Video: Gone in 60 Seconds

Oct 25, 2012
by Alex  
Views: 62,801    Faves: 185    Comments: 33

The London Program investigates the £27 million pound crime wave that is seeing thousands of bicycles being stolen from the capital's streets. Our reporter catches some professional bike thieves in action and finds out how easy it is to steal a bike in central London

Bike crime is organised, and is a very serious & common crime in the U.K (worldwide too). A bike is stolen every time you've counted 71 seconds here. This video shows what happens in London, but there are others being targeted i.e Downhill MTBs and expensive road bikes at trails or even burglaries. Let's fight the thieves by getting better security for bikes, and being more wiser to their tricks.

Check out my website on bike security and why Almax chains are better than others.

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road-psyclist avatar

Member since Nov 5, 2009
15 articles

  • 183 1
 My bike is my touch it, you die.
  • 36 0
 pretty much how every mountain biker feels... its the worst feeling having it taken
  • 7 0
 I've watched this before awesome video
  • 8 0
Replace "daughter" for "bike".
I know, been said before. But still applicable lol
  • 5 20
flag Aibek (Oct 25, 2012 at 23:49) (Below Threshold)
 Castrate the thief, shoot the buyer! . the buyers are the worst scum!
  • 9 0
 There are two kind of bikes; a means of transport, it can be a good means of transport, but unrelated feelings - just like you use fork to eat everyday, you wont have any feelings with that fork; another it is like a friend, it was like a brother with you, to share their happiness with you through thick and thin, like your comrade, although sometimes you stir temper, but it will always be the most loyal friend, a lot of people because it changed their life.
For me, my is friend, one of my best friend.
  • 3 0
 My bikes were my babies. Taken during a burglary and truly gutted. By all means have a look at my page and see the bikes that went.
  • 9 0
 I'm usually a pretty easy going and non-confrontational guy. But man, if someone stole my bike, and i caught them. I would probably be the one being arrested, for assault.
  • 5 0
 Luckily where i live theres not alot of people and not alot of crime, mainly based on the fact that everyone owns a rifle or two so your liable to get shot at if caught stealing.
  • 13 1
 No joke... My bike was actually stolen just yesterday!! I was gutted when I found it was gone!!!!!! Which ever f*cker stole it and is reading this I have a message for you, "I dont know who you are. I dont know what you want. If you are looking for ransom... I can tell you I dont have money. But what I do have, I have a very particular sort of skills. Skills that I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my bike go now... That will be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you dont... I will look for you, I WILL' find you... And I WILL kill you!"
  • 5 1
  • 5 1
 apparently he's a knight...
  • 4 0
 great movie
  • 4 0
 Its not only pedal bikes that get stolen in London all the time, its motorbikes aswel Frown
  • 5 1
 taken 2 not so good Frown
  • 3 0
 When I was five years old I had my bike stolen. I was devastated, but was overjoyed when I found it.
  • 26 0
 The justice system in London/England is just shocking! Five months suspended sentance for stealing over 100 bikes!? That's effectively saying, "yeah it's fine, go and nick as many bikes as you like, you'll only get a slap on the wrist IF you get caught" and when you take matters into your own hands, the law is on their side not your's!
  • 6 0
 I agree entirely! A few years back I got my first ever job and put all o my wages to building my dream bike, even to the fine details of the colour of the pins in my pedals. It was built for 17 hours and I took it for its first ride to the skatepark, I crashed so sat at the edge of the skatepark with my bike resting on me, next thing I know some f*ck grabs the bike and says 'I'm just borrowing your bike to go down the shops mate! As e f*cks off into the distance. Later on that day after phonin the police, a skater came along saying he saw the guy and recognised him as he had dated f*ck faces sister once and realised he had a nice bike between his legs, he gave me the guys name, so notified the police. And even found him on a social networking site to confirm his identity. The police suggested I didn't write anything on his wall as threats wouldn't go down well in court, plus it could give the game away. But I knew it was him. The police phone up 6 weeks later and say "we have decided to follow up your stolen bike, what was the guys name again?" And sure enough, the bike wasn't in his house, and had been sold on ages ago, he denied everything and according to the police "he has done things in the past but he usually owns up straight away so it's unlikely it is him." And reluctantly gave me the option to take him to court. It could have been solved that day, yet it wasn't and I was, and still am, devastated.
  • 3 0
 Your totally right. The whole world knows we are a soft touch on crime and I bet they laugh at how soft we are. The problem is there isn't enough prison spaces. You watch a police chase programme and the amount of times driver X was chased for 30 miles in a stolen car at high speed through 30mph zones. Driver X has a huge list of previous convictions for everything you can think of and you watch the end of the programme to see what he got and its normally a suspended sentence or at most 3 months in prison and will serve 2 at the very most.
  • 3 0
 London police are crap now. they dont follow anything up at all, i had 2 bikes nicked, they told me its not worth following cause it wont get found, same with my neighbours, twice, and my mates bike got nicked after being locked for a minute and police said its not worth tracing even though his initials were stenciled under the paint work and it was custom painted and cant imagine there being another bike even remotely similar to it.
  • 1 0
 @joemtbftw Just read your comment, Thats f*cking unbelievable, What a bunch of f*cking ignorants, I got my ride stolen (it was a supermarket bike that I had when was Cool got f*cking devastated and the fact is the cops just don't giva a f*ck I mean evryone must remember this Try and guess how much the cops did to help him find his bike...
  • 1 0
 love it

