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Freeride's Dead

Watch it in all new 4D on Vimeo here http://vimeo.com/26286235 Song: Shiny Boots - Situation Leclerq. A short video detailing the imminent death of freeriding. Watch out, random nutcases abound! Thanks to Mike Hopkins, Juicy Studios and Joyride Bike Parks!!


  • + 111
 I really don't get all this talk about freeride being dead, it's a load of BS and Mike explains this quite well in this video...
  • + 54
 oh he does, "why does everyone keep SAYING this shit?"
  • + 16
 VOD very soon!! show them freeriding isnt dead!!
  • + 39
 stupid random nutcase, go back on your bmx
  • + 16
 I like turtles...
  • + 12
 1.18 is so fast
  • + 1
  • + 5
 i know its against the point of the video but that guy would make a shit hot dh racer ! dude tares
  • + 1
 This vid stokes me out!
  • + 6
 If Freeride's dead what am i doing when i ride?

i ride for fun, my runs are not timed and noones judging me
  • + 2
 dh isnt all just about racing, although its a great way too use your skills to many people are making the sport more competitive then enjoyable, im showing this to my riding buddies because sometimes they start to treat our normal rides as competitions and end up bad mouthing each-other on how we ride, this videos real good cuz it shows that free riding just getting less significant. awesome video thoughWink
  • + 76
 Why does every video these days start with a scene of high definition beverages
  • + 22
 This ^
  • + 23
 i shoul post a vid that start with eating a caviar canapĂ© on a golden tablet xD
  • + 33
 I have yet to see a bad Hopkins video. I love his riding style and the way he gets rowdy on the trail.
  • + 18
  • + 14
 this is soo sick. freeride will never die
  • + 6
 mike hopkins is such a sweet rider, such a relaxed style! top vid!
  • - 3
 This is a totally awsome and really captures the gist of what freeriding should beSmile This video is so awsome, its up in the top 5 videos i have ever seen on pinkbike me thinks, Congrats on the PoD Smile
  • + 6
 Oh shit, sorry guys, Half asleep when i typed that excuse my mistake Smile
  • - 35
flag RampageRules (Jul 14, 2011 at 10:44) (Below Threshold)
 chinese alan gets neg props!
  • + 14
 lol so do you rampagerules
  • + 1
 why does he have 10 neg props? good comment bud
  • + 18
 Great Vid =D also nice to see some 888's for once
  • + 12
 Rad vidder dudes! David you really fill that suit out. Thank God people take mountain biking very seriously, the way it should be.
  • + 6
 giver titties man
  • + 3
 I assumes his nipples are hard
  • + 1
 Hopkins is so pro tup i'd marry him! VoD this plz
  • + 3
 haha! that video was awesome and it makes a damn good point: freeride is not dead and never will be! as long as people are riding they will be freeriding.
  • + 9
 lol why did that comment get neg repped? Glad to see the little kids on pinkbike still can't pick up on the humour-o-meter
  • + 7
 Freeride will NEVER die. As long as bikes exist. Big Grin
  • + 5
 this guy is such zesty rider. 1:15 - 1:20 his riding is loose as a prostitutes...
great vid Smile
  • + 1
 I love how all of you guys claim free riding is riding for the love of it but then you bag on anyone not rocking a dh bike. Free riding is mountain biking! Plain and simple. No competitions just finding shit to rip. I ride dh bikes and other bikes and for anyone in the bike world to try and separate different classes of bikes is what kills freeride. Douche bags.
  • + 2
 blahblahblah,...... enjoy hopkins shred, its freeride with a grace!! dont think so?! > just skip Razz
> song: [matches perfect!] Situation Leclerq - Shiny Boots
...have fun!
  • + 3
 freeride: to ride freely doing as you wish and as you will, every line is an option and every session ends with high fives and beers with bros!
  • + 4
 Talk is cheap, go out and ride... I like this attitude! Not to forget: very cool video!
  • + 3
 "Freeride's dead Hopkins, everythings a contest now"

I laughed so hard lol
  • + 1
 I still cant get over this video. LOL ah shit this is an amazing video that should be sold to stores and bikers like us to watch and have a thrillBig Grin GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • + 2
 blahblahblah,...... eNJOY hopkins sHRED, or just skip Razz

> song: [matches perfect!] Situation Leclerq - Shiny Boots

have fun!
  • + 2
 What a vid! Freeride is one of the best forms of riding a bike! In my eyes!
  • + 2
 Freeride being dead is like saying having fun on bikes is dead! Great vid.. Great point.. Just go out and ride!
  • + 1
 blahblahblah,...... eNJOY hopkins sHRED, or just skip Razz

