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The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA, H.R. 3261) is on the surface a bill that attempts to curb online piracy. Sadly, the proposed way it goes about doing this would devastate the online economy and the overall freedom of the web. It would particularly affect sites with heavy user generated content. Sites like PINKBIKE, Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, and others may cease to exist in their current form if this bill is passed. 

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The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA, H.R. 3261) is on the surface a bill that attempts to curb online piracy. Sadly, the proposed way it goes about doing this would devastate the online economy and the overall freedom of the web. It would particularly affect sites with heavy user generated content. Sites like PINKBIKE, Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, and others may cease to exist in their current form if this bill is passed. http://sopablackout.org/learnmore/
  • 104 2
 thank you ian, and pinkbike, and all the other websites that are blacking out, to raise awareness of this ridiculous bill that will not only effect america, but the world, lets hope all this can do something to save OUR internet.....
- (a tron related quote i found)
i mean, what is this, encom 12, wheres sam flynn when you need him....
  • 47 3
 I tryed posting this on facebook to tell others about this new 'bill' and I got a bunch of 'security checks' from doing so. It's scary, I don't think the internet has any privacy left even on our own facebook page. It can see what you are posting and it just tryed to stop me from posting this link. Something is up.
  • 259 8
 damn you Americans and your silly tactics to try to control everyone Smile
  • 21 1
 While I as also against SOPA, I don't see how an American law could have such a wide international effect. I mean, yes I know the US has a ton of people and money and probably generates a majority of content on sites like PB, tumblr and such...but I though PB was Canadian based... so if SOPA is passed and it becomes illegal for anyone in the states to have an online presence (more or less) why wouldn't PB just loose half of its user base an be able to keep operating in other countries?
  • 42 0
 @carbonlite The reason everyone in the World should be worried is that once the law passes in the USA, then they will use their influence to have other countries also introduce similar laws. The is the seed and it has to be stopped. This is not just a USA issue.
  • 13 105
flag Bogumil1202247 (Jan 18, 2012 at 1:51) (Below Threshold)
 Take it easy prabably Internet will defend himself. Nothing is able to stop piracy. If music will disappear from the Internet no one will hear her and buy her in the shops. But there is one advantage of SOPA they should destroy this stupid Facebook because people out there lose privacy and get stupid habits and trends.
  • 11 1
 The americans also created this bill to help defend themselves from piracy abroad as they currently cant police it. How many non american sites have a .com adress. It affects us all.
  • 26 1
 Bogumil - Sopa could also end Pinkbike, Youtube, Blogs and most of the site you use. Read a bit before you speak.
  • 9 1
 Yeah! For real! Thanks for doing this Pinkbike!
  • 34 0
 for the people who can't be bothered to read an extra article but want some extra knowledge, SOPA ccurrently state that if a Movie or similar is uploaded to YouTube, then the site isn't held accountable, as long as they provide a way to report the video, meaning the user is accountable, not the site. The current panic is because they want to pass a new law called PIPA, which would hold the site responsible, and also allow the original copyright holders to SEIZE THE SITE DOMAIN in extreme circumstances. Think about it for a few seconds, this silences legitamate speech, websites can be shut down with no real process. It'll be insanely expensive, and probably the most ironic, it won't stop online piracy, THE ENTIRE REASON THEY'RE DOING THIS.
  • 20 0
 We must stop this deadly feudal attempt at depriving us of knowledge, orchestrated by the egregiously tyrannical mega magnates!
  • 24 1
 that sounds like an Enter Shikari song..
  • 8 0
 Off topic but i just got an ad for their album on pinkbike Big Grin
  • 1 0
 just a tad Wink reading up on this PIPA stuff a lot of people really need to have a good read on the intenet about it.
  • 11 2
 The worst thing is the US stats to export its censorship laws. Not that long ago they forced Spain to change their anti piracy law if they didn't want to face trade repercussions if I remember it right. So actually even if SOPA fails they will still try to censor the net. It should rather be an action of - stop voting stupid America.
  • 12 1
 Fuck the man!
  • 4 0
 @shockabahala I got it to post to Facebook i just had to pass a security thing.....
  • 5 0
 creepy eh, I've never felt watched until then,
  • 2 1
 I love he debate that copyright theft (just as bad as real theft as it is taking someone's assets for nothing), brings up on the internet.
Something needs to change, I guess it is a case of asking for 150% of what you want and compromising down to 100% of what you actually wanted in the first place... well I hope this is the case.
Only time will tell.
  • 27 0
 The UK was actually the first to try and introduce this type of legislation back in 2000/01...it failed thankfully...a few years later they tried it in Australia. If you think it can't affect you, the US is currently trying the extradite several UK citizens for breach of copyright...and there is a bill going through UK parliament to effectively destroy all borders where internet and law are law are concerned...do here what is illegal there, and they can have you arrested for it (even if it's legal here). The SOPA & PIPA bills are very scary, and could have massive implications for all of us...under it you could be infact face charges simply for singing karaoke or having a tune playing in the background (companies have already tried and had numerous vids taken down....sometimes when even when there is none of their material on the vid/page!).
Freedom of communication and information is the biggest fear of government and big business. They want you controlled and sedated...it's better for business. The irony of it is the very corporations that have been lobbying for these bills are the very same corporations who created, marketed and distributed the download software...and even promoted illegal downloads, and posted links on their own pages. You can be sure if this goes through (which it probably will) you'll see similar/identical bills being passed all over the world (obvious the UK will be first because we are Americas bitch). 2 cents
