?
  • + 3
 are you serious that is so stupid especially for VOD VIDEO OF THE DAY PEOPLE!!!!!!!
  • + 3
 nice but ... are many vids better ... in my opinion not Vod
  • + 4
  • + 1
 ....If you guys want to waste time like this guy put soap on your road and hold the brakes.... SO THATS HOW YOU DO IT OMG WOWZ..jk
  • + 3
 thers been some shit vods latly
  • + 2
 omg me n why u lost ur time to do that buy a bike and ride it men common this is a piece of shit .
  • + 1
 yo tht is hurting its a couple stinky hindus riding shitt bikes around there sandy streets this shouldnt be vod not sick enough
  • + 1

"YO Hamid it's Friday night get yer Schwinn and let's go driftin fo shizzle"

Comedy Gold Jerry !
  • + 3
 Frown WTF!! this is shit not VOD!
  • + 1
 to me it seems that they get very often big sand storms... really thin sand... and than the roads are getting crazy slick and slippery
  • + 3
 that was so gay two shit vods in a row
  • + 4
  • + 2
 who the fuck picks vod's coz should be shot thats two this week that shouldnt have been here
  • + 1
 Maybe you should be shot too. I'll wager every cent to my name you've done something like this before too... or are you stupid enough to consider yourself flawless?
  • + 0
 yer i have skided around corners (when i was like 7/Cool but that not the point vod is for something specail like a fat off huck or a sesion down the loacal ramps or some thing along thoses lines!!!. ok not every thing is to every ones taste but this is a pile of wank look at how many comment say its not vod worthy

quote SavageMountainAnimal comment

"I was expecting this to be something amazing, instead I just wasted a while 110 seconds of my life."

96 props at the point of writeing this so the majority dont like it so dingodave i ant flawless this is just a pile of shit
  • - 1
 And so because all you whinny bitches had to open your mouths over something this insignificant (ooooooh big word) that means that whoever chose this for VOD should be shot? Like I said.... maybe you should be shot too. Right? Sounds fair'nough to me.
  • + 3
 crap,vod for that f*king pice of sh*t
  • + 2
 COMMON PEOPLE!! like yea its cool oh wow a bunch of kids doing skids on their bikes, but pod i dont think so
  • + 1
 toooo right...its kool but not amazing..
you rekon there's like greece or someting on the ground that helps em do that??
  • + 1
 how the fuck is that vod it is so fucking shit vod should be some 5 year opld doing a fucking tailwhip or backflip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 0
 Why? Is that the only thing you want to see done on a bike?
  • + 0
 no im just saying that drifting a bike is shit i could do that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  • + 0
 Then make a video and you too could have the VOD... point is there's still plenty of other videos out there for you to enjoy if you want to see toddlers throwing themselves around with no regards for the outcome.
  • + 0
 so u are saying you would rather watch this that watch 5year olds doing flips wips 720s if u ask me i would find that more interresting !!!!
  • + 0
 I'd be seriously concerned for that 5 yo's spinal cord. I don't think a kid that age has the musculature and coordination to throw a flip or a whip. It would sure suck to be paraplegic by the age of 5...
  • + 1
 HES RIDING A GIRLS BIKE HEHE and that guys going to need a tire sponser for sure
  • + 2
 hahah thats so dope and looks amazingly fun but you like a tool doing it
  • + 0
 that was just fucking stupid.. theres gotta be a better video out there.. not vod.. may have been cool but not vod. idiots with camras
  • + 0
 Seriously guys i get that this can be kinda funny to watch and all but how tha hell does something like this get VOD? This honestly f*cked up mt whole day..
  • - 1
 Seriously? Honestly? That's weak... b****h.
  • + 1
 this is one of the best vods iv ever seen i dont care what anyone says thats awsome ..im doing that
  • + 0
 i was laughing, but not that great of a vod though. i drift on the snow in winter and it helps improve balance and controll so much.
  • + 2
  • + 2
 the new compition called bike drifting
  • + 2
 shittest vod ever fukin gays with nothing better to do
  • + 1
 i second that comment shit as hela
  • + 2
 wank VOD sorry but true Wink
  • + 0
 good to see when your in charge you don't have to follow rules? whatever happened to it has to be your video?

