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The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

May 30, 2017
by Clay Porter  
Deathgrip is now available to purchase worldwide on Itunes.

The long anticipated feature movie puts the defining style of Brendan Fairclough with the progressive filmmaking of Clay Porter. Over two years in the making and following the critically acclaimed global premier tour, Deathgrip can now be experienced in the comfort of your own home.

bigquotesMy goal for Deathgrip is for people to watch the movie and only be able to watch the first ten minutes before they have to turn it off, jump on their bike and go rip a turn.Brendan Fairclough

Also Available on: Xbox, Playstation, Google Play, Amazon, Vudu, Fandango Now, Vimeo on Demand http://geni.us/DEATHGRIP


The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

Deathgrip has been in production for over 18 months and has traveled across the globe—take a look at some of the incredible locations shot by some of the best photographers in the industry.

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic
Photo: Boris Beyer

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic
Photo: Duncan Philpott

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic
Photo: Duncan Philpott

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic
Photo:Jacob Gibbins

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic
Photo: Chris Greenwood

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic
Photo: Tom Bowell

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

The Deathgrip Movie Photo Epic

Deathgrip is a Metis Creative film in association with GoPro.

Supported by Scott Sports, Lifeproof, and Monster Energy.

Further support provided by Yakima, Adidas, DMR Bikes, Troy Lee Designs, Deity Components, Freeride Madeira, and Pinkbike.

Produced in partnership with Raised By Wolves.

Starring: Brendan Fairclough and featuring: Brandon Semenuk, Josh Bryceland, Sam Reynolds, Ryan Howard, Nico Vink, Andrew Neethling, Kyle Jameson. and Olly Wilkins.

Views: 77,954    Faves: 298    Comments: 8

Deathgrip is now Available to purchase worldwide on Itunes. http://geni.us/DEATHGRIP

MENTIONS: @ClayPorter

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ClayPorter avatar

Member since Mar 2, 2011
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  • 159 4
 Buy, buy buy- don't copy or share!! Support the filmmakers. Literally insane flick!!
  • 5 2
 iTunes for ÂŁ9.99, Vimeo for ÂŁ15 or Google Play for ÂŁ8.

Where's best to download? I don't have a 4K monitor/screen so 1080p is fine.
  • 3 1
 Are they not offering it in a Blu-Ray physical disc version?
  • 3 1
 @dirtworks911: wouldn't make sense to - everyone just goes online now!
  • 42 2
 @matthew10: Anyone know's where I can get it VHS or BETAMAX ?
  • 6 70
flag scott-townes FL (May 30, 2017 at 12:15) (Below Threshold)
 I just illegally downloaded my copy! Its the best!
  • 44 0
 @matthew10: Vimeo puts more money in the filmmakers' pocket. iTunes takes 30% of every sale.
  • 22 0
 @QuebecPoulin: VHS ain't dead.
  • 2 0
 @matthew10: Vimeo is DRM free
  • 6 0
 I´m a fkin broke university student that is always counting the money for beer. But you know what ? Less 12 beers on the next night ! (here in portugal you get easily 1€ a beer) I just bought it and I just can´t wait to see that !
  • 1 11
flag trek81615 (May 30, 2017 at 19:18) (Below Threshold)
 @scott-townes: How?
  • 3 1
 @scott-townes: Because that's illegal and you shouldn't do that
  • 5 0
 @scott-townes: get bent poacher
  • 5 3
 @jezzah: Computers have their time and place but for some experiences it is nice to be able to get away from them. Some prefer a physical book over an e-reader, I prefer a good paper magazine over a web magazine. Even if they depict exactly the same article and pictures. Some would never like any type of electronic gear shifting on their bikes (or at least they say now) and I personally prefer to pop a disc in the player and it goes, whether it is music or a movie. It is part of the experience. Or at least clicking through menus etc kind of hampers the experience. To each their own I guess.

But I understand moviemakers too. Creating physical copies is a huge investment and now that there is an alternative that reaches a large audience, you may never sell your physical copies.

