Video: 7 Year Old Crosby Zoomerman Hits a 24 Foot Double For the First Time

May 21, 2020
by Crosby Zoomerman  
Views: 9,642    Faves: 5    Comments: 6

Crosby has been progressing his bike skills and having a blast doing so. He has been looking at this jump with amazement for almost 2 years. Watching Dad and friends jump it and wondering when he would be able to. Last fall he walked past it with a film crew and said it would be years before he jumped it but, on May 19, 2020 he sent it! All of Crosbys jumps or steeps are because he wants to do them. We do not push him, more times than not, it is Dad telling him to slow down and think about it first. We, including Crosby, hope that posts and videos that we provide will fuel your kiddos and inspire people to ride bikes or better themselves.

You will notice in the video that after landing the big hip he bottoms out and rides off trail. He does crash but I think its bad taste to post a child crashing. Crosby is and was just fine. He wears all the necessary protective gear. He did not even receive a scratch from his bail. It's hard to tell Crosby to brake into the jump because he is over shooting the landings. Teaching kids is hard, so I just accept that he might go to far. I basically judge that if I brake then he can coast and clear the jump. You can see his fork completely bottom out and that's with psi ratings for twice his weight. Stoked that Crosby stuck the landing and next time, we will increase the psi even more.

The first jump is 17 foot
The second jump is 18 foot
The third jump is a 24 foot hip

Thanks for watching!

You can catch more of the action on Instagram @Crosby_Zoomerman

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Crosby-Zoomerman avatar

Member since May 18, 2020
1 articles

  • 194 6
 I feel like a complete Boomer saying this, but I feel like telling a 7 year old kid "Fear is just an emotion" and to stop taking run in's because it just creates bad habits isn't the best game plan.
  • 20 1
  • 23 1
 That was pretty hard to watch. Must have been added as a joke or something. If not, then wow.
  • 27 47
flag Crosby-Zoomerman (May 24, 2020 at 8:31) (Below Threshold)
 Without knowing the child, parent, family, relationship, its difficult to understanding the situation. But for some insight, Crosby seriously enjoys the movie Reverence and he mentioned Matt McDuff’s quote about fear being a self made limitation. So I, as the parent, fell back on a scenario Crosby could relate to in order for him to rationalize his situation. IMO, it worked rather well and everyone is happy and healthy.
  • 5 1
 How did you learn to get over your fears Jeff?
  • 45 1
 I think it's worth noting that Jeff Lenosky is saying this and not just some guy on the internet.
  • 5 29
flag brandonweekly (May 24, 2020 at 8:40) (Below Threshold)
 Why does it matter? @husstler:
  • 5 15
flag ShreddieMercury (May 24, 2020 at 9:09) (Below Threshold)
 boomers be hatin' AND TURN DOWN THAT RAP MUSIC
  • 39 0
 @brandonweekly: I always dealt with fear by trying to master similar but different situations. For example, I'd probably find 10 tabletops and try to come as close to mastering every distance before hucking something. I will be the first to confess that I'm definitely on the "too conservative" end of the spectrum. I'm primarily a tech rider so I usually more likely to try something relatively safe but difficult 100's of times VS something super dangerous that you try once or something goes seriously wrong. Everyone is going to handle fear differently and fear is not necessarily a bad thing. It's just my opinion that decisions involving such risk should be made for yourself with an adult mindset.
  • 36 1
 @jeff-lenosky: well said. I'm still trying to wrap my head around how someone can think this is a positive experience. This will only push the child or make them feel bad about themselves in the future. Kids don't need that pressure that early on in life. They need to be kids. That's just my opinion take it or leave it.
  • 29 43
flag Crosby-Zoomerman (May 24, 2020 at 10:01) (Below Threshold)
 @jeff-lenosky: Jeff saying that ‘everyone handles fear differently’ is amazing and true. Too assume Crosby hasnt hit jumps of this size or bigger is an assumption. For example, the last jump in Flying Squirrel at Duthie is longer and floatier IMO and Crosby has jumped that table 100s of times. Same with the hours spent sessioning A Lines Moon Booter last year. He has put in the practice time and has proven he could do it. I did not force him to ‘huck’ with complete disregard. Crosby wanted it. He did the same on Fade to Black. I went to ride it, and he decided he wanted to also. Without riding with Crosby you dont have an understanding of his skill level. Crosby is determined. He wanted it. Using simple language to example a simple concept is the concern with this video. In some context he is 7, and some others he is 17. Communicating a way to rationalize fear with a 7 year who rides like a 17 year old is unique to our relationship. The way I explained fear may be in poor judgement to others, but me and mine are ok with it. People can bag on us for risk taking or this/that and the other thing. Crosby is healthy, happy and loves his bike. We have a strong bond and life is a wild learning curve with plenty of opportunity for growth. Happy trails everyone, cuz thats where we are headed to right now.
  • 14 1
 Big time disagree. I learned as a kid by myself and took 1000s of run ins before turning off my brain and hitting it. Those habits indeed stayed with me and I take way way way too many run ins to this day. I wish I had someone to tell me off when I was a kid. As long as the mentor is confident in the kids ability I think it’s sound advice.
  • 25 1
 @Crosby-Zoomerman: maybe just let the kid be 7 then. Only thing that will set him back at this point is an injury. He's got years to come back and hit that jump whether or not he could hit it that day.

