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Video: Big Sends & Bigger Crashes in Yoann Barelli's Tour de Gnar 2022

Nov 3, 2022 at 19:21
by Yoann Barelli  

TOUR DE GNAR 2022 - This is your crew !!

For its second edition, we wanted to make the TOUR DE GNAR Gnarlier than ever but also way more inclusive with 10 riders on board. With that many people, the time spent to look, analyze and understand each feature is pretty short, if some riders get sketchy, it will play with your mind, and everything could become a complete disaster... we had no idea it was going to turn that way !!

Steve was the first rider to drop into feature #1 and had a huge crash. We invested plenty of time in taking care of Steve. Of course, the vibe became pretty low, and the reality of the high consequences of these features became unavoidably real. After doing a safety check with everyone in our group, we made adjustments for both the first feature as well as our plan for the day. By the time we arrived in Squamish, the vibe became more dynamic; the day was ON!!

Steve took a huge slam, concussed, broken collarbone, pneumothorax, broken sternum - Pic Travis Bothner

bigquotesYou should take your sleeves off, it's very liberating.. until I blow myself off at 60km/h on the first line!! hahahaha

-Steve, right before dropping in

Cami is the first woman to join the Tour de Gnar, it was incredible to watch her !! - Pic Stu Costello ride wrap

bigquotesTour de Gnar was one of the most exiting day of my life. We sent it hard, the vibes were high and the progression was real. The best thing was to have been surrounded by so many rad guys supporting each other!!

- Cami Nogueiraa, Rider

Nate rode every features with such ease and creativity all day, we still don't know if this was on purpose or not haha !! Pic Burke Saunders I9

bigquotesThe tour embodies free-ride mountain biking, a community of riders coming together to send the gnarliest features in the sea to sky in a single day. It’s a unique day and a wild ride, and I can’t wait for next year.

-Nate Spitz, Rider

Peter Salido Became more comfortable as the day went on, incredible young talent

bigquotesHoly ****! I have never seen or been a part of anything like this before. Seeing those features trailside is one thing, then seeing a group of riders on-site with only a few minutes to decide yay or nay - one of the most impressive things I have ever seen with my own eyes! Thank you Yoann and Steve, for sharing your superpowers with everyone.

-Burke Saunders, Industry Nine

I went home that day, drained after 16 hours in the danger zone but completely fulfilled. It was awesome to witness the spirit of each rider, the encouragement, the support, the love, the send, THE SEENNNNNNNND! It was beyond amazing!

Enjoy the show, everyone Smile .

bigquotesThis edition of tour de Gnar was a test in lots of ways.. how many riders can we have? How many features in one day? How gnarly can we go for such a day? Well I guess we've got our answers; despite Steve's crash, it is clear that the level keeps going up, riders are getting more and more comfortable in the uncomfortable, bikes are more reliable than ever and we can now send lots of these gnarly features in a row while being safe. I cannot wait to share what's to come! Cheers to the pioneers, cheers to my crew, cheers to the send, big love everyone !!


Lewis Buchanan is one of the most stylish rider I know, beautiful to watch

The Tour de Gnar is an underground event is a celebration of Freeride in the Sea To Sky, a way to remember all the pioneers of the early MTB days. We resurrected some old features and created new ones, making this area the perfect playground for progression.

Cheers to an insane day with an amazing crew of people - Ryan sending it as always

bigquotesA day on my bike I will never forget! Still pinching myself that I could ride with such a crew and push through such a long day filled with challenges and fun!

-Ryan Rodriguez, Rider

Moto Max is one of the gnarliest riders out there, definitely not afraid to send

bigquotesTour De Gnar was one of the most physically and mentally challenging days I might have ever had! The crew that was there was so positive and motivating it was contagious to want to push our limits in one of the best environments! Everyone killed it in their own way and it was sick see!

-Max Grayston - Rider

CJ was the youngest by far, 14 year old - Mark Mathew brought his style to some a gnarliest things he's ever ridden

bigquotesThe crew was insane, it was very neat seeing all the different riding styles and seeing how people approached and conquered the features. Everyone killed it and managed to keep the stoke up all day, thank you to everyone involved for making it so special! (Especially my mom for driving).

-CJ Hauptman, Rider

Aven and Sergi showed up in Whistler bringing a wave of new energy to the crew

A big cheers to all the riders, Cami Nogueiraa, Steve Vanderhoek, CJ Hauptman, Max Grayston, Ryan Rodriguez, Nate Spitz, Mark Matthews, Peter Salido, Lewis Buchanan, Aven Elsberg, Sergi Massot, you guys sent it all day with such an amazing vibe, no ego, lots of respect for each other. I've never experienced something like that before, and am grateful to each of you.