@QuebecPoulin: If you buy the digital copy, there may be shops in your area that could transfer it to tape for you. As I don't have a VHS recorder anymore, I once had my VHS from Earthed (by Alex Rankin) transferred to dvd. Works nicely Smile .
  • 6 0
 @lornny: You wouldn't imagine the number of PMs I've gotten since posting that asking where to download it and I haven't even watched the movie, hahaha. Should I post the usernames? It'll kinda be like the Ashleymadison leak.
  • 1 0
 @QuebecPoulin: Right across from the laser disc store
  • 108 1
 I'm glad they didn't ride 29ers in this film, because it would be 5% shorter and who wants that?
  • 5 12
flag torero (May 30, 2017 at 12:12) (Below Threshold)
 The film would more longer. 29ers always bend ...
  • 60 1
 Just a couple POD's to choose from eh? Epic work guys!
  • 8 0
 the pod lineup is filled until the end of the year with this.
  • 6 0
 So much riding skills. If there was ever a picture of me that came even close to duplicating any of those riding shots I can guarantee that the next frame would be of a massive crash.
  • 4 0
 I did not know which photo to fav, so faved the whole article.
  • 3 0
 POY's more like
  • 16 1
 Just watched Semenuk, words just cant describe where he is in the mtb world. Like fanboy this and fanboy that but fuck, he's on a different level, landing and executing everything from shredding a mountain to perfectly touchdowning a cork 720 and his whips... fuck. Love Semenuk.
  • 1 2
 It's only fanboy if you can't describe why he is better, like those youtube kids who only know semenuk.
  • 18 0
 5th pic from bottom is YUUUGE
  • 2 0
 Was thinking the same, where is he going? Orbit by the looks of it!!!
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Hopefully they don't get Arnold Schwarzenegger to replace him. The ratings wouldn't be as good. Yuuge success!
  • 13 1
 That josh Bryceland section made me quit riding and sell all my bikes and then that Brandon semenuk section made me kill myself... I'm a pathetic little worm who doesn't deserve to live. This films like being strangled to death by a beautiful woman with her thighs... you know it's going to kill you but its a pretty good way to go out.
  • 4 1
 I just wish I'd lived to see Brendon's ender because that would have been the best bit.
  • 15 4
 I think Life Cycles remains the absolute pinnacle of filmmaking in mountain biking, but this is the first true classic to come around in a few years. Congrats to Clay, Brendog, and everyone else involved with this project!!
  • 2 4
 Life Cycles is for casuals.
  • 1 6
flag nismo325 (May 31, 2017 at 12:11) (Below Threshold)
 meh life cycles was pretty boring. Bought the dvd watched it like once and instantly had buyers remorse lol worst mtb movie purchase i've made by a long shot.
  • 5 1
 @nismo325: I suppose you hate freedom, loam, sunsets, and fish tacos too. Ermaright???
  • 3 1
 @briceshirbach: how did you come to that conclusion? because i don't like shitty videos? lol if you want to watch videos with half ass fall to summer fade effects and boring riding be my guest but ill stick with movies like death grip that are just about f*ckin shredding not about seasons and feels.
  • 2 0
 @nismo325: Aw man, my comment was supposed to make ya laugh! Go ride some bikes and loosen up!
  • 7 0
 Almost downloaded! Cannot wait to see it, the previews just have me wanting more!
Awesome photo epic too, @ClayPorter! You have some serious skill.
  • 9 0
 What an amazing set of high quality and good time pictures!
  • 9 0
 BEST THING IVE EVER SEEN. thanks for makin it guys.
  • 6 1
 Clay and Brendog KILLED it! Everything was on point. We get spoiled with so much video content these days but the quality of this production really shines through. Best MTB film soundtrack I've heard in a long time as well! Put some of the tracks here in a Spotify playlist if anyone wants to listen again: open.spotify.com/user/1164627538/playlist/3WxBNACQ2EZa2iRNL2GVaS
  • 5 1
 Did anyone else notice that in the 4th photo up from the bottom of the California section, whoever the rider is they're running an awesome looking gambler, but it has fox 40s with black stations, but factory stickers? They look way better with those type of stickers rather than the horrible performance-elite ones.
  • 1 0
 That's KJ, he seems to normally run performance elite, like he did at darkfest as well.
  • 4 0
 He still likes to party on the trails
  • 9 3
 Please release this on Vimeo or something, iTunes is cancer.