These groms ripping vids are generally some of my favorites but this is the only one I've seen where I was genuinely scared for the kid's safety. Not just the 24fter but many the clips in the video were near misses.
  • 6 5
 His accomplishments are without a doubt amazing! But if something goes wrong this could wind up in a court of law for abuse charges.

I know people will disagree; but when it comes to the little people, there are those that will not except Dads misguidance with his youngster. Defiantly teetering a fine line with video and if he became badly injured at some point without video this footage could be used in legal matters.

To add his mussel, bone density and ligaments are not developed enough in order reduce the severity of an injury sustained from such high velocity impact.

Good luck Tho!
  • 21 0
 @Crosby-Zoomerman: can a 7 year old really “rationalize”? I just wonder if encouraging stuff THAT big without much more focus on technique first is a good move.... no offense and many props to his bravery for doing it but... it’s a bit scary to watch. And the parent in this situation egging him on, telling him to stop taking practice runs in and just go for it because speed is right (given that the first jumps don’t even look dialed, actually look very close to OTB, not comfortable form at all) is ... not the best look. And FWIW: Matt Mcduff has almost killed himself multiple times.
  • 26 1
 @timetogetsendy: Seriously. I think the kid has some skills but mostly he's just hucking and hoping for the best. The pressure he's getting from dad is just creepy. Ease off the bro-coach bs and let the kid ride for fun.
  • 3 0
 @jeff-lenosky: The wise words of Bruce Lee " Learn in your own process". this illustrates the avenue of mastery and the ability to express one's own style for flawless execution with speed power and grace.
  • 10 0
 So I been riding with my 9 year old a lot, he can ride well although he is nowhere near sending massive gaps. I aint ever pushed him into that sort of stuff cause I am a pussy-hole-parent. Anyways, he bailed on a jump last winter and broke his arm really bad (plate and judgemental consultants). I felt like sh!t, I dont get where the dad in this can turn his fear emotions off, maybe am just of a weak mind.
  • 4 0
 @usmbc-co-uk: I'm scared of being in the same situation as you in a couple years. Playing it safe is the way to go. Keep it fun too. Always has to be fun for them.
  • 4 1
 @jeff-lenosky: a bit off topic but having grown up watching all your vids (NWD) I really appreciate your perspective and more than that, it makes everything I watched that much more impressive.

I'm not really sure there's such a thing as too conservative. I doubt I'm alone in this, but I'd rather get out every day and ride at 20% than risk the downtime and what comes with pushing my limits over and over. I'm not sure that's something I was able to rationalize at all until I was close or into my 20s and certainly not at 7.
  • 7 2
 @HaggeredShins: I think the easy answer is that your job as a parent is to be the voice of reason, and definitely not to push them. If the kid wants to try something and it's something within their capability then let them go to it.

If you feel you have to push your kid to try harder/train more/do better they'll do it, but they'll hate you for it and probably hate the sport to. That's without even getting into the fact that this kid is only 7. Normally you don't see that kind of crap from parents until they get into their early teens.
  • 8 1
 @jeff-lenosky: watching the video on mute, kiddo just wants the positive reinforcement of the high five at the end. That’s when we see the real smile, not the fake one he does to keep dad happy...
  • 25 0
 Yeah this was horrible. At 7 years old the kid has not developed a way to assess risk in any way and is overshooting and landing jumps sketch as f**k, yet he's being pushed to hit even bigger ones in the line.