  • 20 0
 copyright this copyright that....didn't they teach these cats anything about sharing in kindergarten haha
  • 2 2
 nah but seriously fuck this INTERNET. REJOICE.
  • 6 1
 the chances of this being passed is pretty slim, with the global opposition and Obama himself has said that he doesn't want it to happen, but he has no power to stop it, other than the fact it's him.
  • 10 5
 Obama is a legend. I could sing Enrique Iglesias - hero to that man
  • 1 0
 The NDAA was passed into law....this will happen.
  • 11 39
flag ritchierich (Jan 18, 2012 at 6:18) (Below Threshold)
 Some people are making huge deals about it. Ya, it's gonna suck, but it's just the Internet.... Get outside and ride your bikes.
  • 28 0
 @ ritchierich, Don't fool yourself man! Don't be so naive. Suppression of freedoms and suppression to accessing knowledge is flagrant tyranny no matter how big or small it is or will be.
  • 8 0
 Now we all know how china felt Frown
  • 3 0
 And korea.
  • 6 0
 Well said lenmerderdenfer
  • 8 0
 I don't know about you ritchierich but I care about more than just bikes. If you want to live in a society when someone tells you they invented frisbie, rainbows and airplanes move to north korea.
  • 6 17
flag Bogumil1202247 (Jan 18, 2012 at 8:21) (Below Threshold)
 Damn I didn't know that so many people has internet addicts Razz
  • 3 0
 When I saw the thumbnail I thought, what the f*ck is this Ian!? Then I read the description and comments. PinkBike, I hope you survive above all other sites!
  • 5 0
 @Bogumil #, It's not just addiction it is ACCESS, access to information & knowledge! A few high perches would like to control our access.
  • 5 0
 i just finished watching the link about PIPA and SOPA and thats total bullcrap, a 12 year old could get put in jail for 5 years casuse they wanna karioke justin bieber...thats corrupt. Then possibly taking away youtube, facebook and pinkbike? facebook and youtube are the 2 biggest interne sites aside from google. If this goes through the internets gonna be useless to society and its gonna f*ck ALOT of shit up
  • 5 31
flag Bogumil1202247 (Jan 18, 2012 at 8:45) (Below Threshold)
 I think that PinkBike is safe and f*ck this stupid Facebook this website sucks.
Now give me minus Razz
  • 5 0
 Great to see PinkBike Taking action like this! Thank you!
  • 3 1
 As I don't have the money to travel home, I can talk to my dear family and friends in the states in real time using Facebook. I don't see what sucks about that. Just think about it, no Hi mom or dad, etc... silence... nothing!
  • 3 5
 But also you can do it by mail or phone and keep your privacy safe.
  • 3 0
 stuff like this is only the start, the government will continue to attack the public's freedom and things are only going to get worse. Not to be pessimistic, but they have an agenda and a bunch of mountain bikers (or anybody for that matter) aren't going to stop them if they want this bill passed...
  • 9 0
 @Bogumil - you don't understand. Internet is an amazing way of communication. It helped during the arab spring and in the ukraine during the orange revolution. It's not about facebook only. Ok you hate it because it's cool and you want to be the cool outsider. I get it but it is about freedom of speech not about facebook or internet addiction. MANY LEGITIMATE SITES CAN BE TAKEN DOWN for silly reasons. Would you speak the same if it was an act against television, radio or any other medium? Also internet for now is the most democratic medium giving everyone a voice while other ones require serious financial backing (try to start a print mag and you will know). The us govt is trying to change that basicly taking the voice away from the people and giving it only to a handfull of select elite. Do you really want that?
  • 4 1
 Obama want have a lot of votes so he will not let for that Wink
It would be firs nail for his election coffin.
  • 3 0
 And this is why awareness and education of the voters is important. If your representatives want your vote, they have to stand for the same things that you believe. Or, you will vote only for those that support the bills that you believe in.
The public not supporting these bills, makes the representatives change their support. example: Senator Marco Rubio drops support for PIPA www.facebook.com/SenatorMarcoRubio/posts/340889625936408
  • 2 4
 @spaced I know what is the point of pipa and sopa and you dont have to write about it.
I just wrote out side the topic that Facebook sucks because I dont like facebook because this website gone too far.
Internet will protect himself and everything will be without changes.
  • 6 4
 i dont see whats so wrong about piracy, sure we download music for free? who cares?! artists are still millionaires who gives a shit if ppl steal ur music, they still listen to that artist. a true artists wouldnt care about how much money they make. but more about how many listeners appreciate their tribute to the music world..
  • 6 3
 you sir, are an idiot.
  • 5 2
 As someone who is a musician, in a band breaking into the industry, piracy sucks. Artists work hard on their records and not all of them are wealthy. Being signed to a label only equals a lot of money if the record sells well. piracy is really hurting the industry, but bills like SOPA aren't the way to deal with the problem
  • 2 1
 Thanks man! Beautifully put!
  • 1 0
 America has the greatest debt level ever.The way I see it, they just want to create SOPA to take over websites when they go out of bounds of this rule and use them to make money the easiest way they can, off other people. I don't know a lot about what this bill entitles but from what I've read, that sounds like whats going on.
  • 1 0
 it's going to cost them A LOT of money just to act out what the bill states. They ain't making profit off this.
  • 5 0
 @Bogumił Internet will not protect itself. That's why you are ignorant. You assume it will be well because it has been well so far but before no one wanted to censor internet. At least not in civilised countries. SOPA and PIPA will censor the net the same way the MPAA ratings censor movies but stricter since it is not volountary. Abuse of the law WILL happen and don't threat the internet like it's a self conscious being. Those are people and their jobs. One day you have a good job and a good site but some stupid jackass posts a link on it that is illegal. Now your site is shut down, you have no job and you are sued for a ton of cash. Is this fair?

btw. Obama hass nothing to do with it. It's the congres that votes. You do realise how the presitend office works, don't you?

