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2013 Photo of the Year - Quarter Finals

Nov 17, 2013
by Tyler Maine  
With the help of our judges, Myles Mccutcheon (Sportsnet), Sara Bielecki (Outside Magazine) and Gordon Nicholas (Color Magazine) we've narrowed everything down to 32 and now it's up for voting for who will take home $10,000 and a 2014 Specialized Demo with full SRAM. Thanks again to all the photographers who continue to amaze us with their work on Pinkbike! Now Go Vote.

Vote Now for Quarter Finals:

Reuben Krabbe
Wade Simmons riding with style and confidence on a greasy day on sumas

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Dave Trumpore
Tanner Stephens kills it....

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Stef Candé
Bryan Regnier trying to get closer of his friend Maxime Mauvais who has the camera strapped to his bike.

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Sterling Lorence
Thomas Vanderham drifts through a berm in the Kamloops Bike Ranch BC.

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Laurence Crossman-Emms
Unpredictable weather and extreme exposure can turn riding adventures into extreme situations. Knife edging along Rhyd Ddu on Snowdon became rather exciting - Laurence CE - www.laurence-ce.com

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Margus Riga

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Christoph Laue
Photo Christoph Laue

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Mike Zinger

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What's at stake? $10,000 Cash and a 2014 Specialized Demo with full SRAM components
Thanks to Specialized Bikes and SRAM

Vote Here

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Member since Mar 27, 2001
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  • 56 9
 WHAT?! That shot that lost to the rampage one was way better!
  • 20 5
 Agreed, same with Daniel Roos photo that lost to the trail in the fog...
  • 16 6
 The majority obviously didn't think so!!!
  • 31 5
 ^ that's because the majority focuses only on the riding and not the actual photo. The same goes for how the moon picture was beat by another shot of someone skidding dirt into the camera at dusk... at the top of a bike park... pinkbike members aren't the best to rely on for choosing the best photos, haha.
  • 7 8
 I love the rampage photo!
  • 4 0
  • 20 1
 overall I have been disappointed this year
  • 2 0
 Its a great photo if you're into the moon n stuff... My favorite is still the one from last year, the one they are using this year to promote poy.
  • 6 1
 It's photo of the year not best technical photo of the year, also I don't think it's all about the ridding, for me Daves photo is the best up the and ultimately it's just a guy ridding through a bit of water, any of us can do that! However it's been captured in a way that just stands out, close up high impact image of the ridden filling the shots, none of these landscapes (as good as they are) quite have the big impact of these types of shots.

