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Enduro World Series Announces 2021 Calendar

Feb 26, 2020 at 9:22
by James Smurthwaite  

The EWS has announced an 8 round series for 2021 with 2 rounds in the USA, a return to Scotland and some new venues too. Here's how the EWS describes the upcoming season:

"The season will get underway in New Zealand in April, visiting Nelson for the first time in the series’ history. Situated on the Northern tip of the South Island, this small city is famous for clocking up the most sunshine hours in the country, but also its steep, natural and burly trails. Round two heads back to the inimitable Derby, Tasmania. This tiny town has embraced mountain biking and in just a few years created one of the most iconic riding destinations in all of Australia. It’ll be the third time the series has visited Derby and with good reason - their ever expanding trail network has twice been voted the Specialized Trail of the Year.

The top of stage three was axle-deep in fresh-cut green mulch.

"For round three it's back to one of the UK’s most famous venues, the Tweed Valley in Scotland. After a six year hiatus the series will return to the hallowed trails of Innerleithen and the surrounding hills, which for the last three decades have acted as the proving grounds for some of the biggest names in the sport. Val Di Fassa in Italy will play host to EWS round four. This stunning venue nestled high in the Italian Dolomites became an instant rider favourite when it first appeared on the calendar in 2019, featuring long, physical stages amongst some of Europe’s most dramatic terrain.

"It’s across the pond to the USA for round five, for the series’ second visit to Burke Mountain in Vermont. Serving up some classic East Coast riding, Burke’s trails will make their EWS debut later this season when they host round six. Famed for its raw and technical terrain, Burke will offer up a challenge to even the most experienced of racers. And for the first time in the series history, there will be a second USA stop, as round six heads to the West Coast and one of California’s most talked about mountain bike destinations, Northstar. The resort’s dry and rocky trails pushed riders to the limit when they were featured in the 2019 calendar.

Eddie Masters brought home bronze were all stoked to see this great finish for Eddie.

"Round seven needs little introduction, as the series heads north to Whistler for its annual pilgrimage to Crankworx. This firm fan and rider favourite has appeared on every EWS calendar since its inception in 2013 and it's not hard to guess why - Whistler is home to one of the most iconic trail networks in the world. For the final round of the EWS the series will crown its series champions in the sport’s spiritual home of France for the first time. Loudenvielle in the Vallee Du Louron in the French Pyrenees of the country offers up a slice of classic French enduro - steep and natural trails and of course, some of those infamous French switchbacks."

EWS 2021 calendar

EWS Nelson, New Zealand - 3 April 2021
EWS Derby, Australia - 10 April 2021
EWS Tweed Valley, Scotland - 15 May 2021
EWS Val Di Fassa, Italy - 26 June 2021
EWS Burke, USA - 17 July 2021
EWS Northstar, USA - 7 August 2021
EWS Whistler, Canada -14 August 2021
EWS Loudenvielle, France - 18 September 2021

The Trophy of Nations will also return on 25 September 2021

The EWS-E has also been announced for next year and it will be expanding to a 5 round series. The Tweed Valley round that kicks off the year and the Northstar round in August will run concurrently with EWS races however, the rounds in Valberg and Zermatt will be standalone races. The series will culminate in the FInale Ligure to take place alongside the Trophy of Nations.

EWS-E 2021 Calendar

EWS-E Tweed Valley, Scotland - 15 May 2021
EWS-E Valberg, France - 19 June 2021
EWS-E Northstar, USA - 7 August 2021
EWS-E Zermatt, Switzerland - 11 September 2021
EWS-E Finale Ligure, Italy - 25 September 2021

bigquotesWe’re all really excited by the 2021 calendar - it’s a great mix of established and new venues. We’re especially excited to offer two USA rounds for the first time and expand the EWS-E to five rounds.Chris Ball, Managing Director of the Enduro World Series

