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Finals Photo Epic: Kickstart My Heart - Red Bull Rampage 2018

Oct 28, 2018
by Danielle Baker  

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to watch Red Bull Rampage in person? Jill Kintner was on site for her first time this year and described the experience phenomenally: "This is the first time I've seen Rampage in person; watching on TV you don't really get the whole vibe, you don't get the process, you don't get the fear, or the textures, or the smells, or the heat, or how these guys all work together and bond together. It's such a completely different experience in person. I had to see if for myself. Just looking at the size of everything, I know they have progressed into this, but I can't fathom doing something like that. Even someone who can ride bikes, they're just so brave and they have to brave their own lines.

'You empathize with everyone and you can feel what they are feeling and you're so scared, but you can't say anything because you want to be supportive. But they are so comfortable and it's a process from start to finish, you can't just come in for the final and really understand what this place is about. You need to be here a few days to watch them build, to watch their team work together, to watch the guy on the next ridge cheer them on when they hit it for the first time. And you have to see the sunset and feel the dirt and how light it is and how well it packs and it's just a different place and a different vibe than you get on TV. And plus, they've been out here for like eight days, I've been out here for two-and-a-half and I feel so roached and burned and tired from hiking around. But eight days in a row? And then to have to do this at the end of it? Impressive stuff."

Full moons and lunatics the story of Rampage 13.
Full moons and lunatics, the story of Rampage 13. Early morning arrival.

bigquotesI actually spectated for number 2, 3, and 4 and I haven't been here since then. It's crazy because back in the 'olden days' literally people would just come, kick a couple of rocks off the end of a cliff and be like 'looks good, let's ride this line.' Now, watching them build everything up, I think it's just pushing the level of riding so much more. They have more confidence because they know what they are landing on is a good solid landing, rather than mushy sand. Lisa Lefroy

First light over the ridge warmed frigid riders.
First light over the ridge warmed frigid riders.

The drone clearing fly-by early in the morning. Just to make sure the crowd was awake.
The drone clearing fly-by early in the morning. Just to make sure the crowd was awake.

A little extra wind check never hurts before attempting to fly.
A little extra wind check never hurts before attempting to fly.
A couple well placed rocks mark the spot and make certain that landing is well lined up.
A couple well-placed rocks mark the spot and make certain that landing is well lined up.

Today is the day. It s time to Rampage.
Today is the day. It's time to Rampage.

Practice started in near dark. It was cold and windy. Practice was extended. Finally nature cooperated.
Practice started in near dark. It was cold and windy. Practice was extended. Finally, nature cooperated.

Unfortuntalely the wind had other ideas and most of the biggest features stayed unridden until the last 30 minutes of the extended practice session.
Unfortuntalely the wind had other ideas and most of the biggest features stayed unridden until the last 30 minutes of the extended practice session.

bigquotesIt looks absolutely incredible. You're never quite sure what to expect when you see a new site because I've not been here for a few years as well, I wasn't sure how it had changed, if it had kind of advanced a bit and seeing the new site, it looks amazing. That kind of freedom to push even harder, that freedom to go a little bit bigger on everything, it's shown in their riding today. There were so many runs that were so impressive. Adolf Silva's run was pretty cool, it was a run I like to watch, big, fast, simple, and clean. It wasn't overly complicated, it looked like he was having fun. It looked like if I jumped on a bike and done his run it would have been a blast! Gee Atherton

Brandon Semenuk contemplates his line on the final morning of practice.
Brandon Semenuk contemplates his line on the final morning of practice.
Brett Rheeder was on a mission.
Brett Rheeder was on a mission.

Jordie Lunn was pensive before his run and rightfully so.
Jordie Lunn was pensive before his run and rightfully so.

