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Video: 100 km/h in a Manual

Dec 17, 2022
by rasoulution  

Jake100 is known for thinking outside the box, finding new ways to do wheelies and enhancing the bike community. Jake's latest project brings us closer to his way of thinking as he showcases his creativity and pushes the limits in terrain we are not used to seeing him in. Ditching the tall buildings and crowded streets, he rode his bike on the rear wheel over the 100 kph mark. Watch Jake100 goes 100 kph.

Inspired by videos of alpine descents and longboarders speeding down the mountain roads, Jake decided to give it a try. In true Jake fashion, he wanted to do it the way he knew best, with a manual.


bigquotesI’ve been planning this project for years, due to my favorite thing on the bike is going fast. Speed is something, I would say, I am genuinely addicted to. As the years have gone on and I’ve got better and better on my bike I’ve ended up going faster and faster, to the point that I’ve traveled the world trying to find steeper hills and faster roads where I push myself on.Jake100

With the concept already in mind, Jake decided to give it a try in the US. He reached 75 kph but still felt that he could go faster. With the perfect location and the right crew, he knew he could accomplish the 100 kph goal.


After thorough research, using the best tools available: the knowledge of downhill skaters and Google Maps. Jake found the perfect road for the project, an almost straight downhill road between the Tyrolean mountains, near the city of Innsbruck, Austria.

For the crew, Jake relied on his friend Teo Andreoli as director and camera operator, as well as Karl Martin as a drone pilot. For the close-up images, Jake had Mirko and Thies, 2 professional downhill skateboarders based in Innsbruck, who would descend with him.


With a perfect weather window, the project was underway. Jake took a warm-up day to test his bike and himself. Everything was perfect and in place. The next day after 7 attempts, Jake brought his rear wheel to 101.3 kph.

“This year was the year that I said to myself: I am doing 100 Kph in a manual. From there we started working out the plan and we ended up going to Austria, after talking with Josh Neuman, Rest in Peace Josh, one of the best longboarders in the world. He told me that this road is the best to try to achieve this challenge. So, we drove all the way from London to Austria to make this dream real.

I felt great, to be honest, it was a surreal moment! Every time I do something crazy it takes me a minute to sink in what I’ve just done. We were worried because we had to be quick. I got down the hill, I celebrated quickly with everyone, and we needed to get out of there. I have achieved something that I always wanted to achieve, a dream of mine. Now, this makes me want to go even faster, let’s see what happens next year.“ – Jake100

bigquotesThis year was the year that I said to myself: I am doing 100 kph in a manual. From there we started working out the plan and we ended up going to Austria, after talking with Josh Neuman, Rest in Peace Josh, one of the best longboarders in the world. He told me that this road is the best to try to achieve this challenge. So, we drove all the way from London to Austria to make this dream real.

I felt great, to be honest, it was a surreal moment! Every time I do something crazy it takes me a minute to sink in what I’ve just done. We were worried because we had to be quick. I got down the hill, I celebrated quickly with everyone, and we needed to get out of there. I have achieved something that I always wanted to achieve, a dream of mine. Now, this makes me want to go even faster, let’s see what happens next year.

The bike that helped Jake achieve his dreams was the C100 model from Collective Bikes a bike made for him. With a 19” aluminum frame with a reinforced rear end, this bike is specifically designed for wheelies but is capable of all the aspects of MTB.


More information on Jake100 can be found here:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/jake100/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/c/JAKE100
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@jake100_

