Spinning Circles: Escaping the Heat

Jul 7, 2015 at 15:54
by Mike Kazimer  
Spinning Circles column Mike Kazimer

I'm melting. The sun is merciless, searing my skin like a raw steak on a hot grill. Even in the shade the air is thick and stifling, providing little reprieve from the oppressive heat. I slow to a crawl, pedaling just hard enough to maintain forward motion, but sweat still pours down my body, salty rivulets stinging my eyes and irritating the cuts from the blackberry and nettle infested trail I just descended.

There's only one thing on my mind – finding a body of water larger enough to submerge myself in and remaining there until I no longer feel like I'm being boiled alive. I grind up a dirt road, the normally dark brown dirt bleached white by the lack of any recent moisture. As an added bonus, a fresh layer of loose, baseball sized rocks have been put down by a local logging company, causing me to mutter curses as I drop my head and keep working my way to the top.

When it's this warm out, rides turn into missions, expeditions in search of bodies of cool water. My thoughts wander, floating back to my earliest mountain biking memories, the ones involving lazy summer days spent riding through the rocky New England woods in search of places to escape the heat.The day I came across a swing fashioned from an old fire hose, situated in a secluded corner of a local reservoir, remains one of the highlights of those initial mountain bike adventures, and is more than likely part of the reason I'm still addicted to exploring the woods to this day.


When I moved to the Colorado Rockies in my late teens, I quickly discovered the heart-stopping chill (and thrill) of plunging into high mountain lakes - a quick dip was enough to numb you from head to toe. I eventually left the rarefied mountain air behind, moving further westward to live up in the Pacific Northwest, where there's a variety pack of swimming hole options on tap. There are rides that end with glacier fed creeks colder than an ice bath, while others have small, relatively warm lakes perfectly placed near the midpoint or ending of a ride.

My mind drifts back to reality as I near the crest of the hill, and just when it seems like I'm about to succumb to heat stroke, it hits me – a rush of cool air, as if someone had opened a refrigerator door. The thick brush bordering the road resists my prying eyes, until I spot a faint trail beaten through the brambles. I hop off my bike and push the prickers and ferns aside, heading deeper into forest.

I hear the trickling water first, and seconds later spot the liquid treasure that I'd been searching for. A kind soul has dammed up a small stream, creating a secluded, chest deep pool, hidden from any direct sunlight. My sweat soaked apparel is tossed by the wayside and I jump in, instantly refreshed by the cool water. The dust and grime drift away as I float on my back, staring up at the branches of the cedar trees towering overhead. Away from the harsh glare of the sun, I can't help but think about how the combination of mountain biking and a swim is one of those magical pairings, like peanut butter and jelly, or bacon and anything - it's about as close to perfection as you can get.

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mikekazimer avatar

Member since Feb 1, 2009
1,737 articles

  • 30 0
 Water is nice, but after a hot ride...heck, after a cold ride too come to think about it, I'd rather be submerged in a small lake of beer.
  • 15 33
flag whitebullit (Jul 16, 2015 at 4:23) (Below Threshold)
 ive never understood the fascination of working out and then drinking a beer, not that im against it, do what ya like, but doesnt this give anyone a headache? surely water or gatorade is a better hydration plan.
  • 55 1
 Water = hydration for the body
Beer = hydration for the soul
  • 6 0
 It's been found through recent studies that a beer after a workout is actually beneficial for you. And a glass of wine at the end of the day helps with depression. Just the one though (we all know the local drunk and his sad story). Or maybe I'm buying in to being spoon fed wishful thinking.
  • 4 0
 @whitebullit: I don't think of riding as a "workout" so maybe that's why I enjoy beer. I'm not trying to achieve optimal hydration. I just want to enjoy a frosty brew after (and sometimes during) my ride. Headaches come the next day when you have too many.
  • 3 0
 Nothing says you can't have both - you've earned it!
  • 1 0
 Beer is definitely my favorite post-workout beverage, but I'm still pretty skeptical about the studies claiming it's a great post-workout recovery beverage. While it definitely has some of the carbs and vitamins you want, the alcohol just isn't very good for muscle recovery or rehydration. Some of the low-alcohol wheat and sour beers (ie. wit, berlinerweisse, hefeweizen, or gose) that are getting more popular now are probably pretty decent though, since they have enough yeast/microbes to contain vitamins and protein. Plus sours like gose also have salt and other electrolytes. Actually Westbrook Gose is my new favorite post-ride drink when I can find it. Low ABV, a little salty, and very refreshing.