Ps the moon shot is just silly!
  • 3 0
 I am with ya A-Smalls. I feel like they dropped the ball with final 32. A handful of photos werent even in focus, plus some made you say "Really??"
  • 2 0
 I am in agreement with you guys. The were a few that were definitely technically "imperfect". Yes everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect, but if you are in the top 32, then it should be hard to pick at the picture. On a photography critiquing website a bunch of these would be ripped to pieces. All the best to those still standing.
  • 3 1
 This is a mountainbikin site not a photographer site. What is wrong about choosing pictures by the riding?
  • 2 0
 yup still disappointed
  • 21 5
 That shot in san francisco was sick... should've won
  • 4 8
flag chezotron (Nov 13, 2013 at 11:54) (Below Threshold)
 Agreed. Maybe many people don't know how difficult it must have been to time that with the fog and the birds and all. What kinda sucks about this contest is it's really all pros who are going against each other.
  • 25 2
 Yeah, it sucks to see professionals competing to outperform each other in their professions.
  • 1 0
 i can never judge art and what is badass. agreed that the san francisco shot was beautiful.
  • 3 1
 The san fran one may have been a well composed photo, but just wasn't that interesting. Maybe it could win a general photo comp but there wasn't enough to make it a winning mountain bike photo.
  • 2 1
 Do professionals need more bikes as prizes? It's almost like the crony club. I feel bad for anyone trying to come up and break the inner circle.
  • 4 0
 Chezotron, considering I took my first photo in May 2012, I'd say it's more than doable. And there is no inner circle or crony club that I'm aware of that's for sure.
  • 1 3
 I'm not saying your photos suck or any of the photos suck. It would just be nice if there was a way to come up. By no means am I not saying your not working hard and busting your hump. I'm just sayin these contests just end up getting dominated by the top 10 guys.
  • 2 0
 @chezotron, that's exactly what Dave was getting at- he's one of the new guys who broke through the established rank
  • 3 0
 He's doing exactly what you're hoping for chezotron. He's coming up. He's been at it less than two years. What more do you want?
  • 1 1
 Don't bother wining Rampage. Have a sick photo taken, place it in this and wallaa...20K out the door and there is way less B.S.!
  • 1 0
 You're chances are better at winning Rampage.
  • 18 8
 Pretty sure Dave's got this one wrapped up
  • 5 2
 Yeah, either that Krabbe's one.
  • 13 0
 Thanks for the vote of confidence Eyon. Lot's of great photos in here though
  • 1 1
 dave why cant loads of photos win.. Frown
  • 2 0
 either dave or sterling imo Smile
  • 4 10
flag racerfacer FL (Nov 13, 2013 at 16:26) (Below Threshold)
 the shot that looks exactly like last year's winner? PB kids must have a raging hard on for tweaked out small airs. yawn...
  • 11 0
 racerfacer, you posted the same thing last round. Except in that comment you called it a turnbar and said PB kids wet their pants over it. Make up your mind ;-)
  • 1 0
 I want either sterling's roost or dave's water jump. both are incredible. Is it just me or is it amazing how the seatstay pic made it this far? I mean, I'm not dissing on it- it's a really cool and unique perspective- but the shots that win POY are shots that are well organized and really look visually AWESOME. All of these photos have that- except for that shot. I've seen Stef's other stuff- truly amazing photographer- but in comparison to the others, that one isn't doing it for me.
  • 2 0
 It doent matter what your level of riding. Everyone can relate to Daves shot.....
  • 7 2
 Margus Riga's shot deserves the win in my opinion. Love the way he used the natural light of the sun to highlight the roost and the way he framed the shot with a subtle showcasing of a major Whistler landmark, Black Tusk, off in the distance. Plus, it's Tippie. Hard not to love it.
  • 1 0
 I agree.
I think more people voted for "Sterling" than they did for his actual shot. Not that Sterling's photo isn't isn't great- it's got my vote on that side now, but Riga's pic was much stronger in my opinion.
  • 3 0
 All of these are fantastic photographs, but quite a lot of them are, feel like they're the same as ones take a million times before...hell, the water jump is nearly identical to the picture that won last year!
  • 5 0
 WHAT A 2012 PHOTO IS DOING IN A 2013 PHOTO OF THE YEAR COMP? Laue's Cameron Zink is a RAMPAGE 2012 shot!
  • 4 0
 Yeah I noticed that too... really nobody cares about this?? I don't think is correct!
  • 2 0
 Sorry about that, but I didn't choose this shot…The shot from Mike is from 2011...
  • 1 0
 @laue, hey buddy, of course is not your fault.. obviously something went wrong I guess... what they will do now? and mike's is a 2011?
  • 1 0
 It could be that it's just the exifs that say that. I'm pretty sure they don't do anything!
  • 3 1
 Count me amongst those who can't believe the San Fran shot lost out to the canyon gap. You've got a rider riding a cool line, with an amazing background of birds, amazing sky, the tower, the fog… The canyon gap shot is a beautiful shot, but the San Fran picture is just so much more unique in every aspect.
  • 7 1
 rigas roosting corner !
  • 8 4
 The Laurence Crossman-Emmsare and Stef Candé shots are the last two original shots.
  • 6 1
 The Riga shot of Tippie roosting in the Alpine, but so hard to choose AGH!
  • 4 0
 This last round of votes was disappointing. Only two of my choices made it though Frown
  • 7 6
 what about that long exposure helmet light shot? no offense to Dave Trumpore for that water spray shot but i would of said that light trail shot was much for of a feat to capture? but i guess i am a sucker for long exposure trails
  • 1 3
 Feel like a dick now.... why did those 2 shot have to face each other?! The pain!
  • 1 0
 Choosing now is getting down right rude... I think there are one or two images that aren't going to make it past this round that I would place over both in quarterfinal 4. They are great pictures but not of the same calibre as some of the others in my eyes. Not looking forward to voting in the next round, it's going to be hell!
  • 1 0
 unfortunately in this round, the two photos I like are going against each other. I ultimately went with Trumpore. It boiled down to a few things for me:
-I've been voting for Krabbe since round 1 because I love the composition through the ferns. I feel like there is so much depth to the photo. However, haziness of the photo has been disturbing. I haven't figured that out until this round.
-I really like the hard edge contrast of Trumpore's photo. The super bright with the blacks is great.
-Also the lighting on the water spray is awesome, then I noticed how the backlighting caught the rider's leg. It kind of sealed the deal for me on a photog level.
-The timing of the photo with regards to the rider has split me between both photos. On the one hand (pun intende), the hand/bar covering the face on Trumpore's photo has been distracting. I personally think it would've had more impact to have seen the "eyes" of the rider fully. I think if the rider's head were composed the way Krabbe did it, the photo would be that much better.
-The timing of the photo (pt 2) has me split on a different portion. I feel like the rider in Trumpore's photo is at the peak of the move. Granted, we're not talking tricks or anything, but to me everything after this particular moment is to focus on the landing rather than clearing those rocks. In Krabbe's photo, the rider looks like he's leading up to the peak. Almost like a whip is about to be thrown after that moment. It left me wanting more out of the "story" unlike Trumpore's photo.
  • 2 2
 I have my favorite to win just like every one else but I just want to say a few words to the experts on here. These are professionals doing their jiv to the best of their ability and think of all the fantastic back ground pics you get from this. There is no better photo comp in the world than this one. Every photog that made it into this comp is a living legend in my book.
  • 1 0
 While Cande's shot may not be as 'beautiful' as some of the others, its incredibly immersive. i can practically smell the earth, feel the sun on my side and the adrenaline- and it makes me wanna ride!
  • 1 0
 size DOES matter in this contest...the size of the roost or table that is being thrown....all of the creativity and originality is being sucked out of this contest as it gets deeper! for shame.
  • 1 1
 competing in art? stupid id say, because art is as one individual sees it. but ppl have to compete in everything so... good one some how i guess. Great pix here. Like the Sterling Lorence best.