Also your link is bad, it goes to: %20http//geni.us/DEATHGRIP
  • 4 0
 It is on Vimeo in 4K
  • 6 0

On Vimeo in 4k and 1080p!
  • 3 0
 It is on Vimeo on Demand:
  • 8 0
 Stunning works bros! Way to dig in for our sport and crush it. Thank you.
  • 5 2
 Wow, what a film. All MTB films are sick, but that's largely down to the fact we all love bikes so naturally love the films. But show this to someone who knows nothing about bikes and I'm sure they'd still enjoy it simply because it's beautifully filmed and made. In no particular order this made it in my top three mtb films along with Life Cycles and Arrival. All three you could watch again and again and never get bored! RADICAL!!
  • 6 1
 So gonna buy this! Can't wait to watch, this might be one of the best bike movies I've seen in a long time
  • 7 2
 Ssssooooooo mmmmuuccchhhhhh ssssllllooooowwwwww mmmoooottttiiiiooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. Still, amazing.
  • 2 0
 Downloaded it on Vimeo at 4k and watched it on my big screen LCD at home and had the time of my life while my ass was planted in my chair.


*yes, it makes me wanna ride my bike...but it also makes me wish I could ride like them too*
  • 2 0
 If we had an intern we would send him for beer and popcorn straight away. For now though, we raise our glasses to Clay Porter, Brendog and all the riders, and hope such a glorious day may yet come.
  • 4 3
 Masterpiece for sure, some goose bumps here and there but still missing a little stoke from it. Might just be the fact that the trails represent like 1% of what I get to ride (rounded up too).............a bit jealous!

Truthfully I get more stoked from 30 sec wc practice with some angry metal screaming in the background. But a movie like this really is how MTB should be view, friends having fun in awesome places on awesome trails pushing each other to a bit further!
  • 2 0
 Holy shit, that was awesome! I sat down to watch it with a nice hot bowl of pasta, it was cold by the time I ate it... 53 minutes later. Ratboy + Brendog at Schladming might have been the best segment of ALL TIME.
  • 1 0
 Ok, how do I actually download this? Vimeo seems to only stream from app and iTunes DRMs the shit out of everything and sucks the soul out of everything in general. Where can I give them my money so I can have a downloaded copy without DRM and doesn't need specific apps to view?

This is generally why I still am not fully departed from physical copies of media.
  • 1 0
 Google Movie & TV will let you download a copy onto an Android or Chromebook device (if you own one).
But if you want to download it onto your PC or Mac, you are S.O.L.... Better to just go ride your bike and imagine berm slapping noises in your head when you corner.
  • 1 0
 Bought my copy and have to say one of the best my movies ever if not the best!!! The section with bryceland at schladming was nuts I couldn't stop smiling all the way through that section and the last jump at the end was insane awesome work!!!! Think I may have to buy a dh bike again and do some uplifts cheers brendog for an awesome movie
  • 2 0
 it's just the better mtb movie i ever seen !!! fuckin crazy ride en trail ! i jump in to my bike quickly after this Wonder yeaaaah
  • 3 0
 Where was the northern California segment filmed and are you able to ride those trails?
  • 4 0
 Rushed home from work, downloaded, watched, amazed. Fark's awesome!!
  • 4 0
 JEZZZZZZ best bike flick ever but the sub-titles are FUNKING RAD
  • 2 0
 Some of the best photography I've seen in awhile... brilliant. You guys killed it with this movie, talk about raising the bar!
  • 3 0
  • 1 0
 Probably not the best article to read first up in the morning while taking a Giant Kona out of my Specialised stinking out the Trek..... Now the work day feels extra long...