@andrew - it's the XXI century. You can earn a lot of cash outside of the regular record label model. Also even the biggest artists make the most cash from concerts. Piracy is bad but the current system makes the case worse. I'm willing to pay premium for an album I like but the CD quality (sound quality, production quality, the cd itself) is failing so why would anyone buy it ?
  • 2 3
 oh noes watch out for them interwebz police
  • 3 1
 Thank you for all you non-Americans that are defending us from the people saying "stupid Americans." You are clearly not as ignorant as them.
  • 1 1
 TBH only a bit over 50% of you vote stupid so we shouldn't generalize Wink
  • 1 0
 for all those outside of the US - YOU CAN SIGN the petition. just put your name, and email address, leave the rest blank.
  • 1 0
 Didn't know that. Good to know. Thanks.
  • 2 0
 it sounds like this bill is being brought in by people who dont understand how the internet works. Pinkbike is a not for profit site isnt it? and i might not be correct but this bill means that if i post a video or a picture that breaks the rules the site can be held acountable. so to try and stay out of trouble the guys at Pinkbike have to put in a whole new process so that they can look for anything that might get them in trouble. how will they afford to do that? Same with Wikepedia etc. they will all have to start putting more money into watching what everyone does on their site and they will start to struggle. these are all the things that seem like they have been overlook by the guys who wrote this bill
  • 1 0
 im just guessing, but i think pinkbike is profit driven.. they have all the advertisements, the paid memberships, and they have t-shirts and other items on sale
  • 2 0
 They can take everything, but not PINKBIKE!!!
  • 1 0
 We're all gazzillionarres!! lol

PB is very expensive to run...those costs have to be covered. The mods are all volunteers. If the owners or senior staff receive a wage, good for them. Regardless of that, we all do it because we are passionate about the sport and the website.

  • 2 1
 #f*cksopa i like my websites the way they are, and my music
  • 1 0
 totally impressed at the thoughtful, educated comments from my mtb brothers around the globe. I give you props, Pinkbikers!
  • 4 1
 But, but... the porn... Frown
  • 3 2
 Any U.S. citizen of voting age... VOTE! Ron Paul! The only candidate that believes in the Constitution.
  • 1 0
 Up yours sopa!!
  • 2 0
 @sentinel13 and I was just regaining faith in america. Ron Paul is a strange mix of very good ideas and some really dumb f*cking ones. It's like he is bipolar or something.

Also www.michaelgeist.ca/content/view/6244/125 A good read about why non us citizens should care about SOPA.
  • 1 0
 Really now spaced.... even with his "dumb" ideas, are they any worse than giving a couple of trillion dollars to the banks and businesses that got us in to the economic crisis that we are in and then pointing the finger at them as the bad guys... Both Bush AND Obama have done nothing but pander to Wall St. ...at least Bush didn't talk out of both sides of his face and try to hide it. B.O. has given just as much $ to them as Bush did, all the while inciting class envy... for what? To justify a militant government reaction to the class warfare he is pushing for? Another puppet. At least Paul has a record for consistency and has shown that he can't be bought. Go Libertarian. "Give me liberty, or give me death"- P. Henry.

Besides, Paul is the only candidate that I know of who has openly spoken out against SOPA, PIPA, and pledged to veto/repeal NDAA.
  • 1 0
 Not the place sentinel. I respect your opinion but this is a biking website.
  • 2 0
 It was a natural progression of the conversation. This is a biking website, but this is a political issue. I see no problem.
  • 2 0
 @Sentinel Obama is not promoting class warfare. Why do every republican has a 1/0 type of mind and when you are not a super crazy econimic liberal you are a socialist and profess social warfare?

Also stop thinking about politics with your dick. It's not about right or wrong or how things you feel should be. Bush did that. How that end up? Not bailing the backs would be catastrophical. Where the whole thing failed is controll. They should have used the moment to increase banking policy regulation BY A LOT and force them to do some changes, go after a few responsible people. That's the problem I have with Obama - he is soft. In the US you either get a softie democrat or a batshit insane republican.

Also yes Ron Paul is good on some (SOME!!!) moral/non ecominic issues but he threats economy as an ideology. Well all the libertarians do. There are countries that experimented with more liberal economy than the us. You know what happened to them? They all went bankrupt (Iceland with banking system deregulation after the US guys adviced them, most of south america at one point). Yeah give me liberty AND give me death.
  • 1 0
 Thanks for the insightful defense there, almostwise (almost huh? humility is a sign of wisdom... I'd say you're indeed getting there.) And doorknob, it's not like I'd make a comment like that on a POD that actually showed biking. Clearly this POD was meant to inspire political thought. All I've done is to suggest that there might be an opportunity to express your dislike for this bill by voting for a guy that would definitely NOT sign something like this in to law... i.e. I've offered a solution. Wanna censor me for that?

Lastly, spaced (and everyone else for that matter), if you want a good article that tells why non-Americans should care about SOPA read the article I've linked in my comment below (in response to NZMatt).
  • 1 0
 You mean the one I've linked here yesterday? Wink I'm against SOPA hands down. I was just not on the same page with you on the whole Ron Paul thing Wink
  • 1 0
 Looks like all the protests did their job
We should all take from this that protests work and since officials work for the people you need to make your concerns heard
  • 1 0
 No spaced, I did not mean the one that you linked here yesterday. I meant the one that I linked on NZMatt's comment today. That's why I said, "the article I've linked..."
  • 2 1
 Oh, and apparently I missed your comment above, spaced, so let me clarify a few things.

I am not a Republican. Never claimed to be. I'm not sure what you mean by "1/0 type of mind" but I will point out that "economic liberal" and "socialist" are actually pretty much the same thing. Economic conservatives are the ones that want the market to regulate itself...