Andreu Lacondeguy
Andreu Lacondeguy
Judge Kyle Jameson before the competition.
Judge Kyle Jameson before the competition.

bigquotesThe hardest part about it is that you don't ever want anybody to get hurt, so you just get really nervous for, not only your significant other or the one you love, but for all the guys out there because you become friends with them. You know their abilities and sometimes you question what they are doing and wonder if it's safe. At the end of the day you know they can do it but there's still that hint of fear inside of yourself.

I was surprised when I first got out here and everyone was saying 'that person is crazy' or 'that person is doing something insane over there.' But I knew they would all figure it out and they did. And no one got seriously hurt, which is all that you can really ask for. There were minor injuries, but they were all able to walk off from them. And Kyle made it down two times really well, which was super cool! I was really happy. Everyone is safe - that's the number one priority of Rampage, everything else is second. 
Rachel Strait

Brendan looking forward to a feature-filled line and in the luxurious position of having test ridden it all by dark yesterday.
Brendan looking forward to a feature-filled line and in the luxurious position of having test ridden it all by dark yesterday.
Andreu s Motley Crue vibe Tues ready to send.
Andreu's Motley Crue vibe Tues ready to send.

Eye of the tiger.
Eye of the tiger.
Tyler McCaul
Tyler McCaul

Aggy skipped last year s event after the pressure got to him. This time he kept it fun on his way back to full strength.
Aggy kept it fun on his way back to full strength.
Nell with the equal best day of his young career ahead of him.
Nell with the equal best day of his young career ahead of him.

bigquotesI did exactly what I planned to do. I just barely held on at the bottom, my helmet shifted, and my nose was inside of my goggles, so I couldn't see anything after that flip drop because that impact was so heavy. But I put it back on and shook my head a little bit and still went for the flip and made it to the bottom.

It feels amazing [to have everything done]. It was one of the hardest weeks ever to do all the digging and then doing the heaviest things you've ever done in your life after. It's pretty crazy, but I'm stoked that I'm not hurt. We got pretty bad luck with the wind and the rain helped and didn't help because we got up in just the afternoon one day, we missed a bit of digging but we made it work.
Thomas van Steenbergen

Kurt Sorge
Kurt Sorge

Nell and Lunn lament during the traditional mandatory riders meeting.
Nell and Lunn lament during the traditional mandatory riders' meeting.
Sorge waited for over an hour for the wind but stayed calm and collected as ever.
Sorge waited for over an hour for the wind, but stayed calm and collected as ever.

Nell waits for the wind and feels the fear.
Nell waits for the wind and feels the fear.

bigquotesI really love this event and it's been really cool to see the progression. I can't remember how long ago it was when Gee [Atherton] gapped onto this wall at one of the venues. Everyone thought it was the biggest deal, no one could fathom how he had done it. And then the next year, everyone could gap onto the wall and it's just because the progression is jumping so much. And each year and each venue there are these massive leaps of progression and I think witnessing that is really special.Katie Holden

Tom with the biggest backflip of the day.
Tom with the biggest backflip of the day.

Well no one expected that from Van Steenbergen even if he is a wildman. Best trick for TVS.
Well, no one expected that from Van Steenbergen even if he is a wildman. Best trick for TVS.

Brendan Fairclough took tenth and the Kelly McGarry Spirit Award.
Brendan Fairclough took tenth and the Kelly McGarry Spirit Award.

Brendawg soaring like an eagle over his canyon for the McGazza spirit award.
Brendawg soaring like an eagle over his canyon for the McGazza spirit award.

Brendog scoping out the clip of his massive backflip.
Brendog scoping out the clip of his massive backflip.

Szymon front flipping for the crowd.
Szymon Godziek front flipping for the crowd.

Godziek spotting the landing for his 360.
Godziek spotting the landing for his 360.

Man of the match today was arguably Adolf Silva. Completely undeterred after one of the biggest slams at this year s event in training he stuck everything on his line as soon as the wind dropped before the final inlcuding this excessively proportioned step down.
Man of the match today was arguably Adolf Silva. Completely undeterred after one of the biggest slams at this year's event in training he stuck everything on his line as soon as the wind dropped before the final, including this excessively proportioned step-down.