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jamessmurthwaite avatar

Member since Nov 14, 2018
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  • 86 7
 I'm waiting for the 2022 DWS (downcountry world series)
With riders who are powered by a meat free diet
  • 14 5
 Emily Batty has decided to start that herself and be the only racer.
  • 5 2
 This sounds awesome.
  • 84 2
 I'm waiting for my owner to come back because the garbage tipped over when I was looking in it and one of the couch cushions exploded.
  • 26 0
 @IamTheDogEzra: Maybe you can help me. My dog keeps looking in the garbage and then pukes for a couple days after. We dont put any food scraps in the trash but he still gets in there for some reason and I can only assume he's eating something that isn't food which is making him sick. Now when you get into the trash what exactly are you looking for? Can you not tell theres no food with your amazing sense of smell? Curiosity just gets the better of you? Please help!
Ps congrats on your ability to lick your own balls or region where your balls once were. I could only dream of such skills.
  • 48 0
 @Tmackstab: A question as old as time itself. Existential really. You have to understand that sometimes the trash is inside you, especially after you eat it. And if you explore the bin you're plumbing the depths of your subconscious. We are all trash and after watching last nights democratic debate I believe that humans are all trash, too. The puking is purging like an ayahuasca trip.
  • 20 0
 @IamTheDogEzra: Hmm I appreciate your insight on this topic! You're a good boi and hope to one day shake your paw and give you a treat.
  • 16 9
 What I don't like about those meat-free people is that they eat my food's food.
  • 12 3
 @jaame: What I don't like about those meat-people is that their food eats my food.
  • 8 7
 @jaame: ur body would appreciate a meat free diet tho.
  • 2 2
 *Beyond Meat free diet.
  • 1 4
 @a-m-c: there's nothing wrong with beyond meat. other fake meat is something to look out for
  • 3 1
 The Impossible Whopper is yum.
  • 2 1
 @dylanrutz: I’m going to respectfully disagree.
  • 2 2
 @MonsterTruck: okay there was no point to say that????
  • 4 2
 @dylanrutz: my body is very happy as I am eating this beef tenderloin like a corn on the cob....
  • 5 5
 @onemind123: I doubt that, corn isnt a carcinogen like that black stuff that u call "food"
  • 2 0
 @dylanrutz: if it's blackened it's way overcooked. Rawr is where it's at. Wipe it's ass and put it on a plate - that makes me happy.
  • 1 4
 @onemind123: yeah, but I'm pretty sure every peice of meat u eat has some black on it. just saying if ur an athlete meat isnt the best
  • 4 0
 @dylanrutz: i appreciate what you are saying, and I would even entertain the idea but then I would probably have to give up beer whiskey and wine as well. And let's be realistic, at 47 years old I am well past being mistaken as an athlete.
  • 1 2
 @onemind123: why would u give up alchohol? its plants. Anyone is considered an athlete if they exercise tbh
  • 2 3
 Most of us will die of cancer, meat or not. iPhone cancer. It’s coming for everyone under the age of 50.
  • 2 0
 VWS = vegan world series ????
  • 2 2
Ha Ha are you mad? Meat is the reason we are human, it's the cornerstone of building any successful athlete. Also if you're worried about the black on meat please don't eat toast
  • 1 0
 @gus6464: I hope she has better results.
  • 1 0
 Just as there was no point saying what you said... @dylanrutz:
  • 1 1
 Tells people to not eat meat then says “why would u give up alcohol?” Umm pretty sure alcohol is far more harmful than eating meat Haha @dylanrutz:
  • 2 1
 @CrispyNuggs: Nah, alchohol doesnt clog artiers or decrease bloodflow, cause heart failure.
  • 2 1
 @realfoodkev: Eating meat didnt make us human lol.
  • 2 0
 @realfoodkev: Oh wow lol, you also help athletes with keto diet. You really dont know how bad keto is? look up in google, "why is keto bad"
Why dont you try and help athletes with healthy food.
  • 1 0
 @dylanrutz: I'm all for Keto if you're overweight but I'm not for it for athletes. Macros need to be in a certain balance for certain people and certain fitness goals, but if someone is obese and cant cut the weight I see it as an excellent method for fat loss.
  • 2 1
 @Tmackstab: But have u read that the keto diet makes it harder to exercise? If you are overweight they is one simple way to get in shape again, eat healthy and exercise.
  • 1 1
 Oh really? Pretty sure it does a whole heap of other bad stuff for your body but hey ho. Don’t mind me I’m just about to tuck into a lovely steak. @dylanrutz:
  • 2 0
 @CrispyNuggs: That message didnt make much sense but ok.
  • 1 1
 Sorry pal just realised you’re a kid. You have so much to learn yet lol
  • 2 1
 @CrispyNuggs: Yeah, makes two of us. Do your research before saying stuff like that
  • 1 1
 Do my research? Haha like you did? With your misinformation lol @dylanrutz:
  • 2 1
 @CrispyNuggs: Whats my misinformation?
  • 2 2
 @dylanrutz: Are you a creationist?
  • 2 2
 @dylanrutz: I've used plenty of different approaches with all of my athletes but the focus is always on high quality food, carbohydrate restriction has a place for some (not all)
I had the pleasure of writing a literature review on Keto diets for diabetes so I have some understanding of it's workings. Meat has the highest quality protein ans should feature in every developing athletes diets
  • 1 2
 @realfoodkev: Wait, protien is important but what gives an athlete energy? Does protien or carbs give give someone energy. If you are focusing on high quality foods, why are feeding athletes carcinogens?
Please watch 'The Game Changers" on Netflix or YouTube.
  • 1 2
 I think I’ll listen to realfoodkev he knows what he’s talking about @dylanrutz:
  • 2 2
 @CrispyNuggs: Cool, good for you. Yet you probably havent even looked up why keto is bad for you and why you shouldnt eat meat.
  • 2 2
 I’m not interested in keto, where did I say I was? Meat isn’t bad for you that’s all I’ve got to say on the matter. @dylanrutz:
  • 2 3
 @CrispyNuggs: You have any thing to prove that it isnt bad for you?
  • 2 1
 yeah loads thank you
  • 4 1
 @dylanrutz: shut up you bloody fool.
Everything in moderation.
People have been eating meat since the dawn of humanity.
If you don’t want to, good for you. Let others make the choice for themselves without being subjected to your inane ramblings.
  • 2 2
 @jaame: Mad english man lol. Again, do you have anything to prove that we ate meat since the dawn of humanity?
  • 1 1
 @dylanrutz: I read your comment.
  • 2 0
 @jaame: Okay?
  • 1 1
 @dylanrutz: the evolution (or creation, depending on your bag) of the different human teeth maybe... Also depending on what constitutes the "dawn of Humanity"
  • 2 2
 @Dropthedebt: Thank you. One of the reasons why we arent suppsoed to eat meat is because our teeth are flat compared to tigers, lion, and carnivores teeth.
  • 3 1
 @dylanrutz: not all of them dude... Human teeth include incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. A combination that has evolved (or created) to enable humans to be Omnivorous.
  • 2 3
 @Dropthedebt: compare our teeth to lions teeth. come back to me then.
  • 4 1
 @dylanrutz: do you actually understand what Omnivorous means?
  • 2 3
 @Dropthedebt: I do. do you?
  • 2 2
 @dylanrutz: Really dude? You going with that? Okay... I'll play along for a while.
The different human teeth have developed (or created) to enable us to enjoy an Omnivorous diet. This means we can eat both plant based & meat based diet to obtain our protein, carbohydrates, fats & fibres; thus enabling us to enjoy a balanced diet when all groups are ingested in a moderated way.
Hoping that explains it.
  • 3 2