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rasoulution avatar

Member since Oct 25, 2010
487 articles

  • 64 2
You know what the "/" might stand for?
  • 13 4
 I think this would technically be an acceleration value. distance per per hour.
  • 21 9
 Even the kph gives me headache. I know, this is actually a thing that some retards use, but kilo what per hour? 1000 per hour what? Watts, amps, joules, pascals, ohms ... grams cocaine?
  • 4 11
flag wake-n-rake (Dec 17, 2022 at 8:39) (Below Threshold)
 I'm from Britain originally but even after 15 years in Canada I still get confused trying to get KMH KPH KM/PH whatever correct. Can't really blame these Cockney geezers for getting it wrong!
  • 22 0
 Kilometer per acidity?
  • 10 0
 @Lanebobane: acceleration would be km per hour squared
  • 1 0
 @Lanebobane: Correct, looks like he was able to reach 0 km/ph at 100 km/h
  • 1 0
 @Lanebobane: oh sorry get what you mean - misread!! +1
  • 18 2
 For the Americans who don’t and won’t go metric, this is about 60mph. That’s faster than Sammy Haggard’s 55 that he can’t drive at.
  • 1 9
flag endorium (Dec 17, 2022 at 15:47) (Below Threshold)
 Splitting the variables. Km/ph, km/s, M/ph, m/ps etc. Right way to write it really. Just easier not to in general
  • 1 0
 @Lanebobane: acceleration is the time value themultiplied. Metres per second, per second.s squared for instance
  • 2 0
 @endorium: it really isn't
  • 1 2
 @CarbonShmarbon: yes it is. Acceleration isn't a constant as you are always going faster or slower. Like gravity, 9.8ms squared.
  • 4 1
 @endorium: speed. Keelōmeeters (distance) per (/) hour (time). Acceleration is not a consideration here. Quit making it weird to prove an invalid point.
  • 2 2
 @CarbonShmarbon: I'm not, read the comment I replied to. He was saying it was acceleration. I was saying it's not. Valid point.
  • 3 0
 per pico hour
  • 2 0
 are you going to tackle filmaker/filmmaker while you're at it lmao
  • 3 3
 @CSharp: it’s not about 60mph it’s over 60mph, technically it’s 62mph. Also Sammy Haggard??? Lmao! So many mistakes in so little characters!
  • 1 3
 @h20-50: Dude, Who cares if it’s 60mph or 62mph. I’m converting from 100kph and 1 mile is 1.6km and 0.6miles is 1km. Never heard of Can’t Dive 55? You know that’s not in kilometers, right?
  • 4 1
 @CSharp: 1kmh = 0.621mph , and it’s Sammy Hagar, not Haggard. Details matter, especially when you’re doing conversions.
  • 4 0
 @endorium: SI symbol: km/h. Anything else is not the right way, officially. Also Km/ph is totally wrong - capital K is Kelvin, not kilo! So Kelvin meters per per hours is just the thing that shows how bad your education is.
  • 4 0
 @CSharp: technically it’s 62 eagle freedom units per hour in American
  • 1 5
flag endorium (Dec 18, 2022 at 9:28) (Below Threshold)
 @bobeca: lol, it isn't. Maybe when talking temps. Capital or not there is no difference when talking speeds or acceleration. Check the Speedo on different cars in km from different countries. It's not consistent.
  • 2 0
 @artistformlyknowasdan: It wasn't done in US so, it really don't count as a perceived freedom. You know you're still bound by laws in America. Plus, they're using a GPS in a short distance. So, 60-65mph - who gives a shit. It's still frickin fast and while doing a manual!
  • 2 0
 @h20-50: Dude, you still missed the point that this is done with a GPS which might be like 10m off for all we know. And yes, Sammy still can't drive 55! Big Grin
  • 1 0
 @endorium: Can you point 5 cars that have it written with capital K? I am waiting for it. I need make, model and year! Even American manufacturers write km/h when the make cars for countries like Canada where they put both miles and kilometers.
  • 1 0
 @artistformlyknowasdan: tell me you're a Cleetus fan without telling me you're a Cleetus fan
  • 73 18
 extremely rare footage of chavs outside their natural habitat
  • 15 17
 I think people who dress/speak differently to you also like to go abroad sometimes.
  • 15 3
 @lucaj: yeah, to do wheelies in front of cabs of different colors
  • 2 7
flag OliOliOli (Dec 17, 2022 at 14:29) (Below Threshold)
 @iiman: it's "culture" ..
  • 8 5
 This is how people who didn't get/understand skateboarding would have sounded when skateboarding became a thing
  • 12 5
 @lucaj: yep, good analogy. Can't wait for doing wheelies in wrong way traffic to become olympic.
  • 2 1
 outside of south london
  • 8 6
 I just looked up “chav” and this comment is entitled at best. I’m expecting the ruling elite to marginalize my observation by way of downvotes.
  • 10 3
 @vonb: the word or concept of the 'chav' sadly remains in the British vernacular for those brainwashed by the new labour and conservative media establishment. People still using it to this day are out of date classists, who in this case can't wheelie their expensive bike.
  • 8 2
 @iiman: can you wheelie though lad?
  • 1 1
 Lmfao exactly! I only watch this just because it had awesome Austrian mountains and rad skate dudes in Polar.
If it wasn’t for the above I would of moved on past.
  • 3 3
 @samanual: sure I can, pal
Not my best, but here we go anyway
  • 7 0
 @iiman: can you manual without mugging off people that don’t have an acceptable plummy accent like your good self sir?
  • 7 1
 @iiman: Going to call you out here and ask for a video of you doing a wheelie. Feel free to upload to Pinkbike and link it here in the comments. Surprise me. Don't stress though, just having a bit of fun.
  • 11 1
 Came here for the sniffy comments, was not disappointed. If pissing on another person's achievements is all you got, you got nothing.
  • 9 0
 The guy promotes taking up cycling instead of getting into drink/drugs/crime. Why hate on someone trying to do a good thing just because they speak and dress a certain way.
  • 3 0
 @samanual: definitely can’t wheelie and therefore is still a virgin.
  • 1 1
 the matter here is not my wheelies (good try tho), but the flocks of c*nts blocking streets and intimidating pedestrians. I'm not a royal precisely, I used to live a couple blocks away from Millwall stadium and know british working class very well, being working class is not a problem itself.
Take care, boys Wink
  • 3 0
 @iiman: that’s exactly what someone who can’t wheelie or pull birds would say.
  • 3 0
 @iiman: “know British working class well” evidence points to no
  • 1 0
 @iiman: Hikers say this exact stuff about MTBs...