Adolf Silva was more than impressive as a rookie. He also took the People s Choice Award.
Adolf Silva was more than impressive as a rookie. He also took the People's Choice Award.

Hi Ho Silva away
Hi Ho, Silva, away!

bigquotesFirst time ever here, so I'm super happy I made it top to bottom, I showed what I can do. I had lots of stuff in mind, I just hope to be back and prove to everyone that I can step it up.Adolf Silva

Sorge finally gets a wind window and heads for his mid-run super-sender.
Sorge finally gets a wind window and heads for his mid-run super-sender.

Kurt Sorge had a solid first run but due to a crash in practice he opted out of riding a second time.
Kurt Sorge had a solid first run, but due to a crash in practice, he opted out of riding a second time.

Jordie couldn t quite put a full run together but he s still a crowd favorite.
Jordie couldn't quite put a full run together, but he's still a crowd favorite.

Jordie Lunn bows his head in frustration over not being able to ride the terrain on his terms. Time had run out and the digging wasn t done. Practice on the lower section never commenced due to high winds.
Jordie Lunn bows his head in frustration over not being able to ride the terrain on his terms. Time had run out and the digging wasn't done. Practice on the lower section never commenced due to high winds.

Carson Storch sends a massive three but couldn t hold the run out of the landing.
Carson Storch sends a massive three but couldn't hold the run out of the landing.

Carson went down hard after this 360 but he would have rode it out if the landing were a couple feet wider.
Carson went down hard after this 360, but he would have ridden it out if the landing were a couple feet wider.
Carson after his crash.
Carson after his crash.

Aggy was just having fun on his bike. No stress no injuries just get down.
Aggy was just having fun on his bike. No stress, no injuries, just get down.

bigquotesI achieved my goal. I just wanted to have as much fun as I could. I was really worried about my shoulder. On that first run, I overshot that step down at the bottom and I thought for sure I was going to explode - and that's what I was worried about the whole time being here. It held on, I guess that whole week of digging was good physio and I got some strength back. I just came out this year to have as much fun as I could and cheer on my buddies. It all worked out and I'm stoked.

[I took last year off because] I was getting burnt out. To give it 110% and go for the win, you put yourself in a mindset that isn't very comfortable and the decompression from that is horrible. You're depressed afterward, it doesn't make sense but it's because you are holding yourself to a high standard the whole time. I was over it, it just sucked. I hated being in that position and feeling that way. This year I came in with a completely different mindset and I had the most fun I've ever had here. I'm pretty thankful right now.
Graham Agassiz

DJ Brandt had one of the sketchiest top lines on the mountain and out it down without a hitch. He finished his run with this huge flat spin but unfortunately couldn t keep the wheels under him.
DJ Brandt had one of the sketchiest top lines on the mountain and out it down without a hitch. He finished his run with this huge flat spin but unfortunately couldn't keep the wheels under him.

B-Sem slaying his rock tapper and roosting into the next section.
Brandon Semenuk slaying his rock tapper and roosting into the next section.

Not the day Brandon Semenuk was hoping for.
Not the day Brandon Semenuk was hoping for.

Tommy G had a solid showing today and this flip helped solidify a top ten finish.
Tommy G had a solid showing today, and this flip helped solidify a top ten finish.

Ethan Nell came out shooting for the moon and takes third at his second Rampage.
Ethan Nell came out shooting for the moon and takes third at his second Rampage.

Local boy and third place finisher Ethan Nell with a suicide no-hander off the final money drop.
Local boy and third place finisher Ethan Nell with a suicide no-hander off the final money drop.

Nell hucks perhaps the sketchiest build on the hill featuring a kicker on a fractured piece of cliff.
Nell hucks perhaps the sketchiest build on the hill featuring a kicker on a fractured piece of cliff.