Thank you to our support crew, and thank you to everyone who contributed to making this edition very special; nothing would have happened without you !!
Thank you to all the brands who supported this year's edition; you guys rock !!

Stevo, don't worry, my man; we will shred again very soon!!!

Presented by INTO THE GNAR

Powered by:
Guerrilla Gravity
Industry Nine
PNW components
North Shore Billet
Hutchinson Tires
Dissent Lab
Ride 100 percent
Ride wrap
NF Clothing
EXT Suspension
TRP Brakes
WPL Lubricants

Filmed by Kelsey Toevs and Liam Wallace
Edited by Liam Wallace

Author Info:
yoannbarelli avatar

Member since Oct 31, 2014
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  • 75 0
 Love it. The true spirit of gravel, finally caught on tape. ; -)

Seriously though, mountainbiking does not get better than this, does it? Being out in the mountains with friends, supporting one another, doing things that scare you, cheering for one another. It's what counts, regardless the level of riding you do.

Best weekend starter thinkable!

Cheers, Lars
  • 22 0
 This is why will all do it man Smile Have a beauty of a weekend sending it !!!
  • 43 0
 Props to Nate for doing it all on a stock TR Sentinel!!!
  • 32 0
 If you ever think you need a bigger bike... Nate did the knarliest features on a 150mm Alloy bike, with a Fox 36.
  • 13 0
 Your favorite rider's favorite rider.
  • 7 0
 @schili: didn’t even have kashima ‍♂️
  • 1 0
 dude is sick
  • 10 0
  • 2 0
 160/150mm ftw.

(Stumpjumper Evo owner)
  • 4 1
 @BarneyStinson: if you did this on a stumpy evo, your shock would probably blow up lol
  • 30 0
 How about Cami, though! So rad to her hitting everything!
  • 1 0
 For sure... 100% real deal.
  • 26 0
 Still can’t believe I got to be a part of this day! What a Time to be alive.
  • 17 0
 Incredible watch. these people are animals. cant even imagine how insane these features look in real life becuase they look fucking massive on video.
  • 7 0
 Exactly. Bunch of animals. Crazy beasts wandering around freely. Even while sitting at my chair, I got nervous on every single feature. And I still can't define Caleb Holonko gaping over the whole thing.
  • 17 0
 Get well @stevev88 you are our hero.
  • 1 0
 Any news on @stevev88? All OK we hope?
  • 14 0
 How is the French dude in the red shirt still alive? Every feature was just barely making it...!
  • 7 0
 but he made it
  • 3 0
 @valrock: yup. That's the best you can hope for with these features I guess...
  • 12 1
 Amazing.... honestly the runouts seem sketchier than the features on a lot of these (I mean.. with full acknowledgement that the features are gnarly as hell... but they're well made. The runouts are kind of an afterthought and seem super sketch).
  • 6 0
 How is Yoann so good at stopping compared to the others? Seems like a basic skill to have if you ride these features.
  • 12 0
 @Spunk: I THINK it's because he's more familiar with the runouts because he's ridden all of the features before, whereas it was first time for most of these riders. I imagine they're focused on the main part of the feature and not really thinking too hard on the runout.
  • 6 0
 @Spunk: I notice this with Remi, too.
Their braking sets them apart from everyone they ride with. I watch for this, and to me it looks like they really jam their heels down, which might dig in the back tire, rather than have it skipping along the surface? I'm speculating.
  • 32 0
 @CarbonShmarbon: @spunk @Hogfly Knowing the lines definitely helps A LOT !! these riders just show up with very limited amount of time to look at features. None of the features in the Sea to sky are "huge" but all of them have a sketchy run in or a sketchy run out making them tricky to ride. As far as braking control go, this is something I'm working on every time I ride, Imagine that you want to plant the bike into the ground, Heals down will press the rear tire into the ground, but will by default will push my arms onto my handlebars, and putting weight on front wheel will make the braking way more controlled. The more heavy of a braking, the more I push on my heals, the more I push on my front, the more it plants the bike, the more I'm controlled!! Biking is easy Wink
  • 5 0
 @yoannbarelli: Thanks for the insight! Will definitely take this into my riding!
  • 1 0
 @yoannbarelli: Thanks for the straight up answer. We all know it's really because of that Guerilla Gravity Frame's superior kinematics, the EXT suspension keeping everything planted on the ground, the Hutchison tires amazing grip, and the fantastic modulation and stopping power of TRP brakes... right? Wink
  • 1 0
 @Hogfly: hutchinsons really do grip incredibly well in NW dust!
  • 3 0
 @yoannbarelli: “ None of the features in the Sea to sky are ’huge’”