The fact that he was landing that sketch and the father didn't even pull the plug, or even session smaller jumps until he was comfy with them, means the father isn't correctly assessing risk either.

Whenever I see someone hitting jumps like that, I'm reminded of the guy I saw jumping similarly sketchy. He had a huge OTB right in front of me and knocked himself out and broke his neck, and I was waiting with him for half an hour for EMS while he kept asking me where he was and why he couldn't breathe properly.

I don't want Crosby to break his neck because his dad is a f**kwit.
  • 1 4
 Well done my friend @Crosby-Zoomerman:
  • 11 0
 "He wanted it"

When a kid says they want something, the parent must oblige ... said no parent ever.
  • 17 1
 @Crosby-Zoomerman: If he was 17, there would be nothing wrong with this video. But he’s 7. Get over your unhealthy obsession with Instagram likes and just be thankful he likes riding bikes.
  • 88 3
 Shitting your pants wondering why you pushed your kid to 24ft and how to explain it in the ER/to mom is just an emotion dad - Harness that energy for the carry out Wink
  • 27 2
 best comment ever
  • 30 1
 It's like the worst of hockey parents only with huge consequences. Dad needs to give his head a shake.
  • 46 0
 I once helped a family get their eight year old kid out of Duthie after his front wheel came off on an xc trail. They hadn't tightened the quick release enough. His jaw was broken and a bunch of teeth were out and he was in shock and trailing blood everywhere. Half shells and rock strikes don't mix.
There's an adult consequences / adult decisions conversation that needs to happen when you're risking your central nervous system and your life. I'd like to see a seven year old review the medical literature on neck braces.

My seven year old didn't want to ride drops, so I ride them and tell him they will come with time. He doesn't have Instagram followers. I'm ok with that.

This really is starting to feel like pageant business.
  • 14 2
 Something is off in these dialogs in the video. Ask open questions, allow the kid to answer them in his own words. Give him room to do so. Seven is a great age for a kid to become aware of ownership, develop some independence. Allow emotions to exist and give them a place.
  • 5 1
 @vinay: You are wise and right.
  • 6 0
 @friendlyfoe: This was *exactly* my thought. I've coached youth hockey for the past 6 years, and this guy reminded me of the worst of hockey parents - constantly pushing talented kids past the point of safety because dad wants the NHL... and you see a lot of those kids with multiple concussions or serious injuries by the time they are 13. Same bullshit here.
  • 6 0
 *This account has been DEACTIVATED*
Colin Zimmerman was not ready for the backlash
  • 3 0
 Riding with my kids is just not my jam. I love to goof off with them on the easy stuff but have no interest watching them push their limits (and finding them). Following your kid and watching them come right to the edge of eating it and then recovering is so nerve-racking; I don't find any pride in it - I'm too scared.

I've been to the ER enough times on my own to know I'll probably have to take them or meet an ambulance there at least once, but watching it unfold live is just way worse. As much as I love to ride, in these situations I'm a scared-ass parent first.

For context: 40ish dad who's happy doing relatively crazy stuff himself but feels required to dial back my kids' similar aspirations.
  • 35 1
 Good grief- Hey dad, fear is also a way of identifying that something is wrong. Have you always charged in balls deep on everything that you were scared of in life? Maybe work work a little "No rush bud, these jumps aren't going anywhere, they'll be here next weekend if you aren't feeling' it" into the repertoire. (after you ask him if he's scared and responds with a yes) Give some room to feel it out before you go into your fear is just an emotion, harness that energy BS. No doubt he's enjoying himself which is awesome but you might want to ask yourself how much of all this is being done for both your approval and instagram feel goods.
  • 32 1
 "We do not push him" - well, your prep talk on fear says otherwise. Plus, parenting isn't just about pushing - it's about applying the brakes when needed. Regardless of how much of a prodigy he is, this is poor parenting. I hope he makes it through childhood without major injuries despite your lack of boundary setting.
  • 32 2
 What part of doing 24 foot gaps for the first time is a responsible use of anyone's time right now...If it had been a bunch of teenagers in the woods that would be expected....This is not the time to be doing high risk high reward skills development DAD.....haters downvote away but not the spring to be doing that shit. Once again shame on PB for posting things that go against the spirit of the header at the top of the webpage to bike responsibly right now.
  • 27 0
 Hey Dad Zimmerman. First time posting a comment here. I have a little ripper myself (though more on skis than bikes just at the moment). So first thing is: massive congratulations on your dedication and love for your little dude. He’s ripping and I guess you do too. That video scared me though. I have to say, in my opinion I think his control needs work more than the actual size of the jumps. He’s almost going over the bars and as the first attempt on the big one showed, he overshot and then lost control. Look, I 100% love your outlook on life, and your kid has so much talent. But please now harness that into control and technique (can he follow someone into these kind of jumps so he gets the right speed too) but yeah, needed to say that. If he crashes bad he might fall out of love with riding and that would suck. Progression should be in steps, and enjoy the plateau once in a while huh?
  • 29 1
  • 18 0
 Interesting to see his performance in the skate park - no dropping in, airing out, etc (if he could, surely we would have seen it). Perhaps he should spend more time in there to learn bike control (how to push the front into a landing, for instance). His jumping technique showed that he was merely ballast on a bike subject to ballistic motion. Like everyone else here, I was shaking my head to see the quality of his landings. Crosby obviously has what it takes, but I'd be developing his skills at the BMX track or skatepark. It won't slow him down and maybe prolong his future. The first vids of Jackson Goldstone were in skateparks, if I recall correctly.