Also, tell me you don't spend any time with working class people without telling me you don't spend any time with working class people.
  • 3 0
 @iiman: Fine if they are on e-skooters delivering bash to your door though isn't it?
  • 1 1
 @vonb: downvoted due to lack of sense of humour
  • 53 6
 "The bike that helped Jake achieve his dreams was the C100 model from Collective Bikes a bike made for him. With a 19” aluminum frame with a reinforced rear end, this bike is specifically designed for wheelies but is capable of all the aspects of MTB".

My ex-girlfriend's 14yo son absolutely wants that shitty bike for Xmas 'cos he got hypnotized by this bloody Youtube influencer. I made him a wonderful custom Cannondale F4 2 years ago with neat details but this little c*nt doesn't want it anymore 'cos "he wanna change"... for a shitty 750€ bike with a crappy Suntour fork and low quality components.
I tried to explain him that his F4 is much better for doing stupid wheelies and show off on the street... but Mister "wants to change". F*cking marketing.
  • 22 4
 You have to buy a bike for your ex-girlfriend's son? Am I missing something?
  • 13 1
 @BenPea: some people can be in good term with their ex sometimes you know ... (he's not MY son) and THEY buy this bloody bike for THEIR bloody son; I am just the adviser in that story Wink
  • 7 1
 Yeah, I would also want a walmart bike if I had cennondale as a fourteen year old
  • 4 1
 @danstonQ: Thank f*ck for that. Keep up the good work. And take the Cannondale back.
  • 4 2
 You have to look at it from his perspective. Saying stuff like, “stupid wheelies” and “show off on the street” rightfully destroys your credibility with bike advice for people under the age of 50. What did you expect?
  • 1 0
 @emptybe-er: Speak for yourself
  • 24 0
 I thought Bobby Root already did this back in the New World Disorder days.
  • 19 11
 He did, but these guys are from inner city London and are approaching cycling from a different perspective, and have been doing great things to promote cycling to people who might not otherwise been interested. Great to see them on Pink Bike.

  • 7 0
 The good old days, when you were stoked to see that dead bee on the camera while Bobby is flying by doing a manual! Love it!
  • 9 5
 @wake-n-rake: i hope this is sarcasm
  • 9 8
 @YukonMog: feel free to direct them to their local crown green bowls club, golf course, lawn tennis association etc, or give them $15,000 so they can purchase the latest on-trend MTB and all the toys so they can be like 'us' Wink
  • 15 1
 @wake-n-rake: false dichotomy, my man. You can have fun on cheap bikes without being a dick
  • 1 0
 @DoctorWatson: Exactly what I thought of!
  • 12 2
 @iiman: yeh, this wheelie "culture" and car swerving is definitely straight up dick move..
  • 10 1
 I still have the video NWD 1. He was manualling at 70 MPH on a KONA bike. Over 22 years ago, so insane!
  • 2 0
 Exactly ! On the front and rear whell !!!
  • 2 0
 @gaoyiyang: Just saw the video. That didn't look like 70mph to me. maybe 50 at best. But what do I know. I can't even do a manual
  • 3 0
 @iiman: You can also be a dick with an expensive bike, evidently.
  • 1 0
 hehe, yeah dead bee and 70 mph on specially designed Kona that could literally snap
  • 16 1
 There is a discussion at www.mtb-news.de/forum/t/manual-bei-100-km-h-jake-100-im-highspeed-rausch.967993 , and the conclusion is that is very likely a fake.
  • 7 1
 I was very sceptical at first but after reading your comment I did a quick check with google maps. He covers 120 meters (from the end of the barrier to the middle of the last house on the left) in ~4 seconds so yes It's totally plausible.