where can i get one?
  • 26 8
 I am a registered gun owner for a reason.. Touch my bike i will find you or stop you
  • 28 31
 you should move to the states...we don't need gun owners here.
  • 10 4
 Good for you campbell
  • 11 6
 Syncro, steal bikes much?
  • 7 15
flag ebehn (Oct 25, 2012 at 22:18) (Below Threshold)
 Get real Campbell, you can't even transport your firearm without being authorized.
  • 6 2
 Dude what province do you live in? I am legal..
  • 8 1
 Had a feeling some stupid gun argument would derive from that argument. You're a Campbell, I'm a Campbell, and we both like guns. Let's be best friends.
  • 2 15
flag shanelad (Oct 26, 2012 at 0:55) (Below Threshold)
 Seriously Camp Bell? Lowering yourself to lower than the thieves themselves I see.
  • 8 0
 Campbell is not English for Camp Bell, it's Gaelic for crooked jaw. Educate yo'self before you wreck yo'self.
  • 3 6
 I'm glad you pointed that out to me Trozei. You certainly put me in my place. I'll consider myself educated by someone who obviously think guns and violence are the answer to theft. Have a nice day yo! Wink
  • 3 1
 The gun owner thing was not neccesary but anyone would beat the f*ck out of someone who stole their bike
  • 5 0
 i store my bike in my house and if i ever had an intruder it only takes 15 seconds and my trigger lock is off. just sayin.. i would defend myself and my property without thinking twice. cheers!
  • 3 0
 That's because your laws are different....... Google 'Tony Martin burglary' and you see what we face in the UK..... Besides, in my area of England the preferred method of choice is to watch you put your bike in your vehicle at the trails, and follow you home and Rob your house later. If you notice them on your way home and they know it, they pull you over and out comes the weapon and they take it at the roadside. Happened to someone I know and is rife in the south of England.
  • 3 0
 I read the wiki and it seems that the farmer had a shotgun that was illegal. Plus, could he prove he stores his guns in a proper manner? I know the topic of weapons is always a debate. But if you are a registered gun owner you would know that they have to be stored with proper locks and to own a rifle or shotgun with "extended mags" is highly illegal. That is a sad story for sure. As far as getting robbed while out on the trail.. dang, thats just brutal!
  • 2 0
 To be honest I think any mention of fire arms in the UK is a pretty sensitive subject. No offence intended really, but I'd would rather do things through the proper lawful channels or if it came to it, a good old fashioned kicking. The idea of risking a fatality for even my prized possession isn't really an option.
  • 13 0
 Best bike lock I ever saw was outside the YMCA. Some guy's pretty sweet MTB was on the bike rack - unlocked. Next to it was a 120 lb German Shepherd whose leash was tied to the bike. "Ya feeling lucky punk??" Smile
  • 14 0
 That dope who wanted his 50 quid back needs a smack in the head.
  • 5 0
 my god, some people are just asking for a punch in the face
  • 9 0
 Thank you pinkbike for posting this bike stealing awareness. Hopefully someone or a company will make a CHEAP mini gps you can put inside your seat tube or something and alerts the owner through the phone if its moving. It would make the owner feel that much better that their ride or die never gona be lost because if you look in the video, anyone could be a thief.
  • 2 0
 Problem is, u have got to keep it charged and if it's visible any thief would just tear it out and continue
  • 9 0
 I never would have thought you could cut through those thick chain locks so quickly. Looks like there is some real money to be made if you can make a bomb proof cable lock.
  • 4 0
 Midway through reading your post I thought you were going a whole different direction lol. But yes it's an issue of make more secure bike locks or more secure bike racks.
  • 2 0
 cable locks will never be strong. lots of thin wires wrapped together, even if you don't go through in one cut, you can do lots of small cuts... D-Lock all the way, fill up all the space inside, make keyhole inaccessible and high off the ground
  • 7 0
 One lock twisted around the frame and whatever you're locking it to as many times as possible. One for each wheel doing the same thing and one for the bars. Finally, as most bike thieves will try and ride off on it, flick both the shifters to the lowest chainrings without actually moving the chain down, and undo your rear wheel qr (doesn't really work with through axles). Now the thieving scum's face will be buried in the pavement when they try and make their escape.
  • 4 0
 Also you can undo the stem, im shure what will happen cos it happend to me on MY bike and its not funny
  • 6 0
 Had my DJ bike nicked from outside my flat a few months ago in London. Luckily the kid who stole it was stupid enough to ride it around the local area 2 days after stealing it. The kid was only 13 years old so the police let him off with just a caution?!!! Got 2 avid juicys when I got it back though.
  • 1 1
 With the juicys, did the kid upgrade or downgrade em?
  • 7 0
 apparently the famous bike theif in Vancouver area has been caught. of 50 mtb's and 10,000 $ worth of accessories. another happy day for the pb community !!
  • 1 0
 So my Canadian friend. What punishment do you think he will get?
  • 2 0
 maybe 5 months of not leaving his house
  • 7 0
 probably 5 months of not allowed to have maple sirup
  • 3 0
 The worst punishment a Canadian can face under the court of law...
  • 1 0
 **one of the only punishment you can get... besides getting banned from hunting season
  • 1 0
 Wish it was much worse than no Maple Syrup Frown
  • 1 0
 evryone wishes that imagine a world without thiefs... ...stop imagining and look at your bike someone could have stolen it in that time!! LoL
  • 7 0
 It brings me great pleasure to see these thieves tossed to the ground and arrested.
  • 4 0
 I uploaded this video to make people aware of bike theft, not just in the U.K, but worldwide. Always lock your bike up indoors....not the shed (unless it's secure like fort knox!) the garage or outside when at your property. Make sure you secure the bike to something strong and secure, or use a ground anchor (preferably one cemented into the ground) or banisters for example.

