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stepping up onto some gnar, and then I fell off
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stepping up onto some gnar, and then I fell off
  • 131 11
  • 565 14
 Gravity kicks in 3....2...1..
  • 51 5
 thats pretty sick man!
  • 72 7
 bad ass step up! looks like a challenge!
  • 21 7
 owch haha good luke
  • 27 2
 Ben boyko does it in kranked 7
  • 6 0
 thats effin sweet my friend, way to go huge
  • 8 0
 holy shit dude, you have balls.
  • 5 2
 Yeah, he came down the log and 180ed off the platform. prepare for a fakie of epic speed. lolz
  • 12 0
 its called a joke mate.... Chill your cool son
  • 3 1
 nagelk. dont be cut just because he got more props on one comment then you will ever get in your life...... that goes for me to though haha
  • 0 1
 nice set up
  • 1 0
 yah have fun with that, u gotta tabletop the fuck out of it to land that haha, great shot tho, nice set up
  • 25 4
 wow! that's supercool! so technical. man you have skills!
  • 6 1
 agreed! sick shot!
  • 1 3
 it says on the descripting that he fell off
  • 3 2
 lol yeah didn't notice this. anyway, he has to got a big balls tryin' it.
  • 1 1
 i do not envy the guy who has to fix his bike after this bail
  • 15 3
 Awesome photo, and sick step-up!

Definately a better POD than the last few days.

Also, props for admitting you fell off! Most people wouldnt have mentioned it Wink
  • 15 2
 man you have skills²
  • 2 11
flag Andrei13 (May 14, 2008 at 17:36) (Below Threshold)
 Except he didn't make it.
  • 14 2
 huuge step up
  • 14 3
 holly shit
  • 12 1
 That shit is blessed. Knar boot.
  • 10 0
 Thats a huge bitch!!!
  • 2 12
flag aaustin (Apr 22, 2008 at 14:58) (Below Threshold)
 the step up
  • 24 3
 by the way, i say POD. I am fucking tired of berm shots and downhill racing for now.
  • 7 1
 Easily one of the gnarliest step up's I've ever seen! Pretty high consequences if you eff that one up!
  • 1 1
 Peun's halarious, if you actually did that math, your a knob! how would you possibly determine speed/velocity given a photo LMAO! what if he got towed in by a ATV doing warp 8, that'd give him enough speed, stop being a knob on the net and go ride your bike...
  • 2 1
 yeah bud go bush go hahahaha f**got canada f**kin rules b**ch canada beats the states anyday hahahaha were did that comment even come from yuh quire ur a homo get outta pink bike
  • 2 1
 I ride that trail almost everyday, bailed about 3 times 1st try broke arm and fractured my leg 2nd collar bone 3rd fractured knee, you think i would of learned my lesson after the first try Razz
  • 6 6
 "how i am not cerious? i dont think u could manage picking up the speed to take that.
i did the math man did the math "

shut the f*ck up and learn to spell!
sweet one man!! hope all is well!
  • 1 30
flag bikeguy74 (Apr 23, 2008 at 8:18) (Below Threshold)
 I did the math too..cool 180 dude!!!!
  • 2 1
 kk people who is saying 180 into it are pretty dumb! and doing math common liek one of the guys said "stop doing math, and start riding your bike" soo true.good job man(Y)
  • 1 0
 hey my uncle doesnt believe its a kicker he thinks its a drop and the kickers the landing. can u PLEASE get a video of this.
  • 2 1
 did you make it? doesn't matter, sick POD.