sarcasm>No, you’re right they’re not huge at all. /sarcasm>

  • 11 0
 Hands down better than any content on pinkbike ..keep it going yoann!!
  • 12 0
 we are all #redshirtguy
  • 8 0
 First thing I though, Steve has balls to ride with no chest, elbow or arm protection. Few seconds later I was not so sure Wink
  • 2 0
 That’s what I think in a lot of these videos. Not sure why they don’t with modern body armour being as unobtrusive as it is?
  • 1 0
 At least he has a fullface helmet on, unlike the time he did it with Remy:

  • 8 0
 After Yoann stoppies down dice roll, I love the "he missed the crankflip" comment from the other rider.
  • 6 0
 Yoann Barelli for president! Props to all the riders and Steve for hanging in there! Yoann's laugh says it all, pure joy!
  • 5 0
 This gives me 12/10 bike joy. The content that Yoann is putting out with his crew is a whole new level of stoke. Yoann, Steve, Nate and Remy are the BC dream team. BLESSINGS
  • 5 0
 Canadians seem to love short runouts eh?
  • 2 0
 That vibe . Huge sends with a video that feels like your riding with tour Bros . Woman sending it . Of course they do !. Thanks for including a rowdy pack of all types . Riding at it's best .
  • 2 0
 Incredible vibes, really enjoyed watching that. This is the level of stoke I love to see that the big corporate events can just never really deliver. The real deal. Thanks for putting this together Yoann and Steve!
  • 4 0
 @rynosuarous is a beast! Fun watching his video of this on youtube.
  • 2 0
  • 2 1
 As soon as Steve mention 6:20am, I knew it wasn't going to be good. I never ride anything real techy early in the morning, I wait for later in the day when I am wide awake.
Hope Steve has a fast recovery.
  • 3 0
 Good advice. Although perhaps that is what Steve and Yoann consider a “gentle warm up”?
  • 1 0
 Really cool vibe coming from this video.
If I have to answer the question about who I want to be stuck with on a desert island? @yoanbarrelli . (there will be mountains and bikes on this island of course)
  • 2 0
 @yoannbarrelli of course. Can't seem to edit that anymore..
  • 2 0
 Really? A typo in an attempt to correct a typo? Bedtime for me. Please downvote me into oblivion...
  • 1 0
 that was really good!!! Loved everyone pushing each other sick Vibe, that poor Steveo felt like a sacrificial lamb, Healing Vibes his way!!!! but hey we all know it, Sometimes it doesn't come out as you planed.
  • 2 0
 I NEED to know the name of the song for the Gouranga section. I've tried soundhounding it, I've tried searching the lyric samples.... No luck. Who's my saviour?!?
  • 1 0
 great riding session!
I hope Steve is recovering well. So sad to see that crash at the beginning.
By the way, any idea of the electronic music at around 17:00?
  • 1 0
 That was absolutely fantastic and congrats to all who participated! Steve, I hope you heal up quick and never give in to the masses and put sleeves on...
  • 2 0
 "-Steve, right before dropping in"
  • 2 0
 My hands are so sweaty now
  • 2 0
 Ryan Rad..coolest dude EVER. FACT SON
  • 2 0
 Yeah second place isnt even close! Absolute beast on the bike too!
  • 2 0
 Crashing at 6am in the morning, maybe it was too early for some riders?
  • 2 0
 had me sweating the whole time..
  • 1 0
 That was truly amazing! A proper well put together film. You guys did a great job! Proud of you all!
  • 1 0
 This is so incredible! Great vibes and insane riding on crazy features! Bravo Yoann + co, and healing vibes to Steve.
  • 1 0
 Whoa dude! Title checks out!
  • 2 0
 Freeride lives.
  • 1 0
 Lol, that fully pushed me to the chair. Love it.
  • 1 0
 Was Remy away or injured or?
  • 1 0
 I think it was when he’d broken his spine?
  • 1 0
 Freaky it gave me the heebee geebees watchin this.
  • 2 1
  • 1 1
 Wrote that before the Steve-O update though... Ouch...
  • 1 0
 What was the update please?
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 "YE" - Aven Elsberg
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
  • 1 0
 Awesome video!
  • 1 0
 Hell yeah. Great stuff.
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