When in public places, use a strong lock. I couldn't recommend any other lock other than the Almax Series III or IV with Squire locks. But don't just use one chain, use a d-lock or two for your wheels too., this will make it harder for thieves to get through the locks and stall their time. Use alarmed padlocks too, these help as they cause attention and sometimes scare off thieves.

Avoid cable locks, unless you have a heavy duty chain and (two) d-lock(s) and make sure the cable lock is tight and well made.

If using D-Locks, make sure there is no space for a bottle jack device to squeeze in between any gaps as thieves do this to pop them open.

Be aware of being followed to your property. This has been a case or plenty, where people are followed from trails by thieves.

Always ask for permission from shops or work to leave your bike at work indoors, if they refuse, use a 'beater bike.' A beater bike is a cheap supermarket/old bike of worthless value and thieves won't bother most of the time with them. Keep your good bike at home.

Hope none of your bikes are stolen, and for all your info, visit my website:

  • 4 0
 I saw a shirt recently.. "if you run your fingers over my bike, I'll run your fingers over with my bike."
I seriously dont let my bike out of my sight. My bulldog and .45 watch over it in my house after bedtime.
  • 19 0
 you gave your dog a gun...?
  • 2 1
 Absolutely! she does have a hard time with the trigger guard though... Really what I meant was I sleep with the .45 next to my bed, and she creates a ruckus with any odd noise.
  • 2 0
 I've got a rhodigian ridegeback (i think it's written like that) he has the whole hood terrified!!!
Need a guard for your house get a dog
  • 5 2
 How about this,
"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my BIKE go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you."
That will be all.
  • 3 0
 my mate had has orange nicked not long ago, he let everyone know on Facebook and another pal found it on an ebay type website, in the picture you could make out the thief's number plate through a window, he zoomed in and got the reg no and told the police, they kicked his door in and got it back, my mates only regret is he didnt get to kick his head in haha
  • 2 0
 I like it! But yeah, would have like it more if the guy got a beating. ;-)
  • 3 0
 Definitely wasnt expecting to see a vid like this, but it is very relevant and well-made. Im glad it was featured. Thanks PB, keep up the good content. Its nice to see something out of the ordinary.
  • 2 0
 Thanks, I found it on youtube, then merged parts 1 & 2 together. Check my website out in the description if you have time.
  • 2 0
 ive seen those kryptonite new york locks in person they're heavy as hell and huge it makes me lose hope completely when i see them cut through near instantly, when I have my bike it comes with me inside at all times i dont care what some shop owner thinks and when im at home it stays inside id never put it in the garage
  • 1 0
 I was thinking the same thing when they were breaking through the $100 locks like nothing. Pretty much what I got out of this movie is that there is no safe way to leave your bike out of your sight!
  • 1 0
 or in sight in some neighbourhoods...
  • 6 0
 this is like a horror movie to me :o
  • 2 0
 its the same with motorbikes, bought a mag before and they were testing locks, alarms ect. they then went on to see if there was any point in an alarm as will people take notice, basicly they set a bike up. pulled up in a trasit set the alarm off cut the lock off and pushed it into the transit, in a busy town centre outside a starbucks and i think only one person said are you stealing that, they said nahh mate i lost my keys so getting it recovered and the guy said fair enough and walked on lol simple really dont leave your bike locked up out of sight or it will go bye byes , still wrong though
  • 3 0
 That inbred moron who stole over hundred bikes, all he got was a suspended sentence! No prison, No massive fine, just a slap on the wrist! Send the arsehole to the Middle East & cut the f*ckers hands off!!
  • 2 0
 What the video didn't say is that never put a heavy duty lock on the floor because the only way those guys cut through those chains so quick is because they had to put all their body weight into it. In my experience the police do very little, too nothing to get it back. In december 2010 i brought one of the first 5, demo 8 in the country, 2 in birmingham 1 in specialised UK HQ the other Brend Dog's. and it was never found hard to believe that a bike so uncommon couldn't be found. For those that don't live in the city, watch out for crowded vans our cars following you home, this is one of the biggest forms of bike theft in Cheltenham. All ways lock your bike up out of site and buy one of the locks that when cut put out a 190 decibel alarm along with other locks (find them on chain reaction). As well as all of this is useful its not unheard of the thief cutting through the frame to get to the parts, as they are much harder to trace. Fake cctv works as a deterrent to a small web cam or something under a porch light. it may all sound expensive but i now that i wasnt happy about spending another 5k on a new bike. Hope this helps some of you.
  • 1 0
 You have good points there about the frame being cut to steal the parts. Chemical etching kits are good, but as you said, nobody thinks parts are stolen and usually are more wary of bikes themselves. I guess that'll always be a flaw to people who own bikes with expensive suspension/shocks on their bikes.

Also, for home security, read the following thread, it shows all sorts of advice, mainly from Met police, some by me -
  • 2 0
 Also, a search engine for stolen bikes:

This website helped recover a stolen bike locally. Also, the thief was busted for another stolen item they tried to sell on craigslist.
  • 1 0
 Bike theft is getting pretty common in my area. It's never the kinds of bikes shown in this video, they are all high end Norcos, Konas, Specialized, Devinci's, things like that. I'm glad I don't live "in town" my commute is pretty far. But I've had quite a few tweaked out looking drug addicts comment on my bike when I'm stopped on it. It's obvious they want to steal it, but I'm too street smart for that.