Remember that logic isn't fully developed in a child until about 12 years of age. At 7 he has no real concept of 'future'. He doesn't understand the consequences of 'hey bud, stop being afraid and just send it'.
  • 17 1
 No doubt the kid has talent. I am glad you are able to do this with your son, but I also feel uneasy about watching some of this like many commenters here. I wouldn't have encouraged him to continue on to bigger gaps when he's landing so deep and nose-heavy on the previous ones. I also think that fear serves as a very real and practical tool in protecting yourself against unnecessary harm and assessing dangerous situations. It should be managed or you'll never try anything scary, but not suppressed or "pushed through" every time you feel it. I'm sure you are prepared for the criticism and/or praise that putting this out there will garner, and at the end of the day it's your family so it's up to you. Just my two cents! Good luck and health to y'all.
  • 14 0
 First you should learn to ride clean, than you go big - not the other way round. His Dad made in wrong when the kid overshot the second jump and he still told him to go for the last 24-feet-one on the next run. A good speed control is key for a long and healthy jump career. Just sending it, even when landing before was sketchy ist just stupid.
  • 15 0
 This is all about the Dad trying ti live vicariously through his kid. 7 years old, really???
  • 12 0
 This whole thing is just strangely bad. The instragram account is also the father living vicariously and dangerously through his son. Getting these comments constantly can't be good for the father? Maybe just let him be a kid and stop trying to make him a star from such an early age.
  • 12 0
 What if instead of doing all this for Instagram and followers, you left the camera at home and rode your bikes? Would it be so bad if no one but you and your son knew he hit these jumps? The fact that a 7 year old kid is asking for people to follow and subscribe is what’s wrong with this world? What happens when he’s an adult and no one cares about his social media and that’s the only way he feels valued? Ugh.
  • 12 0
 Being a neighbor of this fam it’s hard to see the pimping out of Crosby. I feel there is a 100% insta fame purpose to what’s going on with this kid. No doubt, thank you dad for your contribution to the virus fight but seriously, reel it in with making your boy “famous” for what he’s doing as a kid. Each time you show him talking about his bike check or what’s going on it seems he doesn’t want to be in front of the camera, et, phone. Let him live. Let your personal Instagram pursuit fade.
  • 11 1
 He is doing awesome but I would ease off and teach him not to over rotate or it will not be good. Distance is not everything.
  • 8 22
flag Crosby-Zoomerman (May 24, 2020 at 8:26) (Below Threshold)
 I agree. He did the big jump 1 time. He wont be hitting it again until he gets better speed control. These jumps are tricky for a kid and I didnt realize how far he would overshoot. I as a parent took a chance in this situation and now as a parent I have to reign it in again. Even as an adult, this isnt a line I hit every time I ride this spot. Cheers and happy trails.
  • 20 0
 @Crosby-Zoomerman: in the vid he overshoots the middle jump each time. I'd have though addressing speed control here would have been preferable before releasing the beast on the biggest jump.
Gotta be confusing for a kid if you tell him to channel his fear as pedalling and go fast, for him to then understand that he actually needs to slow down.
I see the vid edit as "dont be scared.. pedal fast" then "dont be scared and don't pull out"
Sure there's clearly a tremendous talent here that capitalizes on a lack of childrens comprehension of consequence, but I'm concerned that this becomes normalised and the next parent pushes their kid to instabang bigger.
  • 3 18
flag dhrracer (May 24, 2020 at 9:18) (Below Threshold)
 @Crosby-Zoomerman: Mass kudos to pops on guiding his child thru the process of how to grow and push his limits. Crosby will be unstoppable as he grows because he will have the proper tools for life.
  • 6 31
flag Crosby-Zoomerman (May 24, 2020 at 9:27) (Below Threshold)
 @jonnyboy: He over shoots them, I said that. I also said he needs to learn speed control before going for these jumps again. Thats all been said. What another parent chooses to do with their child is up to that parent and who they answer to. I can not be held responsible for another adults decision. If Crosby would have crashed, I Would not turn to the Goldstones and act like its their fault for progressing our youth.
  • 21 1
 @Crosby-Zoomerman: If you post on the internet people are going to tell you what they think. Being his parent does not make you infallible, people criticizing you are expressing genuine concern for your kid that you should learn from. He does look like he's mostly just going for it. Many injury's occur because people's confidence/balls write checks their skills can't cash. In this case pressure/desire to impress you is playing a big role too. Not cool.
  • 9 0
 I respectfully disagree. You are positioning yourself, using Crosby, as an Instagram Influencer. On his own, Crosby wouldn't be able to get to these destinations, film them nor post them to social media. Nor, I assume, is he capable of emailing his images to brands to ask for product in return for posting his super awesome vids on Instagram.
By nature, in addition to the 11 brands you are returning support to and creating exposure for, you are influencing other parents and skewing their perception as to what is socially acceptable, expected and appropriate for their child to do inside extreme sports pursuits. Consider the litigation culture in the USA, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if you get named in a suit where we will have a child suffering a life changing injury following a crash where they are following Crosby's 'example'. So, likely yes you can probably be held liable for other parents decisions [IANAL]