Nell celebrates an inevitable third place with only Rheeder and Lacondeguy left on the hill.
Nell celebrates an inevitable third place with only Rheeder and Lacondeguy left on the hill.

The man of the hour Brett Rheeder. Long time competitor first time winner.
The man of the hour Brett Rheeder. Longtime competitor, first-time winner.

McCaul gets ejected from his catch berm at high speed but lives to tell the tale.
McCaul gets ejected from his catch berm at high speed, but lives to tell the tale.

T Mac hucks a big one to take sixth place on run number two.
T-Mac hucks a big one to take sixth place on run number two.

T-Mac threading the needle on his big drop.
T-Mac threading the needle on his big drop.

T-Mac s line certainly had podium potential but despite some top draw riding it didn t quite come together and he would settle for 6th place.
T-Mac's line certainly had podium potential, but despite some top-drawer riding it didn't quite come together and he would settle for 6th place.

bigquotesToday went pretty darn well. I had more planned. On the first run I kind of wussed out on flipping off of the first thing and then I just screwed up in a pretty sketchy spot. I was fine, but I was insanely angry. In this event, when you screw up there's just so much work before at home, preparing, and it's not just yourself, it's your whole dig crew helping and two weeks in the desert. When you just blow it like that at the top it feels like such a waste of work. But then on my second run, I made it down the hill. I didn't want to let that hill beat me. I didn't do everything to plan, but I ended up in sixth which I wasn't expecting, so I'm pretty darn stoked!Tyler McCaul

Andreu put down one of the best rampage runs we ve seen in a while and secured a second place.
Andreu put down one of the best Rampage runs we've seen in a while and secured second place.

Andreu spinning like a boss on his stormer of a first run.
Andreu spinning like a boss on his stormer of a first run.

Andreu attacking hard for the top step on his second run.
Andreu attacking hard for the top step on his second run.

Anreau had such a massively good run tricking nearly every feature.
Andreau had such a massively good run, tricking nearly every feature.
Another ferocious attempt at the win would come unstuck just moments later on the final jump.
Another ferocious attempt at the win would come unstuck just moments later on the final jump.

Tommy G had a solid showing today and this flip helped solidify a top ten finish.
Tommy G had a solid showing today, and this flip helped solidify a top ten finish.

Young gun Reed Boggs with flip for the fans.
Young gun Reed Boggs with flip for the fans.

Reed Boggs was on a burner of a second run until a crash after the last feature.
Reed Boggs was on a burner of a second run until a crash after the last feature.

bigquotesMy day went pretty well compared to last year when I didn't even get to compete. And this year successfully cleaning one run and going for it on the second run, unfortunately, crashing on the last feature, but on all in all a good day. I can't wait for next year! There were definitely hardships for the build week, there was just so much to do, we were kind of stressed about if we were going to finish everything, but when it came down to the finals day, everything worked, and everything worked perfectly. We are just so excited that we got a run top to bottom and we are looking forward to next year to improve.Reed Boggs

Kyle Strait suicide to seventh place.
Kyle Strait suicide to seventh place.

Kyle Strait into super hero mode for a 7th place finish.
Kyle Strait into superhero mode for a 7th place finish.

bigquotesI've been doing it a long time and the diggers and the lines I choose [help manage the time for building] - basically I know how much time it takes to do certain things. We teamed up with a couple of teams too, with Carson and Cameron, so that helps out a lot by itself. Instead of just three guys, it's nine guys. And everybody that we teamed up with also has really good diggers and when you know what you're doing things go a lot faster. Experience is huge. We aren't the first here, but we work the most efficiently.