Does that explain it Dylan, you tit?
  • 2 3
 @Dropthedebt @jaame Nah, thats wrong. Our teeth are flat like most herbivores. Notice how our canines barely poke out less than half a centimeter. Then do u see how our molars are mostly flat with tiny divots? Take a lions teeth for an example, there teeth are shaped like razors which helps them chomp down meat. And we dont have claws like omnivores (bears, raccoons, etc) And notice how gorillas are herbivores? they can f*ck up anything in a second. There teeth are also flat like ours. And you are probably gonna pick out something. Our teeth cant be totally flat like boxes because we cant even break down plant material. Digestive system is also another reason why we arent supposed to eat meat. Our bodies arent even supposed to break down meat. Humans intestinal tracts are much longer, like those of plant eaters this gives the body more time to break down fiber and absorb the nutrients from plant-based foods. Carnivores have shorter digestive tracks which makes it easier for meet to pass by in their stomach.
  • 2 1
 @dylanrutz: okay... That's the beauty of knowledge. It enables us to believe whatever we choose to believe. You enjoy your knowledge and I'll keep believing my (currently scientifically accepted) way of thinking.
Enjoy your evening. tup
  • 2 3
 @Dropthedebt: Yeah, now u say it's okay to believe in whatever we want to believe in. You just cant accept your wrong lol. Enjoy your unhealthy and false diet
  • 2 1
 @dylanrutz: Dude, listen if it makes you feel better... Your absolutely correct and I am so off the mark. I am totally wrong in my reasoning & actually ashamed that I could have ever contemplated my chain of thinking.
Once again, enjoy your evening. Rolleyes
  • 2 3
 @Dropthedebt: lmao, your just to ignorant.
Enjoy your evening as well ✌
  • 2 1
I am perfectly able to admit I am wrong & in no way am I an ignorant person.
A wise man, wiser than you or I will ever be, once wrote "Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong."
  • 2 2
 @Dropthedebt: Nah, your are a perfect example of an ignorant person. And wow, thats amazing, you wrote and article, congrats!
  • 2 1
 @dylanrutz: how can someone be taken seriously when they apparently don’t even understand that you’re means you are, and your means your?
Humans cannot digest cellulose, which I would say is supporting evidence for someone who claims we should not eat plants. Now I’m not one such person, but I do believe humans have been eating animals since they had the ability to catch animals.
I’m fine with it if someone wants to eat a no-meat diet. I’m fine if people want to smoke, drink, eat butter, drink cow milk, whatever. Drink their own piss, eat stinky tofu or bats.
Just don’t go telling me what I can eat, should eat, was designed to eat etc. It's not cool. I will eat what I want, like, can afford. I like meat, I believe my species is perfectly capable of eating meat, and I will continue to do so as long as there is life in my body.
If anyone chooses not to eat it, or believe that we shouldn't eat it, that's awesome. I disagree but that's what makes life interesting isn't tit?
  • 2 2
I have no retort other than, "I'm out."
Please do not reply... Thanks.
  • 2 1
 @jaame: Dude, I would leave it alone.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
  • 2 2
 @Hundin: Thanks, someone who understands
  • 1 1
 Only Vegans and Crossfitters allowed.
  • 3 2
 @dylanrutz: dude your digestive physiology is grossly incorrect. Protein, carbohydrates and fats that are eaten from food are digested in the small intestine, (which is all animal based food) including the very important vitamin B12. Humans have an extremely acidic stomach with a pH of 1-2 not at all like herbivores. Humans also gave up nearly all of our hindgut fermentation where bacteria convert plant sugars to short chain fatty acids for energy. Gorillas have a high fat diet from their continuous grazing. Humans are faculative carnivores not obligate carnivores which allows us to be omnivores, this allows us to survive winter without plants but take advantage of themin summer.
Teeth don't matter as humans have opposable thumbs which allows us to use tools.
Or anatomy evolved around long distance running, we can out run everything, we have a specific cooling system to assist. We also have the most accurate long distance throw and shoulder anatomy to give us the advantage.
It's great your interested in evolution but please don't get your information from propaganda movies on Netflix, go to LibGen and download some biology text books.
Happy reading.
  • 3 1
 @Hundin: Bourdain was born in 1979 and turned vegan in 2011 - he was built on animals
I don't know about the martial artists
This is the same BS I constantly hear, all there athletes grow and get to a point on sport where they are successful and start eating well on plants (with adequate supplements ????) and they forget what got them there. This is never communicated to the young athletes who put their careers at risk thinking they can live on beans ????
  • 2 2
 @realfoodkev: Lol. You should look up our digestive system vs a carnivores digestive system. And our teeth do matter cause that's how we have to break down our food. And the very important b12 can be found in plant based foods such as soy product. And btw I did not get all the research from a netflix movie, that movie inspired me to do research on why meat is bad and why we are supposed to eat plants."We can outrun everything." Can we out run a cheetah that runs 60 mph?If your intestered in evolution dont go on biased websites and dont get info that you know is bs just so you feel correct.
Happy Reading
  • 1 2
 @realfoodkev: Yeah,they switched to a plant based diet because theh realized how f*cked up an omnivore or carnivore diet is. And you should know they took supplements when they ate meat, they just need more of everything. And this is what I don't get. Vegans dont just eat beans or lettuce, it's sad how yall think that's what we eat.
  • 2 0
 Lion and tigers etc. Kill their food with their teeth one reason why they have the teeth they have @dylanrutz:
  • 2 1
 @dylanrutz: Joe Rogan says hold my beer.
  • 2 0
 @realfoodkev: he stopped eating meat in 2005, do your research. And of course he takes supplements. What athlete doesn't? ? Meat eater or not.
  • 1 0
 @Hundin: you vegan?
  • 3 2
 I’m 40 and there is no amount of persuasion that could convince me that eating meat is worse for me overall than not eating meat.