  • 8 0
 @ben314: Yeah, I was skeptical as well, but it IS a 16% grade. It's pretty tough to hit 100kmph even on a road bike in full lycra due to wind resistance, but things get easier when grades get this steep.

Their best bet would have been to use a radar gun in addition to the strava GPS plot as a backup data point.
  • 15 1
 Cor blimey guvna, Neva fort I'd endure an 8 min vidi on bleedin' wheelies, and I didn't, innit.
  • 12 0
 Don’t fu**ing p**s me off!
  • 18 13
 What a loud mouth cretin.. Hope I piss him off..
  • 15 0
 Makes a change from shouting "lets GOOOOOOOOOO!" and then not going anywhere.
  • 9 6
 @OliOliOli: I think people of different classes/regions/cultures sometimes celebrate in ways that will seem unfamiliar to you... I'd probably avoid going straight in with "loud mouth cretin".
  • 2 3
 Lol. Does that mean something different where he’s from? He kept saying it and I kept thinking “i don’t think that means what you think it means.”
  • 2 5
 @lucaj: nah, I'll stick with it lmao
  • 2 2
 The more successful you-tubers have learnt that to maximise their audience and profit it's better not to swear. Parents don't want their kids listening to it.
  • 2 0
 @OliOliOli: Lol @ the Reading Massive stepping up, go get your crew
  • 1 1
 @Steventux: yeh boi!
  • 13 1
 that production and loud dramatic music was painful
  • 13 1
 That was very hard to watch.
  • 10 1
 Cool manual but my gawd this crew is embarrassing. Some weird MTV skit here or wtf was that?!
  • 6 0
 Having lived and rode in NYC - I was exposed to other biking styles and cultures including some fringe movie projects like this chap's goals. The world of 2 wheels is pretty rad and amazingly inclusive - this was a fun watch!
  • 9 0
 Km/h ffs
  • 8 0
 Bobby Root, 86 MPH wheelie drafting a moving vehicle.
  • 6 2
 The comments on here are pretty shitty, it’s like no one here was young and annoyed older people for not doing a thing in the correct way according to old people that are the definitive authority on doing the thing in the correct way. I thought we all loved bikes and were encouraging everyone to enjoy them? Or are these not the Right Sort Of People?
  • 6 3
 Bike doesn't even have a front brake and the man needs a subtitle track while speaking english. Incredible feat and also incredible video
  • 3 0
 That’s nuts to go even 60kph on a downhill with probably a bit of ice on the road. Just nuts to go 100+kph with one wheel and no front brake! Like a death wish!
  • 6 1
 They did this on an open road?? Muppets
  • 5 0
 And… Strava, in the mountains, on a phone…. Haha! Accurate +/- 20%.
  • 6 1
 I found them all to be a bit annoying
  • 9 1
 But less annoying than ebikers
  • 5 0
 Bobby Root.
  • 1 1
 I did a manual on the road with my 29er from the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge into downtown Copper Harbor last year. My GPS computer read 46 mph or 74 km/h. It was very sketchy. Don't know if 62 mph or 100 km/h would be smart though.
  • 4 1
 Gotta love all the outraged dads who come out of the woodwork every time those wheelie lads pop up here Big Grin
  • 3 0
 Doesn't count, you need to average the speed of the wheels. #GATEKEEPING
  • 13 1
 And what happened to an average from two runs, one going in either direction?
  • 2 0
 In the future we will be able to do manuals at the push of a button, hopefully.... Wink
  • 3 1
 Already can, with the twist of the wrist..

**Angry Moto sounds** lol
  • 3 1
 A swedish guy has already done this
  • 2 0
 manual addiction might be worse than crack
  • 1 0
 This is awesome but they clearly didn’t use Trailforks cause it won’t give top speed. It needs to be changed
  • 2 0
 Who edited this article? Jeebus.
  • 2 0
 Dear Pinkbike, why are you promoting this bikelife shit on here?
  • 2 0
 Wheel he break 150km?
  • 4 3
 Manuals are cool. Wheelie urchin stuff? Not so much.
  • 1 0
 They could make a how to wheelie vid next
  • 7 9
 Goes to the alps on an 'mtb' - rides down roads with slick tyres. You're doing it wrong. I hate this wheelie culture shit. Go back to scooters kids, and stop making us look bad.
  • 7 4
 Weird to see someone who makes a living from bikes gatekeeping who can and can't ride a bikes. Have a word with yourself lad.
  • 3 6
 Great vid, great vibe. Thies seems to be a dude.
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