[Having been at all the Rampages] I think it gives me an advantage in that I can see a line before someone else and that I also know how much time it takes and if we can do it in time. There are a ton of things - even mine and Cam's line last year when we went down the chute, we wouldn't have been able to do that without Aggy cutting in the traverse at the bottom. If we had to do that and make the whole chute ridable we wouldn't have had time. With knowing what you can and can't do, and also, some athletes get eager, some athletes are unsure. It's just knowing, it's just knowledge. But for me, I enjoy it and that's why I'm here. I also like to win but there's nothing I can do on the other side. I do everything I can and then it's in the judge's hands. I'm going to have fun with it no matter what and just enjoy it.
Kyle Strait

Vinny T dropping the ultra techy hipped lillypad he shares with Genon.
Vinny T dropping the ultra-techy hipped lilypad he shares with Genon.

Remy on his final drop before his road gap.
Remy on his final drop before his road gap.

Remy s huge road gap. Notice the clip in pedals.
Remy's huge road gap. Notice the clipless pedals.

bigquotesIt was surprising because I had been here in 2014, I was injured but I still came. Since the first time I competed at Rampage, I've come here whether I was injured or not. I was injured in 2014 and I remember when finals started I wanted to ride so bad and now I'm discovering the new site and talking with all the guys and looking at everything from the outside perspective. Also, I can't wait to ride it, to be honest. Hopefully, I will make it next year. I enjoyed it so much and in a less negative way, I thought this new spot is beautiful and I just can't wait to go back. Antoine Bizet

Sign on the dotted line...
Sign on the dotted line...

The victors go the prize money the champagne and the scorpions.
The victors go the prize money, the champagne and the scorpions.

bigquotesIt's always so nerve-racking watching. I was confident that they would all have a good run. Unfortunately for Brandon, it wasn't his day. But for Tom, having the run that he did and ended up fourth with Best Trick, and I think he could have been a bit higher there. And then for Bret to have the morning that he had. He slammed and had a big battle. But he got back up there and put down a run that was phenomenal and he won it. He's been doing this thing since 2012. It's just so hard to win, so for him to win I was just over the moon for him. It was a massive win. Andrew Shandro

Brett Andreau and Ethan take the top three spots at Rampage.
Brett, Andreau, and Ethan take the top three spots at Rampage.

Rheeder takes his first Rampage win in 2018. What a run.
Rheeder takes his first Rampage win in 2018. What a run.
What a day for Brett Rheeder. This will be one he won t soon forget.
What a day for Brett Rheeder. This will be one he won't soon forget.

Andreu feelin the crowd vibes
Andreu feelin' the crowd vibes!
Top 3 for the day
Top 3 for the day!

Mission accomplished and one immense career goal accomplished for Rheeder.
Mission accomplished and one immense career goal accomplished for Rheeder.

A full Fox podium of Rheeder Lacondeguy and Nell doing the business here at the 13th Rampage.

A full Fox podium of Rheeder Lacondeguy and Nell doing the business here at the 13th Rampage.
A full Fox podium of Rheeder, Lacondeguy and Nell, doing the business here at the 13th Rampage.

The wheels have fallen off for now.
The wheels have fallen off for now.

That s a wrap from the desert. See ya ll in 2019
That's a wrap from the desert. See ya'll in 2019!