A few weeks ago I had my bike locked up along with my friends, and another high-dollar bike behind the local bike shop. In the half hour we were there, I popped my head out to check on the bikes 4 times. Call it paranoia, I call it being careful.
  • 2 0
 I never take my bike anywhere without taking a heavy duty lock with me. When we ride and go for beers after, the bikes are locked to the car and we sit by the windows. When we travel, they come into the rooms with us, they never get left outside at night. In the summer they're locked to the wall in the garage, and in the winter to the wall in the basement. If someone wants my bike, they might take it, but I'm sure as shit not making it easy for them. I want a GPS small enough to hide on the bike somewhere, and an Iphone app to track it ... I'd love to see the look on a thief's face when you kick his front door in half an hour after he gets home..
  • 1 0
 I realised long ago that the only way to know your bike is safe is to be watching it, or have a mate watching it while you go to the loo or into a shop. I once had a bike locked up with a D lock right in the town centre, in a pedestrian area, van drove in regardless, two guys jumped out, used big bolt cutters, emptied the bike racks into the back of the van and drove off, never recovered Frown
  • 1 0
 i think ill need a better lock after watching this.... if i caught something trying to take my bike. i would would make them feel pain for a long long time...i will make them remember dont mess with a Passionate mountainbikers bike.....
  • 1 0
 I'm definitely glad that this movie is out, bike theft is the worst crime in our little community. But if the police were really involved in the "decoy bike" scene, isn't that pretty obvious entrapment? I'm glad they got the guys, but in America I don't think you'd be allowed to sit there and set traps for thieves all day.
  • 2 1
 isn't "to catch a predator" from american.............
entrapment of the highest degree.

not that they shouldn't be punished but don't play the "in america" card
  • 1 0
 If it was in the US it would be a reality TV show... Ever seen "Bait Car"??? It's a reality show that follows cops around using cars left unlocked in the hood. They let the thief drive for a few then shut the car down remotely and arrest them..
  • 1 0
 my bike comes into work with me and the previous owner lived in brixton and kept it in his house or in work like me not just london but nowhere is safe to leave a bike locked up look at cambridge thousands of bike and hundreds just at the train station loads go missing every day. so sad
  • 1 0
 Every 71 seconds you count, a bike is stolen in the U.K. That's how bad it is, guess insurance and good locks are the only solutions we have for leaving bikes unattended.
  • 1 0
 fukers while most people go to work and ern a liveing these low lifes make more selling your pride n joy . 130 pound that just 1 bike think about it sell 2 or 3 bikes aday over 5 days your makeing more than the person who locked up there bike and went to do a honest days work . Bloody shocking
  • 2 0
 Just proves if someone wants your bike they'll have it. A lock will only slow them down. Doesn't really encourage people to ride to work does it. Places of work should provide secure places to lock your bike.
  • 1 0
 I'm lucky - my office does just that.

My previous employer had a bike rack just in front of reception where security guards sat, with CCTV on the surrounding area. Bikes still went! I used to just take my bike inside the office with me and lean it against a wall :-) not great for the company image, but my bike's my bike!
  • 1 0
 It's a sad truth that no matter what you do to protect it, if the theifs want it they will take it. And whether through choice or lack of resource the police cannot and will not do anything about it. While living in London for 5 years I had two bikes stollen and as fellow bikers you will be aware of the considerable cost. The last one was locked inside my gym, in front of CCTV cameras. And when stollen the gym staff could identify they guy, kindly telling me " oh yeah he steals bikes from here every week " thinking this would be enough for the police, they told me they would not be taking any action and I should be glad my bike was insured. Needless to say that was the last of my biking in London. Thousands of pounds worth of bikes sold on for pennies.
  • 1 0
 You have no idea, what I could do with these bastard thieves .....I HATE people like this, thanks PINKBIKE, now I`ll take care more about my bike :-)

BTW here in Norway yesterday started to snow, and already there`s 0.6 meter Smile No cycling this year any more Frown
  • 1 0
 It's a big problem. There's warnings at my local trails about people following you home so that they can see who to burgle. Touch wood, I've not had too many problems personally. Had one bike stolen when I was like 13 and doing a paper round. Also had some drunk try to take my bike off me when I was street riding one night. "Try" being the operative word here. ;-)
  • 1 0
 Nothing really that surprising. Tools are available everywhere that cut all locks like cheese, and people buy cheap locks. Even the £100 locks were defeated in seconds. People are prepared to buy for cash what is obviously a stolen bike from shady looking people then the demand is clearly there so the loop will self-proliferate.