I wonder if in another 40 years the middle-aged folks then will be unable to change their views on the so called “climate emergency.”

Their teen children will come home from school and be like “Dad, we should switch to fossil fuels. The earth is cooling at a faster rate than at any time in history. Five of the coldest 20 years since records began have occurred in the last 20 years and the only possible explanation is humans using too much renewable energy.”

And the dads be like “No. global warming, fossil fuels, climate emergency. I’m not listening to you!”
  • 3 2
 @jaame: And you should know that livetsock also produces more green house gases then all the vehicles in the entire world. we kill around 70 BILLION animals a year, and think about how much waste that produces. Livestock has also polluted more than 700k miles of streams and rivers. And btw, global warming is a thing, Antarctica just hit 60+ degrees a few weeks ago. You guys just cant handle the truth, some people thinks its cars that's ruining the world, yet it's the animals.
  • 2 2
 @dylanrutz: it's not a case of I can't handle the truth. It's more a case of I don't believe half of the stuff I see in the news. Most of it is made up or later proves to be wrong. I am very skeptical of any "facts" in the news.
And the other perhaps more important point is that even if everything you wrote about meat is true, which I doubt it is, I don't care!
  • 2 3
 @dylanrutz: of all the ice melts in Antarctica woop di doo. People can go and live there.
  • 3 1
 @jaame: wow lol, ur not the brightest person lmao. Your saying u don't care if Antarctic melts? That's sad, you dont know how many species would go extinct if that happened
  • 3 1
 @dylanrutz: pick a diet, be a dick about it. If you want to change minds, be an example, not a troll. There is nothing you are saying that isn’t wide spread knowledge. It’s just that every story has multiple sides. Educated, thoughtful and considerate people will disagree. I’m sorry but there is no single right answer. I’m glad that you’ve found a WOE that works for you. As for the environment, well there are just a lot of people. Leaving a smaller foot print per person just results in more people. As for killing animals, the plow kills far more than the slaughter house.
Best wishes.
  • 3 1
 @dylanrutz: What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? I don't know and I don't care.

Do I care if the Antarctic melts? Absolutely not. It won't melt in my lifetime. After I'm dead, I couldn't give a flying f*ck what happens on this planet.

All the species will be extinct one day, whether Antarctica melts or not.