i am so happy to not see a guy going around a berm! so happy!
  • 2 1
 its a commonly known fact that canadian gravity is lower than it is here in the UK
  • 3 1
 what the....it's simply clever XD
  • 3 1
 dude that is a sick pic. well done!
  • 2 1
 THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE HIGHLANDER...thats the coolest way to get into a tree house that ive ever seen haha
  • 1 0
 f**kin SWEET!!!!!!!!!!
i love step ups and this one is one i'd love to do Smile
  • 1 0
 ok the fucing idiots that said hes droping that are so stupid...who makes a landing that steep.
  • 1 1
 WOW u guys r the biggest fags in the world ' I did the math its a 180' u guys r retards it says a STEP UP idiots hes not spinning
  • 1 1
 I wish it wasn't illegal to build stuff like that here....it all just gets torn down, dj and all in St. Albert.
  • 2 1
 nice pic .....i'm jealous Wink
  • 2 1
 is he gonna make it or what?
  • 1 1
 sick man such a nice step up did you make it ?

screw math you can make anything with runn ups ! or do you ride curbs !
  • 2 1
 Thats a sick picture man, finaly a nice pod to my eyes
  • 2 1
 ya man that looks pritty sick just looks like hes ganna bail
  • 2 1
 wow sick trail !!!!!!!!!!! sick pod 2
  • 1 1
 POach that shit! If you build it, they will come! I love when pros get pissed when rookies hit their stunts.
  • 2 1
 sick picture dude pppppppooooooooodddddddd
  • 2 1
 saweet but i dont think hes gonna make it
  • 2 1
 prepare for impact in 5 4 3...
  • 1 1
 Great Build. I'd hope to have grapefruits between my leg to pull that off.
  • 1 0
 what goes up must come down
  • 1 0
 killer step up- nice job man.
  • 0 1
 That stunt is from Kranked 7 the crackle factor. Ben Boyko cuts it off and rides the trail. Cool stunt if you ask me. As for the movie. I didn't really care for it.
  • 1 0
 that is so sikk if i had my new bioke i would so hit that
  • 0 0
 by the way this is posable boyko hits it in the new kranked 7 u dont need no math watch the movie
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 sick jump bro!!! ps f*ck gravity
  • 1 0
 hahaah peope thin he did a 180 hahahah nice step up bro!
  • 1 0
 balls of steel...nice hit
  • 0 0
 he just should of backflipped, 720, wip to opposite-wip it and he would of gotten it...duh:P
  • 2 1
 now thats what COP needs this year
  • 1 0
 wow man you have balls to do that
  • 2 2
 I had to look at this photo again, I wish I could favorite it twice.
  • 3 4
 gasp that body position. Dang dude thats some awesome woodwork, wish I had that stuff in my backyard
  • 3 3
 The Claw tailwhiped step-up similar to this one. props man
  • 2 2
 So awesome Big Grin thats a monster step up Big Grin
  • 2 2
 thats a tricky section! respect.
  • 3 3
 Obscenely burly....Respect!!
  • 1 1
 WOW!!! Its pretty coooooooool man yeeh its what I like!!!! Wink
  • 1 1
 Thats HUGE!! Awesome tryin it man, keep tryingBig Grin
  • 3 3
 "To the infinity, and beyond!!"
  • 1 2
 This guy has had 4 or 5 POD´s already..Nice hope he didn´t crash to hardtup
  • 0 1
 Were is summer of shred? its been like a week and a half, and im not diggin the DH photos the past week
  • 0 1
 Where on the sunshine coast is that??? Im moving there in 6 monthes, and would really love to ride that trail.
  • 1 1
 that's wicked totally sick!!!!!
  • 0 1
 this jump reminds me of frieght train stepping up onto the boxs at whistler
  • 1 2
 Now that is GOOD! For some reason it doesn't look like hes gonna make it but im sure he did.
  • 1 1
 looks very hard, i riding in forest ^^
  • 1 1
 this guy has balls of steel to even attempt this.
  • 2 1
 awsome pic just love it
  • 1 1
 damn nice pic. that looks fun
  • 1 1
 how the hell did you make that thats crazy tech
  • 1 1
 hell of a step up! PROPS to the riders ! x
  • 1 1
 thats some dope shit right der
  • 2 1
 sick Pod like it
  • 1 1
 thats sick, did you make it?
  • 1 1
 it looks like u hardly made the jump
  • 2 2
 would be hanus to bail on that beast
  • 0 0
 That first step is a doozie.....
  • 0 0
 crazy that took quite a bit of speed
  • 1 0
  • 0 0
 is it a drop at the end or does it continue on, anybody knoW?
  • 0 0
 very nice............. i think i fst crapped my pants
  • 0 0
 dude u have balls i wouldnt think to do that/
  • 2 2
 a*shole! what would you even know about canada?!
  • 1 0
 fuck gravity
  • 0 0
 thats nasty. i wish i had shit like that to ride.
  • 1 0
 lol BAD ASS
  • 1 1
 is that up eliphinstone on the coast???
or is it ROberts Creek
  • 1 1
 thats sick, im pretty sure ben boyko does that in kranked 7
  • 0 0
 Ya it's definitely in Boyko's section from Kranked 7
  • 0 0
 thats sketchy man but props for hittin it
  • 1 0
 that sick!
  • 0 0
 so sick. thats in my hometown Razz
  • 0 0
 that looks like boykos step up in kranked 7
  • 0 0
 thats gona be a close one
  • 0 0
 such a huge step up boyko makes it look easy
  • 1 1
 if you mest up you would be f**ked up
  • 0 0
 thats a mad sketch step up
  • 1 0
 cool gump
  • 1 1
 thats a sweeet picture...POD
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 12 13
 is this peun kid serious?
  • 92 5
 stop doing math, and start riding your bike.
  • 15 80
flag aschulte (Apr 23, 2008 at 7:50) (Below Threshold)
 I did the math too, Peun is right. YOU ARE WRONG! sick 180 dude.
  • 11 8
 read the decrip. his stepping UP. not down.
  • 6 10
flag YuHo (Apr 23, 2008 at 13:31) (Below Threshold)
 Yeah, and if I wrote something like "I can fly and all my frends can too!" do you believe me?
  • 12 2
 did you ever take into consideration that there might be a huge ass hill outside the picture for the rider to pick up speed on peun?