F@&K Work! I'm going for a ride!
  • 3 0
 And I thought Freeride was dead..
  • 2 0
 It's this available in Bluray in UK? All I seem to be able to find is digital downloads?
  • 3 0
 dude .. just the photos make me wanna jump on my bike and go rip a turn
  • 1 0
 I will be buying as soon as I get home!! thanks Brendan and all the other riders!! I want to shred just looking at the sick pics!
  • 2 0
 The last jump in the movie gave me the chills. That must've been 150-200 feet
  • 4 5
 MEH. Another Clay porter film with a metric tonne of slow mo. Did you know Brendog can whip and ride around a corner? if not then this film will show you in slow mo, normal and then slow mo again. There is some epic riding and sick shots but most are drowned out by the stupid slow mo every 3 seconds. I was so excited for this movie but its not much better than any other web edit.
  • 2 1
 Interesting. I have not seen it yet, but you certainly seem to be the heretic here. I will keep your opinion in mind as I anticipate watching it. Gotta help manage hype and expectations somehow!
  • 3 1
 @cgdibble: I have similar opinion, riding was awesome, but cinematography irritated me. To much slow mo, and sometimes shorter is better Big Grin .
  • 3 1
 @SPOKEn agreed. I've never really liked Clay Porter films for this reason. This is definitely his best film though.

I went and watched a slice of british pie straight after and it got me more amped – not a single slow mo clip. Just non-stop braaaaap
  • 2 0
 I don't regret buying it. It made me want to go ride my bike & I'll watch it again.

But I was definitely feeling a bit overdosed on slow mo by the end (especially the end of the 2nd half where they stop riding ridiculously fast / loose trail & just do slow mo jumps all the way.

But luckily the guy reading Brendog's notes after the credits closed it with a laugh.

Aside from the slow mo OD, there is some spectacular riding & spectacular shots for sure!
  • 2 1
 I love these pictures. I only just watched the trailer and it reminds of what I don't like about The Tipping Point (which I have on dvd, also by Clay Porter). I got that because there was no Earthed video about the 2008 racing season. I don't like all those flashy bits. I think it is very personal as I understand loads of people love that. Slow mo, then flashes, slo mo again. But it is not for me. Is the complete video like that too? That's a bummer as the riding looks amazing. Same with those Revelco videos with Semeniuk. I understand the amount of work that went into it and how great it all is. But with regard to Semeniuk, I prefer that single run down that BMX track (not sure what it's called) and his single run in this movie called unReal.

I probably more a "slice of British pie" kinda guy too. To some it may come across as blasphemy, to prefer that over this undeniable masterpiece. But to each their own.
  • 1 0
 Clay Porter is an complete artist.
Fell in love with his work on "Between The Tapes", and been following him ever since.
Never disappointed.
  • 3 1
 That movie was a BLAST !!!
  • 1 0
 I have looked everywhere for the Google Play download...If someone finds it can you post a link here? THANKS!
  • 1 0
 Never mind I see the links now! haha
  • 3 1
 Phenomenal movie! Well worth the buy.
  • 4 1
 Long live Brendan !!!
  • 2 0
 Can't wait to see the full semen-clough segment....
  • 1 0
 Sounds like a different kind of 'film'
  • 1 0
 @jaha222: Ha yeah- riding porn!
  • 2 0
 Is Claudio doing a preview on this one?
  • 1 0
 Good to know there's still a place in film for big bikes, big mountains, and helicopters...
  • 2 0
 Wallpaper Wallpaper Wallpaper Wallpaper Wallpaper
  • 2 1
 Not available in iTunes Russia Frown
  • 5 1
 Then move?! What's wrong with you? This can't be missed.
  • 2 0
 @thenotoriousmic: Is on Vimeo and googleplay too
  • 2 0
 This is awesome!
  • 2 0
 Great movie. Thanks Guys
  • 2 0
 EPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 2 0
 What about Android? ????
  • 1 0
 @bigtim: maaaaaate top man thanks!!
  • 2 1
 Finally a video that can be bought from Brazil!
  • 2 1
 This was probably the best purchase I've made after my bike.
  • 2 0
 Cool as fuck
  • 1 0
CMIIW, if i'm not wrong, Brendog was with ActionCam right?
  • 2 0
  • 1 0
 Oh snap, can't wait to get home to buy this. *Stares at clock.
  • 1 0
 Apart from the music on the California section this was unbelievably good.
  • 1 0
 holy shit so many pods
  • 2 3
 I don't think this can be topped... ever
  • 4 7
 can someone tell me when is the free premiere please
  • 3 3
 comes out free everywhere June 31st.
  • 3 1
 @lyophilization: yes ! Just noted it on my calandar
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