We may be having some difficulties with things getting lost in translation as I'm sure English isn't your 1st language (sorry, I don't speak Polish), but your rant about Bush's economic policy isn't making a lot of since to me. Bush did in fact give corporations a HUGE chunk of money (the SAME amount as Obama) as an economic stimulus package. Money the American taxpayer will still be paying off long after all of us are already dead. Regulation of the banking industry IS what caused the meltdown in '08. Laws passed by Clinton in the '90's which REQUIRED banks to give loans to people who they KNEW weren't qualified to, and wouldn't be able to pay it back left the banks with tons of mortgages on the books which resulted in foreclosures. This was done under the guise of "equal opportunity housing" - a very liberal idea.

I appreciate your very well reasoned (please don't miss the sarcasm there) assessment of my political thought, but I can assure you that the only time I think with my dick is when I am hanging out with my beautiful wife.

Now, ....I am done with this. I have better things to do than argue U.S. politics with someone who neither understands it nor has the ability to do so without resorting to insults. Especially when that person has little to no chance of making an impact here in the states since they won't be @ the polls on election day.

Rain is on the horizon... I'm going to ride my bike!
  • 2 0
 Economic liberal is by definition one that wants a free economy so not a socialist. Get your word definition right Wink Also I have no problems with translating. I went through the IB program in high school (you have it in the us for international studies too, it's the same all around the world)

As for regulation you are faaar from the truth. Look at Iceland before the crisis. The us encouraged them to deregulate banks, they did and after a year went bankcrupt.

As for clinton and deregulation. Deregulation of the banking sector created in the bush era allowed for complex derivatives and betting against someone else property. Again I may not be a native english speaker but you should really check the orgin of the words you talk about. DEREGULATION means less regulation ie. less controll over the stupid stuff the banks did. If you want examples of REGULATION working look at the countries less hit by the crysis - they were the ones with the highest regulated banking sectors. Poland for one. We have silly draconic banking laws. I think our banking sector is overregulated but in this case it saved our asses and at one point we were the only or one of 2 or 3 countires that had a positive growth index.

Also the equal opportunity housing is silly. Bush pushed very strong for a house for every family. I find it ironic that you know less about it than a person who has been to the US once.

btw. I love how you try to explain stuff to me and then claim I won't understand it. Why the effort then? I wouldn't care for shit about the states if you didn't fund the whole crisis insanity and didn't try to export your idiotic NEO CONSERVATIVE bullshit to other countries.Also look the highest standard of living index countries. Horrible socialists Wink
  • 2 0
 @sentinel, You make a lot of sarcastic remarks too that are insulting while not forgetting the myriad of things you assume to know about socialism, neo-cons, regulation, deregulation and the like. It seem evident that you also presume to know may things you espouse that do not connect the dots very well. As to socialism, now that I am on the other side of the pond (Social-ville), I can tell you that the USA neo-cons and (even some liberals) are ubiquitously scamming thieves. I have more socialized protection here than I ever have. It is nearly surreal, the coverage we have. The medical care is awesome for families and Downhillers too! I certainly do appreciate your participation in this discussion and I do respect you. "Bush the same amount as Obama? Really? Please follow this link. www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/post/obamas-and-bushs-effect-on-the-deficit-in-one-graph/2011/07/25/gIQAELOrYI_blog.html
  • 1 0
 it'll never happen, too much money in these companies. "knock on wood"
  • 67 2
 maybe the most important POD ever. Thanks
  • 61 3
 fuck kanye west and sopa.
  • 5 1
 you said it brother!
  • 3 3
 He's Headlining at Big Day Out (one of Australia's biggest music festivals). They really f*cked up there....
  • 4 19
flag jamesxciv (Jan 18, 2012 at 4:46) (Below Threshold)
 whats wrong with kanye west?
  • 38 1
 I'm sorry did you just ask what's wrong with Kanye? Apart from him being a monumental penis- nothing at all.
  • 4 23
flag jamesxciv (Jan 18, 2012 at 6:28) (Below Threshold)
 Indeed I did. His musics sick.
  • 5 4
 Go download some Mac Dre and see if you still think Kanye is sick after that..
  • 3 2
 a friend and I have a bet that kanye will be the first rapper to come out of the closet...........
i bet yes Smile
  • 3 2
 hehe i guess we know who the real "gold digger" is!
  • 1 11
flag jamesxciv (Jan 18, 2012 at 11:18) (Below Threshold)
 "There'll always be haters that's just the way it is, hater niggas marry hater bitches and have hater kids"
  • 6 1
 Shut up^^
  • 1 1
 @downhilldj127 you won't be able to download it if this shit gets passed.
  • 1 2
 I bet you all have really bad taste in music. Who's your favourite artist/band?
  • 2 1
 @Jamesxx- nobody gives a shit about Kanye bloody West!- Please just f*ck off!
  • 2 1
 James, dont be a f*ckwit. It's called a "taste" in music because different music appeals to different people.
  • 2 1
 James, they aren't necessarily "hating" on kanye west for his music, it's because he's one of the many media giants that keep screwing up the system by complaining about losing money to piracy (as if he needed any more) and who would benefit from sopa being passed and is probably in favor of it. stop being so butthurt.
  • 2 1
 ^yep!^ also rappers like kanye represent EVERY THING that is wrong with hip hop
james please listen to "step into a world" by KRS ONE then then you might get it
  • 1 3
 Hmmm I listed to mac dre. shit. I listened to KRS one, not much better. And if Kanye West is loosing money to piracy then hes right to complian about it. If you were loosing millions to piracy you'd be pro sopa. Im pretty sure every musician would be pro sopa if it meant people would stop downloading their music illegaly, new bands and artists struggle to make it because they struggle to make money because everybodys a nock off nigel (including me) and nobody pays for their music so dont say f*ck kanye west because he doesnt want people to basically steal his music. You wouldnt say f*ck @theriotact because he doesnt want me to steal his bike. yes f*ck sopa, because its a little extreme but dont f*ck kanye west.
  • 1 1
  • 1 1
 Na could hardly hear it through all of the shitty beats. Load of crap. Go ed, kick off
  • 1 1
 Kanye has trouble constructing rhymes with actual meaning and direction. He is perpetuating a style of music which is based off of hype and popularity and top views. Music should be a form of expression and a means of spreading knowledge through speech, not something you can dance to and sing along to in order to feel like one of the cool kids. Lyrics should make you think, change the state of mind in which you are currently stuck ...believing that Kanye West is actually producing good music.
  • 1 1
 Listen to Addicted by Bliss N Eso. one of the lines in that song is "how can they preach love, yet fight each other holding guns". it always makes me think.
  • 1 1
 Big Grin oh no im being schooled on hip hop by a 17yr old!!
  • 1 0
 Gwed. Yer yer what come on. Hahaha and I'm not schooling you on hip hop I'm just saying kanye is sick. But obviously you disagree. Ahwell. Tell me you like biggie, but none of that duets shit...
  • 2 1
 Ok, just to 100% confirm that Kanye West is a dick head. it looks like he wont be doing his set at Big Day Out because of a little bit of rain. And at another Big Day Out event, he showed up half an hour after his set was meant to start. This is what a real musician does.