You're just being a tit for your own amusement aren't you? Well it's worked, because I am laughing a little bit, so thanks for that. Your comments are fluctuating in their inanity just to keep us all sucked in. It's working! Keep them coming...
  • 2 2
 @MonsterTruck: I wasnt being a dick, you should know the difference between being a dick and informing someone.
So shut up and stay out if this if you didnt read the past messages.
  • 1 1
Dylan, you can be ardent with your information, and that really is a great thing for a young mind. In this case though you are coming across as arrogant & belligerent, therefore your message is getting lost. It really is okay to have a different opinion to other people without being contemptuous towards them.
I understand you believe in your knowledge & want to share it, but this isn't the way to go about it. All you will do is alienate those who you seek to educate.
  • 2 1
 @Dropthedebt: I never was contemptuous lol. I wasnt being mean except when people say its bs and I'm stupid. I never told anyone to go plant based, I wanted to share and this was a perfect way
  • 1 1
 @dylanrutz: if you're ever in this neck of the woods I'll go for a ride with you and you can tell me all about it. I'll listen.
  • 1 1
 You still here? Jesus , go for a ride or something @dylanrutz:
  • 2 0
 @CrispyNuggs: Yeah, cause everytime I get notifications,
  • 1 1
 And I guess you have to reply, can’t just leave it@dylanrutz:
  • 2 0
 @CrispyNuggs: And I guess you have nothing else better to do.
  • 2 1
 Well I’ve had an awesome Sunday riding in the dry for a change and now I’m up the shed cleaning my bike and smoking a fat one so I’m happy @dylanrutz:
  • 30 0
 Heck yeah. Nelson (NZ). Well done NMTBC for making this happen!!
  • 4 1
 was hoping for nelson BC
  • 3 0
 F*$k yea! It's gonna be so rad!
  • 1 0
 @jaycubzz: Nelson BC Nelson NZ
  • 21 1
 Northstar returns! Now, just to wait a year and a half to watch the carnage! Smile
  • 7 0
 Since you are also in California, you should sign up for the 80 or 100! It was super fun last time.
  • 4 0
 @Austink: Yup yup I'm gonna try out the 80 this time!
  • 23 3
 Now THIS is a true WORLD series. Unlike the UCI Mtb DH European cup.
  • 2 2
 Takes the venue to step up unfortunately, the UCI aren’t out there looking
  • 5 3
 3 rounds in North America alone. If it carries on like this it will be the like World Series Baseball. Just think, you'll never even have to leave the USA
  • 2 0
 @mashrv1: yeah very true. From rumors I've heard though, a lot of that is what the UCI demands in fees and expectations though right? Don't think EWS forces that kind of circus to be accommodated? Maybe I'm wrong, that's just what I've heard.
  • 1 0
 @ianswilson815: nope, you sound pretty much correct. You’d want to get your sums right, as you should be able to get a bigger crowd heading to a DH round but you obviously wouldn’t want to end up out of pocket
  • 18 0
 To fast for this kind of announcement? I mean, we didn't even kick off the twenty twenty season....
  • 15 0
 2021 bikes to be released to public in about 3 months time - if not sooner. In about 6 months time "end of season sales" will start. Bike industry is ahead of its time, really...
  • 9 4
 We don’t even know if any of us will survive death by Corona.
  • 1 0
 Just to say to all and sundry, if doing bikes in 2021, don't do these dates. Think is good and timely announcement, and good spread of events/styles. EWS Derby, Australia - 10 April 2021 seems sick again. #4yearson kudos
  • 4 0
 @Crossmaxx: Well that sounds like a tough night
  • 15 0
 New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, Italy, EAST BURKE, VERMONT, Northstar, Whistler, and France. ha, ha! Love it
  • 2 0
 Killington would be awesome too
  • 13 0
 Yasssss back it comes to scotland!!!!
  • 2 0