good to see theirs corruption everywhere now.
  • + 2
 give me my time back >_>
  • + 2
 this is shit how is it vod ?!?!?!?!?!?! tell me !!!
  • + 1
 wtf im serious lets get a good VOD up here. give me neg. props i dont care but thats not POD worthy !!!
  • + 0
 totally agreed! it's cool, but not impressive
  • + 2
 i will actully try tmoro lol, not vod worthy but crazzy lol
  • + 2
 and none of you guys can lol

no my Frown
  • + 2
 *nor me
  • + 3
 is this a goddamn joke?
  • - 1
 Yes, yes it is a joke. And that's very perceptive of you. It is humorous because it is ironic. You see, the mispelling, the bikes, the bad soundtrack, the apparent poverty of the riders, all of these contribute to the intended humor of this video. This movie is humorous when shared because it was originally intended to be impressive, but we westerners can look at it and laugh at the above mentioned elements. Very perceptive of you.
  • + 1
 i don't think its very humorous to laugh about a couple kids living in poverty with nothing to ride and to have to resort to doing skids everywhere. I appreciate that this does take skill to a certain extent and that they are making the best of what they have. Pinkbike is a website designed to showcase good riding and riding lifestyle and particularly the VOD is put in place to commend good riding and good editing of such riding. What i meant when i said this was a joke was that the video does not really satisfy the criteria for VOD in my opinion and it is also my opinion that it should not be VOD. I'm simply expressing my point of view.. Don't hate
  • - 1
 It's hilarious. Your standard sucks.
  • + 1
 my standard? what are you even on about mate?
  • + 1
 he is from america wot do you expect :L
  • + 2
 there have been so many gay vods latley this is the gayest
  • + 0
 the driftn is cool by how the hell did this get VOD?!?!?!
me and my mates cnt even get it and we spend ages filmn and editn and then shit videos lik this get VOD?? WTF!!!
  • + 0
 what the hell is this doing as the vod..there are so many better videos out there and they have riding that some of us would actually like to watch..
  • + 2
 Pretty much the worst VOD
  • + 1
 these kids watched tokyo drift and wanted to try it but there to you so they did on bike but it was good
  • + 1
 that's not even funny
  • + 3
  • + 0
 Some of you guys need to chill out. yeh it ant ya normal vod style but is summit different made me laugh, to be honest looks like fun
  • + 2
  • + 3
 thats a big shit.lol
  • + 2
 LOL^^ one question..What name is the song?
  • + 2
 Dj Aligator - The Whistle Song