  • 1 1
 If I was you I'd thank God it raining- anything to get rid of that stupid prick!
  • 1 1
 Yeah, i sold my ticket weeks ago. They really screwed up the line up this year. Who the hell wants Kanye West as a head liner!?!?!?!?
  • 1 1
 Jamesxx would. He's got a boner on for Kanye big time. If I had tickets to a Kanye gig I give them to a sniper.
  • 1 1
 @jamesxx PANTERA
  • 34 0
 It's amazing how people freely allow their rights to be taken away in the name of feeling safe.
  • 25 0
 The stuff I've seen in the past few days has truly changed my perspective on the world. That kid that was beat up by 7 cowards, the dog that was burned to death by people that are truly disturbed and deserve to be tortured beyond the threshold of pain. It's been a shit show lately people and I truly hope things do not continue to escalate.
  • 2 0
 thing is the internet is a great tool in catching people like you described,an these actions could put an end to that Frown
  • 18 0
 It'll be worse if the bill is passed. Be thankful these company's are actually standing with us protesting SOPA and PIPA
  • 2 0
 haha not as bad NDAA, SOPA just affects other countries more
  • 2 0
 Unfortunately it is doubtful that most people have any idea what NDAA is. The fact that people haven't taken to the streets yet proves it. Of course, there is a good chance that there will be a knock at my door tomorrow for saying so... don't be surprised if I'm never heard from again...
  • 1 0
 hahahahaha terrorist citizen!
  • 1 0
 Well, ...I'm not locked up yet. Unfortunately, even without SOPA being passed there are several Kiwis that can't say the same thing this morning.


Bad sign.
  • 12 0
 It's really good pinkbike is doing this, not enough people know about it/give a shit, but it will affect most of us greatly.
  • 7 0
 oh man, what the heck is wrong with some politicians. this is the dude who brought up that bill in october 2011...Lamar S. Smith...a very conservative repuplican representative from texas. hopefully there is enough resistance from the oponents. the funny thing is apparently this january he got caught at a copyright infringement himself. HYPOCRITE!!!! wikipedia is blacked out for 24hours today as a protest.
  • 1 0
 you can go on his facebook site and comment on his pinboard...just had a look on it...so many people are already shouting at him. LOL!!!
  • 17 0
 Wikipedia being blacked out is going to ruin a lot of student's essays Razz
  • 1 0
 mine for a start!
  • 2 0
 you can get round the block. but you shouldn't Razz

Sign there if you not from the US
  • 1 0
 you can also sign the original, just do your name and email address. better still, sign both!
  • 7 0
  • 5 0
 Benjamin was in the know!

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." (Benjamin Franklin)

Un peuple prêt à sacrifier un peu de liberté pour un peu de sécurité ne mérite ni l'une ni l'autre, et finit par perdre les deux. [Benjamin Franklin]