More concerning, the POV vid of him dropping is has HIM repeating YOUR mantra "dont pull off and do the jump" So to be fair, it doesn't matter how bent out of shape HE gets on that 2nd nose heavy landing that HE's repeatedly getting wrong, HE is going to hit that 3rd jump, no matter what, because YOU have removed HIS decision making ability.

I have riding kids, I get it. I love watching and enabling their progression, I get frustrated when they don't want to go and ride and miss an opportunity, but I'm absolutely there ready to pull their plug or be the voice of reason when somethings not right, or a step to far at that moment in time. (not saying I'm the greatest parent ever, I have absolutely significant flaws in many aspects of this extremely difficult job that we assign ourselves)

Anyway, your kid, your choice of how you parent. But perhaps dropping the social media element and let him progress under the radar without the added pressure of delivering 'go-big' content would be an immeasurable benefit.

[my 2c]
  • 2 0
 @jonnyboy: from what I’ve heard and from many people messaging me about this dude on IG he doesn’t care what any of y’all think. He’s gonna do whatever he thinks is best for his kid and often deletes anything negative about his son on that IG account. I’ve also heard his son wins lots of races and is very fast. So obv kid has tons of talent. Just don’t get the need for these huge gap jumps. How is that helping him go faster? You can’t do rampage at 8 can you?
  • 10 1
 Glad the kid did it and didnt get hurt. Found that a bit cringy though.....I guess the 30ft is next.
  • 10 1
 Personally I think 7 year olds are better served riding a bmx bike around the neighborhood, but to each their own I guess...
  • 8 0
 this has been said on here and social media many times. this dad is f***ing abusive.
  • 4 0
 Amazing! I showed my 12 y.o. who is just learning to raise his front tire up curb-sized logs so he doesn’t have to dismount. However, your son has nothing else to prove; let him do things on his own volition without undue influence I say. Good coaching Dad- but clearly he’s doing a lot of this for your approval. I’d hate to see him or anyone else crash on these jumps but 7 y.o. quadroplegia can’t be pretty...
  • 4 0
 Sketchy, kid's not in control, not ready. Shitty parenting, and I genuinely try hard to avoid judging other parents, because I know how hard it is. Chill the fuck out dad. Visualize how you'll feel if he gets seriously injured.
  • 4 1
 Kids Dad should have left himself out of these edits entirely. Would definitely cut back on the criticism of his awkward coaching (no technical advice, just encouragement) and keep the focus on Crosby, who is a super talented kid and I look forward to many more edits in the years to come.
Keep on shredding little dude.
  • 3 0
 This is terrible on so many levels. Takes little to imagine something going very wrong here and PB guiltlessly posting a very different flavor article about a seriously injured kid being pushed too hard by an over eager and negligent parent. That kid was a couple degrees away from going OTB and down hard. You even hear a bystander freak out thinking he is going to crash before he lands. Not the kind of stuff to be promoting, particularly right now.
  • 5 1
 I thought that in the COVID crisis we were all supposed to be taking it easy. Now is not the time for this. Kids got the cahunas though!
  • 2 0
 These must be the Gannonball hits out at Summit Ridge in BDOS. It’s so amazing to see how well kids are riding with parks built around progression being so accessible to you. I’ve seen you guys and a few other kids out at Duthie that blow my mind. Shredjulia (sp?) also comes to mind. Parks built around progression and lines built by good trail builders so you know when you are good and when you aren’t is so helpful in gaining confidence.