Dj Aligator is from Denmark Frown
  • + 3
 wat a joke !
  • + 2
 music is not music is SHIT!
  • + 1
 thats shitr do the sport properly
  • + 1
 fucking boolshit nothing to be on this page!!!
  • + 1
 hahah wtf? how do they do that???
  • + 1
 That does not deserve vod it was rubbish.
  • + 2
  • + 1
 OMG wt the hell is up wid pinkbike and ther choices for vod and pod man
  • + 0
 I for one, would rather see this guy in person than some other douche doing the one millionth backflip i have seen..
  • + 0
 nice vid it must be funky to ride a bike , but I also think it shouldn't be VOd
  • + 1
 wat type of tires r those i want a pair
  • + 1
 God Damn lebs and their crazy drifts
  • + 1
 gayest vod ever go waste someone elses time
  • + 2
 wow...Bad vod...
  • + 1
 I just wasted 110 seconds of my life! Its bloody crazy!
  • + 1
 this is vod material for true!
  • + 0
 hahaha unique/cool, but pretty lame for a VOD. but its still somewhat interesting
  • + 1
 What else are the japanese going to drift
  • + 1
 man thats a load of shit... music and vid
  • + 1
 look u gotta admit...what they're doing is pretty god dam sick...
  • - 1
 Shitty VOD. Sometimes I just can't understand how can they give the title of VOD to this kind of videos. Props to the rider although
  • + 1
 that was a fucking complete waste of time should'nt have been vod
  • + 1
 it shouldnt have been vod but u gotta admit its pretty cool
  • + 0
 mmmhhhmm. ok i guess thats cool. But i guess i got used to the dj and dh vids for vods
  • - 1
 that sucked tremendous amounts of balls, their streets are really lightly paved so they do that in their cars as well, youtube only in saudi and you see what i mean
  • + 1
 shitty vod cant bilive this is VOD
  • + 1
 wow so gay i cant believe tht got VOD
  • + 1
 how is this even possible?
  • + 1
 What made it slip soo much
  • + 1
 haha who was the one who chose this? so lame!
  • + 1
 i gotta say, thats one thing the pros from crankworx cant do...
  • + 1
 i tried the burnout bit on grass and nearly got it
  • + 2
 fucking peice of shit.
  • + 1
 A better name for this video would be "Cock Sucking At It's Best" !
  • + 2
 how...could this be vod?
  • + 0
 how do u drift with bikes. can someone made a vid to hows people how to do it. looks kinda funn
  • + 0
 sik how u do that bit borin tho shud of driflted rnd loads of corners b wel gd
  • + 0
 I guess it's a joke VOD Smile
  • + 0
 lol, nobody has a sense of humor.
  • + 0
 thts sooo kl i want to be able to do tthtt
  • + 0
 thats cool but the tire's must be bald to do that.
  • + 0
  • + 1
  • + 0
 wow, that was shit. he must spend THOUSANDS on tires each year
  • + 0
 wow anything better than this is good!
  • + 0
 kinda funny but VOD hell no
  • + 0
 shit vod it was so point less
  • + 0
 hahah really shit vod come on pink bike get some good ones
  • + 0
 That is some funny stuff, i wish I could do that!
  • + 0
...How many tires do you go through in a day? Smile Frown
  • + 0
 WOW that was UNCOOL LMAO!!! why vod ????
  • + 0
 this is not bad but defenetly not a vod i dont see how it is..
  • + 0
 WHAT A f*ck IS THIS^??????? CRAZY
  • + 0
 that kid must have some strong legs
  • + 0
 it got vod because of the song.
  • + 1
 Why is this vod?
  • + 0
 funny but who the fuck! would make it vod lol wow...
  • + 0
 how do u do that are there like special tires of some sort?
  • + 1
 how das he do that
  • + 0
 this is the worst vod that has ever been played
  • + 0
 this is hilerios good vid
  • + 0
 that is the fukin shitest vod ever
  • + 0
 except for one that was the wprst quility and was like 7 seconds...................gay
  • + 1
 Not special video:SFrown
  • + 0
 i do not likeFrown not vod!!!1
  • - 1
 lol how do they just slidee its like there on icee! haha! crazyyy probs not pod worthy tho :/ but funny Big Grin
  • + 0
 what the hell thats crazy
  • + 1
 can they even bunny hop?
  • + 0
 wtf i thought u couldnt get vod if u didnt have a helmet on.
  • + 1
 waste of my time and vod
  • + 0
 worst vod
even though that is preety cool