I guess I could get 5 years imprisonment for this, count them 5 explicative years! : www.pinkbike.com/photo/7602456/?s6 Well, explicative me!
  • 4 0
 nah, I'm all cool with that. I'm pretty sure I'd have to complain about it first. But I'm glad everyone here seems to get the point.
  • 1 0
 That's cool! Thanks! I guess I won't have to look over my shoulder as much...
  • 5 0
 Like SOPA would save the music or movie at this point anyway. Those businesses need to find a new way to make money in a new world. Like making their product so cheap that it wont be worth pirating. You then sell 10 times more volume. Look at the success of apps. The most successful apps are $1 and they sell millions of them. Makes sense.
  • 2 0
 Yea. I don't want to buy a DVD-Box with 2 DVDs, extra footage and stuff. I don't even need a shiny cover or anything. I want to watch the movie. If they would sell the movie for like 5-10 € (or $, whatever...) a piece with plain black and white cover with the basic information (name of the movie, dvd/br, language,...) there would be no need to steal anything. also: i use linux and i'm having massive trubbles watching dvds with copy protection. but thats another story.
  • 9 0
 I thought PinkBike was boycotting soup for a second, I hate the stuff...
  • 6 0
 SOPA and PIPA are bills that will ███ ██ █████ ███ ██ █ ████ ███ ██ ██ and ███ ███ ██ █ ████.
  • 3 0
 I am normally an unapologetic Conservative with idealistic viewpoints, and a bit of free party thinking mixed in, but here's where I side with what my mother calls the hippie mentality. Do NOT censor the internet like this. DO. NOT.
  • 5 1
 wow didnt expect that as a pod! But its an important one! what would be videos on pinkbike without some nice music! IT WOULD SUCK!
  • 3 7
flag downhilldj127 (Jan 18, 2012 at 7:58) (Below Threshold)
 I don't think it would suck, everyone on this site uses the same 10 songs, it's time that everyon starts making silent videos then we all can just sit back an add our own soundtracks to all the videos, I already do it anyways on this site.
  • 2 0
 problem is: normally a vid is beeing edited to music that fits to the cut and the beat. that makes it alot more difficult to find a fitting song to a vid.
a vid is so much better with fitting music.
  • 1 0
 In your eyes, sure, I don't doubt it. But I'm just stating my opinion here. To every individual perception is everything, so therefore, from my perspective videos are more entertaining when I select a song I enjoy rather than the original song regardless of how well it works with the editing or not. Also you'd be surprised at how often videos end up working well with random songs.
  • 2 0
 or...... people could make vids with unsighned bands that actualy WANT people to hear thier music, 90% of my cd an music collection is from watching bmx vids like road fools that work with smaller independant labels to promote thier bands
  • 3 1
 Hey, it all seems like the end of the world now... the best thing that could happen is for everyone to turn against the internet and lose interest in it all together... That way, people would go back to trying to be good at there job, people would actually go outside to interact with one another and we would regain all the abilities we once had but lost due to the fact that we all just sit and enjoy. We lived before and we will live after. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy PB and the rest of the websites as much as the next guy. I too am addicted.
  • 1 0
 While I resent your comment on my post, this is an incredibly valuable statement. Hard work and integrity are unaffected by SOPA.
  • 2 1
 Thats not the poInt at all. And if the internet was lost today the worlds economy would freakin explode.
  • 1 0
 The point is this: so what if SOPA is passed, alot of free comodities of a technological age will no longer be availible. who really needs these comodities any way, we've been able to make it without them before.
  • 1 0
 Can I get an AMEN?
  • 4 0
 Changed my facebook photo to this. Seems to stick out like a sore thumb. i.imgur.com/5qgSR.jpg
  • 2 0
 What is it all about? This is the first thing I hear about that SOPA, it even isn't on the news or in a newspaper.
If that is all true, it's like joke that isn't funny! **Stupid government!**
  • 1 0
 Kind of scary if you think about it
  • 1 0
 I thought this video gives a good description. I find it especially scary that sites like pinkbike could be shutdown for what WE post. Advertisers and investors could then decide pinkbike is too risky as it's constantly blocked, and pull their money.

  • 1 0
 It sounds really corny but someday I want to live in the country near some trails & relatively close to a lift-access hill and just be really secluded away from the screwedupness of the world... I'd probably get really bored considering how used to living at a fast pace people are these days (myself included) but maybe i'd learn to slow down again and just bike a lot.
Canada is reviewing a bill that is very similar to DMCA/SOPA bills right now (C-11, look it up, it's scary as f*ck too). This right wing gvt scares the sh*t outta me.....
  • 1 0
 we can protest in anyway we want but you know what?? those commi dicks in politics will do whats good for them, not the people. We are in a political enviroment that is snow-balling against the people and the only way to stop it is to elect a guy like Ron Paul or take up arms and draw some blood.
  • 1 0
 Freedom of information should be considered as essential in todays world as clean water. We all evolve and become more informed and intelligent with access to free information and these assholes are trying to take that away. Support this movement as best you can by informing yourself and supporting free informatin sites such as wiki.
  • 5 0
 it all started with Metallica, i so fucking hate them now
  • 2 0
 p.s just to add the point metallica were the main partys in getting napster shut down, not thier label.......................... metallica them selves!!!!!!!!
  • 1 0
 think about it. no youtube means no more justin biebers and rebecca blacks! thank you metallica for starting this.
  • 2 0
 No youtube means, no way of convaying information other then FOX news...
  • 1 0
 all these reports are the extreme biased. youtube wouldn't shut down. it would go back to the way it originally was with only home made videos. any form of pirated music videos or things like that would be removed or banned.
  • 1 0
 If they keep pushing us around like this and try to control everything that we do on, and off of the Internet. We're only going to do it more. Think of it like SOPA are your parents and are trying to control what you do. When you go out, you do the exact opposite of what your parents said to do. You get back that sense of freedom and control you've lost and it feels good to do it. So this is only going to increase it, and at the same time destroy the foundation of the many people involved to keep these sites up and running.
  • 6 0
 fuck sopa and USA
  • 4 0
 f*ck YOU SOPA

cristgaming.com/pirate.swf (MAKE SURE YOUR VOLUME IS UP)

  • 2 0
 Very catchy
  • 2 0
 they want to grab SOUP from poors? thats it. Pirate
In Pinkbike community, so many people uploaded videos with music from ilegals sources.
this will bring bad news in the future.
  • 1 0
Regardless of what Website/Country/Economy/Companies it will have an impact on, everyone needs to support human rights or atleast choice.
ALSO Piracy flies no country flag, so for anyone to say it is any specific countries fault is far fetched. NOT saying the US isn't crooked and out of its mind for going against it's main punchline of freedom, by even allowing this to enter legislation. As always the message to stop something (piracy) that might be an agreeable fight, gets watered down and becomes just a cover page for crooks. The crooks came out to play and now its time to play back.
  • 5 1
 Why would we listen to a government/ country that is 13 trillion dollars in debt.
  • 1 0
 I think America has more pressing concerns it should be worrying about, rather than passing a law that will upset a lot of people and give America a bad image.
The music and film companies are still making masses of money, (I know it's getting less all the time, and I agree that pirating music and films isn't fair) but for now, surely there's better things the USA could be using it's money on. For example;
In 2010, 17.2 million households, 14.5 percent of households (approximately one in seven), were food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in the United States'
  • 1 0

With the growing reservations, a bill that passed the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously and without controversy may be in serious trouble. Senator Harry Reid, the majority leader and Democrat of Nevada, has scheduled a procedural vote on the Leahy version for early next week, but unless negotiators can alter it to satisfy the outraged online world, no one expects it to get 60 votes.