  • 6 2
 I don't think i've ever watched a video on Pinkbike that made me cringe like that, shady landings aside. Pinkbike should do the responsible thing & take this down.
  • 1 0
 A lot of good comments on here. Young lad is living all of our childhood dreams! Definitely needs more bmx skate park, and dj practice! Also one point that needs to be presented is that progression doesn't need to be pushed it will happen on its own. We need to teach consistent time riding, being smart, and staying on the bike through the years. Most trails will be there next time. Be patient and he could be one of the best in the world.
  • 5 0
 Dad is basically incriminating himself for later CPS investigation.
  • 1 0
 Interesting comments on here. My boy is 11 and not at this level, but only 1 step below him really and jumping tables and gaps about 12' in length. But never once have I told him to jump something, he just really wants to. He's been for 1:1 coaching and the coach was impressed at his skill and speed of learning.
I've questioned a few times if my lad has the skills or whether it's luck, time and time again lucky. But then he shows me he actually has the skills by moving the bike about in the air, picking his landing spot and angle and a variation of jump styles to reach a goal. Always laughing always smiling. Well apart from the big hill he has to ride back home!
As a parent you learn that fear is a tough one, they don't have any, they don't see consequences of their actions, so you end up dragging them back in and saying no! Forcing them to stop, consider their jumps and getting them to think a bit.

I don't do Instagram etc but I put video up for a few mates to see, but don't see it wrong that someone does.

When I show videos of my boy jumping I get reactions that I shouldn't or "how can you ....." Etc. The answer is, because he wants to. I don't drag him there.

Tricky one for Pinkbike and the Dad
  • 3 0
 Is crosby dad a dick bc I heard that most of the locals think he is, not trying to be a dick myself but that’s just what I’ve gathered for this and other comments made?
  • 4 0
 That's really creepy, the kid's 7 not 17! As a parent your job is to say no to your kid's dumb ideas.
  • 5 1
 God sake Well done little dude
  • 3 0
 This video just made me really scared... He's making them without having big crash... But just barely...
  • 3 0
 Seeing a seven year old kid who is ten times better than me makes me sick. I can't bring myself to watch it.
  • 31 1
 Congrats on your 2.4 foot gap.
  • 5 1
 Hope mom and dad have top shelf medical insurance.
  • 4 0
 "fear is the mind killer."
  • 13 0
 Apparently so is CTE
  • 3 0
 I think it’s bad taste to show kids crashing. His last IG post is of his kid crashing.
  • 3 0
 "Siri, show me an example of nominative determanism"
  • 2 0
 I had to Google that. Now I know why our president is the way he is.
  • 3 0
 Is the Dad jumping these too? Or did I miss that .... must’ve.
  • 3 0
 Don't forget to subscribe everyone!
  • 3 0
 Always interesting how PB seems to turn off search for some articles.
  • 3 0
 The dad is a bit of a dick
  • 2 0
 I’m going to harness my zoomerman energy on my ride today!
  • 1 0
 Amazing! We can all see he's got his pucker practice logged
  • 1 0
 He needs a different bike, too bad no one makes a bike that’ll fit him.
  • 2 1
 No matter what, the kid's got the right last name!
  • 3 19
flag Crosby-Zoomerman (May 24, 2020 at 8:38) (Below Threshold)
 Haha. Our last name is actually Zimmerman. Our IG was a different name and I polled our followers tp pick an IG name for him and this was the most popular.
  • 1 0
 Oh yeah
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