The sting bikes that were stolen were targeted by thieves who knew what they were looking for, bikes they could sell on which were locked up with pathetic locks. All the bikes witnessed being stolen on the video were with flimsy wire locks cut with even small gauge wire cutters, the two being watched by the Police were obviously spotted and scoped out by experienced bike thieves who knew an easy target. Presumably they had already stolen all the other easy to steal bikes off those two stands previously. I guess the moral is, if you have to ride in London (or many other major cities, even small towns) then a) make the bike more shed like so it is less attractive to steal, and b) lock it up with a sturdier lock than the one next to it. Best of all keep it out of sight, I guess most city offices don't have space to store everyone's bikes though.

I can understand people not wanting to wade in, I mean come on if you were minding your own business on your own walking through town and you saw someone with a portable angle grinder cutting a bike lock in the middle of London, would you intervene? No chance whatsoever. It's not the fact that as Boris (I think it was him) said in the video no-one takes responsibility for the community anymore, I think what is far more likely is no-one wants to get potentially seriously injured playing the good Samaritan and saving someone else's bike from being stolen. Pretty depressing really, things like this could make you despair in humanity.
  • 1 0
 There's one thing everyone I think is forgetting. This is life. It has no guarantees. Cars get stolen, bikes get lost, houses get broken into, you get held up on the corner and relatives get cancer. It sucks, its harsh, its life.

I remember this homeless guy that stole a bike from the LBS, the LBS ran him down and beat the snot out of him. Then, plastered it all over FaceBook as a 'trophy' and had a Pabsts after for their 'good work'. Its nice to know that the LBS gets its kicks by beating a man and bragging about it. A man that had 1/100th of what their spoiled dickhead selves had. "needless to say, I dont support them now' and Im not supporting bike thiefs, I had 3 bikes stolen while in college. I was heart broken, but it does make you wonder, what makes people go to the end to do something such as this?

In a way, I feel sorry for them.
  • 1 0
 They do it because it's a easy crime to pull off and the cops couldn't care less
  • 1 0
 Had a few pedal bikes stolen but worst was when tried to take my motorbike and my mates
They Was locked up and alarmed next to shops with CCTV mine had two locks and disc locks we had been gone for half an hour and on our approach to where we left te bikes had us scratching our heads, both gone but just a walk up the road there was mine alarm still going off and no1 around I was glad to see it again (it was just in a cul de sac ) I sat with my mate and waited then a huge van turned up pulled up along side my bike they popped open the back doors and there was my mates bike I was calm my mate kind of lost it with the two people long story short we had our bikes back and the two lads kind of worse for wear there excuses where they had been ask to pick them up
  • 1 0
 had a bike stolen before..i learnt from that..

my bikes are kept in a room upstairs in my house, I have two staffordshire bull terriers who DO not like anybody they don't know in the house...chance of death very high!

when I ride to work i have a security camera on the bikes at all times with a live feed to my desk and several other peoples...anyone gets caught down there they have no escape..any thieving scumbag who wants to steal what I work hard for WILL be punished by me...not our pansy laws...note to WILL lose digits, teeth, possibly your eyesight and your make sure you remember it for the rest of your worthless life Smile