next competition: Who has the radest bike? LOL
  • 3 0
 I was stuck on the first one for over an hour... its too hard to vote
  • 4 1
 Props to all of these 8...superb!
  • 3 0
 Im not voting anymore, this is just stupid!
  • 3 1
 Am I the only one here that thinks Stef Cande's photo just looks out of place compared to the rest?
  • 1 2
 Mountain biking becomes more twattish with arty farty pics/videos/trendy clothes. It's in danger of becoming a c*ntish activity, the whole thing has become a cliche. Video with a shit tune no one's heard before, more scenery than riding and repeat ad nauseam.
  • 1 0
 Not to talk ´bout photography tecnic...but there is to much photoshop on some of the pics.....I stick on Laurence Crossman-Emms photo.....
  • 2 1
 hahaha im 100% for voting right now, im a great guesser, some of these match ups are so damn close
  • 2 0
 Lorence, Trumpore, Cande..... My top 3... But I love strobe action...
  • 3 0
 Margus or Dave Smile
  • 1 0
 dang! Margus vs Sterling in the quarter finals is making my head spin. Both of those photos should win. Smile
  • 2 0
 Wtf where is the photo with Elliot Jackson?
  • 6 5
 Mike Zinger!!! perfect scenery makes me wanna ride! Wintertime sucks..
  • 2 1
 Starting to get painful here... So hard to choose.
  • 1 2
 Reuben or mike zinger. Mike's photo is so beautiful. Truly it's a great picture with and awesome background. Id be happy if he won!
  • 1 0
 Gutted I had to choose between Crossman-Emms and Cande!
  • 2 1
 Reuben or mike will win this
  • 1 0
 Hoping for Reuben
  • 1 0
 there all nice but nothing stands out as a winner.
  • 1 0
 2/8 of my choices made it!
This sucks.
  • 1 0
 The moon shot shouldn't have gone out! It was amazing
  • 1 0
 So many amazing photos!! Truly capturing what cycling is all about!
  • 3 5
 Clearly Mike's shot is not as "professional" as some of the others (framing, color, etc...) but I love it. The photo speaks to me...lol
  • 1 3
 Really? I can't tell a difference. It's an awesome picture!
  • 2 3
 not sure how you define "professional".... Mike Zinger is a professional photographer last time I checked so I assume his photos would be professional as well...
  • 3 2
 Note: I was talking about the photo itself, not the photographer....