 Wooohooo!!! Stoked
  • 11 1
 Holy shit if ews Nelson happens in Wairoa Gorge .... that place is like Disney land for mtn bikes
  • 2 0
 I was thinking the gorge would be an awesome venue.
  • 1 0
 Don't think that's going to happen given all the requirements to have cellphone reception, easy access, space for an event village, evac routes, etc. Apparently Chris Ball looked at the Gorge a while ago and didn't see the potential to a race of this scale there. Raddest place to ride though, for sure!
  • 8 1
 Ho-lee-sheet. Where is Madeira ?
  • 60 0
 Just west of Marrocos
  • 6 0
 When are we going to see an EWS in BC but some where other than Whistler? Say Kamloops or Nelson or Rossland.
  • 3 0
 This wasn't showing up in my normal feed. Am i going to be left out of EWS news because i have opted out of the Ebike news? If so, I can check that back on so I get these updates.
  • 4 0
 Nothing like waiting till the last minute...
  • 5 2
 is it me or Burke has no business hosting an ews ? Been there twice, wasn't impressed.
  • 1 0
 town of Burke and kingdom trails are not the same as Burke Mountain up the road... if you rode Burke Mountain and thought it was not a worthy location I'm curious what your reasoning is? It's massive, lift serviced half way up, has a shuttle road all the way up, and the potential for lots of new trails to be created... and it's steep. If you've only every ridden the kingdom trials (Darling Hill) that's not what you should be basing your opinion on that's for sure
  • 1 0
 Wasn't Burke the area that was partly made off limits for riders due to a dispute with a private land owner? Is that going to affect the racing, at all?
  • 4 0
 That was Kingdom Trails. Burke Mountain is in the same town, but has its own private trails and bike park. Should be no issue there.
  • 1 1
 OK, so great legacy #EWS Blue Derby every two years. great calendar structure and depth. Now back it up with a 3 round southern AustralOceanain round in the bi-years tour. NZ, Blue Derby and RAdelaide.
  • 1 0
 Radelaide? What riding do y'all have there good Sir? Is it worth a visit?
  • 1 0
 @handynzl: it is indeed keen
  • 2 0
 I feel like they could have more E events since the teams will be able to get to the venues faster.
  • 3 1
 Please make this easier too understand. City and Country
  • 4 1
 ya i was stoked on a nelson bc round too! until i saw NZ..
  • 2 1
 EWS Nelson, New Zealand - 3 April 2021 EWS Derby, Austrailia - 10 April 2021 EWS Tweed Valley, Scotland - 15 May 2021 EWS Val Di Fassa, Italy - 26 June 2021 EWS Burke, U.S.A. - 17 July 2021 EWS Northstar, U.S.A. - 7 August 2021 EWS Whistler, Canada -14 August 2021 EWS Loudenvielle, France - 18 September 2021
  • 2 0
 Thanks for updating Pinkbike
  • 2 0
 @jlfskibikesail: same!!! Was so hyped, than so disappointed...
  • 2 0
 @NotDeadYetMTB: rd 1 earth, rd 2 earth, rd 3 earth, rd 4 earth, rd 5 earth...
  • 2 0
 @NotDeadYetMTB: you won't be disappointed on Nelson, NZ
  • 2 0
 @jlfskibikesail: Nelson NZ won't disappoint you believe me!
  • 1 0
 @rewi: No, I believe it's pretty awesome, just got super hyped because Nelson's kind of my hometown
  • 1 0
 @browner: yeah, but every place on earth is different, unique and awesome in it's own way.
  • 2 3
 Three North American rounds vs 2 European rounds? Not complaining. Surprised that VT is locked in for another year before the initial run even happened, but again, not complaining.
  • 5 0
 3 European, Scotland, France, Italy
  • 14 14
 @rudymedea: Scotland is not Europe, it's UK Razz
  • 8 2
 @roma258: ouch...too soon!
  • 6 1
Wha? Is that the same as Colorado being US not North America?
  • 2 2
 @rudymedea: no, as in legal defined jurisdictional - externally facing with associated interests. your example is vertical inside one structures of government. I believe.
  • 4 0