To @whitebullit's point, If I'm seriously dehydrated after a workout (already have dry mouth or headache) I'll skip the beer. It definitely will give you a headache in that situation. But wrapping up a workout with a low/medium strength beer (6%) gives me a little energy and makes me feel great. I will usually also have some water handy though.
  • 3 0
 to everyone who actually took my question seriously and gave me an answer thank you for explaining! i guess to me every ride is a workout so im just trying to rehydrate after.
  • 4 0
 I should also add that if you're that so dehydrated at the end of every workout that a beer gives you a headache, you may want to change up your hydration habits during the rest of the day. I only ever get to headache level when I'm doing 6+ hour hikes/ski tours/rides (or when it's insanely hot). If you're finishing every workout dehydrated, I think you'll find you can perform at a higher level AND feel better if you start hydrating more.
  • 1 0
 I don't think anyone here considers their time on the bike too be a "workout".
  • 1 0
 Bacon chocolate.
  • 22 0
 thought this article was about avoiding the police on ya bicycle. boy was I wrong.
  • 4 0
 OK that's funny.
  • 14 1
 I've been having a great time this summer riding with lights from 10pm to as late as 3am. It cools down to around 72f by the time I'm done so even the mosquitos are done for the night. I have the entire trail all to myself except for a few deer and jackrabbits. I use the low beams on climbs and flats, then turn on the high beams for descents and get a good 3 hours of riding in solitude.
  • 2 0
 I would've laughed if you would have said jackalopes.
  • 7 2
 I don't wanna hear about heat unless you're in the true south. When I'm in Colorado people act like they're dying and it's 85 with low humidity... it was 102 with a heat index of 114 today and 80% humidity here in Oklahoma.

And people in the NW think it's rough there?
  • 2 0
 So true. We have the altitude in Colorado but heat combined with humidity is a beast in its own right.
  • 6 1
 Suck it up bro, in China it's worse than that before twenty million people exhale that same humid air.. Then it's much worse.
  • 2 0
 This guy ^^^
  • 2 0
 Heard that man. It was 97 degrees with 98% humidity and a heat index of 107 (Alabama) when I rode yesterday. Went through 4 liters of water/electrolytes over a 2.5 hour ride...
  • 1 0
 @rpearce1475 Yeah, I share that Alabama heat as well. This weekend is supposed to be even worse if that's even possible!
  • 1 0
 Y'all a bunch of pansies. Nothing is as hot as Texas. I have to wipe the sweat of my arse with barbwire and my brow with cacti. That's how hot it is here!
  • 6 0
 I hear ya on all accounts! But a beer and a dip into Okanagan Lake at Three Mile Beach after ripping Three Blind Mice It pretty much is the sizzle! We call it Rip n Dip. Just saying!
  • 1 0
 Ha Rip n Dip. I like that one. May I use it tonight?....... and tomorrow..... and forever?
  • 5 1
 I'm reading this with my feet as close to the fireplace as possible trying to thaw out after a brisk ride in the wind and rain. Man I wish it was summer in our neck of the woods...
  • 9 1
 Socal all day everyday.
  • 1 1
  • 3 0
 Yeah, how's that drought thing going for ya?
  • 7 0
 @speed10 it is literally killing us. We are dead
  • 2 1
 What's this water thing everyone yammering on about?
  • 4 1
 I enjoyed this, even though it is pissing down right now and the trails round here look more like swamps than dustbowls. Sounds like a pretty great day and the kind of ride that sticks in your mind.
  • 1 0
 Some of my most fond memories of when I started mountain biking when I was about 13, are from riding to a nearby reservoir to go off the rope swing and swim. It was always the highlight of any ride if you got to go in any sort of water, and I would often go out of my way to do so. Now I have a great ride from my doorstep that goes to a large pond/small lake, and its an absolute crusher of a ride, but its an absolute favorite of mine to ride there and meet the wife and kids for a swim and a paddle in the canoe.
  • 1 0
 Great article! When it gets hot enough, diving into Quarry Lake after a Canmore ride is pretty special. Plus, it's cold enough that we never have to worry about........ LEECHES!!

Remember this awesomeness from Stand by Me?

  • 1 0
 Growing up by the sea, I never learned to love lakes. I hate their murky water and muddy bottoms. I understand not all lakes are like that, but most are.

Prefered post ride cooling procedure: A cold pint of lager.

I was recently introduced to night riding and summer mtb is fun again
  • 4 0
 Beer is the reward after a solid rideSmile . Mmmmmmmmmmmm beer
  • 2 0
 Got caught out in a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon. That's about as close to a mid-ride dip I can take. I ride by a river on my trails but we've got 'gators. No thanks
  • 3 1
 Not really feeling the vibe of this article being just past the middle of winter.
  • 1 0
 i feel that. got snowed on while riding yesterday :/
  • 1 0
 Never had the opportunity to take a dip mid or post ride, even though a good percentage of my rides end at the beach ....... #spoiledwhitegirlproblems
  • 1 0
 What you dont want to hop in the treatment facility run off, HA! I always hop in the ocean at the end of a hot ride in Sycamore Cyn. !!!! As he put it, MAGIC.
  • 1 0
 Being in the midst of the Central European heatwave which coincides with my MTB road trip, I can relate to the story more than I would like Wink
  • 2 0
 This is exactly like socal! Minus the trees.... the shade...... and the lakes
  • 2 1
 You guys should try to mountain bike in Florida and talk about escaping the heat then...
  • 2 1
  • 1 0
 Awesome article!
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