Author Info:
daniellebaker avatar

Member since May 10, 2007
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  • 163 14
 Reece Wallace got robbed by a free spot, Brendan Fairclough got robbed, his line was just nuts ! , he could be easily in top 5, Adolf Silva got robbed, Tom van Steenbergen also got robbed, that backflip was huge and insane. Andreu Lacondeguy also got robbed, his run was way more better and impressive than Brett Rheeders run. Can I have your googles please ?
  • 66 7
 Andreu with his loose full send style should of been 1st for sure.
  • 25 1
 His second run was at the red line all the way, unfortunate that he didn't get the last jump.
  • 38 3
 Andreu Lacondeguy's Run was wild for sure, all time best run down rampage, but Brett was so precise and surgical when he landed jumps and drops, probably achieved more "Fluidity" points. Either way, MAD RESPECT to all the riders and diggers! Till next year!
  • 23 1
 Can I have your goggle please. Can I have your glove please.
  • 10 12
 @chyu: Goggles are the new Randy. Proceed motherf*ckers.
  • 37 2
 They really need to do a 'no autographs / goggle begging' rule for the finish line at the next event. Let them do that stuff later.
  • 10 8
 Quit complaining and enjoy the free event, every top comment about rampage is just people bitching
  • 15 0
 @chyu: I don't remember who it was, but someone didn't have their goggles with them, and I shit you not, the same kid yelled "Can I have your shoes?"
  • 5 0
 @chyu: Especially annoying was the dipstick in the NYPD hat mugging for the camera...if I was giving up my goggles/gloves then I'm sending them to the cheap seats not the nuthuggers in front.
  • 5 0
 @jstnrt: Why wasn't that little f*cker at school ?
  • 5 0
 That redbull girl got robbed...
  • 7 0
 Hot take: I thought this year's Rampage was well-judged.
  • 1 0
 @jstnrt: Thank god of wooden barriers. Those kids would easily rip them riders alive. If the mountain doesn't consume the riders, the kids will.
  • 2 0
 I think we need insurance for Red Bull. Everyone keeps getting robbed you better get some security guards while you're at it. Start a union for better pay.
  • 126 1
 On top of everyone getting robbed, I almost forgot this.
-Aggy just sitting on roll-in is at 160BPM heart rate
-"Sal you're a fitness guy, what does this mean?"
-"He's just chillin"
  • 44 1
 True fitness expert
  • 39 1
 Classic. A professional athlete whose “chillin” heart rate is 160? He’d better get to a cardiologist.
  • 17 3
 Hahahaha. I know. He's sooooooooooooooooooo stupid. Friggin chillin at 160????? Is he a humingbird?
  • 13 0
 he's right, that was imperial bpm, bruh
  • 7 0
 also, IIRC his bpm at the bottom were around 160 too, so they maybe got the signal from someone's Polar in the crowd
  • 6 0
 Lot's of nerves there, but I get the feeling that telemetry was about as accurate as the speedo telemetry(as in not at all)
  • 17 2
 sal is downright retarded in the mountain bike world
  • 4 0
 Chilling like a guy who's just done a gram of speed, maybe? Perspective people!
  • 3 0
 His heart rate also only went up to 170 during his run, not skeert
  • 11 0
 160 up top, 160 in the gnar, 160 at the bottom, dudes just intense
  • 1 0
 Sal actually corrected himself after a quick Google search.
  • 2 0
 Fitness whole pizza in my mouth.
  • 11 1
 Maybe we should point out that Rheeder 360° into the first drop was actually oppo.(I did not realized it right away) I think, maybe, this is the difference between Lacondeguy and him and the extra points added to get victory?
(even though Rheeder spins in both ways so easily, ha...!)
  • 12 1
 Can anyone explain what went on in Jordie’s run? I realize what was speculated either not practicing or sick but just from watching it that was going to be an absolutely incredible line!
  • 7 0
 heard/read that he an his builders got sick leading up to the event, also it says here that his line wasn't 100% finished. Reckon a combination of those factors meant he wasn't totally comfertable risking it
  • 1 0
 Yes, his line was unfinished due to sickness of him and his builders, and then he got off line. He never intended to go down Brendawgs line, and once he got there, realized he had no idea where he was going and had to stop.
  • 12 0
 Great show yesterday! I really enjoyed being able to avoid any spoilers before watching the replay! Thanks for all the coverage PB!
  • 17 4
 Lecondeguy deserved the win
  • 2 0
 YES, definitely.
  • 9 0
 Why was aggasiz riding with an injury? He just wanted to have fun? His Spot could have been replaced giving someone else a chance at rampage.
  • 1 0
 I was too caught up in the event to think about this at the time, but it's a good point.
  • 6 1
 I think Adolf should have been at least a podium finisher with the size and speed of that hit alone... I thought the footage of this years redbull really sucked, looking straight down from a helicopter was not the best way to video this... couldn't even tell when someone was airing it out or in the dirt other than dust... some side shots like they did in the lower section are the best way to show how big these guys are going...
  • 2 0
 I agree that the heli angle was disappointing. They did edit together some decent replays after each run, but still missed a lot of the big stuff - Like Adolf's jump off the Price is Right. There was no replay of that. Frustrating. However, I cant imagine how hard it must be to get good camera footage with so many different lines, on such difficult terrain.
  • 1 0
 @rallyimprezive: I'm sure it's difficult, but man... just add a ton of cameras... they know each riders lines... have them qued up for that guys drop... it's not a big area really.... that helicopter just sucked though. It was like watching the old 2D racecar games looking down on the road... lol