..peace to all Smile
  • 1 0
 I have a cable lock that my uncle gave me last year. Its from 08', and he got it for $70. You can see the marks all over it where it has tried to be cut, but they never even got the main wires! You get what you (your uncle gives you) pay for.
  • 4 0
 The music on this is straight AWESOME; Massive Attack and DJ Shadow Big Grin
  • 1 0
 I saw DJ Shadow a year a go. He played in his Shadowsphere. It was totally messed up. Youtube it if you don't know what I'm on about
  • 1 0
 Thieves are such scum and such a pleasure to watch as they get caught in the act. I don't know what I would do if someone were to steal any of my bikes and I caught up to them.
  • 2 0
 You would do the normal and civilized thing, beat the f*ck out of him and then take your bike
  • 1 1
 What really bugs me is that there are people looking around on pinkbike and other website and forums, targeting our bikes as we post our videos and our photos, the trail heads where we park our cars, our license plates. Basically gathering information.
  • 3 0
 I can't believe how many people are just passing by when someone is stealing bikes.
  • 4 0
 It's England. If you tried to stop them they'd put a claim in and get thousands of pounds compensation.
  • 2 0
 too right if you seen someone trying to steal your bike and give them a beating you would get done for gbh, same if they come into your house and you cant do shit unless like most protecting family is more important than getting gbh or worse. this is where i wish things are like in the states, someone come into your home or tries to take something its fair game and they left there rights at the doorstep whereas in the uk you may aswell offer them a drink and say come on in legally i cant stop you .
  • 1 0
 I mean has britain looked at that logic, i mean using firearms is exesive but you have to be able to use the necesary actions to get someone out of your property
  • 3 0
 London, what a sh1t hole, glad I live as far away from it as you can get in England.
  • 2 1
 "Let's fight the thieves by getting better security for bikes, and being more wiser to their tricks."

Personally, I'm more a fan of fighting the thieves by beating the holy f*ck out of them...
  • 1 0
 LOL! That's another solution, but here you'd get charged with grievous bodily harm or affray Frown so this is a legal way of doing it.
  • 3 0
 Thieves are clumsy in the US... they tend to "stumble and fall down while running away" a lot. lol
  • 1 0
 If you know what I mean Wink Wink
  • 1 0
 Scum bags ! other word... We all wish we could catch them but unfortunatly not many get caught make it count when you do catch one ...there not gonna go to the police for getting a good kicking ;0)
  • 1 1
 somebody once tried to steal my bike directly from me, I asked "have you got a gun"? ... "no"... "you're going to need one to even have a chance of taking my bike from me" .... "i'm much bigger than you".... "i guess you are" I got off the bike and Spun 180' knocking many of his teeth out with a right cross, and then kicked him while down until I was satisfied he was badly injured.