Before you post some comment like that check ALL the options peun.
  • 8 2
 Guys, i think that peun is just stirring u all... he's joking about being 'serious' i think the lad just wants attention. I didn't know that a picture like this could be so controversial! :o
  • 0 2
 wooohoo! no maths!!
  • 2 3
 thats freakin sick
did you ever make it?
  • 1 2
 if you don't make it you can still do some pull-ups on that cross bar
  • 3 5
 dude thats off the sicktergnar. is that where I think it is? if so, your daft.
  • 2 3
 wow that looks fun, sux u fell tho
  • 1 2
 you didnt make that did you
  • 3 4
 now thats worth p.o.d. awsome photo
  • 1 1
 wow nice!!!got balls!!!
  • 1 1
 omg... really huge pod
  • 2 2
 I'd NEVER...
  • 0 1
 DUDE..! That's SICK
  • 0 2
 surely at the beginning there were additional planks of wood, so that it was possible just to ride through it?Wink
  • 2 3
 he going up like a bullit
  • 0 1
 this is so deserving of pod props to u dude
  • 0 1
 what leads into this or what is before it?? do you even get enouph speed
  • 1 2
 awesome trail... but why is this pod?
  • 1 4
 He's doing a 360 to the landing, it's obvious *rolls eyes and runs away before some loser tinks I'm being serious*