> song: [matches perfect!] Situation Leclerq - Shiny Boots

have fun!
  • + 0
 Freeride for life!! because the essence of freeride is simply the way of having fun and finding new lines or trails or tricks by your self or friends. freeride cant be classified in any contest because its not a contest!
  • + 1
 great video. the espresso preparation was an atrocity. why don't people learn how to prepare espresso if it is their job? viva la freeride!
  • + 2
 haha I gotta come clean on that one. The espresso making is not shot in the coffee shop because that would have been too much of a hassle. Hopkins makes the coffee so your issue is with him there....
  • + 1
 As long as you go out for a rip without anybody telling you to do it, or judging you, as long as you ride for the feeling it brings YOU, then youre freeriding Smile
  • + 3
 Great vid.. FREERIDE is my LIFE
  • + 4
 Fast and flowy ftw
  • + 1
 Great video. It would have been even better with 3 or 4 guys killing the trail together. Freeriding is also about shreddin with the bros.
  • + 2
 Every time I watch this video I want to drink coffee. I drink too much coffee as it is!
  • + 1
 knew this was going to be good before i watched it due to the 1664 faves then i watched it and it totally blew me away !!!! Razz
  • + 1
 Look, Freeride isnt dead guys....It never has been and never will die......Oh and is it just me or is this guy a really fast dh rider??
  • + 2
 I bet who ever wrote that article that freerideing is dead is looking like a right dumb ass now!
  • + 2
 freeride will never die, I'm sure
  • + 1
 YES!!!!!!!!! my fav rider answers your dumbass question!!!!!!! Hopkins, Thank you!!! a VOD is in order.
  • + 2
 Awesome edit! It had a great feel!
  • + 2
 any vid with mike hopkins has to be so frecking awesome!
  • + 2
 Shiny Boots - Situation Leclerq
  • + 1
 This is brilliant, actually made me laugh. Love the tongue-in-cheek style. Great video, great message.
  • + 2
 oso negro is the best coffee.
  • + 1
 Anyone know what color green is on Hopkin's bike? Doesn't look like the usual Knolly kawi green. Love it
  • + 1
 the video's awesome just for the fun factor :L lovin it, just chill on the trails and have fun. do what you want Smile
  • + 1
 im loving this video how can freeride be dead thats the best part sick video guys
  • + 1
 And that's no 4 suit man.... I rate a 10+++++
F--kin random nut case!!! LMFAO
  • + 2
 What is this, amateur hour???
  • + 1
 Its like a stupid porn movie. Focus on the bike n the ride, no chit-chat shit!
  • + 1
 I fucking love this video bro! Funny ass shit. Freeride never dies......Brap Brap Braaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppp
  • + 2
  • + 1
 mike hopkins makes the camera mans life easy. with all his effortless style.
  • + 1
 nice double shuffle on the steps.
  • + 1
 What kind of Bike is Mike Riding he wont tell me?!?!?! Razz
  • + 1
 Don't let Strava turn you into a zombie...
  • + 1
 Great video the guy shreds like fuck!nice
  • + 1
 does anyone know the brand of his jersey?
  • + 1
 Sorry but freerides not dead..
  • + 1
 Love that line..

  • + 1
 Homie in the grey has an epic voice lol
  • + 1
 Which trails are these!? Anyone know?
  • + 1
 you just mad a freck of your self in front of 42984 pepul
  • + 1
 ahahahhahhahahahahahahah thats so funny i had to watch it like 20 times Smile
  • + 1
 anybody know where this trail is???
  • + 1
 No matter what it's still a sick vid
  • + 1
 at 2:30 did he clear the landing by like 30 feet?
  • + 1
 song from isenseven. nice.
  • + 1
 the riding is good but when the people talk it gets kinda wierd
  • + 1
 Great riding, good concept, but cooooorny dialogue.
  • + 1
 haha i love it!. i can taste the vod from here
  • + 1
 What's freeride. Best vod for a while now
  • + 1
  • + 1
 well that didnt take very long
  • + 1
 Mike Hopkins just keeps on cranking out the shweet edits. KEEP EM COMING!
  • + 1
 Freerideing isnt dead. Go ride.
  • + 1
 This video just gets me amped to go tear it up!!
  • + 1
 LOVE IT Big Grin the good vods are coming back!
  • + 1
 hahahaha that's hilarious
  • + 2
 just made my day ...VOD
  • + 2
  • + 1
 its not dead god damn it.
  • + 1
 this is sooo sick your filthy
  • + 1
 some random nutcase following me around all day jeezzz.
  • + 1
 So fresh, great concept, great filming and great tune, loved it!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 totally true what he said about freeride, VOD for sure!
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 sick, love this
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
  • + 1
 fucking love it
  • + 1
  • + 1
 freeride never die!!!!
  • + 1
 whats this song
  • - 2
 Freerides been dead for about 10 years because of use amateurs riders thinking yeh fucking sick yeh little nits sell yeh bike and buy a scooter.
  • + 1
 freeride hasnt been dead for 10 years... its just your imagination has.
  • + 3
 I was doing a neg prop competition yeh spoon.
  • + 1
 oh, fair enough then Smile
  • + 1
 love this guy
  • + 1
 Nice Video Big Grin
  • + 1
 free ride is in t died
  • + 1
 SONG pls????
  • + 1
 Does not matter if he is off scott,or on knolly,or on skiis this guy puts the shizz in buizz. Nice story line very cool filming it looks sped up that kid is fast.
  • + 1
  • - 1
 if you ride alone or go for a training ride its freeriding hence freeriding will never be dead!
  • + 1
  • + 1
 Zed's... Dead....
  • + 1
  • + 1
 nice one hopkins!!!
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