Look at Mike's photo (which I love...). The rider is not in focus, the stump/brush is. The range of color is not as great.
  • 4 0
 This photo is going purely on the feeling of the shot. I'm surprised it got this far in a "photo" of the year contest. Technically it is not as good as some of the others. As burnbern mentioned, focus is off.
  • 4 0
 Its out of focus...
  • 1 0
 That first one
  • 1 0
 Mike Zinger for me!
  • 1 1
 Sterling Lorence for me.
  • 3 4
 For me Cande or zinger for the win
  • 1 4
 Sorry, but pros shouldn't be allowed in this comp. Hard for the average joe to compete with a 9-5 job and self bought equipment.
  • 3 0
 Brandon, pretty sure I shot mine between working a full time 9-5, and with self bought equipment ;-)

The same can be said for more great shots than you think. Excuses don't take better photos, hard work and creativity do.
  • 1 0
 Sorry but pros shouldn't be allowed in Rampage(Crankworx, World Cup, etc.). Hard for the average joe to compete with a 9-5 job and self bought bikes.

I'm not sure how you think some of the pros become pros but for most of us it's while working at other jobs to cover the bills (for some, that continues long after they've become "pro").

And I'm not sure where you think most of us get our gear? There's not some stockpile of badass lenses, camera bodies & lighting equipment waiting around somewhere for everyone who suddenly decides they're a pro. Other than shooting for some news outlets that have gear for some of their staffers to borrow (this doesn't really happen in mtn. biking, just at some newspapers & from what I understand it's usually beat to hell and you wouldn't want it) most of us are all using "self bought gear". It may be nicer than your self bought gear but usually that's not what we started with. We've made sacrifices and built up our kits over the years (it's never-ending). Many carrying around $20k worth of gear (some even more than that). I say "carrying" because you've spent even more money. To get the kit you're currently working with it actually costs you more than that value. DSLRs have a shelf life. That body you spent $3000 isn't worth squat on ebay the second the new version comes out. So when it comes time to upgrade to the newest $6000 body you're not getting much value on that trade-in.
  • 1 0
 And about that gear, when you magically become a "pro" photographer they don't hand you your own sherpa to lug the 80-100lb pack(s) up and down mountains for you. That's all on you my friend.

I don't know what you think the life of the "pro" is like but there's not too many rollin' around in Ferrari's sippin' champagne. There's not that much money out there. You don't know when the next check is coming in or from where or how much it'll be. Every person that's ever bought a camera thinks they can do your job as well as you because they can push the shutter button and they have no clue the work & time it takes to get to the level you're at. You give up riding time to to get the shot. You have to convince your friends to hike up that section just one more time (it's never one more). You're up (really) early and you're out late. Sometimes reeeeally late. If you're a ski/board photographer in the winter (a lot of us are) then many times you're (still) out at 4AM, well beyond freezing not knowing if you pressed the shutter button because you can't feel your finger and hoping you don't get arrested. You're working hard taking tens to hundreds of thousands of images every year. If you're lucky and you put in your time to learn, and you have the riders and you're in the right light, and you chose a creative composition, and etc. then you get a thousand images a year that are great. And "great" images don't even make the first cut of this competition (usually- but that's a topic for another comment).

"Anyone can take a picture right? Why can't I be a pro?"
"Anyone can ride a bike right? Why can't I be a pro?"

The answer is you can. But are you willing to do what it takes to get there or will you just have excuses?
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