Bigger than me, yes. But I had more passion..... also, did I mention I was still in full armour from a ride and still wearing my kevlar knuckled gloves which saved me from cutting my knuckles on his now broken teeth.
  • 1 0
 you tell a good story...
  • 2 1
 That you question it doesnt make it any less true
  • 1 0
 Never lock your bike outside. If you don't have a place to stash it at work don't ride it. My bike comes to class and comes into work with me. The professors get it. My boss understands. The thieves never get a chance.
  • 1 0
 Such bullshit. There should be a hard labor camp for thieves, somewhere cold and wet. Work is probably the only thing theyre actually afraid of. Had my baby stole after two weeks. Gonna take the best part of a year to rebuy.
  • 1 0
 if i ever get my bike stolen i hope he has that half a second to think he has time to grab the bike get it off the rack and get on and ride away so i have the joy of tackling that scumbag to the ground.
  • 2 2
 I think someone should snatch up one of these thieves and cut there hand off and post that video for all to see. I know I would if caught someone trying to steal one of my mine.
  • 1 0
 that awful feeling when your cringing at huge locks being cut and then they cut yours in 8 seconds.....think i need another lock.
  • 1 0
 not much can brush off 4 foot bolt cutters !
  • 2 0
 my bikes our all in my house nice an cozy beside by shotgun. Because you never know right?
  • 2 0
 Police should do more 'gps decoy' actions and punishment should be social works, like bicycle paths building for free.
  • 1 0
 They will do some good finally
  • 1 0
 My marin gets locked up with Chucky ass chain and a mentionsensor lock thats got 110db alarm and is sensitive to metal not bomb proof but works very well
  • 3 0
 I love people getting caught who steal bikes.
  • 2 0
 I gotta get me one of those GPS tracker seats! Payback is a biatch. insert evil laughter here >
  • 2 1
 all good untill they bin the expensice race or jump seat for a comfy super fat granny seat lol
  • 1 0
 By the time they figure it out they'll be in the ER.
  • 1 0
 i think a lojack for a bike would be great. install it way down near the b.b. in the frame. track that motherfucker down even if it got away.
  • 2 0
 Use their own shitty tools to cut off their own shitty hands. they'll struggle to do it again.
  • 3 0
 now Im parnoid. Tonight Im welding by bike to my truck.
  • 1 0
 hahaha I feel the same way Smile
  • 1 0 seems to be a useful webpage. It is sad that it is only used in the UK.
  • 2 0
 Bike thieves should have their fingers cut off pond life
  • 2 0
 I laughed pretty hard when that lady said stay calm.. its the police..
  • 2 0
 3, bikes stolen. 1 of which I was held up at knife point for.
  • 2 0
 my bike is never left outside....locked or not!
  • 1 0
 loved the part when they cut through the £100 Abus lock in 8 seconds that i own and trust.........trusted!!!
  • 2 0