Nothing as complex as that

Scotland is part of the UK, kinda like a ‘state’, which is in the continent of Europe

Similarly Colorado is a state of the US, which is in North America
  • 3 1
 @rudymedea: Scotland is a country. It is the UK that is the state. A state formed by a union of two countries.
  • 5 0
 @km79: 3 countries and an annexed area.
  • 2 5
 @km79: Scotland isn't a country. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the country. Scotland is s devolved part of the conglomerate of Great Britain (England /Wales/Scotland). NI is added on to Great Britain to make the UK which is the country.
  • 4 1
 @Dropthedebt: You're right, I should have said formed by a union of two kingdoms (one of which was a country, the other two countries). Point still stands, Scotland is a country, the UK is the state or a nation-state if you will.
  • 2 1
 @km79: I would go with "in a state" lol
  • 9 0
 @roma258: For clarity: Scotland, the UK, Great Britain, Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland are all still in Europe. They'll be in Europe forever. Europe is a continent. I think you meant the EU...
  • 2 0

This guy gets it
  • 2 0
 @roma258: We've not left the European continent.
  • 2 0
 Someone may need to proof read that portion about the US rounds
  • 2 1
 Proofreading has never been a strong point of any Pinkbike employee.
  • 1 2
 Pretty crazy that only two events in Europe and nothing in South or Central America. I wonder if this is because this year has two events in South America (Columbia and Chile) and 4 events in Europe?
  • 3 0
 It seems the south american rounds alternate every other year with an NZ/Aus round.
  • 3 1
 Uk is still part of europe
  • 1 0
 @FurryCrew: That makes sense. The Southern Hemisphere events are earlier in the season as it's starting to cool down, the high elevation stuff up north is at the end of summer.

I think they try to keep the events grouped too, as it allows privateers a little easier access.
  • 3 1
 @mattg95: No you're not....you're drifting away....
  • 4 1
 so no 2020 season?
  • 2 0
 That was announced in 2018
  • 2 0
 Bring it on Loudenvielle! Woooooohoooooooooo!!!
  • 2 0
 Burke twice? Dreams do come true Smile
  • 1 0
 So is EWS scotland part of TweedLove Festival or separate? Asking for a friend ????
  • 1 1
 is that a hint that crankworx NZ will be on april for 2021?
  • 1 0
 Nah, Crankworkx Rotorua is normally in March.....so EWS after

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