But seriously that is Sick as!
  • 0 2
 you can see how it's doin right in kranked 7 where ben boyko lays down the law!props for tryin it though
  • 0 2
 Great POD Smile No More Of The Downhill And Berm Pics FOr A while (Y) Love It ;]
  • 0 1
 that definatly is worth POD
  • 0 1
 okay let's see, im now going to fall and break my neck on the lip/
  • 1 1
 nice build
  • 0 1
 that's monsterous!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 1 1
 Good effort!
  • 0 1
 DAMN thats a hot build!!!
  • 0 1
 ohhh, that is a step UP!!!!
  • 1 1
 i hope he makes it lol
  • 0 1
 I don't think he made it. It says he fell off. So he must of cased it
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
 sweet man prity sweet Big Grin
  • 1 3
 freaking poacher. that whole trail is going to be disabled so people are not going to case and die like this guy.
  • 1 1
 nice pic
  • 1 1
 sweet man pod
  • 0 1
 man, I just realized the guy that put this on has had POD so many times
  • 0 1
 Thats nice man!!!!nd ye ^^^^u r right!!!
  • 1 2
 looks like he didnt reach it Mad
  • 0 1
 Fat ass step up.... good POD
  • 0 1
 better than those other 5...
  • 0 1
 looks like you didnt make it
  • 1 1
 does he make that?
  • 0 1
 the ramp to the step looks so sketchy
  • 0 0
 Best POD for a while!
  • 0 0
  • 0 1
 better pod! mad respect foo. lofl so white
  • 0 0
 nice man
  • 0 1
 that trail was in KRANKED 7
  • 0 0
 yo did he mak it ?
  • 0 0
 thats sick !
  • 0 0
 wow big jump
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
  • 0 0
 this is from kranked 5
  • 0 0
  • 0 1
 no chance is he landin that !!!
  • 0 0
  • 0 0
 very bagaçinhA
  • 0 0
 that is boykos step up
  • 0 0
 how was the fall ahaha
  • 0 0
 fuck doin that.
  • 0 0
 damn !!
  • 0 1
 that is a huge kicker, blood insaine!!
  • 1 1
 that looks nice
  • 1 1
  • 3 4
 thats sick
  • 3 5
 that is sick it looks almost impossible
  • 1 2
  • 1 2
 polskij pidar, idi nahuj
  • 0 1
 very nice
  • 0 1
 what a insane spot !
  • 1 2
 dangerousBig Grin
  • 0 1
 wow ;D
  • 0 1
 holy sh!t
  • 1 2
 thats freakin insane!!
  • 1 3
 ive passed this picture many times. its insain
  • 1 2
  • 0 2
 long way down...hope he makes it!!Smile

Nice POD
  • 0 2
 ya no shit it looks like hes going to case
  • 0 1
 he says he cases you dumbfuck.
  • 1 3
 first decent pod in like 3 days ! props
  • 0 1
 ohhh jesus
  • 0 1
 good job
  • 1 2
 100% awsome A+
  • 0 1
 thats looks so scary
  • 0 1
 thats pretty serious
  • 0 1
  • 0 1
  • 0 2
 are you coming down backwards?
  • 0 2
 It takes some real gayass fags to give all these neg props!
  • 0 1
 huge kicker !!!
  • 0 1
 I ment cool jump
  • 1 3
 I sure hope not
  • 1 3
 Dang thats SICK
  • 3 5
 up up and awayyyyyy
  • 1 3
 What the shit!
  • 4 6
 thats the worst lip
  • 1 4
 Oh Fuck Thats Sick! Nice Dude
  • 10 12
 Really amazing POD
  • 1 3
 omg! that's so high man!
  • 1 3
 NS nice ;D
  • 0 2
 wow, huge
  • 0 2
 good luck!
  • 0 2
 omg thats insain
  • 0 2
  • 0 2
 Thats sweet as fuck!!!
  • 1 4
 i dont think its worth pod but that my opinion
  • 0 3
 he is not going to make it but its sick ....
  • 1 4
 huge with consequences, god damn sick
  • 0 3
 Crazy Ma FaK !!! Big Grin
  • 0 3
  • 0 3
 ya that is funny pic
  • 78 9
 haha your funny
  • 40 6
  • 18 2
 Man, this is cool. Theres nothing remotly like this in england
  • 20 54
flag andy9 (Apr 23, 2008 at 11:43) (Below Threshold)
 retards...read the description....i dno bout u but.. i dont *180* in there...
  • 9 4
 Yeah thats the joke andy9. Well i don't know why you're negative propping this guy??
*awesome pic*
  • 2 0
 Go read the forums and you'll realise why. Far to many idiots on the site.
  • 1 1
 heard of a thing called sense of humour? use it!
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