  • + 1
 naaa blud it wazz wickedd
  • + 0
 ohhh emmm geee ?! wtf is that ?! BORED !
  • + 0
 how is this a vod !!!!!!!!
  • + 0
 haha its pretty funny but i have no idea why its VOD.
  • + 1
 Who votesthe VOD's?
  • + 0
 this kid is looking for tire sponsor...
  • + 0
 now lets see sam hill drift like that ahahahaha
  • + 0
 Stop comparing this dumbshit with Sam Hill. This video stinks and should NOT be VOD. Come on mods, you really thought we would like this? Seriously the music sucks so hard!!! Whatever, I hope next VOD will be so great that I will forgive Pinkbike.
  • + 0
  • + 0
 fuck yea ccm bikes kicks ass
  • + 1
 omg Frown
  • + 0
 I think it was better than yesterdays VOD..Anyone?
  • + 1
 holy crap there good
  • + 1
 thats a waste of a vod
  • + 1
  • + 0
 i dig how he is on a woman's frame, think he puts something on the tire?
  • + 3
 this guy is the champ, I wish I could do that, I think I saw this kid on youtube before he got this new pimped out bike hes ridin now. Someone must have seen him shreding then gave him a strait up sponsorship.
  • + 1
 ye cos if i skid or drift black stuff comes off my tire so there must be something on it. or he has a real hard compund. at first i thought he had those funny little things that you can put on skate boards that slide real easy but they make sparks so it cant be that
  • + 0
 xaxaxa nice ridin or maybe drifting Big Grin Big Grin
  • + 1
 wow lol
  • - 2
 i cracked up so hard over this video. the 'funky' music went wit the 'funky' drifting. A whole video dedicated to drifting. Thats a classic!!!!!!! POD worthy!!!!!
  • + 2
  • + 1
 very cool
  • + 0
 araby wszystko umiejÄ…... beznadzieja...
  • + 1
 how u do that?
  • + 1
 fukin freakz Razz
  • + 0
 That is the best video i have ever seen! MAD MAD PROPS!
  • + 1
 ah ha ha lol
  • - 1
 if the chain left was one spreads!(bad english)
força nas canetas!!
the real street biker!!:p
  • + 0
 HAHAHA! so funny! Nice bike!
  • + 0
 thats intense and the drifts are actually good
  • + 1
 wtf is up with the song?
  • + 1
  • - 2
 this is so easy i tried it today after seeing this video any retard can do it this queer just practiced more
  • - 2
 this vid is the height of gay. No one else find out this amazing bike travesty when they were like 6 aswell?
  • - 1
 this vid is gay and probably makes kids go wow which sucks!!!!!
  • - 1
 gay, didn't even watch the whole thing
  • + 0
 what the f*ck was that
  • - 1
 k y is that gay shit the vidoe of the day?
  • - 1
 hahahaha omg AWESOME VOD !!!!
  • + 0
 thats umm..... diffrent
  • + 0
 Yeah, whatever.
  • - 2
 dude his tyres must hav no grip at all to do crap like that either that they're made of slippery plastic...
  • - 1
 50% Middle Eastern. 50% Bad Bike. 100% Suck.
  • - 1
 wow its on pink bike
  • - 1
 thats funckin sick!!!!!!!!!
  • - 3
 Thats the BADDEST FUKKIN HUFFY I have ever seen. I am goin to KMART to get one of those bad mofo's. And Maybe a SLURPY just for giggles. LOL
  • - 1
 waste of 2 mins of my life...
  • + 0
 get a proper bike
  • + 0
  • + 0
 fucking oil
  • + 0
 this is funny
  • + 0
  • + 0
 very slidy road
  • - 1
  • + 0
 coto kurwa ?
  • + 0
 wtf mate
  • + 0
 was the back
tire flat?
  • - 1
 This is complete shit. Should NEVER be VOD.
  • - 1
 ive never seen something so pointless on pinkbike
  • - 1
 god this is some stupid fucking shit
  • + 0
 haha Zajebiste to Razz Razz Razz
  • + 0
  • + 0
 I wants theses! !!!!!
  • + 0
  • - 1
 how did this ever get VOD???
  • + 1
 OK, I read some of the other comments, and for the lack of bike access, this is pretty creative
  • - 1
 bike is spelt wrong in the begining
  • + 0
  • + 0
 haha funny vid!
  • + 0
 i think thats awesome
  • + 0
 fuckin stupid
  • - 3
 nice vids
  • - 3
 Those are some nasty retards...
  • + 1
 sez u
  • - 3
 wtf this is bullshit, why is it vod?
  • - 2
  • - 2
 name of the music?
  • - 3
 Where can you buy one of those bitchin drift bikes...LOL!!!
  • - 2
 how do u do that ????
  • - 1
 hahaha awesome
  • - 2
 the road is probably greasy or something I would like to know the trick
  • - 1
 hahahah niceBig Grin Big Grin
  • - 1
 2 fast 2 furious
  • - 2
 Fuck!This is just funny !
  • - 1
 must i blow ur whistle
  • - 1
 NO GELo e facil
  • - 2
 one thing to say, STUPID FUCKING PEAPLE,
  • - 2
 dingo-dave: OkejdÃ¥, förlÃ¥t mig din felknullade jävla horunge
  • - 3
 the road was wet u idiots are u blind? u can see it in slo-mo when whitish stuff comes off the tries
  • - 1
 fuck vod !
  • - 2
 That was awesome. Arabs got their shit dialed.
  • + 0
 yer they doBig Grin but i wouldnt say it like that!!!! reatake " those knarly kids got the pimping skids dialed" thats rightBig Grin
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