 Hope that not too many people walk round with 4ft bilt cutters
  • 1 0
 I used them when I worked in a shipyard... they don't cut through everything.... but the stuff they don't cut through weighs a sh*#load!
  • 1 0
 I can't imagine too many things that they can't cut through
  • 1 0
 The prison sentences we give over here are complete rubbish, these bastards should be locked away for years!
  • 1 0
 Steal a bike from a shop,your nicked,but buy the same bike, and park it outside the shop no police man will care.
  • 2 0
 Boris johnson for the win!!!!
  • 1 0
 Shoot this f***** on the knee cap so their can ride on the wheel chair.
  • 1 0
 Shoot then in the legs and give then an wheel chair, as they like 2 wheel to ride on!
  • 1 0
 I would beat the shit out of anyone if i caught them touching my bike, stealing, thats death
  • 1 0
 also what you susposed to lock a bike up with then, if the locks over£100 only take a gobshite 8 seconds to snap off.
  • 1 0
 Almax chain series III or IV (click on the second link underneath the video - I swear by mine, and so do others, about £125 (iirc) for the smallest length chain with a Squire lock which comes with 6 keys. Two green, two yellow, and two red. Each different colour key resets the mechanism to each particular colour, just in case you lose your green key, you can use the yellow to make the lock inside the Squire padlock change so the green key no longer works.
  • 1 0
 Bloody hell that must be complicated but its really ingenious!!!!
  • 1 0
 So glad I live where I do when I watch this kind of video. I feel so sorry for anyone who has their bikes stolen.
  • 1 0
 Just make sure your lock is approved by your insurer, otherwise they won't cover you if your bike gets nicked.
  • 1 0
 this is why i hate england you cant have anything nice because people try so hard to steal what they cant afford
  • 1 0
 I think that if you're in normal clothes everyone thinks that you lost your bike lock's keys and want to cut them down...
  • 1 0
 were can you get a tracker in the uk
  • 1 0
 This is disturbing and everyone should watch .
  • 1 0
 You know that you can explode lock with nuclear weapon?
  • 1 0
 5-6 months is a bit gentle.... they should make it 5-6yrs
  • 1 0
 Moral of the story? Buy better quality locks Dead Horse
  • 1 0
 Yup, and get bike insurance (although a rip-off) Kryptonite or Almax are both good. But Kryptonite are better for travelling. My Almax was a tank lol
  • 1 0
 Never going to be more than 10 feet from my bike after seening this.
  • 1 0
 Ive never gotten a bike stolen.
  • 3 0
 Be glad of that, it's heart breaking.
  • 1 0
 Knock wood
  • 1 0
 Good choice of background music: Massive Attack - Teardrop.
  • 1 0
 Well, time to buy a new lock for my commuter bike...
  • 1 0
 16:20 Motherf*ckers! Thats a GIANT!!!
  • 1 0
 U can't beat giant
  • 1 0
 i time i got my dirtbike stolen... for 3 hours.... Wink
  • 1 0
 that was a really great video

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