“I encourage Senator Reid to abandon his plan to rush the bill to the floor,” Mr. Rubio wrote on Facebook. “Instead, we should take more time to address the concerns raised by all sides, and come up with new legislation that addresses Internet piracy while protecting free and open access to the Internet.”
  • 1 0
 The whole issue boils down to censorship by the government, which is heavily influenced by affluent corporations and moreso from very powerful lobbyist groups. The government does not want the public to have the capability of openly communicating and expressing ideas (which tend to be anti-government such as this comment thread is biased) with each other because when shit hits the fan, people will revolt and the Internet will be the only means of communicating. By "regulating" the Internet the government will be in control of one of the last mediums of free speech, which is what it's all about politically when election time roles around or it comes time to declare war
  • 5 0
 Fuck Sopa
  • 4 0
 noooo such a great website n we get this shit
  • 5 1
 nooooooo my precious pinkbike!
  • 2 0
 Way to go Mr.H, all in the name of CONTROL more likely.If our goverments had there way we would all have GPS transmitters implanted at birth..
  • 4 0
 excellent POD. Let's hope SOPA/PIPA don't pass.
  • 2 0
 This is a link for people to alert their reps in the US. You're signing a petition: https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction/, EDIT: Someone already posted the link above.
  • 4 0
 Give Thanks For everyone up at Pink Bike!
  • 6 1
F*CK the law
  • 5 2
 f*ck the police
  • 5 0
 FILM the police!
  • 6 0
 Fuck Richard Simmons!
  • 3 0
 Try to access wikipedia.com. This is already happening Frown .

Very good POD !
  • 4 0
 This is a very good POD! Loving it! STOP SOPA!
  • 1 1
 I know this will come off pessimistict, neg props all you want but here's the truth. This has been in the works for YEARS, there's no stopping it at this late stage. The US is just leading the way but the facts are the global powers that be, want this... This is YET ANOTHER lost freedom and one step closer to Global Governance.
  • 4 0
  • 1 0
 How do people not know this shit is going on, I'm sorry but everyone need to WAKE UP and pay some attention to the shit that's going on around them. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH pinkbike fore doing this.
  • 1 0
 Because the government doesn't want you to know anything
  • 3 0
 STOP SOPA!!! Internet is a symbol of free speech!!! SOPA is against our right of FREE SPEECH!!! STOP SOPA!!!
  • 2 0
 A guy from the uk is being sued for having a site that links to places where u can watch american tv shows LEGAL IN UK but NOT legal in the usa.
  • 2 0
 VIVA PINKPIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the only big mtb site that take action against sopa (SOUPA)
  • 4 0
 The people who have the most to lose do the least to protect it
  • 3 0
 If only people cared this much about the National Defense Authorisation Act
  • 4 1
 well maybe its a good thing. i might get out and actually ride my bike more which is what this site is all about.
  • 3 0
 i signed the petition when i saw the black out thing on google. what a way to get a message across huh?
  • 3 0
  • 5 1
  • 3 0
  • 3 0
 Pod lvl. PINKBIKE! Best EVER!
  • 3 0
 Salute Salute Salute Salute Salute Salute Salute Salute
  • 13 0
 Let me see your permit for flying those smiling PBs.
  • 4 0
 fuck sopa
  • 4 1
 I thought america was the home of democracy and freedom! Wink
  • 3 0
 Democracy at work, that's why all these protests are happening.
  • 5 4
 america- land of the free, and the home of the brave? more like land of the freely oppressed, and home of the butterball moron who reads at a 3rd grade level in college.
  • 4 1
 @Redline -
College reading level in 3rd grade, actually... I'll scan a report sheet from my elementary school days if you really want it... So do you and your country a favor and leave the nationalist bashing at home.
Oh, and I am trim for my age and height, thanks.