I mean Adolf was flying when he hit that booter, and the others were rolling slowly off the lower tier... just crazy committed. but no reply of that thing up close.
  • 9 2
 massive respect to all the riders and diggers out there, you guys are keeping the spirit of freeride alive!!!
  • 7 0
 Godziek and Silva both just have that young gun insanity unique to the field. Hands down.
  • 2 0
 The drop that Silva sent was off the friggen chain!!!
  • 3 0
 I was there and we thought we just watched Godziek die halfway through his first run overshooting that backflip. So pumped he was ok and got his second run clean, what a champ!
  • 6 1
 Anyone know what happened to Jordie Lunn? Was it just to complex of a line and he couldn't hold it together? He was off to a heater from the start for sure.
  • 11 0
 Yeah it seems like he wasn't able to finish building and had 0 practice on much of his line due to the wind. Also heard he was sick during the event. Really hope he makes a return next year, a full run definitely had podium potential even with the way the judges are...
  • 3 0
 a super event. and as far as style...Kyle Strait's huge suicide no hander was dripping, dripping with committement, like no other seen at this year rampage. Kyle's form for the superman full extention...textbook. all of us watching his run were speechless, we all looked at each other and had nothin but respect for this man.
  • 9 4
 Not a single photo of Szymon Godziek?
  • 10 4
 There are a couple in there now, and if you want to see more Szymon, you can watch the final video from his Road to Rampage series here: www.pinkbike.com/news/video-godzieks-road-to-rampage-part-3.html.
  • 24 1
 @Lone-Wolf - that was my error. I missed a batch of photo late last night when I was still up working. No conspiracy, just a very hard working and exhausted media team. Thanks the for catch!
  • 11 1
 @dbaker: killer content!
  • 1 0
 His massive 360 into that front flip was one of the highlights of the day.
  • 1 3
 @mikekazimer: @dbaker great stuff. seems like these 2 are basically the same photo

T-Mac hucks a big one to take sixth place on run number two.

T-Mac threading the needle on his big drop.
  • 2 0
 @dbaker: sick coverage, thanks for workin it Smile
  • 1 0
 @dbaker: Enjoyed the captures...I'm sure the photo sort took hours...big ups
  • 4 3
 What a great show the riders put on yesterday. The bar was raised with some creative lines and plenty of hucked meat. It was a relief to see everyone walk away from it away from it fairly unscathed. Awesome to see how these guys have some large bails then get straight back on their bikes and carry on sending. Props to all the dig teams and the safety staff too. I guess there will always be some controversy with the scoring on such a varied roster of riders and lines but all in all it was qui'CAN I HAVE YOUR GOGGLES!'
  • 6 1
 Good thing there are NO BANKS or TRAINS in Virgin, Utah!
  • 1 0
 Interesting the quote from Lisa Lefroy:

"It's crazy because back in the 'olden days' literally people would just come, kick a couple of rocks off the end of a cliff and be like 'looks good, let's ride this line.' Now, watching them build everything up, I think it's just pushing the level of riding so much more. They have more confidence because they know what they are landing on is a good solid landing, rather than mushy sand. "

Some people are asking what rampage seems to be lacking / not liking that it has become a slopestyle competition - why not have it go back to a no build up just ride it event like it originally was?
  • 2 0
 Almost all of the most memorable tricks from Rampage have been on built features. Can Zink's huge 360 step down. Kelly McGarry's 60ft Canyon gap back flip. Sam Reynolds Canyon Gap Superman. Huge suicide no hander from Kyle Straight. Even Brendog's super gnarly line from this year had been edited a lot. They were hanging from harnesses chipping away at those shoots. I think if you did zero building you would see a lot less cool stuff and it would really only be appreciable to people who realise how narrow/exposed/sandy/technical it is. It would lack the wow factor I think.
  • 2 0

While I love watching video as much as the next guy, I really appreciate the context that a well captured still shot can add to any situation.

Thank you (and all the shooters) for the solid effort and work you do!
  • 5 1
 So many incredible pics !!!!
  • 4 2
 Personally I liked Lacondeguy's run, but how do you post a photo epic without photos of the winning run? There were a lot of pictures, did I miss one?
  • 2 0
 Those photos are just awesome! Being a photographer myself, i know the effort it takes to get such shots in the field. And those photographers just nailed it! Mad respect!
  • 1 0
 Brendog hit an insane line, representing for the UK whoop, whoop. You earned massive respect Brendan, from the fans if not the judges.
  • 3 1
 Thanks for the coverage- always look forward to the photo epic to put the massive features in perspective.
  • 3 0
 Holy sh** these photos, couple of them were stunning.
  • 7 5
 Andreu Won! Fairclough Second! Popular vote means more than what some douches in a cabin decided...
  • 3 0
 Next time a podium with the builders please, they need more recognition !
  • 1 0
 - before the finals lines should be judged seperatly for creativity and gnar. shared parts get deduction.

- two last days before finals just the rider and his bike/shovel.
  • 1 0
 Unreal pics, Rampage blows my mind each year... the sheer scale of it, just wow.
  • 1 0
 It was an awesome event. Loved some of the gnar chutes. Fairclough's line was sick and his scores were way too low.
  • 3 1
 Rheeder was smooth..calculated and huge..much deserved!
  • 1 0
 Its impossible to judge any type of freeride event, insanity and skill! I'm just blown away by the riders!
  • 1 0
 Great post and amazing photography, thanks @pinkbike
  • 4 5
 Ok nice pic but where is photo of Szymon Godziek?? Its not fair, huge 360, frontflip! and bad crash. Im disappointed. Red bull sponsored Szymon Godziek.
  • 13 1
 @OzbornRacing that was my error. I missed a batch of photo late last night when I was still up working. No conspiracy, just a very hard working and exhausted media team. Thanks for the catch and please tell your friends that it's now fixed.
  • 1 1
 These are amazing photos but the caption of the signed boy really made the whole article better!
  • 4 3
 I'm not sure if Gee could have ridden Silva's line.. that was nuts
  • 3 0
 You can’t be serious
  • 1 15
flag thesharkman (Oct 28, 2018 at 16:48) (Below Threshold)
 Gee can barely even compete in DH anymore, there's no way he would even touch Rampage.
  • 3 0
 @thesharkman: no idea if he'd touch Rampage, but he managed to win Hardline this year and had a pretty decent end of WC season following injury at round 2
  • 5 0
 @NAVD: Remembering however that he has competed AND podiumed at Rampage before.
  • 1 0
 @avcb: he came 2nd in 2004 and 2010.

Google his 2010 run, the guy can easily handle the big stuff.. at serious pace too!
  • 1 0
 Women and kids can ride in the front of the bus now.
  • 1 1
 Darth Rheeder is on the rise...
  • 1 0
 It's free real estate.
  • 1 2
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