We are the home of the free...
Haven't you seen the unwashed, poorly educated morons protesting in all the "Occupy" movements around the US? Police may clear them out, but the assembly is still allowed.
  • 3 0
 Fuck SOPA, fuck the system.
  • 2 1
 as much as i love America, this is going too far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we aren't a communist country remember that government............
  • 2 1
 no, but you are technically under martial law, your military has the power to detain any citizen whenever they want, wherever they want, for as long as they want. under martial law, you have NO rights as a citizen, get out, and get out now.
  • 2 0
 i dunno man i would consider the amendments rights, but i do agree that America is getting way less free
  • 2 0
 Actually a recent bill was passed stating that in any event "seen fit" America can be put under martial law, it does not mean that Americans are always subject to martial law, but rather whenever it seems appropriate to the current government then your military also becomes your police force. That is my understanding, if I am wrong or misinformed please let me know, not trying to scare people just trying to give what little info i have, plus I don't live in the states so...yah
  • 1 0
 the recent bill gives the military supreme authority to detain and hold any citizen, for any reason, was passed nye while everyone was drinking.
  • 1 0
 they can only detain someone if they have a connection to terrorism or have strong reason to believe they are connected
  • 1 0
 BEFORE that new bill, yes. after, they can arrest ANYONE, for ANYTHING. kinda like canada's war measures act, only we arent the bullies of the world, and no one wants to bomb us. so we can afford a few extra freedoms. Remember kinder eggs. yup still got em, how bout you yanks??
  • 1 0
 i think you just hate the usa..........
  • 3 0
 Stupid f**king New World Order Razz
  • 4 0
 really pinkbike
  • 4 0
 Best POD ever
  • 3 0
 if you look closely you can see a guy doing a whip
  • 2 0
 SOPA is on hold, however PIPA is essentially the same bill that may also be passed. Please stop that as well. Thanks guys
  • 2 1
 This is great, I didn't expect Pinkbike to join in on the SOPA/PIPA blackout day. Good job PB for doing the right thing! Salute
  • 3 0
 Hooray! This is my Birthday POD!
  • 1 1
 Obama just got sucked by his twitter followers and to avoid the fact that all those would not vote for him in case he deletes his account he has to get twitter out of the way... it's as simple as that Wink
  • 1 0
 amm yea ..... sope and pipa = useless people that want to download/upload stuff illegally and shit rnt gona stop just because there is a stupid bill
  • 1 0
 and there isnt even a bike in the pic!
  • 3 2
 I think America needs to sort it's own problems out before it tries to fix everything (in pretty stupid ways) for everyone else.
  • 1 2
 The only way to stop SOPA and bills like NDAA is to stop the Supreme National Socialist Barack Hussein Obama! And his minions GOP & DNC. Vote everyone of them out. If you vote for the Supreme National Socialist again thats it. Its gnikcuf over. You and l are over. Dont you get it! Hussein is not one of us, hell hes not even a citizen. He wants to destroy America under his dictatorship we lost our AAA rating for christsake! Hope and Change
  • 1 0
 Lamar S. Smith brought up that bill in october 2011...a very conservative repuplican representative from texas. if you think barack pulls all the strings in your wonderful country and it is his fault that your economy doesnt do so well i feel sorry for you. to bring a country to this point, takes a whole lot more than just 3 years of a democratic governance. it takes many years of misleading and misguidance by several leaders or lets say of the greedy people who pull the strings backstage that make decisions that is lucrative for their bankaccounts and not for the people.
  • 2 0
 "Those who sacrifice liberty, for security, deserve neither."
-Ben Franklin
  • 3 0
 Yay for America and its power hungry politicians!
  • 1 0
 i love how sites are blocking their names. do you realize thats only supporting what the bill is going to do? youre only making the bill take place before it takes place.
  • 1 1
 I really don't see industry attacking forum sites; there is no win in it for them. Corporations are not out to destroy, they are out to profit. Still, this sucks for Pinkbike to have this kind of looming threat out there.
  • 1 0
 More like corporations trying to control you
  • 3 0
 +1 Ian!
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 Click the blacked out PinkBike logo or the link on the first comment...or just google it.
  • 2 0
 lets start up new network
  • 2 0
 ...and the USA want to control everyone over and over again...
  • 2 0
 lets get rid of this SOPA bull so we can get back to bikes Great protest
  • 2 0
 Yea... damn those american's eh Wink jk guys
  • 3 0
 Beautiful Composition
  • 2 0
 Evryon make this your pod for a protest.
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 Stop the fucking whore able people
  • 3 0
 Longest, thread, ever.
  • 2 0
 wait so does this mean no more pod? :'(
  • 2 0
 That first 10 seconds of footage is better than nothing
  • 2 0
 My god, i thought Pinkbike would never do this! Good on you PB Kill SOPA!
  • 2 0
 Frown ((((((((((((( sopa sucks !!
  • 2 0
 Thanks Ian! Glad you are not supporting this!
  • 2 0
 Civil war time! Who's in?
  • 2 0
 Ya hold that sopabitchass, we go blood clot ya batti boy dem.
  • 1 0
 Good news! We are numerous and they have backed down, for now! Thanks everyone!
  • 2 0
 epic POD Wink
  • 2 0
 what is sopa ?
  • 3 0
 stop online piracy act, read the 1st comment haydenstead that might help you abit Smile
  • 3 0
 There's also a link to a video if you click on the "blacked-out" Pinkbike logo on the top-left of the page. Click it!!!
  • 4 0
 If you don't understand it then you it's pretty much your duty to go here http://sopablackout.org/ and learn about it. Awareness is the first step in preventing this from happening.
  • 2 0
 it is basically something that you do not want to happen, assuming you love pinkbike like the rest of us!
  • 2 0
 Good Pinkbike!
  • 2 0
 best pod i ever seen
  • 2 0
 I Agree!!! end it now!!!
  • 3 1
 Fuck sopa
  • 2 0
 nice! good pinkbike!
  • 1 0
 Stop SOPA dudes and dudet riders alike lol
  • 2 0
 taken with a nikon ds3
  • 2 0
 shopped for sure :o)
  • 2 0
 fuck sopa...
  • 2 1
 Man....I sure am PROUD to be CANADIAN! SOPA's lame....need to see a POD!
  • 2 0
  • 2 0
 Nice riding.
  • 2 0
 thank you pinkbike!
  • 2 0
 yes very good job
  • 1 0
 i should be able to watch porn if i want to!!
  • 2 0
 SOPA go and fuck ur mom
  • 2 0
 Good on you guys!
  • 1 0
 like the dead center of intrest, best pod in a while keep them coming
  • 1 0
 they wonna start a new World Cold War. please, don't let them go (
  • 2 3
 k so i dont even understand this whole SOPA thing thats happenening but otherwise horrible pod, where is the dirt
  • 5 0
 If you don't understand it then you it's pretty much your duty to go here http://sopablackout.org/ and learn about it. Awareness is the first step in preventing this from happening.
  • 2 0
 k either way its not going to happen i mean really there are multi-millon dollar sites and there not just going to shut down and neither will pinkbike
  • 2 1
 Good protest
  • 2 1
 Fuck soap
  • 2 2
 Upvotes for everyone.
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